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Chapter 10 Chapter 3 Pilgrims in the Kingdom of Money

country diary 何建明 13875Words 2018-03-14
I read a book about the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and it was really thrilling. The spiritual power of religion is the power of a supernatural, unusual god.If we can understand the great gravitational force that religion exerts on believers, then I don't understand for a while the kind of religious madness and hallucinations that appear in front of money and the material world. The first incident happened in Chenxi, Hunan. Old man Ge—actually, he was just over half a century old. One night 20 years ago, he suddenly had 7 dreams: he dreamed that the Jade Emperor told him that there was gold under the mountain at the back door of his house.The old man Ge was only in his thirties at the time. After waking up, he jumped up from the bed and shouted repeatedly: God, open your eyes.Send it!

The mother-in-law dubiously believed and dug with him night after night, but found nothing.The mother-in-law quit, saying that she was too tired to die at night, why would she go to the ground during the day? The old man Ge said: What kind of land do you want?Wait until the gold is dug out to get what you want, beauty is too late. The mother-in-law dug with him for half a month.The mounds of soil became hills, and there were no gold stars. Don't plant the ground, dig, dig, dig your piss nest, I quit!The mother-in-law has since stopped. Old man Ge didn't stop, and started digging during the day.

Neighbors and distant villages all know about this.Others saw him digging like this for a year and a half, thinking that there was real gold buried at the bottom of the mountain. As a result, it was spread to ten, ten to hundreds. Gold, people almost turned the whole mountain bag upside down, but there is still no gold star. Everyone was finally discouraged, threw down their shovels and picks, and withdrew from the mountain, but Old Man Ge remained the same. He dug and dug, dug, year after year, for 20 years... One day, his mother died.Others ran to the cave to tell him the bad news.Unexpectedly, he wiped off his sweat and said that he was old anyway, so he picked up the iron chisel and chiseled it open.

The mother-in-law couldn't stand the crime, so she rolled up her bed, took her son out of the house, and never returned.After hearing this, he flicked the iron braze and said: What are you afraid of?As long as the gold is dug out, do you still have to worry about not having a wife and son? Later, he simply threw away his farm work and pawned his family property in exchange for explosives to open mountains and daily necessities for filling his belly, and he dug in the hole with all his heart. Last autumn, when the county magistrates learned about this incident, they were very shocked. They took the initiative to contact the provincial geological team and hired two engineers to investigate the back mountain of Old Han Ge's house. They found that there was no gold mine in the area.The magistrate told Old Man Ge.Unexpectedly, the old man Ge was furious, held up the iron pick, stood at the entrance of the cave and said loudly: "If anyone is unlucky again, I will ask the Jade Emperor to kill his eight generations of ancestors!"

Since then, no one has stopped this gold fanatic who has never stopped digging mountains.Today, old man Ge has cut through the back mountain.Because he never saw the kind of gold that the Jade Emperor said to him in his dream, he changed his direction and started digging the mountain from the beginning... The second incident happened in the Xiaoqinling gold mining area in Shaanxi. The date is July 11, 1994.This is an insignificant day for many people.But in the Xiaoqinling Mountains, it is such a frightening death day. No one can say exactly how many people died on both sides of the Xiyu River in the Xiaoqinling gold mining area that day.Some people say, two or three hundred.Some people say that there are no less than 300 migrant workers living under the dam built with waste ore in the Guangwenyu Gold Mine, and now only more than 80 people are left alive.And there are at least a few thousand people who mine gold along the banks of the Xiyu River. In the face of the flood that is more than ten feet high and accompanied by roaring rocks, only God knows where these people have gone...

The "7.11 Incident" in Xiaoqinling is a rare and serious accident since the founding of the People's Republic of China.Its full truth is still or never will be known.Because those who were buried in the flood were all local villagers who had no household registration, no registration, and did not know where they came from.Their families know nothing about this, and they are still waiting day after day and month after month for their relatives who have gone to the remote mountains to send back the money they earned from digging to build new houses, exchange wives and family members. Retirement at the end of life... What a bleak wait!

Such a horrific tragedy did not shake the gold diggers who flocked from all directions.When the bodies of those innocent miners who died in the 7.11 incident were still floating or exposed to the sun in the river valley or on the river surface, I came here to interview, and I saw batch after batch of people marching towards Jinshan Xin Caimin's footsteps are still so calm, so persistent, so unwavering, without any sense of fear on his face. ... Can't remember when, can't remember where.Only when I embrace you can the soul be sublimated and life resurrected.Ah, you are like the Almighty God, who brings life to the dead and death to the living.People are willing to die generously for you and live bravely for you.You are the seat of God, you are the cornerstone of God, and you are in the kingdom of heaven with God... This is a passage in a "Golden Manifesto" written by a certain gentleman.

Ah, money and wealth, you, the king of heaven, have made many crazy followers bow their heads for you and dance the swing dance of life; In the 1940s, when the United States, as a victorious country in World War II, achieved an unprecedented economic leap, there was a wave of western development that once carried the history of the United States.Who would have imagined that in China 40 years later, when the economic development momentum of the coastal areas crossed the border and rushed towards the tide of the world, there seemed to be a hurricane-like development in the west of China that had been silent for many years overnight. hot.The western fever that spread to Xinjiang, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and even the entire land of China was caused by the metal element code-named Au.

