Home Categories Internet fantasy Heaven and Man Eternal Death

Chapter 28 Chapter Six

Heaven and Man Eternal Death 管平潮 3947Words 2018-03-11
Xingyan left the dangerous abyss of the volcano and arrived in the scenic spot of Kunlun, but he didn't feel relieved at all; after resting on the side of the smoky road for a while, he called Qiongxi and walked carefully into the unpredictable clouds among. Unexpectedly, just now I saw the gray mist filling the sky, as if it had no end, who knew that I could not walk forward for a mile, and suddenly my eyes opened up. It's still wet, but there are already a bunch of flowers in front of my eyes, full of youth! There is probably a mountain depression in front of me, like the scene of spring in the world, covered with flowers and green grass.Under the bright and scorching sun, there are large areas of flowers and trees growing on the hillsides extending on both sides of the col, which are prosperous and luxuriant, like clouds.The flowers in the forest are brightly colored, lavender next to delicate green, snow white and bright red, as if a section of brocade from the sky falls gently in front of your eyes.And the color of the continuous forest of flowers is pure and clear; if a forest is white as snow, it is like a sea of ​​clouds and snow waves, without any other variegated colors in it.In Xing Yan's memory, it was the first time he had seen such a magnificent sea of ​​mountains, trees and flowers.

The color of this flower is so bright and bright, Xingyan and his brother are momentarily lost in their eyes.When you stand and move, and gradually adapt to the bright flowers, you can see a way in the forest when you wake up.In the peach blossom forest with pink flowers blooming closest to me, a small path and a clear stream intertwine, coming from behind the oblique clouds, bypassing an old peach tree that looks like a coil, winding into the flower forest among. Seeing the way, Xingyan and Qiongxu followed the path, and walked along the gurgling stream path to the depths of the flower forest.I don't know if the scent of flowers blowing towards my face is eye-catching, until then, Xingyan suddenly felt that his walking was shaky, and he could stride four or five feet with almost no effort.When walking normally, he half-floated and half-walked, and came to the depths of the flower forest in the blink of an eye.

"Yaocao-hebi, clear stream in spring", wandering along this road, still in the dream in the painting.There is a breeze on the path, and the flowers fall naturally; the clear stream is full of greenery, and the falling flowers are colorful.When the flowers fly in the sleeves, the wind blows their fragrance. Walking in such a lonely and deep flower forest, even Qiongxu can't help laughing, frightened by this rare quietness. The incense path is long and long, and he forgets the way back. In the end, even Xingyan forgot that he and Qiongxu went deep into the forest, just to climb over this mountain.

Going up the stream in this way, walking on foot, I finally reached the end of the flower forest.Only then did Xingyan wake up like a dream, and found himself standing on the top of the flower hill.Climbing up and looking around, Xingyan realizes that he has only just walked out of a small corner.Under the flower mound, the earth can't see the end; among them, there are more than thousands of beautiful flowers and Yao grass.In the boundless scenery, there are lingering clouds of smoke and clouds.The misty white clouds under their feet seem to remind them all the time that this moment is not the world.

Maybe there is no need for smoke and clouds to remind, but Xingyan also knows the different mundane customs here and now.He had just walked through the endless spring blossom forest, but at this moment, there was a burning maple forest in front of his eyes.Ten Miles Acacia Maple Leaf Dan.Maybe it doesn't take ten miles to walk through the romantic maple forest, and you will arrive at a lotus lake where the fragrance of the mango is spreading.Wading through the clear and shallow green lake with fields of lotus leaves, it is the lotus leaves that keep people and the lotus fragrance on the clothes when they are fluttering.At the end of Lianhu Lake, the place where it is located has been frozen; and when it reaches the shore, it is a snow field with howling wind and heavy snow.After passing the snow field, there are rolling waves of wheat, and sunflowers are everywhere beside it, rippling like a golden sea.

Walking this way, it seems that the rotation of time and seasons has been transformed into distance; often it only takes four or five miles to travel from winter to summer, from spring to autumn.And walking from a beautiful day into the rain, from broad daylight into a sky full of stars, is only a step away. Not only that, walking in such an all-encompassing landscape gave me other strange feelings. At the beginning, Xingyan only felt refreshed and high-spirited. He thought that the scenery along the way was picturesque and his heart was happy, so he was proud of it.It wasn't until later that he gradually realized that when he was in such a holy place of celestial spirits and illusions, he was full of high spirits at all times, as proud and joyful as after doing something proud in the world, and his heart was full of noble and carefree feelings.And when walking, his body is as light as a swallow. Only then did Xingyan understand what it means to be truly "fluttering like a fairy".

