Home Categories Internet fantasy Dongying Hundred Ghosts

Chapter 47 Forty-fourth Night Campus Seven Mysteries Hanako in the Restroom

Dongying Hundred Ghosts 张小琉 3645Words 2018-03-11
During the lunch break, the classroom of the sixth grade group 1 of Kamikita Municipal Elementary School was very lively. "Hey, Hanako?" Shirateng Chiharu looked panicked, she avoided the side unconsciously, and complained: "I hate it, why did you suddenly talk about Hanako..." "You're exaggerating, Chiharu!" Mieda Marina shook her hands and said with a smile, "Look, there are endless strange stories in our school, and this should be something to be proud of. So, Rino, what's next? Keep talking!" Fukuzawa Rino cleared his throat, looked at Shirato mysteriously, and continued, "So, Hanako appeared, wearing a red dress, and pulled that boy into the toilet..."

"Wait!" Sanzhi interrupted Fukuzawa suddenly. "What's wrong?" Fuze asked. Sanzhi rested her chin and said doubtfully, "I've felt strange since just now. Hanako is a girl, right?" Fuze nodded. "That's weird." Sanzhi blinked and said, "Since Hanako is a girl, why did she appear in the boys' restroom?" When the question came out, Fukuzawa was stunned.She also couldn't answer this question, so she explained indiscriminately: "Since...since it's a monster, it doesn't matter whether it's male or female..."

Sanzhi suddenly patted the table and shouted: "It's a big mistake, of course there is something to it! This legend is too loose, I am very disappointed!" Bai Teng, who dared not make a sound beside him, interjected: "The term 'disappointed' is too..." Sanzhi ignored Baiteng, shook one finger and said solemnly: "Any Hanako in the restroom will definitely appear in the girls' restroom. If it appears in the boys' restroom, it shouldn't be Hanako, and it won't be a girl. It should be a 'boy'." Taro in the bathroom' is right."

Fuze was speechless for a moment. "Forget it, let's continue with the story just now." Sanzhi looked at Fukuzawa expectantly, "And then, Hanako dragged that boy into the toilet..." Bai Teng on the side sighed, thinking that as long as the topic related to ghost stories was mentioned, Sanzhi would be very interested in it immediately. Fukuzawa was also a little helpless. Instead of saying that he was telling the story, it was better to say that Sanzhi was correcting the story for himself.Thinking of this, she suddenly lost interest, and continued to speak weakly: "The boy was pulled into the toilet. Full of blood."

The story is short and ends here. Fuze looked at Sanzhi, only to see Sanzhi resting his chin in thought. "Hmm..." Sanzhi mused, "In other words, Takeuchi-kun from the 4th grade of the fifth grade was indeed killed in the toilet..." Shirato said tremblingly: "That's just a rumor. There is no boy named Takeuchi in the fourth group of the fifth grade. I think those horrible stories are made up by boring people..." "You are so naive, Qianchun!" Sanzhi slapped the table and stood up, startling Baiteng. Sanzhi looked down at Baiteng, bent down, put his face close to Baiteng's, and said strangely: "Listen well, people who are killed by monsters will be erased from this world!"

"Cancel?" "To cancel is to disappear. People who are killed by monsters will erase all their past from the real world, so no one will remember them." Sanzhi's face moved closer, forcing Bai Teng to keep leaning back Go, "Think about it, there was a special rumor before the 4th grade group in the fifth grade. Three students came to the teaching building late at night, and then disappeared. In fact, they were also canceled from this world!" "Ah!" Bai Teng screamed, his face turned pale, he covered his ears, and lay down on the table. Sanzhi laughed triumphantly.