Gold, your reputation is too great, and your charisma surpasses any kind of divine power produced by philosophers and religious figures! Those herdsmen who have lived on a piece of yellow sheepskin for so many lives are too poor. They need nutrition to nourish their thin bodies. watch.In the windy sand sea, I have spent life after life in poverty and hardship. The times have given such an opportunity! Westerners began to rediscover and discover their own land. There is no need to listen to such legends - in 1972, when US President Nixon visited China, the first generous gift he presented to Premier Zhou Enlai was that the resource satellite of the United States of America detected that there was a large gold mine in western China.

There is no need to listen to such news——In 1985, an official from the China National Gold Corporation visited Australia, and the person in charge of the Australian mining department told him: If there is a gold field in western China that announces its reserves, it will cause explosive fluctuations in gold prices around the world. Global Financial Shock! Ah, in the past, people underestimated and neglected the 800-mile vast Kunlun and the majestic Qilian in the sea of ​​clouds, thinking that they were just two giants with yellow sand and golden armor, no flowers but only cold.The fact of the matter is that these two Western Optimus Primes wear thick real gold armor and yellow robes.The high-precision American satellites and the Australians looking for Jin Yizu refer to these two big vaults.This is by no means sensational.After surveying, Chinese geologists quickly confirmed that the embrace of Kunlun and Qilian Mountains is rich in gold veins and rich in alluvial gold.In Hongjintai, where gold is the richest, a shovel of sand is sprinkled on the ground with a splash, and gold grains the size of sesame seeds are easy to pick up.It is not uncommon for local herdsmen to pick up gold nuggets weighing 10 or 20 catties while riding camels to graze.

How many years have people not understood the value of gold?Do you not understand that gold can be exchanged for wealth and heavenly life?no.That's because the herdsmen on Jintan and Jinshan are piously obeying the instructions of the gods: the herdsmen take herding as a profession, and all accidental things will be torn apart by evil.They protect the golden mountains and golden beaches devoutly, just like protecting their own pastures and gardens. Even if they pick up a priceless gold nugget, at most they use it to cast a small spoon for the child's milk and a pair of exquisite cushions. The clasp that was attached... What, there's gold everywhere?Herdsmen used it to cast spoons and clasps?Ha ha, fool!idiot!One day, when those smart people heard about such things, they could no longer hold back their greedy hearts, so they gathered in groups and walked out of caves, huts, and high-rise buildings--compared with gold, high-rise buildings are nothing ?With the entrustment of the wife, the hope of the child, the conditions of the fiancée and the lover, from the depths of the Tianshan Mountains, the land of the Qinhuai River, the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, the capital of the Haihe River... Teams, line by line, fight with excitement, excitement and risk your life With his strong determination and fighting spirit, he marched toward Lulun, Qilian, and west like a turbulent wave! How many gold diggers are there in the west?We can get a rough idea from these official cards, all of which are extremely incomplete and accurate data: In 1982, more than a dozen of the six major Jinshan Mountains, namely Kunlun, Qilian, Tianshan, Altai, Bogda, and Altun The number of gold diggers at the pass is 43,500; in 1983, 64,800; in 1984, 139,000; in 1985, 175,000; in 1986, 187,000; in 1987, 193,000; in 1988, 204,000... …From 1990 to 1994, the average number was more than 250,000 to 300,000 per year. What a huge team this is!The huge wave of unswerving determination, courage, and never giving up until the goal is reached, formed by the human nature of this team, swept the lonely west unstoppably, turning the western part of China into another noisy city overnight. Boiling world, a truly wild world. Let us make some inquiries to the public in a natural way of realism—— Naked Male World: A ridge of the Kunlun Mountains at an altitude of more than 4,500 meters, a ridge made of gold.Don't think that there are tens of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of people. This first mighty team can fill Kunlun, which stretches for 800 miles.Naive writers are always deceived in front of the picture scroll of real life.With its huge body, Kunlun does not allow us to feel that its body is being ravaged by people with limited vision. Hey, there seems to be someone there!Someone discovered through the telescope that there are several small spots wriggling beside a mountain in the front left. The jeep traveled again for half an hour for this purpose. We were pleasantly surprised to find that it turned out to be a huge open-pit gold mine!The wriggling dots in the telescope lens are the busy gold diggers. The golden land, the golden sky, the golden crowd... This is our strongest first impression.What surprised us is that in this world that is almost isolated from the outside world, thousands of gold miners are also golden yellow, a golden yellow that is very harmonious with nature.Yes, dear reader, it is difficult for you to have such a blessing. Here, we found that all the gold diggers were naked, and none of them had the slightest bit of shame on their faces.In contrast, those of us who have covered up that god-given