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Chapter 3 3. Arsen Robin escaped from prison

Rogue Arthur Robin 莫里斯·勒布朗 11410Words 2018-03-14
After eating, Arsen Lupin took out a cigar with a golden band from his pocket and looked at it with satisfaction.At this moment, the cell door opened.He had just dropped his cigars into a drawer and left the table when the guard entered.It's time to let the wind go. "I'm waiting for you, my dear friend," cried Arson Robin, still in good spirits.They went out, and had just turned the corner of the corridor when the other two entered the cell and searched it carefully.Both were plainclothes officers: one named Dijozi and the other Franfang. The judicial authorities wanted to put an end to this situation: Arsen Lupin undoubtedly maintained secret contacts with the outside world and had contacts with his associates.Even the day before, Le Grande published these words he wrote to the newspaper's judicial columnist:

This is exactly the handwriting of Arsen Lupin.He sent letters and received them.He had uttered wild words and declared that he would escape from prison, so he must be preparing to escape from prison.This cannot be tolerated.He must be repelled from this attempt.Security chief Didui reached an agreement with the examining judge and visited the prison of the health and quarantine station in person to instruct the warden to take appropriate measures.Upon his arrival, he dispatched two detectives to search the cells of the detainees.They pried up every slab, took apart the bunk, and usually did everything they could, but found nothing.They were about to give up their search when the guard came rushing up to them and said, "Drawer... look at the desk drawer. It looked like he was pushing the drawer shut when I came in." When they opened it, Djozzi cried, "My God , this time, he can be caught."

Franfang held him back and said, "Don't move, buddy, the director wants to make a list." "But, this premium cigar..." "Put that havana down; report to the chief." Two minutes later, Mr. Didui searched the drawer.He first found a stack of newspaper articles about Arsen Lupin, all clipped from the "News Information".Then came a cigarette pouch, a pipe, some tissue paper, and two books.He glanced at the title of the book.One was Carlyle's Hero Worship, in English, and a small twelve-money hardcover: The Epictetus, a German translation published in Leiden, Holland, in 1634.He flipped through it and found that every page was creased, and some places were underlined and annotated.Is this the secret sign of the agreement, or is it a manifestation of his strenuous study?

"We'll take it over and examine it," said Mr. Didui. He checked the cigarette pouch, the pipe.Then, pick up the designer cigar with the gold band. "Why," he exclaimed, "this friend is doing well, and has a Henry Clay!" Like a smoker, he subconsciously brought the cigar to his ear and squeezed it, and immediately let out a cry.The cigar softened under the pressure of the finger.He observed carefully and immediately discerned a little white stuff in the tobacco leaves. He picked up a pin and gently picked out the roll of paper the size of a toothpick.Here's a note.He opened it and read the following words in a woman's delicate handwriting: The basket has been replaced.8 out of 10 are ready.Push hard with your outside foot, and the board flips down.

H—P will be waiting from twelve to sixteen every day.where to goPlease let me know.Friends will take care of you, don't worry. Mr. Didui thought for a moment, then said: "Clear enough... Baskets... Eight cages... Twelve to sixteen, that is, twelve o'clock to four o'clock in the afternoon..." "But what's 'H—P' waiting for?" "In this case, H-P should mean the car, and in sportsman's terms, horsepower means the horsepower of the engine, right? A twenty-four H-P is a car with twenty-four horsepower .” He stood up and asked, "Has the prisoner finished his lunch?"

"Finished." "As far as the cigars are concerned, he hasn't had time to read the note. Probably just received it." "How did it come in?" "Mixed in food, embedded in bread or potatoes, who knows?" "Impossible. We wanted to intercept this kind of information, so we allowed him to send food. But we didn't find anything." "To-night, we come to find the answer from Arson Lupin. For the time being, keep him out of the cell. I'll take this note to the examining magistrate. If he agrees with me, we'll have it copied at once. An hour." Later, you will put it back in the drawer. Besides these items, there must be the same cigar, still with the note. The prisoner must not be aware of it."

