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Chapter 123 The Distortion and Imbalance of Coal Boss' View of Wealth

Shanxi Coal Bosses are a group of wealthy people who got rich first. While we affirm that they have "contributed" to Shanxi's economic development, we are also reflecting on the phenomenon of "ethical absence" of wealth reflected in this group. We believe that this is reflected in the "absence of ethics" of wealth in a group of bodies, mainly reflected in their "being rich without benevolence" and "being rich without benevolence". Let's first say "rich without benevolence". This mainly refers to the "means" and "channels" for a person to accumulate wealth, that is, the goal that is not achieved through one's own efforts in a fair and just environment and starting point.Then, we can determine that this is a kind of "absence of ethics" in the "rich without benevolence" style.This part of the "rich without benevolence" achieves the goal of "getting rich" by not abiding by the public morality commonly respected by the society and the basic laws of the market economy.For example, coal bosses bribed relevant government departments to obtain coal mining procedures, and forced workers to dig coal without adopting safety production measures, earning huge wealth for themselves.This is the standard "absence of ethics" in the "rich without benevolence" style.

Another is that they take advantage of the loopholes and flaws in policies and regulations, take advantage of the information asymmetry between the public, the government and the market, disregard the interests of others and society, and collect money immorally.For example, some coal bosses have racked their brains to exploit policy loopholes in real economic life, stealing social resources, evading national taxes, or plundering public property in the name of restructuring. The continuous increase of these "rich without benevolence" will cause two consequences: on the one hand, it disrupts the market transaction order and the principle of public competition; "moral identity", and even lead to the denial, anger and even extreme behavior of the poor group towards the rich group as a whole.

It is undeniable that the "cause" of the deformed view of wealth based on "ethical deficiency" will inevitably lead to the "effect" of the overall imbalance of the entire social value system. Let's go back and say "being rich is not benevolent". The most obvious feature of "being rich and not benevolent" is "deceiving the world by taking advantage of the rich". "Bad wealth and bullying the world" is actually an unhealthy view of wealth. This is actually the "moral view", "view of life" and "view of life" of the rich are completely "kidnapped" by wealth.In daily life, relying on the "sense of superiority" and "superior" social "status" of huge wealth, a small number of coal bosses are arrogant and arrogant, disregarding the dignity and interests of others, and the resulting conflict between the rich and the poor Social conflicts appear frequently.

This makes people's impression of coal bosses "being rich and unkind" is even deeper, and it also fully reflects the lack of wealth ethics of some coal bosses, and even deformed emptiness. This "deformation and emptiness" is mainly manifested in their attitude towards the domination of their own wealth. The most obvious sign is that these rich people lack a kind of calmness and reason when they consume.Using their concept to understand, the most reasonable explanation is that "wealth is earned by oneself, and how to consume it can be done as one likes".However, its extravagant consumption wastes limited social resources, and then corrupts the social atmosphere, and even violates the "dignity" and "social interests" of others.Therefore, blindly indulging in personal extravagant consumption, rather than taking on the social responsibilities of the rich, is typical "being rich and inhumane" to others and society.

We believe that the progress of civilization in modern society is realized in the creation, accumulation and enjoyment of wealth, and in order to realize the purpose of wealth to give human beings happiness and development, the people must form a healthy concept of wealth. What should coal bosses learn from Bill Gates? "We have decided not to distribute property to our children. We hope to give back to society in the most positive way." The person who said this was Mr. Bill Gates, the "world's richest man" in the United States. This is his "final confession" to the world about the whereabouts of his property after he announced that he would quit Microsoft's daily management work and no longer "get involved" in related affairs.

Bill Gates founded Microsoft in 1975, and in less than 20 years, he topped the Forbes list of the world's richest people in 1994.It has remained so for many years since, making him the "wealth symbol" dreamed up by money seekers of an era around the globe. So what should coal bosses learn from Bill Gates? We believe that we should first learn from his "sense of social responsibility" as a rich man. There is a saying, "Give up the wealth of the world to achieve the good of the world." It is a great act of charity for a rich person to let the wealth he once took from the society "return" to the society.

Gates attributes the "droplet" of his personal wealth to the "sea" of human wealth and civilization. This is exactly the "social responsibility" that a rich man has the courage to undertake. Today, this "most respectable rich man" gave us a vivid "wealth view" lesson, and also gave rich people around the world (especially Chinese coal bosses) a huge spiritual baptism.Therefore, in the direction of "gathering wealth and dispersing it", we should learn from Bill Gates: "There must be a way to gather wealth, and there must be virtue in distributing wealth." And "there is virtue in distributing wealth" means this is a This kind of benevolence, what he advocates is a kind of charity culture.

Secondly, you should learn from Bill Gates' view on wealth education for children. Although the "rise of wealth" of coal bosses has always attracted the attention of the society, their education on wealth education for their children has been criticized by the world. Is it not?The "rich second generation" of these people have not yet entered the stage of history, and their rich ancestors "paved the way" for them with gold bricks and silver ladders. In their view, they think more about how to make their personal wealth available to their children and grandchildren. Endless.

Let's look at the "rich dad" in another child's mind, how he deals with the issue of "children's education". The billionaire Bill Gates not only has an extraordinary understanding of wealth, but also has an extraordinary understanding of fatherly love.He doesn't want to put his "mountain of gold" on the next generation, but does everything possible to keep his next generation away from the "rotten silver and copper stink".From his point of view, what is passed on to the next generation is a clean and flawless "blank paper", because this allows the future generations to draw the most beautiful and latest "pictures" with a detached mentality.

Who can say that he is not the best father in the world after exchanging all his wealth for the happiness of his children's growth?
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