Home Categories documentary report Uncovering the Boss of Shanxi Coal

Chapter 138 If you don't get bombed, you get poisoned

If human life is valuable, miners' lives may be the least valuable.In Wang Dali's eyes, a miner is just a machine to make money for him, not a living creature of flesh and blood.He can do with them what he wants, as long as he pays.In Wang Dali's view, buying life with money is justified. He also came from the bottom. He had worked as a miner for five years and knew the life of a miner was cheap.For every penny the coal boss makes, half of the blood and sweat of the miners is in it.In the small coal mines in Shanxi, there is no coal boss who does not squeeze the miners. The better ones are just a little more wages, but there is a bottom line for more, which does not exceed one percent of the created value.

In order to speed up production, Wang Dali told Wang Laokuai that the newly recruited miners can start work quickly, and if there is too little time, the necessary training can also be waived, and it is enough to simply explain to them the precautions for going down the mine. Wang Laokuai said yes, this also saves costs.Besides, some miners are old-fashioned, and they don't take their lives seriously. He coughed twice, saw Wang Dali's disbelieving eyes, and continued: Some miners knew that the high concentration of gas would cause an explosion when exposed to an open flame, but they still went down the mine with cigarettes.They put cigarettes in their hair, or hid them in tricycles, and secretly took them to the well to smoke.They were not allowed to bring a lighter, so they took out discarded detonator wires and miner's lamp wires to ignite.

Is there such a thing? Wang Dali frowned. too much.I've seen it myself several times.We don't care about him, we've already said what should be said, every time I go down the well, I give him thousands of instructions, it's useless. If it doesn't work, deduct their wages!It's not that I haven't deducted it before, and the effect of deducting wages is the best. Wang Dali stomped his feet fiercely: Otherwise, if someone dies, I will pay him tens of thousands, which is not worth it! Ok.It was deducted before, and only half of the salary was paid a month. Then they made trouble, and some of them went to other mines in anger. We had no choice, so we stopped deducting it.

Wang Laokuai sighed: These bastards are not easy to deal with. Wang Dali kept silent and drank his tea in silence. After being bored for a while, he said that starting from tomorrow, three shifts will be strictly implemented, people will not stop machines, continuous operations will be encouraged, and full wages can be considered for those who complete the workload ahead of schedule.If the workload cannot be completed, no salary will be paid!In addition, another measure was introduced. Those who go down the well must work for more than 8 hours before they can be considered effective.If you go out of the well ahead of time, it will be regarded as not working!

Wang Laokuai smiled, and said a few times in succession.I thought to myself that Wang Dali's move was so cruel, those who were working underground in the mine must be out of luck this time. Wang Laokuai went to implement the spirit of Wang Dali's speech.He also has two small soldiers under him, Geng San who is in charge of production safety and Jiang Da who is in charge of logistics.Accountant Li, who is in charge of the mine's finances, is not under his control, and the accountant is directly responsible to Wang Dali.This is almost the practice of all small coal mines. Don't worry if the top leader controls the finances.

Geng San went down the well now, Jiang Da hid in the kitchen, and was clinging to sister Zhang in the kitchen.Old sister Zhang is a local, a middle-aged widow. When she went to the mine to find work, Wang Dali refused to accept her no matter what.For coal mines, women are taboo.Later, Jiang Da saw that she was really pitiful, and there was a child in junior high school at home. He pleaded with Wang Dali, saying that the kitchen lacked someone to cook, so he could let her try. Wang Dali gave him a face and left Sister Zhang behind. From then on, sister Zhang was full of affection for Jiang Da, and Jiang Da was also a person who liked to be clingy with women, and the two fell in love secretly.We are all people who have experienced it, and the little things between men and women are taken lightly.

When Jiang Da saw Wang Laokuai, he took a pig's trotter from the kitchen table, and shouted from afar: "Old Wang Laowang, the freshly cooked pig's trotter is your favorite, and I am about to send it to you!" Wang Laokuai smiled and asked Zhang Laomei: How many did you cook in total? Ms. Zhang replied with some surprise: Four, one for each of you.There were a few raw ones in the basket. Usually Wang Laokuai didn't ask about the kitchen, but Zhang Laomei and Jiang Da were not used to hearing him ask such a sudden question. That's probably not enough, the boss is here, and he likes to eat this too.

Wang Laokuai put the yellow trotters back into the basket. Jiang Da said, then I will not eat it.Each of you is one.Just right. Cook a few more, the kitchen is not short of the money. Wang Laokuai smiled, the boss said, let us speed up the production, and the logistics service must also keep up, we don’t care about the quality of the miners’ food, at least we have to improve, right? Jiang Da nodded, and said to Mrs. Zhang, hurry up and cook a few more, bring out your unique skills, and cook them so that they are full of color and fragrance, and don't be like you, who have no color and fragrance at all.

