Home Categories documentary report Deciphering the Big China Case III

Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Master's Elite Hit White-collar Girlfriend

Sun Yingjie is a senior manager of a large group in Beijing with a master's degree. Because his girlfriend who he had known online for more than 10 days broke up with him, he felt that his self-esteem was frustrated, and he resorted to stalking and phone harassment to retaliate. He actually "monitored" The other side as long as 3 years. On June 25, 2007, Sun Yingjie, who lost his mind, drove his car and injured the woman he loved deeply, causing a serious case of intentional homicide. On July 14, 2008, Sun Yingjie was sentenced to 4 years in prison by the Changping District People's Court of Beijing on suspicion of intentional homicide.So, why did his girlfriend break up with an elite figure like Sun Yingjie?Why did Sun Yingjie embark on the path of destruction?

On October 21, 2004, Li Yanjie, a white-collar beauty, was walking in the subway with a steady stream of pedestrians after get off work. She was a little dazed when she saw the faces of strange men passing by.Today, she was going to meet someone, a man who applied online, and she couldn't help being a little nervous. Standing in the subway car, the words of his mother's urging marriage lingered in Li Yanjie's ears again.Li Yanjie has a decent job and a high income, but the only thing that worries her mother is that this precious daughter is still alone.Mother was very worried about this, and asked people to introduce her everywhere. Li Yanjie also spent a period of time with a few men with similar conditions, but they didn't succeed.Seeing that her daughter was about to turn 34, her mother was so anxious that she urged Li Yanjie to find a solution quickly.

Although Li Yanjie is also eager for a beautiful love, she is not as impatient as her mother. She believes that the other half of her life already exists, but she has not met it yet.She prefers to follow her own life trajectory, maybe her true soul is waiting at the next stop. However, the mother's endless nagging made Li Yanjie unbearable.A week ago, after listening to her mother's urging and nagging, Li Yanjie hid in her room.She was lying on the computer desk, flicking the mouse depressedly, when an advertisement for a dating website popped up.Li Yanjie's heart suddenly moved, why not try it online?But after thinking about it, Li Yanjie hesitated again, the Internet is too illusory, it is difficult to distinguish between real and fake.Anyway, there is nothing wrong now, so Li Yanjie searched several websites for dating and marriage, and saw that many people put their photos on the Internet, and left their email addresses or QQ numbers to contact.Li Yanjie browsed the webpage briefly, and she found that there are many people seeking marriage on the Internet.Li Yanjie couldn't help feeling a little itchy, she thought about it, and thought that she could not post the photo, leave a pseudonym, and try to see how the response was, maybe she could meet a suitable candidate.Therefore, Li Yanjie chose a popular dating website with a good reputation, and announced her age, nature of work, conditions for choosing a spouse, and E-mail on the website.

Li Yanjie originally thought that not many people would apply for the job if she didn't post the photo, so she didn't take this matter to heart afterwards, until a few days ago, when she logged into her mailbox, she was surprised to find that there were dozens of application letters.Li Yanjie couldn't help secretly marveling at the efficiency of the network.Many people also attached their own photos. Among them was a gentle-looking man who left a good impression on Li Yanjie. She carefully looked at the man's email and found that the signature was Sun Yingjie. Li Yanjie couldn't help smiling, wondering if this Sun Yingjie was his real name, both of them had the word "Jie" in their names, what a coincidence.Li Yanjie wrote back a letter to Sun Yingjie for the fun of the same name.Unexpectedly, this Sun Yingjie was very honest. In the second letter, he explained all eight generations of his ancestors, and attached a photo of his ID card.It turned out that his real name was Sun Yingjie. Seeing that he was so honest, Li Yanjie couldn't help but add a little more impression of him, so she left her QQ number.

The appearance of Sun Yingjie added a touch of color to Li Yanjie's dull and boring life, even a kind of concern.As long as the two "meet" online, they will talk for hours.Sun Yingjie told Li Yanjie that after graduating from Peking University in 2002, he applied for a job in the information department of a large group. Because of his outstanding performance, he was quickly promoted to a supervisor with a monthly salary of over 10,000. Because of his relatively introverted personality and small social circle, he did not live until he was 33 years old. Haven't found a girlfriend yet.Moreover, Sun Yingjie said that he has been busy with his study and work, emotionally it is a blank sheet of paper, his family is also constantly urged, and he is also on a blind date to get married, and he will never play life.