However, walking in such a picturesque scenery, Xingyan gradually noticed something strange. It turns out that although the Kunlun Holy Land with its myriad sights is vast in land and resources, with many trees and few people, when looking for the way through the flowers, it is unavoidable to see some fairies and gods in elegant costumes.However, I don't know how to help, these fairy-like figures come across occasionally, and they just glance at them, and they disappear without a trace before they can get close to them.If it's just like this, it's fine, after all, there is no trace of immortals, how can mortals look down upon them?It's just that there are some holy beasts and birds along the way, no matter whether it's an elegant crane or a mighty tiger, as long as I and Qiongxi get close, before I have anything to say, everyone will be trembling, or Yu's crooked legs fell to the ground and he couldn't get up, or he just tucked his tail and ran away without a trace.

"……wrong!" At the beginning, I didn't notice much, but after seeing it a lot, Xing Yan secretly felt something different in his heart.After going through it several times, he only felt that the fairyland of Shenxu was beautiful, but it was weird everywhere; after walking for a long time, his body felt a bit chilly.Just like that, after walking for a long time, but couldn't find a venerable Lingxian to ask for directions, Xingyan gradually became a little anxious.I searched patiently for a while, but saw that although the scenery around me was changing, I couldn't find any scenery related to the Queen of the West and the reincarnation.

Seeing this, he was so forced that he couldn't help it. In the end, he woke up and came up with an idea, grabbed Qiongxuan and said, "Qiongxuan, can you do me a favor?" "OK!" Qiongxi replied without thinking. "That's right, Qiongxi, we seem to be lost now!" The handsome young man said: "But I couldn't find anyone to ask. Maybe my elder brother is scary and scared those gods away." "Really? That brother means—" The little girl who almost never refuted her brother didn't think of anything else, she just blinked and asked.

"Well, then we will meet the gods later, and I will hide behind, Qiongxi, please work hard, and help my brother to ask how to find the Queen of the West!" "OK!" Hearing his elder brother's request, Qiongxi puffed out his chest and complied proudly.And her clear and loud childish voice accidentally scared away many fairy birds and birds with closed eyes in the distant flower branches. Amidst the fluttering sound of fairy bird feathers, the two young men and women walked together to the edge of a green grassland.When they arrived here, the brothers and sisters finally met the fairy godman whom they agreed to meet first.In the green field with low wind and low grass, thousands of snow-white sheep flow like clouds; among the white sheep, there is a fairy in red dress, wearing a white velvet tail cap, riding a green horse Immediately, leisurely looking after the flock of sheep like white clouds.

