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Chapter 120 Watch out for 'sharks' in the party

Anti-Rightists 叶永烈 2353Words 2018-03-14
The fierce fire against the "anti-rightist movement" first burned the "Zhangluo League", and it burned Chu Anping, Fei Xiaotong, Qian Weichang...all democrats.Later, it burned to Ding Ling, Chen Qixia, Feng Xuefeng, and Peng Zigang, which shows that the fire burned from outside the CCP to the inside of the party. On July 7, 1957, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China forwarded the "Report on the Situation of the Anti-Rightist Struggle in Colleges and Universities" by the Jilin Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China.The Jilin Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China believed in the report that the rightists who openly attacked us on the front line were mainly a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and the more vicious "sharks" were mostly operating in secret.The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China commented on the report, saying that the discovery of "sharks" in the report of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee is very important, and please pay attention to it.

Many of these "sharks" are "rightists" within the CCP. On July 28, 1957, "People's Daily" published an editorial "The Anti-Rightist Struggle is a Major Test for Every Party Member".The editorial clearly pointed out that some people in the party were the "internal correspondents" of the bourgeois right: "Although there are very few people who wear the signboard of 'Communist', they actually stand on the stand of the reactionary bourgeoisie. When the bourgeois right attacks the party, they become shameful internal agents."

This "internal response" means "rightists within the party". In this way, the editorial corrected the misconception that rightists were only outside the CCP. The editorial puts forward the slogan against "warmth doctrine": "There can be no sentimentalism towards rightists outside the party, nor can there be sentimentalism towards rightists within the party. Everyone knows that fortresses are easiest to take from within. If the core of the party disintegrates and the leadership of the proletariat is lost, the fortress can be In order to keep the body of the party from being corrupted by rightists, and to maintain the ideological and political purity of the party, it is necessary to "treat rightists inside and outside the party without discrimination."

Just when this editorial was published, People's Daily distributed a series of reports like this: "Maintaining the Party's Political and Ideological Purity and Never Letting the Rightists in the Party Be Gentle" This group of reports includes news from "Sichuan Daily". The Sichuan Provincial Department of Industry exposed Fan Shuomo, a "rightist in the party." "Party rightist" Liang Zhizheng. The editorials and reports of the "People's Daily" stated that the nationwide "anti-rightist movement" should be directed to expose and criticize "rightists within the party."

Of course, most of the "party rightists" exposed and criticized at this time were just ordinary party members.It was not until the "Four Cleanups" and the "Cultural Revolution" that Mao Zedong further "developed" his thinking, that is, "the focus of the movement is to rectify those in power within the party who are taking the capitalist road." On August 1, 1957, in the "Instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening the Anti-Rightist Struggle" drafted by Mao Zedong himself, it was pointed out that the "anti-rightist movement" had entered a "period of in-depth excavation", and attention should be paid to The "Right":

"As long as the rightists in the party and the league have the same political outlook as the rightists outside the party, that is, anti-communist, anti-people, anti-socialism, and rampant attacks on the party, they must be treated equally and criticized. Those who should be published in the newspaper should be published. report." Therefore, the "Anti-Rightist Movement" was also carried out within the CCP. Originally, this movement was caused by the CCP asking democrats to help rectify the movement. At first, it was only to counter the "right" among the democrats.

A month later, on September 2, 1957, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Instructions on Seriously Dealing with the Problem of Rightists in the Party", the full text of which is as follows: With the in-depth development of the anti-rightist struggle in all parts of the country and in all walks of life, more rightists in the party have been exposed. According to current statistics, there are about 3,000 rightists in the party who have been discovered.Most of the rightists in the party joined the party before and after liberation, and many of them are veteran party members with more than 10 or 20 years of party experience.It should be noted that the discovery of these rightists from within the party is a great achievement in this anti-rightist struggle, and it is of great significance to the consolidation and consolidation of our party.

However, there are still some comrades who, in the struggle against the rightists in the party, have relatively serious sentimentalism.Especially after the central government affirmed the nature of rightists and adopted a strict policy on the party membership of rightists in the party.They are often tolerant and tolerant of "party members" who have the same political outlook as rightists outside the party, and are unwilling to classify them as rightists.Some units even affected the deepening and development of anti-rightists.Obviously, this is completely wrong. It should be pointed out that during the movement, the attitude towards whether a party member should be classified as a rightist should be the same as whether a non-Party person should be classified as a rightist, and a very cautious attitude should be adopted, especially for older party members.However, since his words and deeds are the same as those of non-Party rightists, there is no reason why he should not be classified as a rightist according to the principle of equal treatment, and fight resolutely against them.It must be understood that the rightists in the party have the signboard of "communist members" and have more political capital, so they are easy to deceive, deceive and influence the masses.At the same time, they echoed and cooperated with the rightists outside the party to attack the party from inside the fortress, thus causing even more serious harm to the party.The longer the party age and the higher the position of such rightists in the party, the greater the harm they will do to the party.Therefore, for those who have exactly the same political outlook as rightists outside the party, we should never tolerate them just because they are party members, and we should never neglect the real rightists inside the party.Because of this, not only is it unfavorable to carry out the anti-rightist struggle, but it is especially harmful to the pure formation of the party's ranks and the improvement of the party's combat effectiveness.

Following this directive issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the "Anti-Rightist Movement" was carried out within the Communist Party of China, and a group of "rightists" within the Party were exposed. On October 13, Mao Zedong addressed the 13th meeting of the Supreme State Council and mentioned the issue of the right wing in the party: "Didn't we say that there are Gao Gangs in the Communist Party, but you democratic parties don't have any Gao Gangs? I don't believe it. Now that the Communist Party has people like Ding Ling, Feng Xuefeng, and Jiang Feng, don't you democratic parties also come out?" ?”①

"Some people join the Communist Party, but they still oppose the Communist Party. Aren't Ding Ling and Feng Xuefeng just members of the Communist Party who oppose the Communist Party?"② Incidentally, two days after the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Instructions on Seriously Dealing with Rightists in the Party", that is, on September 4, it issued the "Notice on Not Classifying Rightists Among Workers and Peasants".The full text of this notice is as follows: Party committees of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions: (also issued to Beijing units)

Now that the socialist education movement in the countryside and the rectification movement in the factories are gradually being carried out, many people have come to ask whether they should be classified as rightists among the peasants and workers.The Central Committee believes that in the countryside, landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries and other bad elements have not changed their status, that is, they should keep their original hats, but they should not be called rightists.The capitalist ideology of the wealthy middle peasants should be criticized and not labeled as rightists.Cadres and technicians above the department level in factories can be classified as rightists, but among workers, only advanced, middle, and backward boundaries are defined, and no distinction is made between left, middle, and right. They are class dissidents, counter-revolutionaries, hooligans, and bad elements. , can be determined according to the specific situation of each individual, but the name of the rightist is not used.Workers and peasants who have already been classified as rightists should correct them, and this point should be notified to the factories and grass-roots party organizations in the countryside.
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