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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Peter

Ender's Game 奥森·斯科特·卡德 3721Words 2018-03-14
"Okay, the monitor has been removed, what is he doing now?" "I'm looking at his face, I don't know what's going on, I can't tell from the expression on his face, I just can feel something." "Forget it, we are not doing psychoanalysis, we are soldiers, not psychiatrists and wizards, you just saw him beat up the leader of the group of bad boys, Stevenson." "He fucked it hard, he didn't hit the guy, he beat the guy hard, like Maze. Rayhan was in--" "Forgive me, then he passed the committee test." "It's almost there. Let's see how he deals with his brother. Now that the surveillance has been removed, no one will rescue him."

"His brother? Aren't you worried that his brother will deal with him?" "Didn't you tell me there was no danger to him?" "I've seen a few tapes of the past and there's nothing I can do to help him. I like the kid and I think we're going to destroy him." "Of course we will. That's our job. We're like evil witches, luring this little bastard with tempting food and eating him alive." "I'm sorry, Ender," said Valentine softly, looking at the bandages on the back of his neck.Ender leaned against the wall and closed the door behind him. "I don't care. I'm glad it's gone now."

"Except what?" Peter walked into the living room, munching on a piece of bread smeared with peanut butter and butter. Ender didn't see Peter as a little boy who was only ten years old. His hair was black, thick and messy, and his face seemed to belong to Alexander I, full of cruelty.Ender looked at Peter, trying to see if he was angry or bored, the dangerous emotions that often brought him pain.Now that Peter's eyes fell on the bandages around his neck, it was obvious that Peter was about to lose his temper. Valentine saw it, too. "He's like us now," she said, trying to appease Peter before he exploded.

But Peter didn't want to calm down, "Like us? He wore that shit until he was six, when did you take it off? You were three, and I was five before he didn't." Like us, the little bastard." That's it, thought Ender, go on, Peter, as long as you talk. "Well, now that your guardian angel is gone," Peter said, "now they won't know your pain, hear what I say to you, see what I do to you, then What will happen?" Ender shrugged. Peter suddenly smiled and clapped his hands, showing a very happy mocking look, "Let's play a game of space fighters fighting bugs." He said.

"Where's Mom?" Valentine asked. "She's out," said Peter. "I'm in charge here." "I'll call and tell Dad." "Go ahead," said Peter, "you know he never cares." "Okay, I'll play," Ender said. "You come to play bugman," said Peter. "Let him be a space warrior once," Valentine said. "Fart, get the hell out of here," Peter raged, "Go upstairs and choose your weapon." It wasn't a fun game, and Ender knew it wasn't a matter of winning or losing.When kids play this game in the hallway, buggers can never win, and sometimes the game isn't fair, but in their apartment, the game is unfair from the start, pretending to be buggers Can't run away like the bugger in real war, the bugger has to be chased by the space fighters until he doesn't want to fight anymore.

Peter opened his drawer and took out the bugger's mask.Mom was very upset when Peter bought it, but Dad thought that even if you hide the bug mask or keep the kids from touching toy laser guns and things like that, the fighting between the children will not stop, the best way is Let them play war games so the kids have a better chance of surviving when the Zerg start another war. Am I going to survive this game, Ender thought?He put on the mask, and it pressed against him tightly, like a hand pressing down on his face.It doesn't make him feel like a bugman, Ender thought. Bugmen don't wear masks like that, that's their face, and in their world, I don't know if they'll wear human masks too. How about playing games?What would they call this game?Insects hit sticky people?Bugs call us slime because we're too squishy and fluid for them.

"Look, you clingy!" Ender said. He can only see Peter through the eyeholes of the mask.Peter smiled at him and said, "Clingy? Huh? Humph, Bugman! Watch me smash your face!" Ender couldn't see Peter's blow, he could only feel his weight slightly, the mask blocked his view, and suddenly he felt a sharp pain next to his brain, he lost his balance and fell down. "You don't look very well, Bugman," said Peter. Ender took off the mask and took Peter's hand away. Peter stomped on his head, and Ender passed out from the pain. "You're lying, bugger, I'm going to vivisect you, and once we catch a living bugger, we'll see how you operate."

"Peter, stop hitting," Ender said. "Peter, stop beating, that's fine, who do you worms think we are? You can dress yourself up as a poor and clever kid, and let us all love you and treat you well. It's useless, I know exactly who you are, they say you're human, you're a third child, but you're actually a bug, and now you're showing your true colors." He lifted his foot, took a few steps back, and put a knee on top of Ender, his knee pressed tightly between Ender's chest and stomach.He pressed down harder and harder, and Ender slowly became unable to breathe.