thing feel very uncomfortable.This is a male world, there is no female.Those big heads, broad shoulders, rough voices, together with the erect penis that symbolizes men, show a kind of majestic strength and unconquerable spirit. Most of them are very young, but they all have their heads bald. Under the refraction of the setting sun and the sand sea, they are like yellow light bulbs, shining brightly.Naturally, that face, that sweaty back, and those feet deeply planted in the sand all glowed with a shiny yellow light. The attraction of gold is ten times, a hundred times stronger than that of magnets.They didn't even bother to glance at our well-dressed visitors.Almost all of them are so concentrated, holding the shaking dustpan, wooden plate, and shovel in their hands, staring at the gold particles that float and appear in the water with their eyes, and kicking their feet to prevent them from slipping. Those scattered grains of sand in other lands... hello boy how old are youIn front of a young man's gold pan, we want to make a few words. The other party gave him a blank look, but didn't speak. How long have you been here?How much gold can be panned in a day? The other party cast a second look, obviously there was one more thing - hostility. Why are you all bald and naked?How indecent! Probably seeing that our son Ling is an unrepentant talker, he finally stopped what he was doing. A few of us showed triumphant smiles, but immediately we were all furious, scolding these people for being rude at all! Because the other party used those sand-stained hands to pick up the hard work on his lower body, and said: It's not at your house, can you control it?I'd like to ask you guys why are you wrapping up that stuff so tightly?Is it a short piece of wicker or a wicker that can't penetrate the hole? Hahaha... The entire gold rush field suddenly erupted with frightening and wanton laughter. The laughter reverberated like the earth was shaking... Indeed, in this world of naked males, some of us well-dressed civilized people are like monkeys wrapped in red shirts who are ridiculed in the zoo. Simply, we stripped off our clothes, so neat and happy !Said the brother of the poet temperament.But after all, no one has that kind of courage, including himself. You ask this?Finally, we had the chance to know everything we wanted to know, an elderly gold miner resting on the construction site with a tumor on his foot told us, well, who wouldn't want to dig more gold here?However, gold mining requires strong strength, and people are prone to fatigue. Working for a day is like changing the skeleton.There are no women here, so everyone simply took off all their clothes to work so as not to get in the way.Besides, no one wants to spend even half a catty of effort on top of panning for gold. What are you talking about? Ricoh head?This is also forced out.There's nowhere to wash your face or take a shower here, and what a hindrance it is to have hair!Is it still full of lice over time?Come on again, bare, go to hell with bugs and lice! It's been a long time.Everyone felt very comfortable naked.After being exposed to the sun and sand, the skin becomes hard and slippery.At night, everyone drilled and rolled in the sand, hey, it was ten or eight times more comfortable than taking a bath in the bathtub.Do not believe you can try! When the old man said this, he was very boastful.In the struggle against nature, the gold diggers in the west showed astonishing tolerance and ability.However, when they deal with their own lives, they are pitiful and unsightly. On the back of a mountain 100 meters away from the gold field, there is a hut, which the gold diggers jokingly call their golden city.Most of the huts are supported by transparent plastic sheets in a square shape, and only rarely are canvas tents used.The furnishings in the house are simple: a sleeping mat, two bags of food are placed on the top of the head and the heels respectively, which are used as pillows and footrests.Human beings are so highly intelligent, and even the simplest invention can achieve huge benefits. However, these Adams are too accommodating to their own requirements, as dirty as they are.Here, there is no water. Although there is a stream in the gold panning field, the water there is used for panning for gold. Anyone who uses it for washing without authorization will be expelled from the gold field, so it is impossible to wash his face and bathe.After finishing work and returning to the city, I drilled in the sand, rolled a few times, wiped off the sweat and dirt on my body, and then wiped it with a piece of cloth, and the work was done.Why bother, I don't have a wife or Simmons by my side.Save a catty of effort, maybe hold an extra golden baby tomorrow!They have their reasons. Eating is easier than sleeping.People in the south bring fried noodles, people in Shaanxi bring deep-fried sanzi, which looks like noodles, and people in Sichuan bring dried sweet potatoes.Grab a handful, take a sip of water, and you're done.After a long time, the food grew green hairs, and they ate it well.Then, inevitably appear food poisoner. In Jincheng, we found an intolerable phenomenon, that is, feces everywhere.They didn't build toilets, didn't dig cesspit, and they didn't even want to walk a few more steps, so they defecated around the hut.Between the huts, there is no place that is not a continuous piece of feces, except for a line of footprints at the door. What's this?Alpine lack of oxygen, you have to pant after walking a few more steps, so let's not take that stupidity!No one answered otherwise. Apart from eating, pulling, and panning for gold, they still have