Home Categories Internet fantasy Asking Love in Chinese Paladin 3·Royal Sword Jianghu

Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

Few of the Zhenyang people who came to watch the rain-seeking ceremony this time thought of carrying rain gear with them.Because, after so many days of drought, being in the rain has become an unattainable luxury.As a result, when the rain began to fall, all of these people were drenched in the rain.It's just that almost all the faces that are dripping with rain are filled with smiles that cannot be hidden. At this moment, all the adults in Zhenyang County seem to be rejuvenated, like ignorant children running around laughing in the slanting wind and drizzle. The rain-melting spring breeze blows by, and there are thousands of snowflakes like buds and jade pistils within a radius of tens of feet of the rain-seeking platform, lingering and dancing in the gentle wind.As soon as such a miraculous scene appeared, a large group of pious villagers who called themselves gods and goddesses fell to their knees.And those Confucian scholars who never believed in ghosts and gods, seeing such a spectacle that violates the common sense of heaven and earth, inevitably shake the belief they have always held in their hearts.

But after seeing this scene, one person had another idea: "The three people on this stage...could they be those Shangqing disciples at the Luofu Jiayuan Meeting?" It was Taoist Zhimu who was wandering around, seeing the scene in front of him, suddenly remembered the rumor that was circulating in the Taoist sect recently, and began to fantasize. The young man on the stage didn't know that he already had some fame, so he just joked with Xueyi: "Ha~ Xueyi, did you hear that? They all say you are a goddess of flowers!" At this time, the woman standing in the back wind and snow in front of her was looking extraordinarily delicate; and praised her for having such magical powers, the somewhat talented Hall Master of the Four Seas couldn't help but say: "Xueyi, you are here now." The appearance is exactly: the skin is as clear as snow, and the color is as clear as a god; the delicate eyes are full of hope, and the vermilion lips are charming..."

While shaking his head and reciting, suddenly a person ran up to the stage with a few steps, laughed and continued: "——Xue Jin has been set up twice for a long time, and the orchid pillow has been doubled; I hope the king's qin will be played early, and the music will be left for three springs! " The person who laughed and continued the poem was Peng Xiangpu, the county magistrate of Zhenyang. Seeing the deeds of a few young men and women, they are no different from gods, and the county lord has long admired them.At this moment, his greatest wish is that his little daughter can also be attached to the tail, so that he no longer has to fear that hateful demon spirit.

While speaking, Peng Xiangpu had welcomed Xingyan and the others down from the stage.In the audience, those sorcerers and mages all came to congratulate Xingyan.Only that Fan Chuan was on the sidelines rubbing his stomach, seeming to be in great pain. In the midst of the chaos, the Lord Napeng County suddenly said with great joy: "Haha, daughter, you came just in time! Something is about to happen to you." It turned out that in the shadows of snow dancing all over the sky, the lady of the Peng family was holding an oil-paper umbrella, passing through the already sparse crowd, and slowly came to the rain-seeking platform.

After hearing what her father said, Peng Runlan asked hesitantly: "Daddy, who begged for this rain and snow?" During the questioning, the girl's expression was half worried, but also accompanied by a bit of anticipation.Seeing her demeanor, Peng Xiangpu was very happy, thinking that since Lan'er took the initiative to ask, it showed that she might no longer object to the announcement of marriage.Peng Gong thought in his heart: "Even if there were some misunderstandings before, after seeing Zhang Xianchang's tricks today, Lan'er should change her mind? - Where can I find such a husband in the world? - But today, I can no longer be the main wife... ..."

Thinking of this, besides joy, I can't help but feel a little sad. Immediately, he separated the crowd, pulled his daughter in front of Xingyan, and said cheerfully: "My dear daughter, the person who succeeded in praying for rain today is precisely this young Taoist priest." Hearing what her father said, Peng Runlan's face paled instantly.Peng Xiangpu didn't notice his daughter's expression, so he just went on and said, "Master Zhang has done great work in expelling demons from my house these past few days, and today he asked for this rain again. According to the old man's promise in the previous day's list, this time I will kill you for life. Entrust him."

After Peng Gong said this, he will not go into details.After all, although under the current situation, he voluntarily promised his daughter to Xingyan as a concubine and a maidservant; but at this time, in front of everyone, he still couldn't say it out loud because he was afraid of face—— The county lord, who was so happy, didn't expect that just because of his own words, a huge disturbance would be caused! "Mr. Peng, actually this matter... eh?!" Xing Yan looked at the pale woman in front of him, and just when he didn't know what to say, he suddenly heard a loud bang in his ear, like thunder from the sky!