Seeing Jiang Da making a joke about himself, Zhang Laomei ignored him and cleaned up the pig's trotters. Wang Laokuai laughed. Coal mines are a man's world, and women are rarely seen.Everyone loves to make jokes about old sister Zhang, and sometimes they don't see her as a woman, but as a man like themselves. After laughing, Wang Laokuai said that it is rare for the boss to stay in the mine to eat once, and the old sister must show all her unique skills. While talking here, Geng San came up from the well and went straight to the kitchen.It seemed that he was too hungry, so he came in and picked up a hot steamed bun, swallowed it in big mouthfuls, and said intermittently while swallowing:

After walking around the bottom, I was cold and hungry. Wang Laokuai smiled, you dig two baskets of coal, and you are covered in sweat while keeping them. After Geng San finished eating the steamed buns, he saw the pig's trotters again.He touched one with his hand, and took two mouthfuls. Zhang Laomei just wanted to talk about him, but Jiang Da said let this guy eat first, it seems that he is really hungry.Anyway, we have to cook later. Wang Laokuai patted Geng San on the shoulder, production is about to speed up, and we have to recruit people. Geng San said, it's easy to handle, there are people looking for work every day.If you recruit today, you can dig coal in the well tomorrow.

Wang Laokuai nodded, that's good. When several people were talking in the kitchen, they saw Wang Dali patrolling around with his hands behind his back, looking like a big leader.This place is one of his territories, a small kingdom of his, and he is the king here. As a king, he has to give orders on the one hand and calculate the harvest on the other.Everyone is happy when the harvest goes up, but if it doesn't go up, he has to find a way.These days, it is not easy to be the king of small coal mines.Especially in the past two years, there have been more people watching the small coal mines, and the situation to deal with has also increased. It didn't take long before Wang Laokuai discovered that Wang Dali had white hair on his head. Too much money burns hands. As soon as the shadows fell, Wang Dali and Wang Laokuai sat in the office, watching the miners of the second shift finish their shift, gnawing on pig's trotters. The aroma of pig's trotters is overflowing. Zhang Laomei's craftsmanship is really good. Wang Laokuai was afraid that the miners would smell the smell of pig's trotters, so he closed the door tightly. A pig's trotter was not finished eating, and suddenly there was a muffled sound. Wang Dali was taken aback for a moment, his first reaction was a mine accident: Could it be an accident in the mine? Wang Laokuai also heard the rumbling sound, and he said to Wang Dali that it might be someone digging in the well and firing the cannons. The batch of detonators just bought are too powerful and the noise is too loud. Wang Dali was worried and looked at Geng San. Geng San, who has decades of underground safety experience, pricked up his ears and listened for a while, then put down his trotters and ran outside, shouting as he ran, it was gas, the gas exploded! As soon as he heard that it was a gas explosion, Wang Dali's head buzzed and his head swelled.He didn't run out in a panic like Geng San.Instead, he gnawed the pig's trotters calmly, picked his teeth with a toothpick, and walked out slowly. With decades of experience in coal mines, Wang Dali is well aware of the power of underground gas explosions.Generally speaking, if the gas exceeds 6% to 7%, the monitoring system will automatically alarm.The gas concentration is between 4% and 16%, and it will explode in case of fire. Could it be that there is a problem with the underground monitoring system? The miners who just got off work at the mouth of the well were running around in a hurry, shouting as they ran: The well exploded!The dozen or so brothers who just went down were miserable!Hurry up and save people! Geng San ordered the two miners to go down to see the situation, but the two men looked at each other, and neither wanted to go down.Geng San became anxious, so he got on the Kacha (elevator) and descended by himself.Unexpectedly, there was another muffled sound, and the clicker he was riding was smashed into the sky by another shock wave that followed, and landed not far away with a bang. Wang Laokuai thought that Geng San was also finished, so he ran over to see that Geng San climbed out of the elevator in disgrace, and this guy was fine. A puddle of blood was knocked out on Geng San's forehead by the clicking machine. He didn't care about dressing up, and shouted at the crowd at the mouth of the well, hurry up and find a way to save people. A miner came out of the well covered in blood, running around, no one could stop him, shouting all the time: run, run, run—— It took a lot of effort for Wang Laokuai to subdue him, and shouted at him: How many people are still alive down there? He looked around, convinced that he had escaped, howled twice, and said that there were still eleven people down there, and I don't know how many were still alive.I was pushed out by the gas shock wave, and other people were poisoned to death if they were not blown up! Jiang Da took out his mobile phone and tried to dial a miner's number. The call got through, but no one answered. Since the mobile phone signal was not destroyed during the explosion, the mobile phone still had power in the depths of the mine and silently received calls from the ground until it ran out of power. The people below may not be saved.Jiang Da said to Wang Dali in a low voice. Wang Dali nodded calmly, and said two words firmly: Mine closure!
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