a lot of spare time, but they don’t have much more content. They read martial arts books, play poker, drink old wine, talk about women, fight... the unique expertise of men can be used here superior. Here, everything is determined by winning or losing.Compare drinking until you drink to death; compare fighting until your head is stuck in your shoulders; compare playing poker until the gold you dug up is mortgaged with your wife at home... Ah, woman!Women are one of the most talked about and hardest things to get in the male world.So it started with two men sleeping together... Homosexuality, very common among gold diggers. They are not ashamed of it. When these vigorous men suddenly leave their wives and lovers and live a long period of abstinence, they naturally feel extreme pain.It is reported that lovers are often a good partner during the day and a good couple at night.Nothing, we both agreed and had a great time!A gay couple say this, and we can tell you that once the gold rush is over, we'll part amicably and go back to our respective wives' beds... This type of staged same-sex couple is widely admired by Adams in the gold rush.The Garden of Eden in the desert is so bizarre and unique! In the world of men, women sometimes appear, although they are very rare.But once it appears, it is a blatant storm or earthquake. A gold mine.A new group of young people from Henan.They come in groups.The first task on the first day is to shave your head.In this regard, the new residents did not have a single anomaly, and it was true.The next day, among all the naked men, there was a young man who refused to take off his clothes and pants. he is sick!The people together answered like this. Two days, three days, ten days, twenty days... He had been wearing his clothes all the time, and his hands and feet were completely free from any discomfort caused by illness.People began to doubt.One to ten, ten to a hundred, a hundred to a thousand... This is a tomboy!Don't believe me, look at his bulging chest!Yes, we are all tanned and yellow, but we are still tender and tender after being tanned like him!Hey, tonight we... a few bad boys got together and made an idea: visit Cao Ying at night to see what happened! Under the moonlight, Jincheng was full of grunts.At this time, a dozen young men tiptoed around the hut of the young man who did not want to take off his clothes.Damn, I can't see inside!It was discovered that the hut was made of opaque canvas. Give!Someone passed a knife to the person in front.Thus, a gap appeared in the tight canvas... what!what is that? ...The two white thighs, looking up, is a jade-like crisp breast, in the center of the crisp breast, rise two high and released snow mountains...God!The lad in front nailed it like a wish board.The air froze, and the eyeballs went straight... What's going on?Let me see!The people in the back are tense like it's about to fight World War III.So, you squeeze me, I squeeze you, the hut is like a sampan bumping on the waves. Hey - get up and see! What are you looking at? woman!Here we have a naked woman! What, there are women here!Where? The entire Jincheng woke up!The men came out of their huts like crazy, and even the fake couples who were enjoying themselves rushed over... Do not go forward!Do not go forward!The canvas hut had long been crushed to the ground, and a crowd of people stood around it.They howled, laughed wildly, and even kept rubbing their naked bodies... But they still couldn't get closer to take a closer look.The tomboy's true face was surrounded by a dozen fellow Henan villagers who came together... This night, the noise continued until dawn. From the second day on, the tomboy never showed up at the construction site: she was always guarded by her fellow villagers.However, those men who didn't get a chance to have a good time were not willing to let it go.They took turns attacking.Until the dozen or so fellow Henan villagers threw away their dustpans and formed a protective circle again. Who can get this hard! The protective circle of a dozen people bears the blows of several and a thousand people in turn.As a result, the villagers in Henan couldn't sleep at night and couldn't go to work during the day, and they might be trampled to death by the gangsters at any time. No, I have to see it today!On the third day, those wild men who did not get the blessing of the eye made a fuss.Just as a bloody fight was about to take place at the gold pan, suddenly, a naked woman emerged from under the collapsed canvas.Her whole body is as white as jade, standing like a goddess in front of these wild men.Her voice was hoarse, and she burst into tears: ...Look!See enough... I, I don't blame you 3 She lowered her head slightly in shame.Suddenly, she raised her head, her voice became so trembling: I, my man is also a gold digger, he is just like you...Chu came out the year before.But his life is not good, no: he got wind and cold within three months... We have only been married for three months, but he left, leaving behind two old people paralyzed on the bedside and one of his seeds... The important person bears three people.A few acres of land cannot support the whole family.A few boys in the village said that it is possible to pan for gold here, and it is no problem to earn ten or eight yuan a day.So I just... I disguised myself as a man and followed them here secretly... I didn't want you... She covered her face and wept.I... I don't blame you guys.Who let me walk into your men's world!Me, I'm leaving tomorrow... No, sister, don't go!I don't know who suddenly knelt down and shouted.As a result, hundreds of male citizens also knelt down together