"I could kill you like this," Peter said softly, "just press until you die, and then I can say I didn't know it was going to hurt you, we were just having fun, they'll believe me, I won't Something happened, and you died." Ender couldn't speak, he couldn't breathe, Peter might or might not have done it on purpose. "I did it on purpose," said Peter. "Whatever you think, I did it on purpose. I was a promising prospect, but they didn't pick me. They only picked you. They thought you did better than me. Good. Ender, I don't want a younger brother who is better than me, I don't want you, the youngest."

"I'll tell Mom and Dad," Valentine said. "No one will believe you." "They will." "Then you will die too, dear little sister." "Really?" said Valentine. "They'll believe you when you say 'I didn't know this was going to kill Ender, and I didn't know this was going to kill Valentine.'" The pressure has eased a little. "You are lucky today, and one day when you two are not together, I think there will be an accident." "You're just talking," Valentine said. "You can't mean it."

"I won't?" "Do you know why you don't do that?" Valentine said, "because you want to be a government official, you want to be elected, and your competitors will find out about your history, and they'll find out about your brother and My sister died in a suspicious accident when I was very young, and you would never have been chosen. Also, I wrote a letter of what you did and put it in a secret place when This letter will be opened when I die." "Don't talk nonsense to me," said Peter. "The letter said that if I didn't die in normal circumstances, then Peter killed me. If he hadn't killed Ender, he would soon. That's enough to keep you from being chosen." "You are his guardian now," said Peter, "and you had better watch over him, and you had better not leave him, day or night." "Me and Ender are not stupid, we do everything as well as you, sometimes better than you, we are both very bright kids. You are not the smartest one, you are just the biggest That's all." "Hmph, I know. But one day you won't be by his side, you forget my vow, and when you suddenly remember, you'll rush to him, and you'll find he's all right. And next time you won't be so Worried about him, you let your guard down, and next time, he's still safe, and after many times, you'll think I forgot about it. The days go by, and one day a terrible accident will happen, Then I'll find his body, and I'll cry for him, and then you'll remember what I said, Valentine, and you'll be ashamed of yourself for not remembering it, and you'll think I changed Now, and it was a real accident, it's cruel for you to remember what I told you in my childhood. I'll take my chances, he's going to die, there's nothing you can do, you think Am I always just the biggest one?" "You're the biggest bastard!" Valentine said. Peter jumped up and rushed at her, she ducked in fright, and Ender took off his mask.Suddenly Peter jumped back on his bed and laughed, he looked genuinely happy, laughing until he was in tears, "Ha, you're so funny, you're the biggest idiot in the world." "He's going to tell us it was just a joke," Valentine said. "It's not a joke, it's a game, I can make you believe in anything, I can make you dance like a puppet." He imitated the voice of a monster and said, "I will kill you and cut you into small pieces Pieces on the trash heap." He laughed again, "Biggest idiot in the solar system!" Ender stood there watching him laugh, and he thought of Stilson, and the laughter seemed to penetrate him, and he felt a chill. Valentine seemed to know what he was thinking, and she whispered, "Don't do that, Ender." Peter turned the other way suddenly, bounced off the bed, and put on a fighting stance, "Come on, Ender, I'll be here anytime." Aide lifted his right foot and took off his shoe.He lifted it up and said, "Look there, on the toe, it's bleeding, Peter." "Oh, oh, I'm dying, I'm dying, and Ender is coming to kill me." He pretended to be innocent. Peter was a dangerous man, and no one but Valentine and Ender would realize that. Mom came back, pitying Ender for wearing that monitor.Dad is also back, he has been lamenting what a wonderful thing happened, they have such a wonderful child, the government made an exception to allow them to have three children and did not take any of them, and now they are still Yes, all three... Ender wanted to yell at him, I know I'm the third, I'm the third, I understand.I'll leave if you want so you won't be embarrassed in front of other people I'm sorry I removed the monitor and now you have three kids I'm sorry for the inconvenience I'm very sorry sorry. Lying in bed looking up into the darkness, on his top bunk, he heard Peter turning restlessly, and then Peter slid off the bunk and walked out of the room.Ender heard no sound from the bathroom, and saw Peter standing by the door. He thought I was asleep and was coming to kill me. Peter walked towards the bed, and instead of climbing onto his own bed, he stood at the head of Ender's bed. But he didn't grab the pillow to suffocate Ender, he didn't have a weapon in his hand. He said softly: "Ender, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I understand how you feel, I'm sorry, I'm your brother, I love you." After a long time, after hearing the smooth breathing of Peter's sleep, Ender peeled the bandage off the back of his neck, and for the second time that day, he cried.
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