Mr. Didui was not without curiosity, and brought Dijozi to the prison office of the health and quarantine station at night. Three plates were spread out over the fire in one corner. "Has he eaten?" "Yes," replied the warden. "Dijozi, please cut up these macaroni and break this bun...nothing?" "No, Chief." Mr. Didui inspected the plate, the fork, the spoon, and finally the knife, a blunt one of proper size.He twisted the handle of the knife from side to side.When I turned it to the right, I found the handle was loose, so I unscrewed it.The handle of the knife is hollow and filled with a note.

"Hmph!" He said contemptuously, "Arson Luoping is not considered a cunning person. But hurry up. Dijozi, go to the restaurant and investigate." Then, he read the note: I trust you.Let H—P follow far away every day.I will meet it.See you soon, respectable and lovely girlfriend. "After all," exclaimed M. Didouy, rubbing his hands, "I think we're on the right track. Let's make a quick urge . . . let him escape, and help us catch our accomplice." "What if Arson Lupine slips through your fingers?" objected the warden. "We will use enough manpower. If he plays any tricks... then he will be in trouble! As for his gang, since the boss will not speak, let the younger ones speak."

Indeed, Arsen Lupin did not say much.For several months, Jules Bouvier, the examining magistrate, had wasted his efforts.The trial turns into a dry debate between the judge and the lawyer Donval.Don Val is a barrister.Besides, he knew hardly any more about the defendant than anyone else. From time to time, out of politeness, Arthur Lupin uttered a few words: "Yes, Mr. Judge, I agree: the robbery of the Crédit de Lyon, the burglary of Rue Babylon, the issue of counterfeit notes, the security police case, and the Almos A series of burglaries such as Niel Castle, Gulai Castle, Ambrevan Castle, Groselier Castle, Malaki Castle, etc., were all carried out by subordinates."

"Then can you explain..." "It's not necessary, I admit it all, all, even ten times more than you speculated." The judge got tired and suspended this boring interrogation.Since reading the two intercepted notes, he has resumed the interrogation.Together with several detainees, Yasen Luoping always took a prison van from the prison to the detention center at 12:00 noon, and returned from there at 3:00 pm. However, something special happened when the prison van returned one afternoon.Because the interrogation of other detainees in the prison of the Health and Quarantine Station has not been completed, the administrators decided to send Yasen Luoping back first.So he got into the car alone.

This type of prison cart is commonly known as a "lettuce basket", and there is an aisle in the middle that divides the cart into two halves.There are ten square cages on the car: five on the left and five on the left.Prisoners had to sit in cages, and each of the five prisoners had only one narrow seat, separated by a partition.An Urban Self-Defense Forces soldier stands at the end, watching the passage. Arsen Robin was sent to the third square from the right.The heavy prison van began to wobble and drive.He knew the car had left Clock Quay and was passing the courthouse.When the car reached the middle of the Pont Saint-Michel, he stepped on the steel plate that closed the cage with his right foot, as usual.Immediately something activated and the steel plate slowly moved away.He found himself exactly between the two wheels. He waited, eyes wandering here and there.The prison van drove slowly up the Boulevard Saint-Michel and stopped at the Saint-Germain crossroads.A horse pulling a cart fell to the ground.Traffic was immediately blocked.Cabs and stagecoaches crowded together.Arsen Robin stuck his head out.Another prison van was parked next to the one he was in.He raised his head higher, put his feet on the spokes of the big wheel, and jumped down. A coachman saw him, laughed, and tried to shout.But his voice was lost in the sound of the car moving again.Besides, Arsen Lupin had run away.Arsen Luoping ran a few steps, walked to the sidewalk on the left, turned around and took a look, as if checking the direction of the wind, as if he still couldn't make up his mind which way to go.Then, making up his mind, he put his hands in his pockets, and walked carefreely into the street like a wanderer. It was early autumn and the weather was sunny and mild.The cafe is full