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Chapter 19 Chapter 19 Major Monkey Appears at the Airport

world of the apes 彼埃尔·布勒 2409Words 2018-03-14
Everything came true as planned, and I took the spaceship to sail in the universe again, sliding towards the solar system like a comet, and the speed increased rapidly. I am not alone in the spaceship, there are Nova and Sirius - the product of interstellar love, he can already call Dad, Mom, and can talk a lot.Also on board were a pair of hens, a rabbit, and various seeds, which were used to study the effects of rays on various living things. Cornelius' plan was carried out step by step.The replacement of the three personnel went smoothly: the woman stayed in the research institute instead of Nova; They'll find he's no longer in danger and they'll let him live,'

It has been several months, that is to say, decades, since I have been in space travel.Outside, the huge Betelgeuse turned into a ball at first, then shrank to the size of an orange, and finally there was only a sparkling dot left. With the extension of time and space, the memory in my mind also resembled Like this constellation, it soon became indifferent and hazy. Is there still something worthy of my nostalgia?Kira?But what is the relationship between us?No matter on the earth or anywhere in the universe, there is no reason for this kind of relationship, and breaking up is inevitable.And what about Professor Ann Taylor?Hell, what professor!It seems that he has got his heart's content, and there is nothing I can do with him now.It's just that sometimes I can't help shivering when I think that if it weren't for Jira, I would have lived like him, and I would have fallen as deep.

When boarding, all went well.I steered the satellite, slowly approached the spacecraft, and slid into the cabin.On that return for the dinghy, the engine room was left open.At this time, the robot started to work, closed all the exits, and we walked into the cabin.All the equipment is intact, and the electronic computer is starting to take off the whole set.And on Thorol, the conspirators have announced that the satellite crashed because it failed to reach orbit. By our time we have been sailing for over a year.The flying speed has almost reached the speed of light, and it has traveled a long distance in the blink of an eye. Now it is starting to slow down, which will take a whole year.In this small world, our new family is full of joy and dispels the weariness of the journey.

Nova is very comfortable with sailing, she is becoming more and more sensible, and being a mother has made her almost a human being.She can watch her child for hours, and her son has become her teacher, much better than her, and she can learn almost every pronunciation of the child without error.Now we can't talk between us, but we have formed a set of sign language, enough to express and understand both sides, as if I have lived with her for a long time.As for Sirius, that is an impeccable pearl in the universe.He is half a bag now, despite the strong gravity.Already walking, chattering all day and night, I really want to show him to the people of the earth at once.

How excited I was to find the sun beginning to look in the distance this morning!I showed Pova and Sirius with my fingers.The sun now appears to be the size of a billiard ball and glows yellow.I explained to them what this new world was like, and they all understood.Today, Sirius speaks quite fluently, and Nuowa is almost the same as him. She and the child learned it at the same time. This is a miracle of motherhood, and I am the creator of the miracle. All the people were saved from the fall, but it was a complete victory for Nova. The sun is getting bigger all the time, I use the telescope to identify the stars, and I almost fixed the position.This planet, Saturn, Mars, and... oh, the earth, the earth is here!

Tears welled up in my eyes. Only people who have lived in the ape world for more than a year can understand the love at this moment... I know that after more than 700 years, Rong will never see his relatives and friends again, but I longed to focus on meeting real people. We cling to the porthole, looking at the approaching earth, and we can distinguish the land without astronomical scopes. We entered the satellite orbit of the earth, and returned to the side of the old star.Australia, Asia, and the United States are all flying by. Behold, France, France has arrived!The three of us couldn't help sobbing and hugging into a ball.

We went down to the second boat of the spaceship, and all the necessary calculations for landing on the soil of the motherland have been completed. I hope the landing point will not be too far from Paris. Entering the atmosphere, the reverse thrust rocket began to start.Nova smiled at Rong, who had learned to smile and cry now.My son stares in wonder, arms outstretched, and at our feet, the Eiffel Tower in Paris still stands. I give orders and steer with extreme precision.It's awesome!After seven hundred years of parting, I landed at Orly Airport and parked on the apron away from the terminal building.I must have been spotted on the ground long ago, just wait here.Orly Airport has not changed much, but it seems that there are no planes taking off and landing. Could it be that the airport has been repurposed?No, look, there's a plane there, exactly like the planes I lived in.

A car pulled out of the terminal and came towards us.I stopped the rocket, feeling more and more excited.What adventures will I tell my people? Maybe they won't believe it at first, but I have evidence, Nova and Er Yu. The vehicle approached, a rather old-fashioned pick-up truck with four wheels and an internal combustion engine.I looked at this broken car and thought it had already entered the museum. It turned out that the expected welcome scene was more grand than this, and there were fewer people who came to pick me up. It seemed that there were only two people. Look how stupid I am. They don’t know what’s going on.

It was two people, and the sun slanted on the dirty glass of the car window, so that I couldn't see their faces clearly. I could only see that one was the driver, and the other sitting beside him was an officer in a uniform with shiny epaulets. It must be the director of the airport, and there are others following behind. The truck stopped fifty meters from us.I picked up my son and got off the airship. Nova followed hesitantly. She looked very scared, but she will be fine soon. The driver got out of the car and turned his back to me, half of his body was blocked by the tall weeds on the tarmac.He opened the car door and asked the person next to him to get out. My mistake, he was indeed an officer, at least a major, with several stripes on his rank shoulder straps.He jumped out of the car and walked towards us, finally, finally out of the grass, fully exposed to the sun.Nova suddenly screamed, passed my son from my hand, and quickly jumped into the boat to hide.My feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, I couldn't move half a step, and I couldn't speak a word.

The officer who came was actually a gorilla! Phyllis and Gene raised their heads from the manuscript together, looking at each other for a long time in relative silence. "Pure nonsense!" Finally Gene said with a forced smile. Phyllis was still dreaming, and there were episodes in the story that struck her with a strong sense of truth.She told her friends about her thoughts. "This shows that in every corner of the universe, there are poems and jokes." Phyllis was still immersed in meditation, and it was difficult to convince her.But this time she sighed and was submissive.

"You're right, Gene, and I agree with you. Reasonable people? Intelligent people? Mind-controlled people? . . . Sorry!" "Exactly," Gene said approvingly. He filled the sail so that it was radiated by three suns at once, and Phyllis took out her powder puff and added another faint blush to her lovely mouth.
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