"Don't scare her anymore. Qianchun is timid. If you scare her like this, she will have nightmares at night." Fuze advised from the side. "Hmph, I still envy her very much." Sanzhi said with her arms akimbo, looking at Baiteng trembling on the table. "Envy Baiteng? Why?" Fukuzawa asked. "I envy her timidity." Sanzhi shrugged and said, "It's monsters, ghost stories, horror legends and so on, but I don't know how to be afraid." "You... you're showing off." Fukuzawa said with a smile. "I'm serious. Probably nothing can scare me now, unless I can see a monster with my own eyes."

"Then go see it with your own eyes." Fuzawa said suddenly with a dark face. Sanzhi blinked and asked, "Where are you going?" Fukuzawa whispered: "Didn't you mention Hanako just now, why don't you just go and see Hanako..." "Hanako..." Sanzhi pondered, and suddenly realized, "Oh, you mean, calling Hanako in 'that way'..." Fukuzawa nodded mysteriously, "Call 'Hanako' three times in the toilet, then knock three times on the partition door of the third toilet from the inside..." "Hanako will appear!" Sanzhi took the words excitedly.

"I'm going right away!" Sanzhi's eyes lit up, and he ran out of the classroom involuntarily. Bai Teng raised his head suddenly, "No, don't go..." However, Saneda was no longer in the classroom.Bai Teng looked at Fuze, who had a weird smile on his face. The toilet is very quiet. At this time, the toilet should not be quiet. But Sanzhi didn't care about this, she walked into the toilet. There are seven toilet seats in the women's toilet, and she scanned for a week, and all the toilet seats were tightly closed. Sanzhi clenched his fists and thought to himself: "It's okay, just call 'Hanako' three times, and then knock on the door of the third toilet on the inside, that's all. If Hanako really appears, take a look at her and turn around Just run away."

So, Sanzhi cleared his throat, and called out loudly for the first time: "Hanako!" Quiet. The air in the toilet seemed to freeze. A few drops of sweat had already appeared on Sanzhi's forehead. She yelled a second time: "Hanako!" Still quiet. Sanzhi called out a third time: "Hanako!" Finally, there was a sound in the toilet... Sanzhi's heart began beating violently. The rustling sound came from the toilet.Sanzhi carefully identified the voice, it seemed to be coming from the third toilet on the inside! But... I haven't knocked on the door yet!Sanzhi thought so.Why... Could it be that the actual procedure does not match the legend, that Hanako will appear just by calling "Hanako" three times?

