Home Categories detective reasoning Ten Deadly Sins 2

Chapter 45 Chapter Thirty-Seven

Ten Deadly Sins 2 蜘蛛 3200Words 2018-03-03
In the history of world crimes, there are two cement-covered corpse cases that caused a sensation! One was the appalling massacre of a child killed in cement in Yilan County, Taiwan. A five-year-old girl was murdered by her mother’s lover Wu Wenhong. The police found a suspicious rectangular cement block weighing about 60 kilograms in the ditch behind the rented house.After transporting it back to the funeral home, it was carefully drilled with an electric drill for about an hour and finally cut open. Sure enough, the girl's body was found. The girl had been dead for more than a year and was about 5 years old when she was killed.His eyes were sunken, his right cheek was bruised and bruised, his body and limbs were also bruised, his one-piece dress was clearly identifiable, and his neck was hung with a shell necklace.When the body was sealed in cement, the girl curled up, as if sitting down, and died in a miserable state.

Another is the cement burial case of a female high school girl in Tokyo, Japan, which caused a world sensation. The murderers were four high school dropouts aged 16 to 18. They abducted people randomly. When they saw a beautiful girl riding a bicycle on the road, they ran over and knocked her down. , and then pretended to be kind to help and kidnapped, imprisoned the victim girl for 41 days, after the rape and murder, the body was sealed in a cylindrical oil drum with cement, and thrown in Wakasu, Koto District, Tokyo - now Wakasu Seaside Park.Japanese critics named this type of crime as the "banquet crime" of the Highway Wolf. This case had a far-reaching impact and caused a great blow to the society at that time.

In the 1990s, there were many cases of sealing corpses in cement. Miao Jinyong hammered his neighbors and sealed the corpses at the bottom of his own well. No one knew about it for more than two years, and he slept with the lights on for more than two years; Xu Honghe accidentally killed his wife , sealed with concrete at the bottom of the bed, because he lived with the corpse day and night, sleeping back to back, gradually unable to bear the huge psychological pressure, behaved madly, and finally called the police by himself. At the case analysis meeting, a policeman named Hu Haoran made a wonderful speech.

In this case of sealing the body in the last room of the hotel, there are three points that are crucial to the case. 1. The deceased was just a retired old man, not very rich. He also had a gold ring on his hand, indicating that the murderer was not out for money, and the motive of killing for money can basically be ruled out. 2. The corpse is inside the load-bearing wall, and it is still inside the steel frame, which means that the corpse was placed first and poured later.Those who have done construction know that most of the workers are not on site after the steel bars are tied. Due to the large construction area, concrete is usually poured at night. Some concrete tankers do not have licenses and can only drive at night.When pouring at night, there is usually only one driver, and a few workers can take care of the site.The murderer put the body in a steel frame, and there was an iron formwork outside the frame. It was difficult to distinguish in the night, and the formwork blocked the workers' sight. The pouring workers at that time were probably outsiders and didn't know it. After the cage was filled with cement, nothing could be seen.

3. Carbon-aluminum arrows, the arrow shaft is made of carbon material wrapped in an aluminum tube, which has the characteristics of good elasticity and high rigidity, and can be made into more complicated forms, such as some high-grade carbon-aluminum arrow shafts are made The two ends are slightly thinner and the middle is thicker, which reduces the lateral deflection without increasing the arrow diameter.The price of carbon-aluminum arrows is relatively high, which is a high-end product. There is no store in Huangcheng that sells this kind of crossbow arrows. The murderer must be rich and bought them from other places or through the Internet.

To sum up, Officer Hu believes that the next step of investigation should be the developer who built the hotel at that time, not the construction workers and hair salon girls, because the construction workers and hair salon girls will not have nothing to do with the gold ring, and it is impossible to have carbon and aluminum arrows. Professor Liang affirmed Officer Hu's point of view. He raised a question. The carbon-aluminum arrows should have been fired from a crossbow, but the murderer inserted his hands into the deceased's vagina, reaching deep into the abdominal cavity. Is this a random act or a reflection of the murderer's peculiar behavior? Criminal Minds?

Su Mei said: This old man who played with dicks and chrysanthemums was played by others. Hualong said: The old man masturbated in front of the hair salon in the dark alley, and upgraded to a prostitute in the hair salon. He has a penchant for blowing ass, and he probably died because of it. Could it be that a certain lady was taken care of by a rich businessman? I agree with Police Officer Hu Speech - Assume that the rich businessman is the developer, so that the three points will be connected in one line, because of conflicts, the old man died unexpectedly. Bao Zhan said: There is another question. At that time, there was a construction site. Is the scene where the cement body was sealed up the first murder scene?

The forensic doctor added: The deceased did not wear underwear, and excrement was found on the big pants. Because of the cement seal, these excrement still have detection value.If it is a pile of stool in the wild, it will disappear in a short time after being exposed to the sun and rain, while the stool in a plastic bag can be stored for a long time.When a person dies, fecal incontinence is not uncommon. However, the excrement of the deceased is in the waistband behind the big pants, which shows that he was suddenly attacked by the murderer when he was defecating. The poop got on the waistband of my trousers.

