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Chapter 5 chapter Five

It's solid old Sheffield.Look, we got your call.I don't want to talk about it.You're really in a bad mood, aren't you?If you can't speak nice words, it's better not to say anything.We are all doing our best and the results are not bad.If we're not doing exactly what you want, it's probably because we know a little bit more than you do.It was you who sent us to the sky to come to this absurd so-called α-Alien Utopia.Well, thank you very much for nothing. On the other hand, I still want to thank you a little bit for what you have done.At least you managed to get us to where we are now, I don't mean spatial location.So I won't yell at you.I just don't want to talk to you at all.I'll let others speak for themselves.

I'm Dot Letzky.This is important, please convey.I have three things to tell you that I want you to keep in mind, 1. Most questions have grammatical answers.The problem of moving people from Earth to another planet is not something that can be solved by just throwing together pieces of steel.It is also purely accidental that you built the "Constitution".The problem is by constructing a model=equation (=syntax) that will describe the necessary circumstances for handling.Once you have a grammatical model, you just need to surround it with metal, and it will be as alert as a bandit fighter.

After understanding this point, you can accept the second point: the law of causality does not exist at all.It is a waste of time to always find a "cause" for an "event"!Is it true that "strike a match to fuel it" as you said?No, false proposition!You find yourself in a sort of mezzanine. Whether the "action" of "strike a match" is "necessary" and/or "sufficient" has fallen into the game of words.Useful grammar is tenseless.In a decent grammar - English grammar is certainly out of the question, but I'll try - you can make a proposition such as "There is a connection of (certain) forms of things that combine at a certain temperature when energy is released, This temperature may be related to frictional heating."Where is the law of cause and effect? "Cause" and "effect" are together in a timeless proposition.Then, thirdly, empirical laws do not exist.Ski has realized that he can contain plasma in our craft indefinitely, not by sliding magnetic squeezes that push the particles into rotation, but by forcing them to coexist peacefully and willingly.There is another way to describe his work: "to create an environment in which the centripetal force is greater than the centrifugal force" - but mine is more accurate, because it says something about your character.Bullies, you all are.Why not be nicer to others?If you want to be rewarded, please pass this on to Ting Fa in Tianjin, Professor Morris at All Souls University, and anyone who holds the Carnap chair at UCLA.

It's Flo's turn... Mom will definitely love my garden.Chicken legs and daffodils are planted side by side on the silt and sand.They are delightful to look at.Someday in the future I may send an entire gardening manual.But now it is embarrassing to eat carrots, and carrots can be used freely. Reported by Wilhelm Backlund.I came into the world, learned, grew, ate, worked, migrated, and died.Or, I come out of the hydrogen flame, shriveled, vomited, and re-entered the missed womb.It doesn't matter which end you start from, it doesn't make any difference from which angle you look at it.

data observation.Letsky... At time t, a Dirac number that cannot be reduced to Greenwich mean time, the following phenomena are observed: After observation, the radio source Centaurus a star is a single aggregate with stable position, rather than two intersecting gas clouds. We see that it shrinks radially towards the center.After observation and analysis, it is a black hole, the details of which are currently undetectable.It has been theorized that all galaxies produce such central vortices, and the implications are of interest to astronomers and eschatologists.I, Samuel Letsky, suggested taking a closer look, but the others were more than happy to continue with the flight plan.Notice from the Harvard-Smithsonian Institution, please reproduce.

A Preliminary Study on the English Translation of "The Stars", by James Basto: As a group of goslings, but human elites, We stagger through relative space, Eyes wide open, full of doubts, Scanning in constant disappointment: Sagittarius Palace is empty. The palace of Sagittarius is empty, Then figured out the goal of this trip. Deceived, deceived, entrapped, we sadly Follow the sons and daughters of the bachelor sun. Trap caught, deceit blown, We have become the laughing stock of fools. Oh, father goose who gave birth to us, mother goose who gave birth to us. How vile, how flustered, you have betrayed us!

