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Ender's Game

Ender's Game


  • science fiction

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 195597

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The third child

Ender's Game 奥森·斯科特·卡德 2580Words 2018-03-14
"I see with his eyes, I listen with his ears, and I tell you he's unique, at least he's very close to who we're looking for." "You have already told his brother that." "His brother has been tested as unfit for some reason, but that has nothing to do with his abilities." "His sister is also like this. I doubt whether he will be like this. His character is too weak and he can easily succumb to the wishes of others." "But not against his enemies." "So what do we do? Put him among the enemies all the time?" "We have no choice."

"I think you like the kid." "If the Zerg get him, they'll find that I'm his closest uncle." "Well, we're saving the world after all, let's do another experiment with him." The woman in the monitor said softly: "Ender, I think you are tired of this horrible monitor. I have good news for you. We are going to remove it today. Trust me, it won't hurt at all. .” Ender nodded, does it hurt?Lie, he thought.It always hurts when grown-ups say it doesn't, and he knows that.Sometimes a lie is more reliable than the truth. "Come and sit here, Ender, on the examining table. The doctor will see you in a minute."

Monitor is off.Ender tried to imagine the little device being removed from the nape of his neck, so that it wouldn't press down on his neck when turned over in bed, or feel the sting in the shower.And from now on, Peter will not hate me anymore. I want to go home and let him see that I am a normal child just like him.That's not bad, he'll forgive me for taking off the monitor a year later than him, we'll be living in the same house, but not friends, never, Peter's too dangerous, we're not enemies , Not friends, just brothers.When he wants to play Space Warrior vs. Zerg, maybe I'll have to play with him, maybe I can go and read a book.

But Ender knew very well that even if he thought so, Peter would not let him go.There was something in Peter's eye when he was in a frenzy, and whenever Ender looked into his eyes, he knew Peter wasn't going to let him go.Ender seemed to hear Peter shouting again, I'm playing the piano, Ender, help me turn the music, oh, this kid with the monitor is too busy to take care of his brother?Or is he just too smart?Let's kill buggers, Space Warrior Ender?No, no, I don't need your help, I'll do it myself, you bastard, you superfluous bastard! "It won't take long, Ender," said the doctor.

Ender nodded. "It's easy to remove, it doesn't get infected, it doesn't hurt, but it itches a bit. Some people feel like they've lost something. You might be looking for something you can't find, you don't Knowing what you're looking for, let me tell you, what you're looking for is the monitor, and it's gone. This feeling will go away in a few days." The doctor was pulling at the back of Ender's neck, and Ender suddenly felt a sharp pain, as if a needle had been inserted from his neck all the way to his stomach. On the bed, he felt the weight of his feet, and his hands were clenched tightly, making it painful to grasp.

"Nurse!" the doctor yelled, "Come and help!" A nurse ran in panting. "Help him relax those muscles and pass that to me, quick! What are you waiting for!" Something stuck in his hand, Ender couldn't see what it was, and he fell off the examination table. "Grab him!" the nurse screamed. "Pin him down." "Come on, doctor, he's too strong for me to catch." "Don't go all the way up, you'll kill him!" Ender felt a needle go into the back of his neck, it was very painful, his whole body was filled with severe pain, his muscles relaxed slowly, and now he could cry loudly.

"How are you feeling, Ender?" said the nurse. Ender was speechless, and they carried him onto the table, checked his pulse and other things he didn't understand. The doctor's voice trembled, "They put this thing in this kid's body for three years, what the hell do they want to know? We might kill him, don't they know? We might turn him into a vegetative state of." "When does the anesthetic expire?" the nurse asked. "Leave him here for at least an hour, watch him, and if he doesn't speak within fifteen minutes, call me immediately. We could hurt him forever, and he's not a bug!"

Fifteen minutes before get out of class ended, he returned to Ms. Peng's class, but his steps were still a little unsteady. "Are you all right, Ender?" Miss Peng asked. He nodded. "Are you sick?" He shook his head. "You look uncomfortable." "I'm fine." "You'd better sit down and rest, Ender." He walked to his place, but stopped suddenly, thinking: what am I looking for?I can't remember what I'm looking for. "Your seat is there." Miss Peng said. He sat down, but felt that something was needed, something he was missing.I'll find out, he thought.

"Where's your monitor?" the girl sitting behind him whispered. Ender shrugged. "His monitor is gone," she whispered to the other students. Ender touched the back of his neck, where there was a bandage, the monitor was gone, and now he was like everyone else. "You washed it off, Ender," asked the boy sitting across the corridor.Ender couldn't remember his name, Peter?wrong. "Quiet, Stilson." Miss Peng said, and Stilson smirked. Miss Peng was teaching multiplication, and Ender was scribbling on his electronic desk. He drew the outline of a huge island and let the computer simulate its three-dimensional model from all angles. Miss Peng would know what he was doing, and he wasn't paying attention. Listen to the class, but she won't bother him.He often knows the answer to a question, even if he is not paying attention to the lecture.

There was a line of words displayed on his electronic desk. It moved down from the top of the screen. Before it reached the bottom of the screen, Ender could see what was written on it—"Third!" Each family is allowed to have no more than two children, and Ender is the third child born with special government approval, so the other children ironically call him "the third child"——Translator's Note) Ender smiled. He was proud of being the first person to know how to send a message, even if the person who sent the message satirized him used the method he taught.It wasn't his fault being a "third child," it was the government's idea, and only they had the right to do it—how many "old threes" like Ender had the opportunity to attend school?Now that his monitor has been taken down, it shows that the government's experiment has not been successful, and he thinks that if they knew this, they would not be willing to authorize his birth.For some unknown reason, his experiments seemed to be fruitless, as if they had been discontinued.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, some students turned off the screens on the electronic desks, some hurriedly entered memos into it, and some transferred homework or data to their computers at home.Several students were printing something on the printer.Ender put his hand on the small keyboard on the edge of the electronic desk, thinking how awkward it would be for a grown-up to use such a small keyboard, of course they used the big ones—but how could their thick fingers draw delicate lines?Ender can.The lines he drew were so fine that they could wrap seventy-nine circles from the center to the edge of the screen.This is how he whiled away the time when the teacher was teaching arithmetic.Arithmetic in class, taught to him by his older sister Valentine when he was three years old. "Are you all right, Ender?" "Yes, Miss Peng." "If you don't leave, you won't be able to catch the school bus." Ender nodded and stood up, the other students had left, they should be waiting for the bus.His monitor is no longer weighing on his neck, monitoring everything he sees and hears.The other students could now say what they wanted to him, and even hit him—no one would be watching, and no one would come to his rescue.He didn't have to be afraid of these things when he was wearing the monitor, and now he kind of misses the monitor. Stilson wasn't gone yet, and while he wasn't the biggest in the class, he was much stronger than Ender, and he and Ender never quarreled. "Hello, third child."
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