Sanzhi was really a little scared.She wanted to escape, but she was unwilling, she wanted to witness the existence of Hanako with her own eyes. Suddenly, the sound became violent, it was the sound of flushing water... Then, the partition door of the third toilet on the inside opened... Strangely, the fourth door adjacent to it was also opened... Hanako is coming out... Sanzhi felt her body trembling, her breathing became rapid and her heart beat violently. However, what came out was not Hanako in a red dress, but a girl in ordinary clothes! The two girls seemed to be students in the lower grades. They suppressed their smiles and looked at Sanzhi like a clown. Then they lowered their heads and covered their mouths and went into the bathroom. After washing their hands in a hurry, they ran out of the toilet and turned around. close the door. The moment the door closed, the two girls finally laughed out loud, and one of them seemed to be imitating Sanzhi's tone and shouted loudly: "Hanako! Hanako! Hanako!" Sanzhi in the toilet stood dumbfounded. Could it be that... I was treated as an idiot by the kid in the lower grades? Thinking of this, Sanzhi suddenly felt a fire of ignorance, and suddenly rushed to the door of the third toilet on the inner side, and beat the door hard three times with his fist. Boom boom boom. "Bastard Hanako, you've made me look bad!" Sanzhi cursed, her fist aching. "It's ridiculous..." Sanzhi thought, feeling like an idiot, "Forget it, let's go back to the classroom." Sanzhi muttered, turned and walked towards the door. Suddenly, laughter came from the toilet again. The giggles were like silver bells. Sanzhi was furious, and said loudly: "Who is it? You think I'm an idiot, don't you?" The giggles continued. "Who? Answer me!" The giggling continued. "Have you laughed enough?" The laughter never seemed to want to stop. Sanzhi discerned the sound and pricked up his ears.However, when she found out where the laughter was coming from, the anger in her heart instantly turned to fear, and the blood on her face suddenly disappeared. The laughter came from the third toilet on the inside... A girl obviously walked out of that toilet just now, but... The door to that toilet was closed, so no one could see who was inside. Trembling swept Sanzhi's whole body, she was frightened, she finally experienced extreme fear, she dared not stay here any longer, that horrible laughter made her feel cold all over. So Sanzhi ran to the toilet and pushed the door. The door won't move. Strange... Huh? The door is locked?impossible! But Sanzhi couldn't push the door open. "Are you looking for me?" A girl's voice came from behind Sanzhi.The voice was sweet, but it seemed to penetrate Sanzhi's bone marrow. Sanzhi turned his head slowly and tremblingly. The door to the third toilet on the inside slowly opened... (Finish) When it comes to Japanese campus ghost stories, I am afraid that the first thing many people think of is "Hanako in the toilet".Since the birth of the legend of Hanako in the toilet in the 1950s, it spread throughout Japan in the 1980s, and appeared in TV shows, animations, and movies in the 1990s. Until today, the legend of Hanako has never stopped. The image of Hanako is similar in all versions of the legend, nothing more than wearing a red skirt and combing her hair.The most typical example of the detailed legend about Hanako is as follows: In the toilet on the third floor of the teaching building, knock on the partition door of each toilet respectively, and then call: "Is Hanako there?" At this time, someone in the third toilet seat on the back will answer: "Yes." Then, Hanako appeared. There are different opinions about Hanako's life experience, and it is impossible to judge which one is the earliest version. The legend is as follows: 1. Hanako has a mother who suffers from a mental illness. One day her mother fell ill and chased Hanako to school, so Hanako hid in the third toilet seat behind the toilet, but was still found by the mad mother and killed. 2. Hanako is a girl who likes to play hide-and-seek. During World War II, Hanako who was playing hide-and-seek at school hid in the toilet, but the school suffered an air raid, and Hanako did not escape from the toilet and was killed by a bomb. 3. During the holiday, Hanako came to school to play, met a pervert and was hunted down, so she hid in the toilet, but was found by the pervert in the end and was brutally killed. 4. Hanako was abused by her father during her lifetime, and her forehead was full of scars. The reason why Hanako combed her younger sister's hair was to hide the scars on her head. 5. Hanako stumbled and fell from the library window in Fukushima Prefecture and fell to her death (a unique legend in Fukushima Prefecture). In addition, there are legends about Hanako's life: It is said that Hanako's real name is Hasegawa Hanako, born in 1879, because she hates drinking milk, she hates all white things, likes red and blue, participates in the school's table tennis club, suffers from hay fever disease, and so on. Here, according to regional differences, different Hanako legends are listed: Hanako in Tokyo.It is said that after Hanako appeared, if she said to Hanako: "Let's play together." Hanako would reply: "Okay, what are you playing?" At this time, you must not say: "Play hanging." Hanako will be hanged. Hanako from Yamagata Prefecture.Hanako's real body is a monster with three heads. Hanako from Iwate Prefecture.When calling Hanako in the toilet, a huge hand will protrude from the sewer. Hanako from Kanagawa Prefecture.After calling Hanako in the toilet, she must run away within three seconds, or she will be killed. Hanako from Hyogo Prefecture.It is said that Hanako's father will appear in the first toilet seat on the back side of the toilet, Hanako's mother will appear in the second toilet seat, Hanako's mother will appear in the third toilet seat, Hanako's younger sister will appear in the fourth toilet seat, and Hanako's sister will appear in the fifth toilet seat. This is Hanako's younger brother... Hanako from Osaka Prefecture.If Hanako appears, you must not speak Osaka dialect to Hanako, you must speak in standard Japanese, otherwise you will be killed by Hanako.
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