Li Yanjie was quite satisfied with Sun Yingjie's conditions.Although Sun Yingjie said that he is relatively introverted and not sociable, Li Yanjie thinks that this is an expression of his honesty and reliability, and Sun Yingjie is not as superficial as the average man on the Internet, who keeps asking about his height, weight, and age. It made Li Yanjie's heart tilt a lot towards him. On the evening of October 20, two young men and women who met each other for a long time exchanged phone numbers, and after that, they proposed to meet each other.When Li Yanjie looked at Sun Yingjie's request for an appointment, a kind of excitement like first love suddenly hit him.The two agreed to meet at a coffee shop in Xidan on October 21.

When the dignified and generous Li Yanjie appeared in front of Sun Yingjie, Sun Yingjie felt his eyes light up.Li Yanjie was more beautiful and temperamental than he imagined, and Sun Yingjie couldn't help secretly congratulating himself for his good luck.Li Yanjie felt a little embarrassed by Sun Yingjie's fiery eyes, lowered her head and said, "Aren't you going to ask me to sit down?" Sun Yingjie quickly stood up, and graciously opened the chair for Li Yanjie, asking her to sit down. Until midnight, when the cafe was about to close, the two people who loved each other were still reluctant to part. The cappuccinos in the cups continued, and the tenderness penetrated into the aroma of cocoa beans like milk, and they were tightly entwined.

The meeting this time made Li Yanjie look forward to her bright future. She had a good impression of Sun Yingjie. If nothing else happened, she would consider talking about marriage with Sun Yingjie.Li Yanjie told her mother about Sun Yingjie's situation, and her mother was also very happy. She thought that Sun Yingjie was a good character, high-quality, and a rich diamond king, and told her to seize the opportunity and have a good relationship. Sun Yingjie called Li Yanjie every day since they met and asked in detail where Li Yanjie was and who he was with.Although Li Yanjie thought that he was too talkative and too lenient, she only thought that Sun Yingjie cared about herself, so she didn't take it to heart.

On October 25th, the weather changed suddenly, and Li Yanjie caught a cold, so she rested at home alone.When Sun Yingjie learned that Li Yanjie had a cold, he hurriedly asked for leave and drove a lot of medicines, and even cooked a bowl of Coke and ginger soup for Li Yanjie himself. Holding the hot ginger soup, Li Yanjie couldn't help being moved by Sun Yingjie's tenderness and concern.At this time, Sun Yingjie sat beside her, gently hugged Li Yanjie and "pecked" her hot face lightly, Li Yanjie's face turned red suddenly, the emotions between the two were ignited, he pressed Li Yanjie He fell on the bed and kissed wildly.Facing their belated love, the two responded to an ancient poem: Once the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world.

The boyfriend of the master's degree was insane and broke up after dating for more than 10 days Although Sun Yingjie received a higher education, from the bottom of his heart, he is an introverted and conservative person. As long as it is something he believes, nine bulls will not be able to pull him back.Sun Yingjie thought that since she had close contact with Li Yanjie, she would be her own for the rest of her life, and the matter between him and Li Yanjie was settled, and he became more and more dependent on Li Yanjie emotionally.Therefore, his "protection" of Li Yanjie was gradually upgraded.