"Uh……" Seeing the fairy herding sheep from afar, Xingyan thought of a folktale that he had heard somewhere: Legend has it that the little princess of the Dragon King of the East China Sea practiced hard since she was a child and finally became a god. , honored as "Muyun Fairy"; if you see clouds like a flock of sheep in the world, it is the Muyun Fairy who is driving sheep and grazing... Thinking about the strange and unofficial history, Xingyan turned his face away, lowered his voice and talked to Qiongxi Said: "Qiong, have you seen that big sister? Go quickly, and if you succeed, brother will tell you a story about the fairy Muyun!" "OK!" Seeing a story to listen to, Qiongxu was even more happy, and responded cheerfully: "Brother, don't worry, it's on your sister!" After the brothers and sisters muttered furtively for a while, the already delicate and exquisite little Qiongxi showed the cutest expression in her life, and ran to the flock of sheep, wanting to ask the fairy sister who was driving the sheep. path. "Should it be all right this time?" Looking at the back of the innocent little sister bouncing away, Hall Master Sihai, who was hiding in the tall grass behind him, felt that he was quite sure this time.After lurking for a while, he felt that the important matter should be settled, so he poked his head out after Xingyan, wanting to see how Qiongxu would answer the fairy—— "what?!" As soon as he probed it, Xingyan couldn't help being surprised! It turned out that seeing the cute little Qiongxi in the snow jacket and yellow shirt approaching, for some unknown reason, the flock of sheep that had been grazing leisurely on the grass suddenly exploded, one by one running around, stumbling like rolling on the ground white cotton!And the shepherd fairy, who was startled, was being carried by the green horse with flying hooves, and ran all the way into the distance. Her clothes were disheveled, and in a blink of an eye, she turned into a small black spot and gradually disappeared into the sky! "how so?" Xingyan looked puzzled, thinking: "Could there be a change in the sky?" At this point, Xingyan was shocked.Seeing that Qiongxi was still standing there at a loss, he quickly jumped out of the grass nest where he was hiding and rushed to her. "Qiongxi, come with me!" Wake up and call out.Just listen to Qiong Xue's answer: "Ok." At this time, Xingyan didn't have time to distinguish whether the sound squeezed out of Qiongxi's nose was a promise or a crying sound, so he grabbed her arm and rushed towards a pavilion in the distance.It wasn't until halfway through the jump that the girl who was stunned just now came to her senses and cried out with a "wow"! "elder brother!" The little sister in Xingyan's arms asked sobbingly: "I, I...do I really look scary?" "How can that be!" Xingyan replied while running: "Qiong Xu will grow up to be a great beauty!" "Really? Not lying?" "Of course, brother never cheats!" The Hall Master of Four Seas answered absent-mindedly and righteously.While talking, the two of them happened to arrive in front of the garden shaded by trees. When I came to the side of the pavilion, I woke up and looked around, and used my inspiration to feel that there was no danger, so I said to Qiongxi: "Qiongxu, don't be sad. Brother, the weather in this place is Qinghua, and there is no malice. Rest here first, wait for me to go to the vicinity to find out, and come back soon!" "it is good!" Qiongxu had just listened to Xingyan's consolation, and at this moment she laughed through tears, so she obediently responded, left Xingyan's side, and sat on the terrazzo in front of the moon gate in the garden. .Seeing that she was so obedient, Xingyan was very appreciative, and said: "Okay, Qiongxi is like this, don't run around. Brother will be back soon, and when I ask about the situation, I will come here again——" Speaking of this, he looked at the green and black plaque above the garden entrance, wanting to see the name of the Ming Garden—who knew that the inscription was simple and simple, like seal script but not seal script, after looking for a long time, he only knew that it was three characters, and he didn't know anything else.Seeing this, he woke up and said: "I——I will come here to pick you up. Anyway, I will recognize this place." "Well! Wait for brother to come back!" Qiongxu replied without being mischievous.After that, Xingyan turned around and left, leaving only Qiongxu to wait obediently outside the garden gate. I omit the wake-up call and don't mention how to search for it, let's talk about Qiongxi. According to the words of awakening, she is waiting here.At the beginning, she could still sit still obediently; after a while, seeing that Xingyan hadn't come back, she slid down the bluestone and walked around the bluestone road outside the Moon Gate Cave, which was considered a wandering; , before Xingyan came back, bored, she stepped through the moon gate and stepped into the small courtyard. In fact, neither she nor Xingyan knew that since they left the mountain of flames and the abyss of weak water, they were still wandering in a corner of Kunlun Tianxu until now.From the abyss of weak water to this place, it is called "the garden of ten thousand scenes", which is really a place for the gods and men of the west to play and rest.Now the small courtyard that Qiongyu walked into was an inconspicuous and secluded water garden in the Garden of Ten Thousand Views, named "Jicui Court". When Qiongxu came to Jicui Court, the little girl only felt a green light flickering in front of her eyes; when she took a closer look, she found that there was something special in the little moon gate.The walls made of pink jade enclose a courtyard of three or four acres; the central one-acre pond is as clear as a mirror.Between the wall and the pond, there are many green grasses and vines growing close together.Although the courtyard is small, it is full of vitality; the grass and vines are luxuriant and luxuriant, regardless of the sky and the earth, they try their best to stretch and spread, competing for the limited space.As a result, the hundreds of green vines hanging from the sky interweave a curtain like emerald green beads, and the green grass growing on the ground even covers the pebble path by the pond so that it is almost invisible.And the skylight from the courtyard was divided into four or five beams of light by the emerald green rattan curtain, bringing some faint green light, shining on the pool, reflecting the pool water into green, connecting up and down, just like the legendary Same as Holy Light. In such a quiet and quiet courtyard, bathed in the light and shadow of green grass, it seems that the most lively heart has become quiet.The little girl, who is always lively and active, came back to a strange place, but she surprisingly didn't look around, instead she squatted quietly by the pond in the courtyard, looking at the trees near the water that were almost there. Bicao in front of his eyebrows was in a daze, as if he was thinking about something. While waiting so quietly, suddenly—— "Wooooow!" The girl who had been quiet for a long time suddenly burst into tears!
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