of customers.He sat down in a street cafe. He ordered a glass of beer and a pack of cigarettes, drank the beer in small sips, smoked one cigarette in a leisurely manner, and then lit another.Finally, he stood up and told the clerk to bring the manager. The manager is here.Arson Lupin spoke to him so loudly that the customers in the store heard: "I'm sorry, sir, but I forgot my wallet. My name is Arson Lupin. You may be familiar with the name, and please grant me a few days' credit. " The manager gave him a look, thinking he was joking.But Arsen Lupin repeated: "Arson Lupin, a prisoner in the quarantine station prison, is at large. I believe this name will arouse your confidence." After finishing speaking, he left amidst laughter, and the manager didn't expect to ask him to pay the bill.He crossed the Rue Souflot diagonally, entered the Rue Saint-Jacques, and walked along it at his leisure, stopping in front of the shop windows to smoke.On Wangjiagang Street, he identified the direction, asked the way, and went straight to the Street of the Health and Quarantine Station.Immediately the high, eerie walls of the prison towered before his eyes.He walked up to the guards of the Urban Self-Defense Forces along the wall, took off his hat and said, "Is this Sant Prison?" "yes." "I want to go back to the cell. The prison car threw me halfway, and I don't want to abuse it..." The young man complained in a low voice: "Hey, you, go your way, hurry up!" "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! My way is through this door. My friend, you will suffer a great loss if you prevent Arsen Robin from entering." "Arson Lupine? What did you say to me?" "Unfortunately, I don't have a business card." Arsen Robin said, pretending to touch his pocket.Startled, the guard looked him over from head to toe.Then, without saying a word, he rang the doorbell reluctantly.The iron door opened a crack. A few minutes later, the warden ran to the office, pointed fingers, and blamed him pretending to be angry.Yasen Luopin smiled slightly: "Forget it, Mr. Warden, don't act with me. What! You deliberately let me come back by car alone, and created a small traffic jam, thinking that I would take the opportunity to escape and go to Find my friends! Hey, there are twenty security guards escorting me, some on foot, some in horse-drawn carriages, some on bicycles, right? No, they have already arranged for me! I don't want to get out alive This prison. Well, Mr. Warden, you may hope to gain some advantage here?" He shrugged his shoulders, and added: "Please, Mr. Warden, don't worry about me. I don't need anyone's help if I want to run someday." On the third day, "Echo de France" disclosed all the details of the escape attempt, even the notes between the prisoner and his mysterious girlfriend, the method of correspondence, the trap set by the police, the walks in the Rue Saint-Michel, Souffre None of the episodes in Luo Cafe were missed.Arson Lupin was said to be one of the paper's main undisclosed partners.The newspaper has become the mouthpiece for official coverage of his exploits.It was learned that undercover detective Dijozzi's investigation of the restaurant clerk turned up nothing.Moreover, the knowledge of this jaw-dropping incident revealed the man's powers: the prison van pulling him was a complete fake.His accomplice replaced one of the six prison vans owned by the prison authorities with the manipulated one.Everyone believed that Arsen Lupin would escape from prison again.Besides, he himself made it clear that he wanted to run away.This was confirmed by his reply to M. Bouvier, the judge, the day after this incident.The judge laughed that he would fail.He glanced at the judge and said coldly, "Listen to me, sir, and take my word for it: this escape attempt is part of my whole plan." "I don't understand." The judge sneered. "You don't need to understand." The whole course of the interrogation was published in Les Echos de France.Because the judge came back and questioned him again, he cried impatiently like a judge: "My God, my God, what's the use! These questions are all worthless." "What, worthless?" "Worthless indeed, because I will not appear in court." "You're not going to court?" "Yes. My decision has been made and cannot be changed. I will never give in." He is so confident, and it is incredible to reveal some secret plans every day.Only Arsen Robin knew his secret, and therefore