Sun Yingjie watched Li Yanjie more and more closely, and called Li Yanjie to "check the post" every few hours. At noon on October 26, 2004, Li Yanjie was eating out with several colleagues when his cell phone rang. Li Yanjie saw that it was Sun Yingjie again, and couldn't help being a little annoyed.Because Sun Yingjie just called her an hour ago, and now the phone rang again, Li Yanjie was really annoyed. At the beginning, Li Yanjie felt that Sun Yingjie's intervening in his private life was a concern and love for him, but as time went on, this extraordinary "concern" has turned into stalking and cross-examination, which made Li Yanjie feel more and more It was uncomfortable, but Li Yanjie endured it silently. Li Yanjie didn't want to answer the phone, so he let the phone ring. At this time, a male colleague picked up Li Yanjie's phone and said, "Why don't you answer the phone? How about I answer it for you." Li Yanjie thought it would be good to be angry with Sun Yingjie , who let him take care of himself all day long, so he smiled and said: "Okay, you can take it." The male colleague answered the phone without saying a word: "Hey, who are you looking for?" Sun Yingjie did not expect that it would be a man holding Li Yanjie's mobile phone, and he asked, "Who are you? Where is Li Yanjie?" The male colleague was bad He smiled and said, "Who are you? I'm her boyfriend!" Sun Yingjie became furious when he heard that, and cursed: "Which bastard are you, let Li Yanjie answer the phone!" When the colleague heard that Sun Yingjie's tone was wrong, he quickly turned off the phone Give it back to Li Yanjie. As soon as Li Yanjie answered the phone, Sun Yingjie asked loudly: "Where are you? What is the relationship between that man and you just now? Why are you dating other men behind my back?" Although Li Yanjie was furious, she thought it was her after all I agreed to let my colleague answer the phone, so I suppressed my anger and said, "That's my colleague, he was just joking with you, don't take it seriously." Sun Yingjie insisted on telling Li Yanjie the location of the hotel, and he wanted to investigate.Li Yanjie didn't want him to come, otherwise she would be ashamed.Li Yanjie had no choice but to bite the bullet and apologized, before coaxing Sun Yingjie over. Colleagues who were watching the excitement all joked: "Yanjie, it's true that one thing is one thing. We express our deepest sympathy and respect to you!" Li Yanjie couldn't laugh or cry, I really didn't know that Sun Yingjie was such a serious person. In the evening, Sun Yingjie asked Li Yanjie out, and the two were talking. At noon, the male colleague called Li Yanjie to apologize to her.When Sun Yingjie heard that it was a man calling Li Yanjie, he immediately asked who it was, and quarreled with Li Yanjie at that time.This made Li Yanjie very annoyed, and was depressed all the time. Whenever she thought of Sun Yingjie's intransigence, Li Yanjie regretted that she should not have met this man in the first place.Sun Yingjie was the chairman of the school's student union when he was a student, and he was the department leader in his work unit. He didn't understand anything except study and work, but he still insisted on Li Yanjie to be motivated, listen to him, and put his life on study and work with the greatest efficiency .And Li Yanjie is an idle white-collar petty bourgeoisie, who has been completely driven crazy by Sun Yingjie's preaching. As time got longer, Li Yanjie found that Sun Yingjie was a very self-centered person, he often did not consider other people's feelings when he said and did things, and he had to say everything.Once when the two went shopping together, Li Yanjie fell in love with a new red windbreaker, but Sun Yingjie didn't like red, so he didn't agree to buy it anyway.Li Yanjie was so angry that she took out her credit card and said to the clerk, "Swipe the card, and I want this red one." But Sun Yingjie pressed her hand and said to the clerk, "Miss, we won't buy it." After finishing speaking He dragged Li Yanjie out. When has Li Yanjie been under such control from others, her pink face turned green with anger, she shook off Sun Yingjie vigorously, and said, "I don't need you to take care of what I buy myself! Why are you like this?" After finishing speaking, Li Yanjie left the mall without looking back.When Sun Yingjie chased him out, Li Yanjie had already boarded a taxi, even though Sun Yingjie yelled loudly from behind and ignored him. Sitting in the car, Li Yanjie stared blankly at the scenery outside the window. She hesitated about her relationship with Sun Yingjie.She couldn't help asking herself if she could continue with him?Thinking that he and Sun Yingjie have only known each other for more than ten days, but he can't wait to be by her side all the time, and he also likes to impose his will on her head. Such a strong possessive desire makes Li Yanjie breathless .Li Yanjie sighed, it seems that there are quite a lot of sequelae of online marriage recruitment. After thinking about it, Li Yanjie felt that he and Sun Yingjie were too different in character, and if they continued, they would only hurt each other. Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, so Li Yanjie decided to cut off their love.After Li Yanjie and his mother exchanged opinions, the mother also agreed to break up as soon as possible, not to waste time with him.So, on November 5, 2004, the couple who had only been together for more than ten days talked about breaking up.Li Yanjie insisted on breaking up, saying that no matter how good Sun Yingjie was, he couldn't stand his character. However, for Sun Yingjie, breaking up is impossible to accept. He almost pours all his love on Li Yanjie, and he wants to get Li Yanjie no matter what.But Li Yanjie was determined to break up, she said categorically: "Our personalities don't match, and it will be a matter of time before we break up. Don't bother, you will definitely find a better girl." Sun Yingjie was unwilling to accept the fact of the breakup. He still called Li Yanjie every day, imagining that Li Yanjie and himself could get back together, and he also taught Li Yanjie over and over again that the relationship should not be hasty, and if you love it, you will continue to love it.Li Yanjie found out that this man had a "virgin complex" inexplicably, it was extremely frightening, and she really made up her mind not to associate with Sun Yingjie anymore.From then on, whenever it was Sun Yingjie's call, she would hang up without hesitation. In order to prevent Sun Yingjie's harassment, Li Yanjie also changed her mobile phone number and home phone number. For a while, Li Yanjie's ears were much cleaner. However, just when Li Yanjie was secretly glad that he finally got rid of Sun Yingjie's entanglement, Sun Yingjie followed her unknowingly.One night, when Li Yanjie arrived at the door of her house, a car stopped abruptly in front of her. When Sun Yingjie got out of the car, Li Yanjie asked in surprise: "Why are you here?" Sun Yingjie said very gentlemanly: "It's nothing , Miss you, let me come to see you, and talk to you by the way." Li Yanjie frowned, and said seriously: "We have already broken up. You have to face up to this reality. We all need a new life. Don't come to me in the future." Sun Yingjie said slowly: "You know, I put all my emotions I gave it all to you. You played with my feelings and wanted to get away and dump me. Is it that easy to cut off the relationship? I want to talk to your mother!" Li Yanjie finally couldn't bear it anymore, she asked Sun Yingjie what she wanted, if she could not pester her, she would rather give him a sum of money, who knew that Sun Yingjie plopped down on his knees and said: "Yanjie, my love has already been given to you , My heart is given to you, I am so good, how can I not be worthy of you, I don’t want anything but marriage, just marry me, I can be your servant in the future!" Li Yanjie was so angry that she rolled her eyes, she didn't expect Sun Yingjie to pester herself so much.She turned around angrily and entered the building door, and shut Sun Yingjie out of the building door.Sun Yingjie, who was rejected, was unwilling to give up. From then on, Li Yanjie would always see Sun Yingjie's car near his home.On weekends, when Li Yanjie went out, he would find Sun Yingjie following him in a car.Whenever she saw Sun Yingjie stalking her, Li Yanjie felt as sick as eating a fly. She regretted it very much, she really shouldn't rashly seek marriage on the Internet. In February 2005, Li Yanjie's younger brother came to Beijing, and the family reunited together.Sun Yingjie, who was watching outside, saw a man living in Li Yanjie's house, and immediately became jealous. He thought Li Yanjie was really a heartless woman, and he found another man so quickly.He decided to take action, he could no longer be passive. The next night, when the three members of Li's family were having dinner, Sun Yingjie came to the door of Li's house and slammed on the door with his fist.Younger brother Li Feng opened the door, Sun Yingjie saw that this man was still in Li's house, he was furious, and asked, "Who are you and why are you here?" The young and energetic Li Feng saw an inexplicable The man was very upset, and asked: "It's none of your business who I am, who are you? Get out!" Li Feng's contempt instantly ignited Sun Yingjie's anger and jealousy. Sun Yingjie grabbed Li Feng's collar and shouted: "What are you? How dare you come and snatch Li Yanjie from me! Tell you, Li Yanjie is mine Woman!" Li Feng was also furious, complaining in his heart that his sister was really blind, why did she find such a person, but he didn't say that he was Li Yanjie's younger brother, he wanted to play with this man who didn't know what to do. As a result, the two men began to wrestle. Hearing the noise at the door, Li Yanjie hurried over to pull the two of them away. She held down the excited Sun Yingjie and asked, "What are you doing here? We have already broken up. There is nothing wrong with you continuing to entangle like this." Meaning." Turning around, he said to Li Feng, "Go into the house quickly!" His mother also came out and dragged Li Feng, Li Feng gave Sun Yingjie a hard look, turned around and helped his mother into his room. Sun Yingjie pointed to Li Feng's back and asked: "What's the matter with this man? I didn't expect you to be such a flirtatious woman." Li Yanjie was very displeased, so she said: "Yes, I am a flirtatious woman, now you See clearly. I'm not good enough for you, so hurry up and find another woman, and stop pestering me." Sun Yingjie sneered and said, "Do you think I'm such an easy-going person? Tell you, you played with me Don't think I'll let you go. If you find a man, I'll expose your true colors to him!" Li Yanjie was so angry that she pushed Sun Yingjie out and closed the door hard.Sun Yingjie