as if they had heard an order. Miss, don't go!don't go!We feed you!Feed your whole family——! Ah, the vast desert, echoing this heart-shattering voice for a long time! Ah, ancient Gobi, are you calling for the recovery of humanity? Yes, they—these gold diggers heard the voice and fate of their wives and mothers from this woman, and they began to feel ashamed and miserable!Feel human again, not just male! They kept her and gave her the best food every day, and quietly sent spoonfuls of sweat and affectionate gold dust!The gleaming sands are piled high with a little canvas hut... There is more than brutality and crime in the world of wild naked men.There are the ugliest things in the world, and sometimes the best things in the world! This is a world that is never harmonious. The Secret of Women's Country: In the gold mining army in the west, are there any gold diggers?I asked several departments and people who have been to the western gold mines, and they all said yes.So, what is it like?I insist on exploring the land of women in this golden world. It's a pity that in the huge western China, it takes a few days to go around a few places by plane, let alone interviewing all the gold rush fields.However, the country of gold digging women is in the hinterland of the Altai Mountains.Unless, you are preparing for three months.Someone said to me. Do you really want to know about Tao Jinnv?Lucky you, I just came back from the Altai Mountains!At a mineral resource management conference in Beijing, a female engineer from the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources heard that I was interviewing materials in this area, so she took the initiative to tell me her personal experience: a group of six of us went to Xinjiang to investigate the mining work of the masses .Because I am a lesbian, someone introduced to me that there is a country of gold-digging women in the Altai Mountains.This aroused my interest, so I asked Xiao Zhang, the driver of the District Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, to take me there. The way into the mountains is difficult because strictly speaking there is no way at all.We were in an old jeep.The car was advancing on what was called a road—actually a dry river bed.I don't know how many mountains and rivers we have passed, and we finally saw the gold rush field in the hinterland of the Altai Mountains. There are seventy-two ditches in Altai, and the ditches are said to be gold.In fact, our geological survey results show that there are at least 100 ditches and rivers flowing with enriched placer gold.The Altai Mountain embraces gold miners from all directions with a selfless heart.Some people estimate that there are no less than 10,000 female gold diggers in the Altai Mountains. Women need a special natural environment, which is the endless dry desert, where it is difficult for them to survive.Women cannot do without water.They have to wash their faces, and women who are not particular about it also have to wipe their faces; they have to take a bath, which is a habit handed down by Eve. Jie Nei's body is not allowed to be stained with dirt and sand, and the body is their capital; but more importantly It is they who experience what is called bad luck once a month. The men have already entered another golden ditch in the deep mountain, but they are still squatting on both sides of this long-flowing ditch full of hope. Women are not as focused as men.As soon as he saw someone passing by, he started chattering, but the work in his hand was not affected at all.It was noon, the sky was hot, and the gold diggers wore very little clothes.Of course no one wears skirts to work but what about the pants they wear underneath?They are very special: they have trouser legs, and they do not reach the knees.Some of the lower parts were obviously frayed and dropped, others were not.How nice it is to have inconvenient pant legs!A young girl was cutting the half-leg of her very new overalls with scissors.People wearing turbans are very common, but there are also some pretty girls with fluffy hair. The black waterfall sways with rhythmic movements, showing an intoxicating beauty.Because of too much sweat, the clothes on their upper bodies were soaked, exposing all the unique characteristics of women to everyone.They don't care, and for convenience, few people wear bras, so a pair of plump breasts are clearly visible in front of your eyes.Too many stimuli made some men embarrassed, and the driver Xiao Zhang did not dare to look at our female compatriots.It’s no wonder that some of our female compatriots, especially some middle-aged women, seem a little too bold and presumptuous, maybe because of the hot relationship, some of them let go of the second and third buttons on their chests, and their white breasts are almost all exposed... The reason why almost all gold diggers embark on the adventure-filled road of gold panning is mostly out of the most basic and primitive pursuit of human beings to survive and get rid of difficulties, unlike male gold diggers, many of them are Out of the psychology of worshiping money.Thus, by contrast, the fantasies and attachments of female gold diggers to gold.They are so important.However, things tend to be like this, the greater the hope, the easier it is to put yourself in a desperate situation.I learned that, with the exception of a few top picks, every gold digger has a life story oozing with blood and tears? Like the golden ditch I went to, it was about two miles long, and there were nearly ten thousand people, you and I, all of them seemed to be strangers to each other, neither saying hello nor walking around each other.A