only his mouth could reveal it.But what was his purpose in revealing the secret?How did he achieve his goal?The judiciary is annoyed and confused. They changed the cell for Arsen Robin.One night, Arsen Lupin was locked in the cell downstairs.The judge also stopped the preliminary hearing and returned the case to the prosecution.For the next two months, nothing happened. Arsen Luoping lay in bed every day, almost always sleeping facing the wall.A change of cell seemed to discourage him. He doesn't see his lawyer and barely speaks to the guards. Two weeks before the trial, he seemed to be alive again.He complained that the cell was too stuffy.Everyone took him to the yard early in the morning to let the wind out, and two people followed him.During this period, public curiosity continued unabated. People waited every day for news of his escape.His passion, his joviality, his many interests, his creative genius, and his mysterious life endeared the public.Almost everyone wished him a successful escape.Arsen Lupin should escape from prison.It was fate, it was inevitable.Everyone is even surprised that this matter has dragged on for so long.Every morning the Superintendent of Police would ask the secretary, "Hey, is he still running?" "No, Mr. Director." "Then it will be tomorrow." On the eve of the trial, a gentleman came to the editorial office of "Big Daily", begged to see the writer of the judicial column, threw a business card to him, and left the meeting in a hurry.It says something like this: It is in such a situation that the court debate begins. Many people came to listen.Who wouldn't want to meet a household name like Arsen Robin?Who wouldn't want to see him mock the president in court.Lawyers, judges, columnists, artists, women of society, what seemed to be the whole of Paris, filled the gallery.It was raining and it was gloomy outside.When the guards brought Arsen Luopin into the court, no one could see clearly.However, his clumsy posture, the way he sat down, and his indifferent and sluggish expression could not make people feel good about him.On several occasions when his lawyer—whom Val thought he was degrading by appearing in the defense of Arson Lupin and sent a secretary to fill the role—he shook his head in silence when he spoke to him.The clerk read the indictment, and the President declared: "Defendant, stand up. What's your surname, what's your name, how old are you, what kind of occupation do you have?" no answer.He asked again: "What's your last name? May I ask what your last name is?" A gruff, hoarse answer was heard: "Baudru Dezilay." There was a lot of discussion in the court.But the presiding judge said: "Baudruy Dezilet? Oh, well! Another name change! It must be your eighth name, and it is as imaginary as the others, if you wish, We still use the name of Arsene Lupin. You are more familiar with that name." Looking at the record, the President added: "Because, despite the investigations, you have not been able to verify your identity. There is no record of your past, That's rare in modern society. We don't know who you are, where you are from, or where you were raised. "Anyway, we don't know anything. Three years ago, out of nowhere, out of nowhere, you popped up out of nowhere and called yourself Arsene Lupin, that is, a man who was both wise and depraved, immoral and generous. The eccentric of your period. It is only conjecture to be precise about your material at this time. A man named Rosta who worked with the magician Dixon eight years ago was probably Arsen Lupin. Six years ago, a Russian students often go to the laboratory of Dr. Artier at the Saint-Louis Hospital. His assumptions on bacteriology and his bold experiments on skin diseases surprised the teacher. This student may be Arsen Lupin. Arsen Lupin is still Japanese Wrestling coach. He introduced judo to Paris long before people talked about it. "We think that Arsen Lupin is still the same cyclist who won the Grand Prix at the Exposition Cycling Competition and never showed up after receiving the 10,000 franc prize. Arsen Lupin may still be the one who rescued many people from the small skylight of the Mercy Mall... The one who robbed them all." After a short pause, the judge concluded: "The situation at that time was like this, it seemed to be just a period of careful preparation for you to fight against society, it was you who learned your skills, used your strength, A period of