We owe you a debt we will not forget. We will pay you back, Give us some luck and we'll be in time Bringing you a pot of gold from the ends of the stars. Ann Backlund: I think it was Stanley Vanbaum who said, a really good guy.From three facts it should be possible to deduce the whole universe. (Ski argues that this is possible for a finite number, but numbers are much larger than three.) We are far from being really good people by these standards, nor even by our own standards. It is excellent.However, we have a considerable number of facts, more than three, even more than 3000, so we also deduce a lot.

That might not be as valuable to you as you'd like it to be, dear old bastard Neffy, and the other bastards, because one of the things we play out is that we can't tell you everything because you don't understand.If you're here, we can give some of them a hand.One day, you will be able to do what we do with ease, but not remotely. It's not all over, folks!Lift up your spirits!You guys can't play like us yet, but then again, you have so much to learn from.Try it, be smart, if you want to, you can also succeed, calm down first, calm down before speaking, stabilize your relationship before asking for something.Try not to make things too gross.Don't be like that guy in "Book of Changes". "He didn't bring benefits to anyone, and some people even beat him."

Our toes are growing back, even Will's, although it's been hard for him because he's been murdered.We have engraved words on the phalanx, which is very effective for divination.I hope you can understand the significance of our approach.We could go on tossing the coin or tossing the yarrow, at least the yarrow-like substitutes that Flo can grow, but we don't want to do that, it's not the best way. People who can't always keep calm will say. "So, what's the difference?" Such a poor question, with a fatalistic answer in it.It's better to ask, "Would it make a difference?" Then the answer is, "Yes, it could be, because, in order for something to be done right, you have to do it right." That's true in any language. All are the same law.

You may want to ask me, "Okay, what kind of knowledge do I actually apply when I ask the hexagram?" This is a better question, because there is no "forced" to ask for a wrong answer, however, the answer is still uncertain. .You can think of it as a bunch of Rorschach-like twists and turns, with no inner meaning in it.But it works because your own mind is interpreting it and imbuing it with meaning.Take it easy!You might think of it as a kind of coded knowledge repository.why not? "You can completely ignore it and come to know it from other ways, any way you like, ("Shang Shi knows impermanence in the ultimate eternity") This is also possible!