"not good!" Hearing this tremor, he knew something was wrong when he woke up; when he came back to look again, he found that the woman in front of him was already a shadow! While others were panicked by the sound of thunder, the young man jumped into the air, staring intently, firmly catching the swiftly flying gray shadow in the wind and rain! "Hurry up!" The young man shouted loudly, and the two girls also jumped up into the air, followed behind him and chased after him. "..." When he came back to his senses, Peng Xiangpu found that the young men and women in front of him, as well as his daughter, were all gone.While in astonishment, he suddenly heard someone beside him say in a deep voice: "The county lord, don't be suspicious. Pindao just saw that Taoist Fan, who was summoned, suddenly jumped up and took away the lady. Now Daochang Zhang and the other three have already chased after Yujian. go."

Peng Xiangpu turned his face to look, and found that the person who spoke was none other than Daoist Zhimu who came to the stage earlier.Now, the mage of the Kongshui School said with a serious face: "My lord, please rest assured. Those fairy elders have high mana, and your daughter should be safe. I will protect you here when my mana is low. These are the common people and villagers in front of us." Hearing Taoist Zhimu say this, Peng Xiangpu's face turned pale.Because, at this moment, he has heard a huge bang coming from the direction of the Zhenshui River! Skip the mention of Peng Xiangpu's order to evacuate the people, and let's talk about the riverside of Zhenshui.At this moment, Xingyan had already pressed down the flying sword, stood on the high bank of the Zhenshui River, nervously watching the "loose man from the lake and sea", Fan Chuan, in the turbulent waves.

If it is said that the Zhenshuihe he saw a few days ago was a peaceful and serene young girl; then at this moment, it has become a raging madman.The water waves in the river surged, and the dry riverbed had already been flooded by flood waves; the fierce river water was approaching the high embankment.In the middle of the river, there are turbid waves and swirls, surging and turbulent.When the waves hit each other, there was a huge sound, gurgling, rippling, and rippling, like a landslide nearby. And at the top of the Qianchitao that floats like a thread, stands the monster Fan Chuan who kidnapped women.At this time, Fan Chuan was still dressed in Daoist attire, but Fuchen had long since given up the pretense, and a fierce expression was put on his face.Not far from him, in the turbulent water of the Zhen River, there was a wave thrown high up, motionless, standing upright like a pillar.