Professor Liang asked: What is in the excrement? The forensic doctor replied: The test results showed that the old man had eaten Flammulina velutipes. Su Mei said: Flammulina velutipes, this kind of thing is so scary, I never eat it. The head of the detachment said: Once, I ate enoki mushrooms, and I was not afraid of everyone’s jokes when I said it. I couldn’t digest my stomach well. In the air, I shook and shook, but I couldn't shake it off. There was no way, so I pulled it down with toilet paper.When I was wiping my butt, I found something like a lint, so I pulled the thing down with a piece of paper in my hand, and then forcibly pulled out a enoki mushroom from the vagina.

Everyone burst into laughter. At the end of the meeting, Professor Liang made arrangements. The Huangcheng police mobilized all the police forces and divided them into three working groups to clarify tasks and take responsibility for each. The first group is to increase the investigation and expand the scope of visits. Police officers Bao Zhan and Hu focus on investigating the social background of the developer, and conduct detailed investigations on the internal personnel of the hotel and the surrounding shops. In the second group, Su Mei is in charge of investigating the carbon arrows. It is necessary to find out the source and make a detailed list of people who own bows and crossbows in the whole city.

In the third group, Hualong and the head of the detachment led the police officers to launch a week-long special campaign against pornography and illegal activities throughout the city. Among all the arrested girls, those who had contact with the deceased were found, and interrogation was strengthened to try to find suspicious persons. A week later, Su Mei did not make any progress, and Carbon Arrow's investigation could not go deep.Bows and crossbows are contraband items, and they are usually sold online, and they are not seen in physical stores at all.Bow and crossbow is a kind of equipment with strong lethality. It is strictly controlled by the state. Any unit or individual is not allowed to produce, sell or buy without permission. The anti-pornography team has gained a lot, and almost all the girls in the city have been wiped out. The citizens clapped their hands and praised this move. Some pornographic hair salons are right next to the school, and there are also "loufeng" who engage in prostitution in residential areas, and the social impact is extremely bad.During the anti-pornography operation, the police caught an adolescent boy who had just entered the third year of junior high school. He had to pass through a hair salon street every day when he went to and from school. . The police interrogated all the girls one by one, and took out photos of the deceased Uncle Lu for them to identify. Four girls confessed that they had contact with Uncle Lu.Because Uncle Lu has a penchant for popping chrysanthemums, he would make such perverted requests almost every time, so Miss was deeply impressed by this old man.One of them, Maomao, was only sixteen years old. To the surprise of the police handling the case, her boss behind the scenes was actually her own parents. Mao and his wife opened a foot bath shop and arranged for their 16-year-old daughter to be prostituted, and the other two prostitutes were Mao's nieces. The police who handled the case found the account book and a private diary with a small lock in the foot bath shop. In the diary, Mao Mao recorded the process of prostitution, resentment towards her parents, and her love story with a client "Baby". At the end of each diary, she would say, I wish myself a prosperous business, come on, come on! The wretched image of Uncle Lu was also recorded in the diary. Maomao wrote: Today, that perverted old man came to me again, and I took him to the back room.Sometimes, when such old customers want to find a virgin, my mother will push me to the front and introduce me seriously as a virgin.My mother also specifically found some advertisements for hymen repair and took me for surgery.The old man was fooled once, and later he said that I was fine, and asked to do the latter. My mother asked him to add money, and said, as long as he could get in.It hurts so much, I screamed in pain in the back room, but fortunately the old man softened after a few strokes, otherwise, he would still hurt me to death.In the future, I have to ask my mother not to let me do the back work. It hurts. I really want to go to school. Bao Zhan and police officer Hu's investigation team obtained an important clue. There was a shoe repair booth opposite the hotel. The old man who repaired shoes reported to the police that there were girls in the hotel opposite, and women with heavy makeup often came in and out. what to do. There is a sign on the bedside table of many hotels, with the phone number of health massage on it. Even if some hotels don’t have them, those who provide pornographic services will put small advertisements in the door. Officer Hu and Bao Zhan detained all the girls in the hotel for public security and ordered the hotel to close down for rectification. The old shoe repairer also reported a situation to Bao Zhan and police officers Hu. A few months ago, a shoe repairer asked him to help take pictures.What the man said seemed to be related to the case of sealing the corpse in the hotel. Bao Zhan questioned him several times, but the old man still couldn't recall what the man looked like, nor the clothes he was wearing. He only remembered that the man was very young. At that time, their dialogue was very weird, so the old man who repaired shoes was very impressed. The man was sitting on the mat, correct posture, he turned his mobile phone to take pictures, and said to the old man, come, take a photo with us. The shoe repair old man took the phone and asked, how to take pictures with this thing, I don't know how. The man said: You just face us and press the button in the middle. The old man who repaired shoes pointed his mobile phone at the man, feeling something was wrong, and asked: Just yourself? The man said: Yes. The old man who repaired shoes laughed and said: You are alone, how can you say it is a group photo? The man said: There is another person behind me. This sentence made the shoe repair old man feel his scalp tingle in the future. At that time, there was no one behind the man. The old man thought it was a joke and didn't take it seriously.Later, the case of sealing up the corpse in the hotel was known to the whole city. The old man who repaired shoes remembered that the background of the photo was the wall where the corpse was sealed. This chapter is really not the usual heavy taste...
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