However whichever way you go, you should do it.We need the engraved phalanges for divination, because this method is correct, and amputating a toe each is not a special sacrifice for this.This approach works, except for one thing.The big problem now is that the translation is really bad, from Chinese to German, from German to English, every step of the way is full of mistakes, of course I am solving this problem. I might talk a little more about it next time.Not now, not too early.Eve will tell you. Eve Basto.The person who can't speak is the last to come, and I'm afraid the least important.When I was a little girl, I used to play chess, badly, against very good players, and that is the story of my life.I am a chronic achievement trumps talent patient.I can't stand people who are dumber than me and worse than me, and the result is that every time I am shorter than them.They've been nice to me here, even Jim, but they know who's up and who's down, and so do I. So, I go about my day applauding what I can't do.This kind of life is not too bad.I have everything I want except dignity. Let me tell you about a typical day in life here (between the Sun and Centaurus).We wake--if we sleep, as some of us still do--and eat--if we still eat--except for Ski and, of course, Will Becklund, the rest of us Have a meal.The food is very tasty, and Florence has been able to induce them to come out cooked and seasoned as desired; so you can easily walk over and pick yourself a nice poached egg, or a handful Chips. (I'd rather have a brioche bun in the morning, but Florence couldn't get it to grow for sentimental reasons.) Sometimes we make love, or sing a few old campfire songs, and Skye down Participate for a while, not for long, and then go back and look at the universe.Magnificent and frightening, the dome is now a 40° band, shimmering with colors, completely surrounding us.We can always see the front and rear ghost stars from other frequencies.The scene before and after is now pitch black, the only light being the beautiful band of light dotted with stars. Sometimes we write scripts, or play a little piece of music.Sheffi performed four of Bach's piano concertos that have been lost, and the orchestra in unison recalled Corelli and Vivaldi.We have arranged all these pieces for performance.I did the arrangement on a synthesizer, and Ann and Sheffy synthesized the whole orchestra.Sheffield's is especially lovely.You could tell that the flute player had early emphysema; two of the violinists had been drinking.He had Toscanini conduct like a Renaissance metronome.The words were made by Flo's eldest daughter.Now she sings a nursery rhyme that uses some of Bergzilthud's hymns: Oh, I haven't told you about the children yet.We now have eleven imps.Ann, Dott, and I each have one, and Florence has eight. (But they're going to have me with quadruplets next week." For the first few weeks, when the kids were very young, they let me watch them a lot. The kids were lovely. So, most of my time was spent in the Babysitting, plus solving some tensor equations that Ski kindly asked me to do for him. And I, I have to admit, feel a little lonely. Would love to watch a trivia quiz with a friend over a cup of coffee Every now and then they ask me to redecorate our mobile home. The day before yesterday I had fun and redecorated our home in suburban Pittsburgh style. Do you believe there are French windows in interstellar space? Of course they never open , with polished calico curtains and lace curtain hooks, it looks so pretty! We added a couple of new houses for the kids and their monsters. (Fro grew them in a hydroponic the cutest bunny). Well, I'm glad I had this opportunity to gossip, and now I'm going to shut down.One more thing to mention, the others have decided that we no longer need any information from you.They don't like the kind of attempt you're making on our subconscious mind, and everything else -- not that you're going to succeed, of course.But you see, it's still a little irritating - so going forward, the dial will be set to 660.By the way, the switch will hit the "off" position.It's not my idea, but I'm happy to do it.I sometimes like to command a partner who is a little more restrained.Of course, not you. Once upon a time, today's Department of Defense Temporary Guard No. 7—you can call it a "cell" with an exact word, Neffhausen thought—was once a luxury hotel of the Hilton Group.The single cell for maximum security is in the basement, where the meeting room used to be.There are no doors or windows to the outside.If you did break out of your cell, you'd have to climb a flight of stairs to get to the ground, and then break through the guards to get to the exit.Afterwards, even if there happened to be no violent siege at the time, you had to be more careful with junkies and troublemakers roaming the streets. Neffhausen didn't bother with the matter.It hadn't occurred to him to flee, at least not after he'd recovered from the shock when he realized he was under arrest.Days later, he dropped his request to meet the president.The White House has brought him to this place, and it is really meaningless to ask the White House for help.He still firmly believed that if he could only have a few moments alone with the president, he would be able to clarify everything.But as a very realistic person, he had to face the fact that the president would never talk to him alone again. So, he found out a few benefits of staying here. First of all, it's comfortable here.The bed was fine, the room was warm, and the food was brought from the banquet room of the hotel, which was very generous for prison food. Second, the kids are still in space, doing great things, even if they don't report them.His Zhaoxue is still very hopeful. Third, the guards let him read the newspaper and allowed him to keep writing materials, although they refused to give him his books or the television. He thought of nothing but books.He doesn't need a TV to tell him what's going on outside.He didn't even need newspapers, they were rough, and the thinnest ones were reviewed and reviewed.Every day he could hear musket fire, mostly distant and sporadic.But once or twice it lasted for a while, and the fire was so strong that it exploded almost overhead. It sounded like a Browning gun was fighting against an AK-47, and