On this water column stood the captive Peng Runlan.At this moment, the young lady of Peng's mansion has blurred eyes and a sleepy expression, as if she is suffering from a nightmare. Just as Xingyan was watching the situation in the water, Xue Yi and Qiongxue also rushed behind him.Seeing the two of them coming, Xingyan turned around and whispered a few times.When the two women nodded and said yes, he held the sword in his hand, concentrated his energy, and then two rounds of dazzling moonlight flew out from the sword, and went straight to the Zhenshui River, piercing the waves and breaking through the waves. Almost at the time when the brilliance wrapped around Fan Chuan's side, the plum blossom fairy who was born on the ten thousand-zhang ice cliff had already flashed his ethereal figure, crossed the shocking waves, and instantly came to the dazed and passionate in front of Peng Runlan. "Miss, please hold my hand!" The woman who had always spoken softly and softly, but now her voice was rapid.Not waiting for the person in front of her to answer, Xue Yi reached out to grab her arm. "Runlan, let's hurry up..." Before he could utter the word "go", he saw the woman in front of him subconsciously waved her hand and immediately broke free from her palm.With just this mess, the storm under Xueyi's foot has already rushed her three or four feet away.When she came to her senses and wanted to go forward to save her a second time, she saw more than a dozen high waves suddenly surged up around the water column where Ms. Peng landed, like a fence, surrounding Peng Runlan. . It turned out that the monster Fan Chuan, who was temporarily entangled by Xingyan Feiyue's streamer, discovered Xueyi's plan, and summoned these railings with a wave of his hand.When Xueyi wanted to try to shuttle in again, she found that these water-cast fences, as if they had spirituality, flowed and closed at random, leaving no gap for her to take advantage of. Seeing that there was no hope of saving people, Kou Xueyi turned out the "Sacred Bixuan Spirit Staff" against the wind, stepped on thousands of hectares of waves, danced with thousands of auspicious colors, and flew straight at the evil god standing at the head of the tide. In the golden and green brilliance of Xue Yi, the divine soldier made of heaven, there are two flame-like lights and shadows, like divine birds in fairy clouds, flying towards the god in the water.Naturally, this is Xiao Qiongxun driving her two Suzaku divine blades, driving some clouds and mist, and flying around Fan Chuan's head and body. Seeing such a splendid and wonderful scene, those brave soldiers and civilians who refused to escape were all dazzled, and they kept shouting "God descends to earth".Hearing their yells, more people stopped and looked at the battle in the Zhenshui River together. At this time, Fan Chuan, the water god who managed to dodge the two life-threatening moons of the young man, saw that this girl, big and small, had weird weapons and extraordinary moves, so he put away his contempt.Then, after hearing an earth-shattering roar, the strange god reappeared as a giant spirit body, covered in a black armored dragon armor, holding a huge three-toothed steel fork that gleamed coldly in his hand, and jumped up. Then, riding on the peak of the turbulent waves, he swept towards the two girls who were stalking endlessly. In this way, everyone saw two petite girls jumping and floating around that stalwart giant. However, although it looked disproportionately large, Qiongxu Xueyi was unafraid; the two sisters, with one mind, still faced the turbulent waves and fought desperately with the giant spirit. Seeing that Fan Chuan turned into a giant spirit general, Xingyan was both surprised and delighted: The surprise is that this monster from Pengfu seems to have an extraordinary background, and the joy is that his body has become so strong that he can continue to use Feiyue Liu Guang chopped, and there was no danger of accidentally injuring the two sisters. After making up his mind, he began to silently exercise his profound arts again, preparing to trigger the astonishingly powerful Flying Moon Flowing Light Slash. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a strange noise was suddenly heard, and then a little girl was seen among the waves, rolling back like a cart wheel! "Ah, not good!" Seeing the person rolling over clearly, Xingyan suddenly turned pale with shock.He was about to rush forward to rescue Qiongxi, but saw the little girl spread her hands and feet in a ball, and said with some embarrassment: "Brother, I have defeated~" It turned out that just now Fan Chuan got impatient with being entangled by these two little girls, so he shouted and performed his magical skills, and in an instant he saw Hong Bo suddenly rise up under him.The ferocious waves, like iron horses collapsing and silver mountains collapsing, rushed towards Qiongxue and Xueyi. This time, the girls who were caught off guard were immediately rushed away.Kou Xueyi flew into the sky in a hurry, while Xiao Qiongxun was pushed by the waves and rolled back with a murmur. "Hey, Qiongxi, I just told you to release the firebird from a distance, how dare you go there and fight." With a light reprimand, the young man put down the little girl who was sticking out her tongue, and flew to kill the fierce god who refused to let go. At this moment, the waves in the Zhenshui River were already high, and the flying waves were like fog, which could not be seen clearly in the distance.Xingyan had no choice but to control the "Shunshui Jue", flew the divine sword Yaoguang around him, and rushed to Fan Chuan to fight. However, although the young man is brave and does not hesitate to fight against him, but the water is no better than the land after all. When the waves are rushing and the water is rushing, how can he be the opponent of this water monster with a special background! So, after struggling for seven or eight rounds, when Fan Chuan was forced to be a little weak by the haunting spirit sword, he repeated his old trick, roared, and suddenly fell at the boy's feet. Exhaled a huge wave column, and then exploded like a thunderbolt, instantly throwing the struggling young man high up! Seeing that the sneak attack was effective, the Water God, who was already prepared in his heart, would miss the opportunity and quickly swept away the three-toothed giant fork—so Xue Yiqiong, who had just arrived, heard "Bang" before he had time to rescue him. With a bang, the master of his own family was hit by the shimmering tail of the fork, and instantly fell straight towards the bank of the Zhenshui River like a kite with a broken string! "Hall Master!" "elder brother!" Two exclamations came out almost at the same