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Chapter 45 Section VI

landscape of death 鲇川哲也 3449Words 2018-03-14
Deku entered the door alone.Stepping over the paving stones, you arrive at the entrance with two lattice doors inlaid with frosted glass.On the left and right are walls painted white.As soon as he rang the small old-fashioned doorbell, someone appeared to come out shortly after.The frosted glass door slid towards the back of the white wall. A temperamental woman about three or four years older than fifty years old looked up at De Jiu's slack and pale face in surprise. "I'm a detective from the Totsuka Bureau in Kanagawa Prefecture..." As he introduced himself, he kept observing the other person's big eyes, slightly mismatched white hair, and the vicinity of the pointed chin.She looks nothing like the woman I met at the hospital yesterday, so she should be the daughter-in-law of this family.

"Excuse me, do you know a person named Kazuko Sawada?" "No, I don't know." Her expression was still very surprised.After all, the name Zetian Kazuko came to mind suddenly when the woman was carried into the hospital, so it must be a pseudonym.Of course she didn't know: "This happened the afternoon before yesterday. This woman who claimed to be Ms. Sawada Kazuko took a taxi from Yokohama to your residence and paid for it. Do you know about this?" "There is something wrong with this matter. Although Mr. Interpol is now talking as if she has returned home, that lady is not from my family."

"How to say?" "She is a high school friend of my married daughter. She said she couldn't take the tram because she didn't have a wallet, so she took a taxi for a long time and asked if I could advance her money first. Although she just borrowed a little money, She returned it that night. She has been a very good person since she was a student." Sawada Kazuko also has a good evaluation in the eyes of this family and looks very trustworthy.The money was paid back on the same day, which really made people feel that they were careful and thoughtful. "What's the matter with the lady?"

"No, it's not necessarily a bad thing for the criminal police to visit. Then, do you know her name and address?" "Well, of course." The detective took down her answer.I planned to go to her workplace first if it was the place of work, but the other party didn't answer this.Anyway, as long as we go to her house, we should be able to meet each other. Nantian was waiting for him at the door.With his face drenched in drizzle, he looked at the detective as if he wanted to know the result. "Have you found it?" "Yes, thanks to you." "Is she a daughter? Or a daughter-in-law?"

Nantian's voice was too loud. In order not to reach the ears of the housewife just now, Deku walked towards the road. "She is not from that family, but their friend. I heard that she borrowed money to pay there." "That's it. I think she looks like the daughter of that family, so I was wrong." He said in a very embarrassed tone, opened the car door, and waited for the criminal police to go in and sit down. "No, let's stop here. You go back and have a good sleep, and then I will take care of it myself." "But, you still want to visit that woman?"

"You're right, but since I already know the address, I'll take the tram next." "Where? Shouldn't it be in Kyushu Island?" "It's not Kyushu." "Then I'll go with you. You're welcome. It's just that I need to call the company. It won't take too much time." "I'm sorry." The detective lowered his head slightly and got into the car.Not only did he need to meet with the woman for questioning, but he also had to seek someone who would go with him voluntarily.In this situation, it would be very convenient to have Nantian's car in every way. Since the criminal police got off the car at the destination, it has been raining quite intensely.He jogged into the entrance of the apartment and asked the young administrator to introduce him.The woman should have remembered Dek-joo's voice, so she was worried that she might refuse to meet behind closed doors.

The door of Room 25 was quietly closed.But the administrator seemed confident that she was in the room and knocked on the door. "Sorry, you have guests." "Ah, yes?" Her voice sounded different from when she was in the hospital bed, with a feeling of vitality.She opened the door, and as soon as she shifted her gaze to the criminal police standing beside her, she immediately showed a surprised and stiff expression. "I came here because I wanted to ask you a lot. By the way, let's not talk about it, I have to visit your foot injury first. How did you feel after that? Will it hurt?"

"It doesn't matter how the wound is, you are for that, I know very well." Her tone became a little self-defeating, and she dodged to let the criminal police enter inside.Behind him came the sound of the administrator's footsteps leaving. Room 25 is a beautifully decorated Western-style room.Handicrafts are randomly placed on sofas and decorative shelves.I just wondered if there was a doll with wide-eyed eyes and a wide-mouthed mouth, and saw that her arrangement was a framed cloth painting with rags and a landscape, and a large artificial rose with sword-shaped petals in the vase .The detective's eyes quickly caught the brandy and cinnamon bottles on the wine rack; his personality would be very fascinated as long as he encountered any alcohol.

A woman's lifestyle appears to be quite luxurious.Now that they are already living such a rich life, why do they still do this kind of pickpocketing? "Would you like some coffee?" "no thank you." "What's the matter with you? Even if I leave the hospital silently, I have already put the money away, so I think it should be okay." She can be regarded as a eloquent person when she said it straight to the point. The criminal police saw her as a bluff. "I don't know about the hospital. But by the way, I want to ask you, why did you run away?"

