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Chapter 19 Chapter 19 Epilogue

one year later. "Foolish! Foolish!" Shamlin Chandz ran across the landing field of the station and ran towards the spaceship, arms outstretched at the same time, "And Lorna! I really don't recognize you two. You two How are you? How are you?" "We couldn't be better off. It seems that you have received our letter." Yu Ke said. "Of course. Tell me, how do you guys feel about all of this?" They walked together to Chandzi's office. "We came back to town this morning, and the fields were empty," Varona said sadly. Now she was dressed in Imperial women's clothes, and she no longer looked like a Florentine peasant woman.

"Yes, it must have looked very desolate to anyone who has lived here. Even I feel more and more desolate, but I will stay as long as possible, the radiation data of the Florenian Sun is extremely of great theoretical value." "An evacuation of this magnitude in less than a year! This shows excellent organizational skills." "We're doing our best, Yuk. Oh, I guess I should call you by your real name." "Please don't, I'll never get used to it again. I'm just stupid, and it's still the only name I remember." "Have you decided whether you want to continue working in space analysis?" Chandzi said.

Yuke shook his head: "I have made up my mind, my decision is, no. I can no longer recall enough knowledge, that part is gone forever. However, this will not cause me any trouble. I am going back to Earth Go... by the way, I really hope to see the mayor." "I'm afraid it can't be helped. He's decided to take a day off today. I think he'd rather not see you. He's guilty, I suppose. Don't you hold a grudge against him?" Yu Ke said, "No, he didn't mean any harm, and in many ways, he made my life better. For example, he made me meet Lorna." He put his arm around her shoulders as he spoke.

Varona smiled at him. "And," Yuke continued, "he cured me of a problem. I finally understand why I became a space analyst, and why nearly a third of all space analysts are recruited from the same planet— —Earth. Living in a radioactive world, anyone must grow up with fear and insecurity. One misstep can kill you, and the surface of our planet has become our worst enemy. "It creates an anxiety in us, Dr. Jands, a fear of the planets. We're only happy in space, and that's the only place we can feel safe." "Now you don't feel that way anymore, Yuke?"

"Of course not, I don't even remember feeling that way. Look, it's so good. The mayor set up the mind-transforming device to get rid of my anxiety, but he forgot to set the intensity. He thought it would Dealing with a superficial, superficial problem, a deep-rooted anxiety he didn't even know about, he just got rid of it all at once. In a way, it was worth getting rid of, even if a lot of other stuff came along too. Now I don’t have to be in space, I can go back to Earth and I can work there. And Earth needs people, always will.” "Actually," Janz said, "why don't we help Earth like we helped Florence? There's no need for Earthlings to grow up with that kind of fear and insecurity. The galaxy is huge."

"No," Yuke said excitedly, "these are two different situations. The earth has its past, Dr. Jantz. Many people may not believe it, but we all know that the earth is the origin planet of human beings." "Well, maybe, I can't say it's right or wrong." "Absolutely. It is a planet that cannot be abandoned, must not be abandoned. One day we will change it, return its surface to what it must have been. Until then - we will stay .” Varona whispered, "I'm an Earth woman now." Yu Ke was looking at the horizon, the upper city was still bright and dazzling, but the residents were all gone.

He asked: "How many people are left in Florence?" "About 20 million," Chandez said. "We're going to slow down the progress gradually, and the withdrawal has to be balanced. Those who haven't withdrawn have to maintain an entire economy throughout these months. Of course, re- Settlement is still in the early stages. Most of the evacuees are still living in makeshift camps around the world, and there will inevitably be a difficult time." "When will the last person leave?" "will never." "I do not understand." "The mayor unofficially applied to stay and his application was granted, also informally. There will be no public record of this."

"Stay?" Yu Ke was shocked, "But for the sake of the whole galaxy, why?" "I didn't know," said Janz, "but I think you've come up with your own rationale when you're talking about the Earth. He felt the same way you did, and said he couldn't bear to leave Florentine alone." die."
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