greatly increased energy and talent. Are you accurate in admitting these facts?" When the judge said this, the defendant flexed his fingers, hung his arms, and swayed with his legs crossed.It was getting brighter. He was found to be extremely thin, with sunken cheeks, prominent cheekbones, and an earthy complexion with red spots and a sparse, uneven beard.The prison tortured him to an old and haggard age.The youthful, unrestrained and lovable photos that newspapers often published were completely different from the Arsen Luoping in front of him. He seemed not to have heard the question posed to him.The President asked twice more.So he rolled his eyes, as if thinking, and said in a low voice: "Baudru Dezilai." The presiding judge laughed. "I don't understand what kind of defense you're using, Arson Lupin. It's up to you to pretend to be a rogue if you want to. As for me, I will obey the law and ignore your trick." Then, he began to enumerate the crimes of theft and fraud committed by Arsen Lupin.He sometimes asks the defendant questions.The accused either grunted a few times or remained silent.Witnesses began to testify in court.There are many testimonies that are meaningless, and some that are more important, but they have one common feature, that is, they contradict each other.The court debate was a mess.But when Inspector Ganimar was ushered in, there was renewed interest. Still, The Old Cop causes a certain disappointment at the outset.His air was not timid--he had seen it a lot--but disturbed, very disturbed.He turned to look at the defendant several times, apparently in embarrassment.With his hands on the railing, he described the cases he participated in the investigation: the tracking across Europe, and the arrest to the United States.The people listened to him with as much attention as if they were listening to the most gripping adventure story.But towards the end, when he mentioned his conversation with Arson Lupin, he stopped twice, looking absent-minded and hesitant.Obviously, he was thinking of other things.The President said to him: "If you are not feeling well, it is best to suspend your testimony." "No, no, it's just..." He stopped talking, looked at the defendant for a long time, and said: "Permit me to come closer and observe the defendant. There is a secret here, which I must understand." He walked over, looked at it for a long time, and then returned to the witness box, He said in a slightly solemn tone: "Mr. President, I am sure that the person standing opposite me is not Arsen Lupin." After saying this, the audience was silent.The presiding judge was taken aback for a moment, then exclaimed: "Ah, what are you talking about! You are crazy!" The detective said calmly and affirmatively: "I admit that at first glance it does look alike. However, as long as you take a closer look, you can tell that it is fake. Nose, mouth, hair, skin color... In short, it is not Yasen. Luo Ping. And eyes! When did Arsene Luo Ping have such alcoholic eyes?" "Well, well, explain yourself. What do you conclude is wrong, witness?" "How do I know? He probably dropped his bag and put some poor fellow about to be sentenced in his place. Otherwise, it's an accomplice." The dramatic scene was unexpected and elicited shouts, laughter and exclamations from all sides of the hall.The presiding judge sent for the examining judge, warden and guards, and announced a temporary adjournment. After the resumption of the trial, M. Bouvier and the warden saw the defendant, claiming that Arson Ropin was only slightly resembling this person in outline. "So," cried the President, "who is this man? Where did he come from? And how did he fall into the hands of the judicial authorities?" Two guards from the quarantine station prison were brought in.To our dismay, they claimed the opposite and identified this man as one of the detainees they took turns guarding!The presiding judge breathed a sigh of relief. But one of the guards said again: "Yes, yes, I believe it is him." "Why, do you believe it?" "Yes, I only saw him once, the night he was handed over to me. For the next two months, he lay facing the wall." "And what about two months ago?" "Oh! Before that, he wasn't in cell twenty-four." The warden explained: "The detainee tried to escape, so we changed his cell." "But you, Mr. Warden, have you seen him for two months?" "I haven't had a chance to meet him...he's been quiet." "Isn't this the prisoner