The woman straightened her waist as she was about to sit down. "You said I ran away? Isn't it too much for you to say that?" "If you said you didn't escape, then I'll change it and say that you can leave the hospital privately." Because the opponent is standing, Deku is also standing. "Let me answer you, sit down. The reason I was discharged from the hospital was because I couldn't bear to stay in such a big room. If it was a private room, I could sleep there for a week or ten days." "Then why do you use a pseudonym?" "Because it's embarrassing."

"Because it's in the big room?" The detective sat down and said this; he was very disliked by bourgeois taste. "That's not the case. Because I hitchhiked, it would be okay if I had a car accident because of my good driving, but I hitchhiked with someone I don't know. It's not like what a little girl would do nowadays, right?" "Ok." "And one more thing. As I said the day before yesterday, I want to go to Yugawara. I stopped two or three taxis to ask them, but none of them were willing. Just when I was disappointed, I found Odawara's car , so I thought I was lucky and called him. However, people in the society will not accept this kind of practice. Some of my friends will definitely say that this woman is very stingy, so she hitchhiked. It doesn't matter if you call me a bad woman, or a proud and childish woman. Because I am not a bad woman, nor am I a proud and childish person. However, I can't bear to say that I am stingy. I am really not stingy at all, so I It seems that I don’t care, but I can’t. I can’t stand others talking about me like that. After I calmed down a little in the ambulance, I immediately thought of this, and the name Sawada Kazuko popped up in my mind instantly. , I think this is a real name, a good name." This woman seems to have a strong vanity.If she hadn't stolen the money, she might have believed what she just said.However, this is not the case. She reported a false name and escaped, and pretended that the Ishida family was her own, all of which must be to avoid judicial investigation. As soon as the conversation stopped, I heard the unfluent piano sound.It is conceivable that this way of playing is the young girls nearby, who are working hard to tap the keyboard. The woman stood up suddenly, opened the gauze curtain, closed the window rudely, and the sound of the piano disappeared. "Do you understand?" Her indifferent eyes stared at the detective. "I guess so." "Then please go back." "No." "Anything else?" She raised her eyebrows, which were thin and beautiful, exactly in line with the so-called crescent eyebrows. "and also." "What's the matter?" "It's about Shigekichi Tanaka. The clerk of the kind medicinal wholesaler who picked you up." "..." She seemed to let out a faint nose hum. "To tell you the truth, that man had 100,000 yen in his coat pocket. But after he died, no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find the money." "So you mean I stole the money?" She stood up again, her expression changed drastically.The criminal police felt that she seemed to be trying to fight back. "So you said I ran away from the hospital in a hurry?" "I didn't say that again." "I see. I'm really sorry that I concealed my real name to make you doubt me. But please don't misunderstand the person, I don't want a fraction of this one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand." "I'm not wrong about the person. But in this case, there should be no one else who knows where the money is going except you." The woman kept biting her lips tightly, as if she was suppressing her heart to calm down and calm down.The expression and tone on his face also quickly returned to their original appearance. "No matter what you say, what I don't know is that I don't know. The only money I carry with me is 20,000 won in my hospital handbag." "Ok." "If you want to see it, you will know? If I have the 100,000 yuan, there is no need to take a taxi. I just need to go to the nearby station and then take the tram, so I don't have to worry about my home being found out." "Ok." "It is because I have no money that I proposed an unreasonable way to ask the driver to take me to Tokyo." "Then why did you go to Miss Ishida's house to borrow money? If you come back to this apartment directly, you shouldn't have to cause trouble to others." "Because I feel embarrassed for Mr. Driver, and I have already made him hate and complain when I came to Tokyo. I want to let him go as soon as possible." The woman answered without hindrance, but to De Jiu, she still couldn't believe it was true.If she wanted to free the driver, why didn't she go in a straight line, instead of going around and around? When the detective asked her that, she smiled as if pitying the suspicious detective. "Because women are emotional animals. I was in a car accident the night before and was about to die, and I left the hospital the next day after doing what happened to Li Xia in the melon field. Even if I wanted to calm down, I was still very excited. Aunt Ishida's house is almost two hours away." I haven’t been there for a year, so I forgot how I got there, so of course I just wandered around. I don’t think it’s surprising.” That's an unassailable answer.On the skin of her own smooth face, there was even a seductive smile.If this is the truth, it's another matter, but if she is quibbling, it must give people the impression that she is a woman with a complicated mind. Suddenly someone knocked on the door, and the woman walked across the room and opened the door.Nanda's voice came. As soon as Dejiu came out, the driver tugged at his sleeve and led him to a corner of the corridor where his speech would not be heard. "What's wrong?" "No, just now I borrowed the number below to contact the company, and then I learned that the police station is looking for you." "Ok." "At first I thought the money was stolen from the clerk of the medicine store. I heard that it was when he was drinking with a student friend in Tokyo. He asked his friend to keep it in order not to lose it; that friend gave it to him when he went to express his condolences." Dejiu groaned shortly, his white and fat face gradually turned red.
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