Home Categories documentary report Review of China's PC game industry for 20 years
Review of China's PC game industry for 20 years

Review of China's PC game industry for 20 years

  • documentary report

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 27446

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Chapter 1 Preface · Computer Games and PC Games

Computer games, PC games, and what we usually call "PC games" (that is, games running on IBM PCs and compatible machines) are different in scope.The history of computer games can be traced back to "Space Wars" running on the Internet in 1961, the earliest PC games can be traced back to "Adventure Island" on the TRS-80 in 1978, and the first IBM PC game was Avalon Hill in 1981 The "B-1 Nuclear Bomber" launched in 1999.Therefore, before starting the statement, it is necessary to distinguish between Computer (Computer), Personal Computer (Personal Computer) and these three different concepts.

As we all know, the world's first computer was born at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. Its name is Computer, and its inventors are American physicist John Mauchly and engineer Eckert Jr. The first personal computer was born in Boston in 1974. Its name was Altair and its inventor was Ed Roberts.Roberts created the concept of "personal computer" (PC), the purpose is to tell everyone: this is a small, cheap computer that can be placed at home for personal use, rather than the one that people used to think only in the laboratory. A behemoth that can only be seen, is expensive, and requires multiple people to operate.

Created a precedent for the PC, but it did not succeed in the market itself. The real PC era began with the first Apple machine born in Steve Jobs' garage in 1976. This machine has been supported by regarded as works of art. In 1977, the Apple II, the first personal computer with color graphics, was unveiled at the first West Coast Computer Expo in the United States.From then on, the personal computer entered the first golden age in its development history. Four years later, IBM launched the IBM PC in New York. With its open architecture, it overwhelmed the self-contained Apple II and occupied 76% of the personal computer market within two years. IBM PC then became synonymous with "personal computer".The open system has greatly promoted the development of personal computers, and at the same time opened up a huge growth space for compatible machine manufacturers.Intel and Microsoft, two small companies back then, became giants in the future precisely because of the rapid development of IBM PC and its compatible machines.

In addition to the well-known Apple II and IBM PC, there are TRS-80 launched at the same time as Apple II, Commodore 64 launched at the same time, and personal computers such as Atari ST and Amiga that appeared later. These personal computers gave gamers in the late 1970s and early 1980s another option besides early home consoles such as Atari, Nintendo, and Sega-PC games. The term "computer games" in this article refers to PC games, including games on Apple II, Commodore 64, Macintosh, and PC-98, in addition to games running on IBM PC and its compatible machines.
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