yelled and cursed outside for a while before leaving. After the incident, Sun Yingjie didn't show up for a while, Li Yanjie couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, she thought Sun Yingjie had given up, how could she expect that Sun Yingjie was planning a revenge plan. The setback in love made Sun Yingjie very hurt, and his emotions were greatly affected. He felt that he had been played with by a "low-quality" woman, and his self-esteem was hurt.He often got angry at his colleagues for no reason, and made frequent mistakes at work. For this reason, Sun Yingjie was often criticized by his leaders. The leaders even hinted that if his performance did not improve, he would change his position.All these made Sun Yingjie put the blame on Li Yanjie. He thought that Li Yanjie was the culprit. It was she who made him miserable, and he wanted revenge. On Valentine's Day, February 14, 2006, when Li Yanjie came to work early in the morning, she found that people around her were looking at her strangely.After arriving at the seat, when Li Yanjie was feeling uneasy, the leader called to talk to her. Li Yanjie wondered if he had done anything wrong recently, but after thinking about it, he felt that he had done nothing wrong.She knocked on the leader's door anxiously.The leader didn't say anything, and let her read an email first.Li Yanjie was puzzled, and after a closer look, it turned out to be a slander letter sent by Sun Yingjie. The letter used a lot of insulting words to describe Li Yanjie as a shameless and wanton woman, saying that her getting rich by one-night stands is equivalent to a prostitute. .Li Yanjie's lungs exploded with anger, she did not expect Sun Yingjie to use such a damaging move. Li Yanjie was trembling with anger, his eyes were black, and he cursed: "Shameless! What a despicable villain." Seeing this, the leader quickly comforted him: "Xiao Li, don't be angry, we all know what you are like How do you deal with this matter?" Li Yanjie immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed 110 to call the police.As an innocent woman, she cannot tolerate such insults to her. Sun Yingjie was detained by the Haidian police for 5 days because of the clear facts of the defamation and conclusive evidence. Li Yanjie thought that Sun Yingjie's punishment would make him lose his way, but she didn't expect that the lesson this time not only did not stop Sun Yingjie, but made him slide further to the edge of crime. After Sun Yingjie came out of the detention center, he was stared at by colleagues in the company, and many people were reluctant to associate with him. Sun Yingjie didn't have many friends before, and now he is even more lonely.Sun Yingjie did not reflect on his behavior, but more stubbornly believed that it was all because of Li Yanjie.He secretly made up his mind that he would not be a gentleman if he did not take revenge! Sun Yingjie started to follow Li Yanjie again, this time he did it more secretly, thinking that Li Yanjie, who thought the rain had passed, never realized that he had become Sun Yingjie's prey again. Sun Yingjie didn't have time to eat after work, so he drove to Li Yanjie's house to wait.Whenever Sun Yingjie drove to follow Li Yanjie, seeing Li Yanjie smiling like a flower, Sun Yingjie felt a sharp pain in his heart. This lovely girl who should belong to him, but he didn't know who would be in his arms.Sun Yingjie's hand gripping the steering wheel couldn't help trembling, he couldn't bear this kind of imagination.Sun Yingjie's heart was already twisted, he thought bitterly: What I can't get, no one else can get it, even if it's destroyed! When following Li Yanjie several times, Sun Yingjie had an urge to run directly over him, but he controlled this urge. He thought that as long as Li Yanjie didn't find another man, he could bear it for a while. In a blink of an eye, in March 2007, Li Yanjie was safe and sound under Sun Yingjie's close monitoring and tracking.Unexpectedly, the leader arranged for Sun Yingjie to go on a business trip for 3 months. Sun Yingjie was very reluctant to go on a business trip, because once he was on a business trip, he would not be able to track Li Yanjie's whereabouts.Sun Yingjie tried his best to lobby the leader to send someone else to go.But the leader was so annoyed by him that he gave him an ultimatum, either to travel or resign.Sun Yingjie had no choice but to pack his things and go on a business trip. On the afternoon of June 25, 2007, in the burning hope, Sun Yingjie finally returned to Beijing.The first thing Sun Yingjie did was to drive to Li Yanjie's house.There was an endless stream of people returning home from get off work, but he didn't notice Li Yanjie.He looked up at the window of Li's house, only to see that the curtains were drawn and the window was also open.Sun Yingjie waited patiently. He must see Li Yanjie to relieve the pain of lovesickness for three months. Until the sun went down and the twilight was getting thicker, Sun Yingjie finally saw Li Yanjie and his mother coming out with the puppy.Sun Yingjie was excited, he quietly started the car and followed slowly. When Li's mother and daughter strolled near the Changping Science and Technology Park, Li Yanjie met a friend. If Li Yanjie had met a female friend, she might not have encountered the next catastrophe.But it happened that what she met was a handsome man, and the two greeted each other warmly, and chatted while