who escaped and returned to prison?" "no." "Then who is he?" "I have no idea." "Then, the person standing in front of us is a substitute who was replaced two months ago. What do you think?" "This is impossible." "So……?" The judge had no choice but to turn to the defendant and asked in an encouraging tone: "Hey, defendant, can you tell me when and how I was arrested by the judicial authority?" It seemed that this genial tone reassured the defendant, or made him understand the meaning of the question. He struggled for an answer.In the end, the chief judge asked him kindly and skillfully, and he managed to gather up a few words, roughly as follows: Two months ago, he was taken to the detention center, where he spent nights and mornings.He was found with only seventy-five centimes on him.Just let him go.But as he was crossing the courtyard, two soldiers grabbed his arms and pushed him into a prison wagon.Since then, he has been living in Cell No. 24, living a good life... Eating well and sleeping soundly...so he didn't protest... It all seemed real and believable.Amid the roar of laughter, the judge announced that the case would be sent back for further investigation and retrial at a later date.The police immediately launched an investigation and confirmed the facts recorded in the prison register: eight weeks earlier, a man named Baudru Dezile had been held overnight in the detention center and released the next day.He left the detention center at two o'clock in the afternoon.That day, Arsen Luoping was being tried for the last time, and he also walked out of the pre-trial room at two o'clock in the afternoon, boarded the prison van and left.Was it a mistake by the guards?Could it be that they didn't pay attention for a while, seeing what he looked like, and pushed him into the prison car as Arsen Lupin?Must have been bought off.However, they usually work seriously and responsibly, and cannot make such assumptions. Was the imposter premeditated?Judging from the situation at the scene, this is impossible.In addition, Baudru Dezilai must be an accomplice, and he must have himself arrested for the express purpose of replacing Arsen Lupin.But what a miracle it would be if such a plan, which was brought to fruition by a series of near-magical luck, unexpected coincidences, and unimaginable errors, should succeed? Bodru Dezilai was taken to the Criminal Body Testing Institute for identification: no records matching his physical characteristics were found.Besides, it was easy to find his tracks.Everyone in Courbevois, Asnières, and Levallois knew him.He lived on alms and slept in a hut near the gate of Terna.However, he disappeared a year ago.Was it Arsen Robin who hired him?There is no reason to think so.Even if he had been hired, it would have been impossible to foresee the need for a prison escape then.This mystery has never been solved.A dozen or so hypotheses were made, none of which was satisfactory.Only the escape of Arsene Lupine is certain, and this escape is both puzzling and impressive.The public, and even the judiciary, felt that such an escape had been long in the making.A series of actions, one after another, are magically connected into a whole.The result confirmed Arson Lupin's prophecy: "I will not appear in court." After a month of careful investigation, the mystery remains unsolved.But the poor bastard Baudruy could not be imprisoned indefinitely.His case was ridiculous: what could he be charged with?The examining judge had no choice but to let him go.But the security chief decided to keep him under close surveillance.The idea came from Ganymar.In his view, there was neither complicity nor coincidence in the case.Bodru was just a tool, which was skillfully used by Arsen Luopin.After Baudrue was released from prison, he would be able to track down Arsen Ropin, or at least one of her accomplices. The Security Service sent Ganimar two plainclothes: Franfang and Dijozi.One morning in January, the sky was foggy.The gates of the prison were opened for Baudru Dezile.Just out of prison, he seemed confused, walking aimlessly, and seemed to have no idea how to pass the time.He walked along the Quarantine Street, St. James Street, and came to the door of a second-hand goods store.He took off his coat, sold his waistcoat for a few sous, put on his coat again, and left. He crosses the Seine.At Châtelet, a stagecoach drove past him.He wanted to get in, but there were