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Chapter 66 Chapter 65

historian 伊丽莎白·科斯托娃 298Words 2018-03-14
my beloved daughter: You know, we got rich because of some horrible things that happened to me and your father.About two years ago, I exchanged some money in Zurich and opened an account, the name of which I won't tell anyone.I save as much as I can, so that when you grow up I can give you the rest. love you mom, helen rossey June 1962 my beloved daughter: Today is a bad day.I stand in front of the mirror, take off my scarf, and stand here, touching the scar on my neck.The erythema has not completely healed.I don't know if I can still see you. love you mom, helen rossey June 1962

my beloved daughter: When you were born, your hair was black and curly, sticking to your slippery head.I hold you in my arms and watch the luster of your newborn hair go from pure black to bright and back to pure black.Despite the morphine, my heart was filled with happiness. love you mom, helen rossey August 1962
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