group of people has a fixed gang.There are big and small gangs, most of them form alliances with fellow villagers, and some voluntarily get together...to form alliances.The boss is called the boss.The boss is usually recommended by everyone, or has prestige, or is the first person here, or is a gold digger.Newcomers often don't see any hierarchy in the gang.In fact, a gang is like a country within a country, the gold pan is a big country, and the gang is a small country.There is a monarch in a small country, and the monarch is the leader, that is, the boss.The bottom of the boss is classified according to the working procedures of gold panning.Those who have just joined the team, have no experience, or those who are clumsy, belong to the lowest class. They can only do heavy and tiring work of planing or picking sand, and they are paid the least money. Often they don’t even see gold for a month. with.The second is people squatting in the water, holding a shovel, and carrying a dustpan or bamboo basket. Their task is to wash the sand.Sand scouring is a technical job. Baskets of yellow sand are sieved in dustpans or baskets, leaving a little black and yellow sand in the end.These sand grains are commonly known as alluvial gold, and they can be faintly reflected in the sun.The action of washing the sand is simple, but you have to learn how to control the heat. If the sand is heavy, it will all run away, and if it is light, the sand will not get out.Some people search for a day and nothing is left in the dustpan or basket. Such people will be degraded, that is, they have to do the heavy work of planing and picking sand.The income of the sand scourers is higher than that of the sand pickers and planers.The alluvial gold that is panned out is sent to a hut in a centralized manner. This process is called sand selection.The sand picker puts the sand grains on a sloping stone slab, and the slate has fine lines that are not deep.Sand grains with clear water pass through the stone slabs, and the alluvial gold falls into the fine lines.Sand pickers are generally veteran gold diggers with rich experience, high rank and high income.The last process is generally done by the boss himself, or by the boss with a few reliable experienced people.This preface is called blowing sand.That is, put the yellow alluvial gold sent by the sand picker into an iron vessel like a dustpan, throw the alluvial gold up, and blow on the thrown alluvial gold at the same time, so that the sand in the alluvial gold is blown to the ground, and the real gold is blown to the ground. Then fall into iron.Sand blowing is a high-tech technique. If the mouth is heavy, the gold will be blown away together. However, the gold that falls on the ground cannot be picked up. If the mouth is light, what falls into the iron is still alluvial gold.There are four processes and four levels in gold panning.Those who plan and pick sand usually only get two or three hundred yuan a month.Taosha people are double that.There are twice as many sand pickers as there are sand washers.And the boss and those who dry blow sand are higher.This concept of hierarchy has a strong feudal color.But in the gold rush field, it is a matter of course. Anyone who violates the law will be severely punished.It is said that a sand scourer found a piece of dog's head gold weighing several taels in her process, and hid it without anyone noticing.After being discovered by members of the gang, the boss not only confiscated the dog's head gold, but also expelled him from the gang.It is said that this kind of person will not be wanted in other gangs.It seems that the gang rules are still very strict.But how much gold those bosses have been greedy for alone, who knows? In addition to the ranks in the gang, there is also the supreme ruler of the gold field in the gold panning field, who is the big boss.The big boss ruled the entire gold field where he was located, quite like the monarch in a country.What is implemented is a centralized system.In the hands of the big bosses are thugs hired by the army; there are dirt holes dug by the prison, which are black, dirty and full of maggots.Any boss or gold digger who doesn't listen to the rules will have the right to be punished, ranging from monetary fines to severe physical punishment, or being kicked out of the gold field.Those who steal gold will be punished heavily if the amount is large and the circumstances are serious. Most of the income comes from the gold panned by new buddies, which is called head fee.The other is the monthly offerings made by the bosses of each gang.These two incomes alone are enough to make Da Datou the richest person in the entire gold rush. I found that among the gold mining crowd, many men can also be found.But these people are all hired by their big gold digger.Some of them are the concubines of the big boss, and some are thugs who are specially designed to help the big boss rule the gold field.These men are doing evil in this woman's country, doing all kinds of bad things.Whichever woman they want to sleep with, you can't escape the night.Some gold diggers refused, and they not only punished them physically, but also confiscated their money.Everyone came here to pan for gold and make money, and money is the lifeline, so those who refused at first had to be at the mercy of these beasts. The country of women in the western gold rush is such a world where hope and destruction, pursuit and fantasy, fragrant flowers and green plums coexist! A world full of mysteries! In the rubber forest and Chongling Mountains in Hainan, in the Shiwanda Mountains in Guangxi, and in the primeval forests of Guizhou, I heard