no seats left.The ticket inspector persuaded him to ask for a number, so he entered the waiting room. At this moment, Ganimar called the two assistants to his side, kept his eyes on the ticket office, and said hurriedly: "Hold the car... No, two cars, it's safer. One of you will follow me, and we will follow him. " Assistants obey his orders.But Baudrue did not appear.Ganymar walks over: the waiting room is empty. "I'm so stupid," he murmured, "forgot that there was an exit." Sure enough, the ticket office had an inner corridor leading to the Rue Saint-Martin.Ganimard rushed over just in time to see Baudrue sitting in a double-decker coach on the route from Batignol to Botanic Gardens, turning the corner of Rue Rivoli.He ran over and overtook the stagecoach.However, the two assistants were left behind, and he could only continue to track alone. He was furious and ready to desperately grab the man by the collar.Isn't it just this so-called fool who premeditatedly resorted to tricks to separate him from his assistant?He looked at Baudru, and saw that he was sitting on a chair drowsy, his head was shaking from side to side, his mouth was slightly opened, and he looked stupid.No, he wasn't at all someone who could fool old Ganimar.He just happened to get it. At the intersection of Lafayette Mall, the man jumped out of the carriage and got on the streetcar going to Miette.The car drove along Avenue Haussmann and Avenue Victor Hugo.Baudrue didn't get off the train until Miette station, and walked lazily into the Bois de Boulogne.He walked down one path after another, came back, and walked away.What is he looking for?Does he have a purpose? After walking like this for an hour, he looked tired.Then he found a chair and sat down.This place is not far from Auteuil, at the foot of a small lake, surrounded by trees, it is a hidden place.Waited for half an hour.Ganimar was a little anxious and decided to come forward to talk. He walked over, sat down beside Baudrue, lit a cigarette, drew circles on the sand with his cane, and said, "It's not hot." There was a silence.Suddenly, amidst the silence, loud laughter broke out.This is a happy, happy laugh, the kind of wild laughter that children can't hold back, clear and true.Ganimar felt his scalp explode, and his hair stood on end.How well he knew that laugh, that terrible laugh! ... He grabbed the other man by the tie and stared at him more fiercely and sharply than when he was sizing him up in court.Indeed, the person in front of him was no longer the one he was following.No, the appearance is still the same person, but the reality is another person, the real person.With the help of a complicit will, he sees those passionate eyes again, recognizes the emaciated mask again, sees the real flesh of the man through the ugly appearance, sees the man's real flesh through the twisted Mouth, saw his real face.Now he saw another person's eyes, mouth, and especially another person's sharp, vivid, mocking, witty, so bright and youthful expression! "Arson Lupin! Arson Lupin!" he stammered.He suddenly burst into anger, grabbed the opponent by the collar, and wanted to knock him to the ground.Although he is over fifty years old, his strength is still extraordinary. His opponent seemed rather thin.He can capture opponents with just one shot. Fights are short.As soon as Yassen Luoping parried, Ganimar let go as quickly as he was attacking.His right arm hung down, limp and numb for a while. "If you've learned judo in Orfefer Street," said Arsen Robin, "you should know this move, which is called a backhand twist in Japanese." Then he added grimly: "One more second and I'll break your arm. You deserve it. Why, you, my dear old friend, I tear off my disguise automatically, and you abuse me trust! This is not good... Hey, what else do you have to say?" Ganimar was silent.He held himself responsible for the escape, which he felt was a disgrace to his career.Was it not his sensational identification that caused the judiciary to make a wrong judgment?Tears welled up in his eyes, streaming down his gray beard. "Ah! God! Don't be angry, Ganimar: even if you don't identify him, I will arrange for someone else to identify him. Tell me, can I agree to sentence Baudru Dezilay?" "So," Gannimar whispered, "you here are the same as you in court?" "Yes, it's always been me, always has been me." "is it possible?" "Oh! It doesn't require any magic. As the honest judge