walking, and the mother took a walk with the puppy to the side knowingly and alone. Sun Yingjie, who was following behind, saw Li Yanjie having a happy conversation with a strange man, jealousy and resentment surged into his heart together.Unexpectedly, his worries became reality.Sure enough, Li Yanjie met a new man during his business trip, Sun Yingjie banged his head on the steering wheel in frustration.How to do it?Seeing that Li Yanjie was about to fall into the arms of another man, Sun Yingjie became more and more agitated, and the fire of jealousy was burning. At this time, a gust of wind happened to blow, and a leaf fell on Li Yanjie's shoulder impartially. The man swept the leaf off Li Yanjie's shoulder, and the two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled. But at this time, the depressed Sun Yingjie saw the man ambiguously caressing his hand over Li Yanjie's shoulder, and the two of them still smiled meaningfully.Sun Yingjie's eyes were bloodshot red, and he slammed his hands on the steering wheel, he couldn't take it anymore.Thinking that the two would hug and kiss next time, Sun Yingjie lost his mind.If you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous!Sun Yingjie roared in his heart. When the man turned and left, Sun Yingjie, who was gnashing his teeth, stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car immediately rushed towards Li Yanjie, whose back was facing Sun Yingjie, like an arrow off the string.Li Yanjie was knocked down on the front engine cover, turned somersault in the air, and landed 5 meters away. The car came to an abrupt stop, and seeing Li Yanjie slowly falling down in front of his eyes like a flying leaf, Sun Yingjie was startled suddenly, and suddenly woke up, what happened to him?Sun Yingjie closed his eyes, he didn't dare to imagine how Li Yanjie would be hit by him, so Sun Yingjie gritted his teeth and reversed the car, stopped in front of Li Yanjie, he wanted to go down to see how Li Yanjie was doing. All the people present were stupefied by the sudden disaster, Li Yanjie was lying on the ground moaning, Li Yanjie's mother couldn't care about the puppy anymore, and ran towards Li Yanjie while shouting "I hit someone".Mother just helped Li Yanjie up and hugged her.Sun Yingjie's white Jetta stopped beside him, and he said to Li Yanjie's mother, "Look who I am." Li Yanjie's mother stepped forward and grabbed the car door, trying to prevent the car from leaving, but as soon as Sun Yingjie stepped on the accelerator, the Jetta The car jumped forward.At this moment, security guards rushed out from all directions.Under the siege and interception, the security guards caught Sun Yingjie and sent him to the police station. Fortunately, Li Yanjie was quickly sent to the nearest hospital. According to the doctor's appraisal, she only suffered minor injuries. Although her physical pain was nothing, her mental pain could not be eliminated in a short time.Thinking that he was almost buried under Sun Yingjie's wheel, Li Yanjie shuddered in his heart.She didn't know how Sun Yingjie could be so cruel. Recalling the scenes of meeting Sun Yingjie 3 years ago, Li Yanjie was so sad that she shed bitter tears.She couldn't help regretting her marriage proposal on the Internet. The stability of love and marriage needs to be established on the basis of long-term understanding between the two parties. Only impulsiveness and passion cannot perform a long-term harmonious relationship between the sexes.For the majority of women, love is sweet and attractive, but when facing passion, you must keep your eyes open and carefully examine the men who appear in your life. Sun Yingjie, who reaped the consequences of his own life, was severely punished by the law. On July 14, 2008, Sun Yingjie was sentenced to 4 years in prison by the Changping District People's Court of Beijing on suspicion of intentional homicide. Sun Yingjie, who was in prison, did not realize that it was his paranoid character that caused his tragedy.As an excellent senior white-collar worker, his mental health is regrettable.Sun Yingjie's personality is a typical paranoid personality disorder. From a psychological point of view, the clinical manifestations of paranoid personality disorder are mainly sensitive and suspicious, stubborn and easy to bear hatred.Patients with paranoid personality disorder often fear shame or shame, hypervigilance and hostility, making people feel difficult to get along with.Patients often blame others for their setbacks and failures, thinking that they are the result of others doing everything possible to hinder their success.At the same time, the patient always thinks that he has extraordinary abilities and deserves to achieve great achievements. If it hinders his personal pursuit of interests and rights, he will entangle him for many years, insisting on seeking the so-called "justice", and he will always be persistent.Moreover, they cannot tolerate the unfair treatment and harm they think they have received, and will look for opportunities to retaliate.The main means of revenge is to belittle, hate, and attack others everywhere. In recent years, there have been frequent cases of psychological problems caused by senior intellectuals.Faced with the psychological problems of these social elites, we have to reflect on what is missing in today's education. Is quality education really emphasizing "quality"?
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