more than once that those mountain people who were originally very poor suddenly found that the black or dazzling stones under their feet were After the baby got lumps, he desperately plundered and occupied, and then used his own strength to occupy the mountain as the king. After that, he built houses, abandoned his wives and took concubines, kept bodyguards, spent money like water, acted like a king, and even Gradually, he became secluded and reclusive, and ordinary people could not easily see them. Even if parents, relatives and friends came, they had to ask for instructions and pass through various levels before they were introduced.Feudal royal life and the way of governing people seem to be the same as human sexual instinct in Chinese people, which is innate and does not need to be taught. Under the night, among the Baili Mountains at the junction of Ziyuan and Xing'an in Guangxi, the mountains are covered with lights like stars, stones are cut and cannons are fired, people scream and horses neigh, and there is a messy sound.This situation makes people seem to see the era of steelmaking in 1958.However, I heard from my fathers that although there were such lights and such noises in the vast mountains and fields at that time, it was for the prosperity of the whole country (although the method was inappropriate) and the loud and loud songs of socialism sounded everywhere.But now, there are also such lights and such noises, who are people for? This is a little tune that has been passed down to my ears from the mountains and the wild.I can't help feeling a lot. Thirty years have passed, from when people unitedly proposed socialism to today when people sing about how rich they can buy concubines, the development of human history is sometimes really puzzling. Brother Lin is here! ...Hey, what does he do? Just as I followed my cousin, who was just acquainted, to the depths of a small street full of tents and thatched huts, when I came to the gate of a rather elegant stone courtyard, two young men with iron spears in their hands The man pushed me aside and asked. For the convenience of the interview, I got to know Lin, a city foreign trade buyer who specializes in reselling precious metals such as tungsten and antimony.Want to interview those cottage kings in the mountains?That's not an easy task, if you don't do it well, it will cost your life!The first time we met, Lin told me in such a tone.Count me, Lin, as an enthusiastic person again.However, I have to say something first: first, you must promise not to offend the God of Wealth in the mountains; second, you are not allowed to tell the people in my unit about the business I have done.You have to swear!I swear to God.We got married like this, and embarked on a journey that was both mysterious and new to me. How serious are you, Ah Fu, Ergui, go on!The cousin opened the purse with a bang, took out two Marlboro cigarettes, threw them to the two gatekeepers, and then said: This is my cousin, one of my own, take it to meet the king!He has a way in Beijing and can help us ship! This is the first clip.Followed by the second and third. I asked my cousin: Do you spend like this every time you come?I think he threw at least six Marlboros. He smiled contemptuously: Little boy, it is convenient to come and go after feeding these watchdogs, or it would be difficult to see Nan Batian, let alone doing business here! Who is Nan Batian? If all goes well, you'll see him after a while. We first sat in the stone courtyard for a while.My cousin said that this place is for business talks, called Juyi Hall.I looked up at the big wooden sign on the edge of the door. There were really three big characters written on it, and it turned out to be the ink marks of a well-known calligrapher! In this area, from the county towns and provincial capitals to the common people, who doesn't know that there is a great God of Wealth on Niutou Mountain, Guo Quanlu who is known as Nanbatian!These three characters were written by Guo Quanlu who paid 3,000 yuan and invited the calligrapher. It's really worth a thousand dollars! What is this!Seeing that many people in the living room were discussing business, my cousin didn't pay attention to the two of us, so he quietly told me: Guess how much this stone courtyard was built?I looked around the stone courtyard built with large blue stones, which is about the size of three basketball courts, and said: It’s probably 3000, right? What? 3000 can build such a good castle in the air?Not to mention anything else, look at the passage below the stone courtyard, which is the stone passage we came up just now, with a total of 365 steps, all of which are made of large bluestones transported from the back mountain. More than 10 yuan, plus labor, road construction, and guard fees, it cost 20,000 yuan.Look at this stone courtyard again, with blue sky and clouds on the top, cliffs on the left and right, such a stone courtyard building hanging on the mountainside, with exquisite rock walls and copper walls inside and outside, how much do you think it will cost? At this time, a skinny middle-aged man came up to me and sat down, and said, "Brother, it's a deal?"Boss Li was very kind, and he gave Ala three tons, so the trip was not in vain.As far as I know, there is a shortage of tungsten raw materials in Shanghai right now!Allah got these three tons, grandma's, saved half of Shanghai city!The Shanghai fellow said happily. In the evening, the host hosted a banquet.There are some real things on the table, such as bear paws from the Northeast, bird's nests from the sea, snake cubs from Guangdong, hairy crabs from Shanghai... everything.The wine is