there was the roar of a fire-fighting grenade launcher in between.Sometimes, hearing sirens blasting across the street, punctuated by jingling bells, he wondered if there was any civilian fire brigade left in charge? (Is it still in civilian use?) Sometimes he heard the rattle of heavy motors, which must have been tanks.Newspapers downplay details, but Neffhausen is sensitive to overtones.Where is the government hiding now — Biscayne, Camp David, or Southern California?No one said where.All cities are in a red rebellion and "Mr. Mass" has taken over the power. Neffhausen felt it was unfair to blame him for these disasters.He wrote countless letters to the President, pointing out that the dire situation facing the government had nothing to do with Alpha-Alienus: rebellions in cities had been repeated for a generation, and after the Indochina War, the dollar had become the laughing stock of the world.Some of these letters he destroyed; some, he could not find someone to deliver them for him; a small number of letters were taken away-and there was no reply. Once or twice a week, someone from the Justice Department would come and ask him the same nonsensical questions over and over again.They might be trying to build a dossier that would prove everything to be his fault, and Neffhausen was suspicious of that.Well, let them go.When times come and go, he defends himself.The record is clean.As for the question of morality, he admits that he is not very innocent.Never mind, how can one speak of morality in such an urgently sought field of knowledge. The report from the USS Constitution had yielded a good deal—although, frankly, some of the most important parts were rather difficult to understand.The Godelian language has not yet been translated, and hints about its content can only be hints. Sometimes, when he dozed off, he would dream that he was heading for the USS Constitution, which had not been communicated for a year since his last correspondence.He tried to imagine what they were doing.They should have crossed the midpoint by now and started to slow down.The dome will widen every day.The black circles in front of and behind them will shrink back, and they will soon see Alpha Centauri as no human has ever seen.Indeed, they would then find that there were no planets called Altairus orbiting the host star at all, but they had already guessed this.Brave and outstanding boy!Even so do not back down.So what about the stupid stuff about drugs and sex?It is human nature that such activities are opposed by others, but those outstanding people have always had their own rules.As a child he had learned that the big bellies and swaggering Air Force bigwigs smoked cocaine and that sometimes great fighters got each other's sexual pleasure.The fact that smart people don't care about these issues shows yet again that the guys from the Justice Department, who are endlessly insinuating about Neffhausen's personal background, aren't really that smart. The advantage of having someone from the Ministry of Justice is that sometimes you can deduce something from his questions, but he is rarely willing to answer questions himself, and the opportunity is not many.Oh. "Any news on the 'Constitution'?" "No, of course not, Dr. Neffhausen. Now, please tell me again, who first suggested this scheme to you?" Those were his best days, but most of them were spent in obscurity. He didn't scratch them off the prison wall, like the prisoners at Yew Castle.It would be a shame to have the lettering on the hardwood walls vandalized, and he had other clocks and calendars: the clink of bowls and spoons when meals were delivered; the changing of seasons when the Justice Department came.These things are like Sunday--holy day, solemn though unhappy.The first to arrive was the captain of the guard, accompanied by two soldiers standing at the door.They'd search him, and search the room, lest he smuggle in... what?Probably an atomic bomb, or a pound of hot peppers that might be thrown in the eyes of someone from the Justice Department.They can't find anything because there is nothing to look for.Then, they're gone, and for a long time nothing happens, not even a meal is delivered, even if it's time for dinner.Nothing, until an hour or three hours later that guy from the Ministry of Justice came, with his own guards guarding the door, inside and out.His engineer starts to turn on the tape recorder, and his questions. Finally one day, people from the Ministry of Justice came again, not alone, but with Presidential Secretary Murray Amos. People are sinister!How easily it regains the ray of hope when it has given up! "Murray!" Neffhausen yelled, almost choking up. "It's great that you came to see me! President, how is he? What can I do for you? Is there any progress?" Murray Amos stopped at the door, looked at Dieter von Neffhausen and said bitterly: "Oh, yes, there is progress, considerable progress. The Fourth Panzer Corps has just defected, so we are Evacuate from Washington, the President wants you to leave here immediately." "No, no! I mean... oh yes, it's good that the President cares about my safety, even though the news from the 4th Armored Corps is bad. But what I'm saying, Murray, is this: Is there a "Constitution No. "A message coming?" Amos and the DOJ looked at each other. "Tell me, Dr. Neffhausen," Amos asked tactfully, "how did you discover this?" "Find it? How can I find out? No, I'm just asking because I hope there is. News, yes? Although they say they won't. They're talking again, aren't they?" "Honestly, there's news," Amos said thoughtfully, and the Justice Department man whispered something in his ear, but Amos shook his head. "Don't worry, we'll be here right away. The escort won't leave until we don't. Yes, Neffhausen, the message arrived at the Goldstone station two hours ago, and it has now been sent to the decoding room." "Okay, good!" shouted Neffhausen, "you'll see, they'll clear everything up. What did they say? Do you have any good technical people to translate? Can you understand what's in it? " "Not entirely accurate," Amos said, "because there is a small problem that the decoding room did not expect or prepare for. The communication is not coded, it is very clear, but it is written in Chinese characters."
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