time, and then the two girls no longer cared about fighting the gods and monsters, and rushed towards the boy's whereabouts. Seeing that the blow was successful, Fan Chuan was immediately very proud, and he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Ha——" Just halfway through the laugh, he stopped abruptly; Fan Chuan suddenly felt a pain in his right arm, and the steel fork in his hand fell into the water with a "shua".It turned out that he was blown away by him just before Xingyan, and in the middle of the attack, he barely hit a flying moon streamer; Rao was in severe pain and missed the head in the throw, but he still hit Fan Chuan's right arm. When the God of Waves, who was rewarded with a move in the same way, reawakened the weapon and barely grasped it with his left hand, he felt that his right arm was bleeding profusely, and there were waves of strange pains.Speaking of which, in the past two days, this is the second time that the invincible god and monster suffered the same loss, and he was immediately pissed off.Shocked and angry, Fan Chuan built up his guts, ruthless his heart, and ran through the waves, billowing up a thousand feet of waves, and drowned his head towards the place where the injured boy was lying now. As a result, the Zhenshui River, which was already turbulent like a boil, immediately crossed Shule on the embankment like a wild horse, galloping towards the direction of Zhenyang City! Seeing the torrential flood, Xingyan quickly endured the pain, stood up with the support of the two girls, and barely flew off the ground.Almost only in the middle of the line, the ferocious crest whizzed past from under the feet, and rushed towards the ordinary people who were watching the excitement. Seeing this situation, the young man was terrified, quickly gathered all the energy in his body, channeled the power of Taihua Dao, and tried his best to cast a series of "Frozen Heart Knot" magic spells towards the surging tide. Under his full force, those violent crests were frozen in an instant, and gradually stagnated and piled up on the ground.After being blocked by him like this, those terrified county residents finally came to their senses, shouted immediately, and fled behind the tall city wall of Zhenyang City.Those alchemists and mages who had some magic power were cut off after running away from the crowd; a Taoist priest kept exhaling earth walls from the ground, cooperating with the wake-up call to block the momentum of the flood peak. Seeing that Hongbo was blocked, the wounded ghost standing on the crest of the Zhenyang River became even more enraged.At this moment, Fan Chuan, like a tiger with a head wound, drove the raging river even more crazily, heading towards the direction where the young man stood without stopping.As a result, the ever-increasing wave crest seems to be swallowing up the young man who is barely flying in mid-air. Faced with such a torrential wave, the already injured young man was a little helpless; gradually, the freezing spells in his hands became weaker and weaker.After a while, the raging torrent could no longer be contained.And the Taoist priest who knew the earth wall technique had already exhausted himself and rushed towards the city gate with the rest of the people. But at this moment, the mouthful of blood that Xing Yan had been suppressing in his chest could no longer be held back, and suddenly spurted out with a wow; almost at the same time, he had already touched the crest of the wave under his feet, and suddenly he rushed out with all his strength. jump up.As a result, the stormy waves that seemed to be collapsing clouds, dyed with bright red blood mist, dragged down the exhausted youth group in the air.But at this moment, the two girls saw that the hall master was seriously injured, and they didn't know whether to attack or defend, so they just grabbed hold of Xing Yan with all their strength and tried their best to push Xing Yan upwards. Just between them resisting the God of Waves, the rest of the waves rushed past their feet, like a herd of wild horses in panic, rushing towards Zhenyang City.Along the way, the waves washed away the dust, and even the towering platform in front of the Dragon King Temple, which was used to pray for rain, was washed to pieces. When the flood was raging, most of the people had already hid behind the tall city walls despite Xingyan's previous obstruction.But there are still a few people with poor legs and feet, fleeing hard outside the city gate.At this critical juncture, Mr. Peng urgently ordered the healthy soldiers in the Yamen, as well as the strong young people among the people, to rush out of the suspension bridge and risk their lives to pick up the old and weak.After issuing the decree, County Lord Peng let out a long sigh: "Forget it, I didn't expect that I, Zhenyang County, would provoke such a powerful demon god!" Looking at the flood that was evacuated, the face of the head of Zhenyang County standing at the head of the city was as dead ashes.For him at this moment, He County is in danger, so he can't care about thinking about his poor child.And the officials and servants beside him, scholars and civilians, even Taoist priests and mages, were all stunned when they saw the raging waves outside the city. It seems that Zhenyang County, which has been suffering from severe drought for a long time, will be submerged by torrential floods for several months; and the three young children who kindly begged for rainwater for the county at the end of their eyes seem to be wiped out in a blink of an eye. Deep in the flood, when his life hangs by a thread, Xingyan only cares about blaming himself in his heart. "Hey, it doesn't matter if I die alone, but I didn't expect to cause such a catastrophe to the people of Zhenyang County!" On the verge of extinction, when all thoughts were lost, he no longer cared to notice that there was another strange thing, just like a budding flower, quietly expanding and blooming on his chest... So, after only a moment, I heard someone shouting suddenly in Zhenyang City: "Look, magistrate!" Following the chief secretary's scream, a bolt of lightning suddenly "clicked" from the clouds, shining in the dark world like the sun. In the midst of this thunder, all the officials, soldiers and civilians standing at the head of Zhenyang City saw that in the stormy sky by the Riverside of Zhenshui, suddenly there was a dragon with golden claws and silver scales, coming from the one surrounded by a shadow of water. The young man who lived in his clothes came out of his arms, surrounded by clouds and mist, his scales and claws flying, and flew towards the monstrous smoke waves of the Zhenshui River...
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