said, ten years of preparation are enough to deal with all possible situations." "But your face? Your eyes?" "You know very well that it was not because I was interested in art that I studied with Dr. Artier at Saint-Louis Hospital for eighteen months. It occurred to me that the man who would later have the honor of being called Arson Ropin should master the art of changing his appearance and The law of identity. Appearance? It can be changed at will. If you want a piece of skin to bulge, just inject paraffin under that skin. Pyrogallic acid can make you a Mohican. Celandine juice can make you Pimples and bumps all over the body, great results. The chemicals that make you grow beard and hair, the chemicals that change your voice. I starved for two months in cell 24 to cooperate. To make I grinned my mouth like this, tilted my head like this, and bent my back like this. I practiced thousands of times. Finally, in order to make my eyes full of surprise and uncertainty, I dripped five drops of atropine into my eyes. In this way, the appearance came out gone." "I don't understand, those jailers..." "The appearance changes gradually, and the daily changes are so small that they can't see it." "And what about Baudruy Dezirai?" "He's still alive. This poor innocent man, I met last year. He does have some resemblance to me in outline. Anticipating arrest at any moment, I kept him safe. From the beginning, I tried to find out The dissimilarity between us was eliminated as far as possible. My friend took him to the detention center for the night and arranged his departure from the detention center at the same time as I came out of the examining court. This coincidence is easily confirmed. .Please note: it is necessary to leave traces of him in the detention center, otherwise the judicial authorities will ask who I am. Give the judicial authorities the treasure of Baodelu, and it will inevitably rush to him, do you understand? Although Swapping has insurmountable difficulties, and judicial authorities would rather believe in swiping than admit their ignorance.” "Yes, yes, indeed." Ganymar whispered. "Furthermore," exclaimed Arson Lupine, "I have a very powerful trump card in my hand, which I have prepared from the beginning: I am expected to escape from prison. The judicial authorities and I have launched a wrath. Exciting gamble, my freedom is the gamble. In this gamble, you and those people made a big mistake: you again assumed that I was making a big splash, like a young boy, and got carried away by success. Yes, I, Yasen Luoping, have this weakness! Just like in the Gaol case, you think: Yasen Luoping yelled to break out of prison, there must be a reason for doing so. But, you have to understand, I can escape from prison... no Whether it is jailbreaking, people must first believe that I will escape. This is a creed, a firm belief, and a truth as bright as the sun. Everyone must believe that I can escape from prison as long as I want to. Arsen Luoping will escape from prison , Arsen Lupin will not appear in court. If you don't create this public opinion, when you stand up and say: 'This man is not Arsen Lupin', it is not normal for everyone to believe that I am not Arsen Lupin. As long as there is one person怀疑,只要有一个人简单地问一句:'他要是亚森·罗平又怎么办?'我就完了。只要弯下身来,仔细看看我,当然不能像你和那些人那样,带着我不是亚森·罗平的先人之见,而是想我可能就是亚森·罗平,这样,不管我怎样易容,也会被认出来。但是我胸有成竹。无论从逻辑上,还是从心理上来说,没有人会这样想的。”他猛地抓住加尼玛尔的手,说:“喂,加尼玛尔,上次在狱中会面时,我讲好八天后登门拜访。你答应下午四点在家等候,这你承认吧?” “那么你的囚车呢?”加尼玛尔避免回答。 “那是虚张声势!那是一辆报废了的旧车,我的朋友们将它马马虎虎修了一下,顶替了一辆好车,想碰碰运气。但是我清楚,如果没有特殊情况予以配合,是行不通的。只是我觉得作好这次越狱的尝试,并大造声势是有益的。第一次越狱是一次大胆的计划,它为第二次越狱成功创造了条件。” “因此,那支雪茄……” “是我挖的,刀子也一样。” “便条呢?” “我写的。” “给你写信的那位神秘女士呢?” “都是我写的。我能随意写出各种笔迹。” 加尼玛尔思索片刻,反驳说:“去罪犯人体检测所提取博德吕的记录时,竟然没有发现它与亚森·罗平的记录重合,这怎么可能呢?” “他们没有亚森·罗平的记录。” “竟有这种事!” “至少记录是假的。这个问题,我很有研究。贝蒂荣的人体检测理论包含两方面:首先是人体直观的外貌特征——你知道这是不会出错的——然后是通过测量来确定的体貌特征:头、手指、耳朵等的大小和长短。这方面没有什么手脚可做。” "So?" “那么,必须花钱。该所一名职员甚至在我从美国返回以前就收了不少钱,为我测量时,就记了假数据。这就足以使整套办法失去作用。卡片没有放进应该放入的格子,而是放进了相反的格子。因此,博德吕的记录与亚森·罗平的记录是不可能一致的。”又是一阵沉默。接着加尼玛尔问道:“现在你想干什么?” “现在,”亚森·罗平喊道,“我要休息,要好好补一补身体,要慢慢恢复我的本来面目。作博德吕或者别的什么人,像换衬衣一样换身份,选择他的外表,他的嗓音,他的目光,他的笔迹,这当然很不错,但搞得大家都不认识,这就可悲了。我现在才尝到人失去自我是什么滋味。我要寻找我自己……会找回的。”他来回踱步。暮色渐起。他在加尼玛尔面前停下来。“我想,我们没有什么可说的了?” “有。”侦探回答道,“我很想知道你是否要把这次越狱的真相披露出去……把我犯的错误披露……” “哦!永远不会有人知道放走的是亚森·罗平。我喜欢在身边布下迷雾,不会不给这次越狱敷上神奇的色彩。所以,你别担心,我的好朋友,再见吧。我要去城里吃晚饭,只来得及换衣服了。” “我想你多么想休息啊!” “唉!有些应酬,躲也躲不开。明天再休息吧。” “去哪里吃饭呢?” “英国大使馆。”
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