all Moutai.It is said that the cottage king is particularly fond of this wine. Come, come, under the care of all of you, please have a good drink, and get rid of the 30 tons of black lumps collected from various hills tomorrow morning! It's nothing to say, Second Master, if you say a word, none of us did it for Big Brother Guo with our heads on our shoulders! After the meal, I roughly counted the food and drinks on the table. There are three tables of people, and there is no 4,000 yuan that I can't get down anyway.Treat you like this all year round?I asked my cousin. Basically, there are even higher ones. It was a banquet hosted by Guo Quanlu himself.He rarely does, though. How much does he have on hand?Can you afford it? Do not pay? Now you are a layman.The people who serve the wine table all come to the mountain to buy goods.Nan Batian has nearly 2,000 miners who can mine at least 20 tons of tungsten ore every day.He sold it to us for 3,000 yuan per ton. In fact, the cost he spent was less than 700 yuan.How much money do you make per ton?And there is plenty of ore on the mountain, and it will not be able to be transported in the last three to five years.He seems to be doing favors inside and out, but in fact it is a lucrative business! He quietly pushed open the back door of the stone courtyard, and asked me to raise my head and look straight ahead.I saw a place about a hundred meters high in front of me, and there was a hole with a light on. From that hole, I could vaguely see four people holding a tool walking back and forth.That was Guo Quanlu's den, and the people at the entrance of the cave were bodyguards.It is said that he employed many bodyguards.If you can watch him go down the mountain, the formation will definitely surprise you.Once, I saw a few, and there were 12 pairs of bodyguards around me alone, plus dozens of entourages, which can be described as mighty.When I went down the mountain, I happened to meet a big cadre from the province who went to the countryside to inspect the work.Hey, this Guo Quanlu is rich and powerful!He was sitting in a Mercedes-Benz 600 given to him by a buddy from the Northeast Railway, and behind him were a dozen or so jeeps and tractors, forcing the provincial official to come side of the road... When did he start? That was four years ago.Guo Quanlu and his gang heard that there was a treasure buried on the mountain, so they gathered a group of veterans. He himself had been a scout in the army for three years, and he knew how to use the three-legged cat to go up the mountain and occupy a mine.At that time, although Guo Quanlu and the others knew that the ore on this mountain was a treasure, they didn't know how to turn it into money.Coincidentally, a few people came from Guangdong at this time.These guys knew the goods, and they knew at a glance that they could make a fortune abroad, so they bought them from Guo Quanlu at a high price.后来,广东人又倒手卖给了福建人,一下赚了15万元。郭全禄一听说,也急眼了,带着人上山把那些广东人截住,说这矿山是他们的,硬把那15万元要了回来。As the saying goes, if you smell fishy, ​​you want to eat big fish.郭全禄一不做,二不休,回过头来,又把那个福建人给赶跑了。With just such a toss, he made a net profit of more than 500,000 yuan in a mine on the mountain, and he transformed himself into the king of the cottage in this area.他把自家的兄弟姐妹亲戚朋友拢在一起,组成了一个矿业队,霸占三个有矿藏的山头,然后趁着外地的那些倒爷们想发大财的机会,像头回一样,把30多个矿井转手卖给外乡人。不到半年,这些矿洞初步建成,并开始获利了,郭全禄又纠集了上千本乡本土的人,一下又从外乡人的手里把这些矿山全部夺了回来。那些外乡人是哑巴吃黄连,有苦难言,被赶出了大山。郭全禄这一毒招,不知害了多少人!一个武汉来的外乡人,被郭全禄这么一搞,弄得倾家荡产,全家老小想想没辙,大年三十晚上,一起喝了敌敌畏…… I feel trembling all over. The mine where the villain made his fortune is before my eyes.Today, it is the palace of the famous Nan Batian. 我们走进这个行宫,刚刚在崭新的沙发上坐下,便有两位穿着迷你裙的少女走过来,为我们沏上一杯热气腾腾的雀巢咖啡。 Brother Lin, haven't seen you here for so long?表哥的话也变了声。 我赶快扭头过去。 Brother, is this your first visit?You can stay longer!我被另一位纠缠住了,那搭在肩上的一双柔软的手,却使我浑身起着鸡皮疙瘩。 嘻嘻,咱们到里边去聊聊。她含情脉脉,声音极柔软,却似乎又是一个不可抗拒的命令。 当我从沙发上立起,光顾身边的表哥时,他早已不见踪影了。 嘻嘻,快一点,快一点么! 来啦,来啦…… 什么矿山主老巢,完全是一个男嫖女娼的窑子!我连头也没问,穿过聚义堂,一直走到山脚下。 After a long time, my cousin rushed over with a flashlight and asked me anxiously: Why did you go down the mountain alone?I saw Guo Quanlu just now, and he said he wanted to see you!go up! 不,我也不想在这儿多呆一会儿了! Then...then you can't see Nan Batian, isn't it for nothing? No.我见到的已足够了!A complete upstart, a shameless feudal ghost!I burst the words through my teeth. 我这个人不太欣赏如今十分流行的什么时!音乐歌曲,那种装腔作势时常令人作呕。然而,我对教堂内的那种音乐却十分倾心,它常有一种令你神往与因之净化的感受。 这里要给读者讲的是另一种既不是姑巧,又不是教堂音乐的乐曲,它是用黑色音符组成的乐曲。它充满了阴森森的幽光,是我们都市里不易听到的那种旋律…… 话说这一天,河南灵宝县某村村民李胜贵带着未婚妻从深圳急急赶回山村,未婚妻老大不高兴。原来,他到深圳一趟,发现这黄金走私价格等于他老家那儿金价的三倍!李胜贵想,咱们村里人守着金山,还只是干着转卖矿石的行当,太亏了!满满登登的一芦车矿石,还不如一个香烟屁股大的金子值钱!咱干吗不直接炼金贩金呀? Hearing what Li Shenggui said, the village head patted his thigh on the spot: Medium!俺能直接炼金,一年就等于过去干三年的收人。阿贵,这个任务就交给你。村长对这个村上惟一上过县中的高材生抱有万分希望。 就这样,李胜贵在自己家里第一个办起了炼金坊。 他亲自任技术员,让未婚妻做助手。整个炼金过程原始而又科学:矿石粉碎后,放人一个十立方米的池子,灌上剧毒氮化钠。一天后,金子从矿石中分离出来,和氰化钠一道从池底小孔滤出,然后在另一个池子中,再用锌将金子从溶液中吸附出来,最后放在一个装有硫酸的碗里一起煮。一小时后就沉淀在碗底成为金泥,再煅烧一次就成为金子了。 整整一天一夜!当李胜贵从弥漫的硫酸雾气中捧出黄灿灿的金子高兴得欣喜若狂时,未婚妻则感到头昏脑涨…… 炼金成功,村长马上作出决定,在村里建立八个氰化钠炼金厂,由李胜贵任总技师。一时间,全村青烟漫雾,一片忙碌。这一年,全村共炼了300吨矿石,平均每人纯收人2500元。李胜贵是有功之臣,加上平时每一炉都悄悄留成少许,一年下来,他的钞票多达六位数。 这一天,当李胜贵准备带领村上几名小伙子南下贩金时,他未来的岳父大人惊恐万状地跑来找他。 阿贵,阿珍她……呜呜……老人话未说完,就瘫在了地阿珍!阿珍……当李胜贵赶到未婚妻身边时,只见阿珍脸色铁青,七窍出血早已没了气儿。这是氡化钠中毒的症状。 It was me who killed you!Jane!阿珍——!李胜贵抱着未婚妻的尸体哭得死去活来。出殡那天,他从家里抱出几大捆10元一张的人民币,在阿珍的坟上点着,一张张地烧啊烧,一直烧了整整三个小时…… Jane is gone forever.But Li Shenggui's alchemy did not stop.他所在的村连年获得致富模范村称号。在村长和李胜贵上县里领奖时,村里却沉浸在一片悲哀之中。It turned out that another person with sodium cyanide poisoning had a funeral today.这个村几年来共因此出殡八次……那山村的小路上,不停地响着道士们为死者志哀送魂所奏起的一曲曲凄怆的哀乐。然而,在这凄怆的哀乐声中,一队又一队更加青年的,更加水灵的男人与女人,照常义无反顾地朝那金山坚定地走去……
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