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Chapter 13 third quarter

landscape of death 鲇川哲也 2464Words 2018-03-14
That night, the autopsy was performed in the anatomy classroom of the Kanazawa University Faculty of Medicine, with Professor Satake performing the knife.The white corpse of Kasuga Tsuruko lay on the cold mattress on the dissecting table, and under the electric light shining mercilessly, the professor inserted a scalpel and cut open the body.The professor stated his opinions in a skilled and calm voice, while two graduate students were taking notes on a table a little far away from him. From the results, it can be seen that the time of the murder was between seven o'clock and ten o'clock yesterday. The murder weapon was a small pistol with a caliber of 25. This was a relatively short-range shooting. Left lung and abdomen.Any shot would be fatal, so of course it was a one-shot kill.But the murderer continued to fire two more shots. This may mean that the prisoner hated her so much that he would not be satisfied even if he killed her, or he was extremely afraid that the victim would come back from the dead.Having said that, regarding the murderer firing three shots, there are other opinions that it has no special significance, in short, it is just that the prisoner is very cruel, so the investigative meeting is divided into three different opinions.

The actual start of the investigation started on the 10th of the next day.Because the front of low pressure runs across Honshu Island, the day has been windy, snowy and rainy since the early morning, and the sound of the gloomy waves of the Sea of ​​Japan lapping on the beach can be heard all day long.The accompanying criminal police started from some pawnshops and went around to investigate whether the handbag held by the victim was mortgaged. "It is said that there is Erzhu gold in her amulet. Leaving aside the cash, um, when it comes to the valuables held by the victim, it is probably this amulet. Maybe someone will take ancient coins as collateral. I hope you can help pay attention .”

There are almost ten pawnshops I have visited.The sky looked low and dark.During the conversation, oppressive and heavy waves could be heard all the time.When the accompanying detective put the strong tea brought into his mouth, he thought that it should be the time for the victim to be cremated, and imagined that Baekjemu was sitting alone in the waiting room for the survivors, his expression should be out of focus and empty His eyes were cast on the wall.At this time, the sound of the waves must have been ringing in the doctor's ears. The other detectives mainly investigate two goals.One is to determine the actions of the victim after he was separated from the doctor at Kanazawa Station until he was shot in the sand dune; the other is to find witnesses who were treated as criminals in order to track down the suspect.The head of the first search section doesn't like jumping goals.His method is to screen out unconventional methods and conduct investigations in a down-to-earth and patient manner. This is also the method of the search department. "We should expect and wait." This sentence, similar to the motto, was repeated several times at the press conference.

At some point, the victim's actions are clear.She separated from Baekjemu at Kanazawa Station at about half past six.Maybe I took a taxi or a local tram to Happy Street, showed up at Xianglinfang around 7 o'clock, and ordered pudding and coffee at the cafe "etoile".Only her, no one with her. The place where Kasuga Crane had dinner was at the "Xitaiba" Kanazawa restaurant on Yansan Avenue, a little north of Xianglinfang. The recovered money was exchanged for 100-yen bills, so the clerk was still impressed.At this time, she was alone, with no companions.But this is the only part of her footprints that are clear, and what happened after that is completely unknown.It is speculated that she may take a bus or a city tram back to Kanazawa Station, and then change to the Hokuriku Railway ahead to go to the inner beach. If not, she may take a taxi from Yansan Street and go straight to the beach.In any case, because it is unimaginable to walk there on foot, the headquarters has devoted all its investigative direction to the means of transportation.

Before setting up the test range, the Inner Bank was just a desolate fishing village.At night, there are almost no passengers on the Asanogawa Line bound for the Utan Tram, and usually the trams run with empty carriages.But now it's different.The gorgeously dressed women who occupy the vicinity of the shooting range often come alone or hold the arm of the US military.Whether it is the driver or the station attendant, they are tired of seeing this kind of scene now.The woman with thick lipstick was molested in the car and made a coquettish voice, which no longer aroused any concern from the flight attendants.Therefore, if the victim took the tram, her appearance should also become a blind spot for private railway employees, and it is only natural that she did not leave an impression.

Other detectives went to check on the taxi company, but here too, they found nothing.On the night of the accident, there were four vehicles carrying Japanese women and American soldiers to the vicinity of the test range. Two of the drivers who had seen the photo of Tsuruko replied that the passengers they were carrying looked exactly like the woman in this photo. It's obvious that one of them remembered it wrong, or maybe both of them got it wrong. The other teams continued to investigate further, steadily looking for the prisoner's escape route or witnesses.Walking back about one kilometer from the sand dunes at the discovery site is the terminal station of the Hokuriku Railway, where the Inland Station stands alone.About 30 minutes away from the station, you can take the tram on the Asanogawa Line; it is 8 kilometers away from Kanazawa Station, and the time required to arrive is only 22 minutes.Parallel to the tram, there are also buses, which are speculated to be the means of transportation used by the prisoners to escape, as well as taxis and jeeps of American soldiers.In addition, as long as you master the essentials of hitchhiking and raise your thumbs up, the kind GI will kindly drive him to Kanazawa City without knowing that he is a murderer. This is also a very possible guess.

However, it took two days of investigation to no avail.Whether it is the bus crew or the taxi driver, they all deny that they have ever carried suspicious people from the inner beach to Kanazawa City during that time.The hopes placed on the witnesses were also dashed, leaving nothing but disappointment. On the other hand, the criminal police questioned the unscrupulous people gathered among the fishermen or in the city everywhere, but they didn't get any strong information, so they looked sad.If they were the culprits, the stolen handbag was likely given to the mistress.A thorough investigation of this aspect, however, yielded nothing.The man so suspected had an alibi, which brought the investigation to a complete standstill.

The information obtained from the US military also showed no progress.Although there was a moon that night, it was not a full moon, so it was impossible for the watchmen to see the murderer under the shadow of the sand dunes. Of course there were no screams, shouts, or gunshots.Having said that, the victim was shot in the back, and Tsuruko might not even have noticed that the prisoner pulled out a pistol and aimed it at her.Presumably she didn't even have time to yell. A week passed in the blink of an eye.The search headquarters gradually showed anxiety, and the section chief tried his best to avoid attending the press conference.

After reading the information received by the police department, the headquarters cheered up again, and it was at this time.On September 9th, the day after Tsuruko was killed in the sand dunes, a 25-caliber Baby Browning pistol was found in a mailbox at Ueno Station in Taito District, Tokyo that morning. What attracted the attention of the search headquarters was that when the pistol was found, the smell of gunpowder was still very strong. In addition to proving that it had just been fired, the blood type attached to it was type AB, and three of the six rounds of bullets had been fired, and there were still three left. It turns out that all these conditions are consistent with all the conditions for killing Hezi; Hezi's blood type is also AB.

A bullet that had penetrated the victim's body was lodged in the sand, so it was not found.However, the remaining two bullets have been taken out during the autopsy and are kept by the headquarters.Comparing the bullet with the pistol bullet marks found in the mailbox, it was found that the two were the same, so it was speculated that the criminal immediately boarded the train and fled to Tokyo after committing the crime.The headquarters immediately sent one of the bullets to the Scientific Police Research Institute in Kudan, Tokyo, and commissioned them to conduct a comparative identification.It was now September seventeenth.

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