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Chapter 39 Thirty-eighth night iron mouse

Dongying Hundred Ghosts 张小琉 2679Words 2018-03-11
Sakai's cat died. Sakai's daughter was crying so sadly, she couldn't stop her tears, and she kept wiping her cheeks. The cat died terribly. Its body was ruined beyond recognition, and its skin was torn apart.If it weren't for the remaining fur, no one would have thought that this bloody mass was the dead body of a cat. It must have been killed by a wild animal.What kind of animal does not eat it, but only destroys its body?Dingo?wolf?or something else... Seeing his daughter crying, Sakai felt sad himself.Sakai had served in the army, been on the battlefield, and seen countless corpses, but now that his cat died, he would also feel sad.It thought of how the cat licked its fur in the sun to shine, then squinted its eyes and meowed.

Saddened, Sakai buried the cat's body with his daughter. That night, Sakai's house was lifeless, without the cat jumping up and down. Sakai's daughter was tired from crying and fell asleep with tears in her eyes.Sakai's wife let out a sigh.Sitting cross-legged, Sakai thought of the cat's dead body from time to time. The appearance of the dead body was really terrifying. Sakai thought, it would not be killed by a dog or a wolf.How could a dog or a wolf, even a good deed, be so cruel as to leave a cat's body in tatters?Or, what kind of person did my cat provoke, and all of this was human revenge, a human prank?No, Sakai knows the character of his cat, it is not the kind of annoying cat, and will never cause trouble.

Sakai thought for a long time, and finally got tired, so he fell down and fell asleep listening to his wife's sighs. However, this night is not destined to be quiet. The terror of the day continued, extending into the night.Horror is everywhere. First in Sakai's sleep. Sakai saw a lot of furry things, clustered and trembling.They huddled together and slowly moved towards Sakai. Sakai couldn't see what they were.The night was very deep, the moonlight was very dark, and there were no lights to shine on, but the clumps of things actually lit up with spots of light!It's a pair of eyes!Every pair of eyes was fixed on Sakai.

Suddenly, they spread out.Each group has strange eyes, and they swarm up and cover the wife's body. Then, Sakai heard the sound of flesh being torn.He was terrified, those monsters were tearing his wife's body, not only tearing, but also devouring her! Sakai wanted to escape, but he couldn't stand up; he wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound.He could only lie motionless, allowing his wife's body to be torn apart, chewed, and devoured. A group of furry things climbed up Sakai's body, and then more monsters also climbed up.Sakai felt pain, a monster had already bit his ear, and he felt that the monster was tearing his earlobe hard.A monster gnawed at his lips, another got into his mouth, ate his tongue, got into his throat, entered his body, bit his heart, got into his atrium, chewed The liver ate the stomach and intestines, swallowed the eyeballs, and drank the brains.

Sakai has lost his mind, but he can still feel that the lumps of things are gnawing at his bones, sucking up his marrow, and shuttling through his bone cavity... Sakai was awakened by a pain. The sharp pain in his fingertips made his body twitch violently. Sakai sat up quickly, turned on the gas lamp, and carefully looked at his fingers under the lamp. On the fingertip of the index finger, dark red blood flowed out slowly. There was a rustling sound at the corner of the wall.Sakai turned on the brightness of the gas lamp to the maximum, and he saw something near the corner of the wall, a furry mass with a pair of strange eyes, it was a mouse.

Sakai felt disgusted in his heart.The mouse must have just bitten his fingertip.He wished he could tear the mouse to pieces, or treat it like what happened to him in his dream.It has the same shining eyes as those monsters in the dream. The appearance of this mouse is disgusting: it is covered with gray fur, but all the hair on the head has fallen off, revealing the disgusting skin, and the two eyes are embedded in the flesh of the head, which is disgusting. Sakai gritted his teeth fiercely, picked up the clogs beside him, and walked quietly towards the mouse.He was going to smash the rat and crush its carcass into a pulp.

Sakai thought so, and walked over quietly.His eyeballs seemed about to burst. However, the mouse didn't know the danger at all. It was still circling in circles, not knowing what it was looking for.On the bald head, the eyes rolled around. Sakai has already lifted the clogs high... On the day Sakai's cat died. In the afternoon, in the izakaya in the middle of the village, Sanze was drinking. The weather at that time was cloudy, and the dark clouds were clustered and stacked together, covering the sky. Sanze poked his head out of the window and looked at the sky, he didn't think it would rain.He had joined the army, and his years of fighting had taught him how to distinguish the weather, but today's dark clouds made him very uneasy.

"Uncle, give me another drink." Sanze waved to the owner. The shop owner is a white-haired old man. He said to Sanze with a smile on his face, "My brother, I drank a lot today. If I get drunk, I will be scolded by my wife again when I go home." Sanze looked indifferent. "What are you afraid of! Drink too much, go home and lie down to sleep, no matter how much that woman babbles, she won't hear it, ha..." Sanze laughed loudly, and the shopkeeper also laughed. After laughing, the owner said again: "However, brother, don't you have a wine cellar in your home, don't you make wine?"

"Of course there is brewed wine, and it's a big tank. But the women at home don't allow me to drink often. Besides, the wine brewed by myself is of course not as good as the wine in your store, ha..." He laughed again, and the owner continued to laugh, And laughed for a long time. That night, Sanze returned home drunk with half a jug of wine.Surprisingly, his wife didn't get angry with him. She was anxious because her youngest son was missing. Sanze half-opened his eyelids and said, "Where is Xu playing with his friends, and he will come back when he is tired."

"But, it's too late! This child..." The wife was very anxious, seeing that the sky outside had completely darkened. "Let's go out and look for it," the wife decided. "No need..." Sanze smiled and shook his head.When shaking his head, his peripheral vision flicked to the corner of the wall.He found that there was a gray-black thing wriggling in the corner, which was a mouse. The wife ignored Sanze's objection and walked out of the house, but Sanze became curious about the mouse. It was an ugly mouse with shaggy fur and no grass on its head, which was disgusting at first glance.

A bad idea suddenly appeared in Sanze's heart.He looked at the mouse, then at the half jug of wine on the table, and smiled strangely. He was a cruel man, and now he wants to do some cruel things, such as catching the mouse, stuffing it alive into the flagon, and letting it drown in the flagon like that. Thinking of this, Sanze stood up and quietly walked towards the mouse... Terror would have been omnipresent. But the horror is not out of thin air.The so-called cause and effect, terror circulates in cause and effect. When the cause was planted at the beginning, when it matures, if you don't come to eat it, it may come to eat you.In fact, horror is such a thing. Back then, Sakai and Misawa were called up to join the army together. After enlisting in the army, the first order they received was to confiscate folk metal utensils for the manufacture of military weapons, and the first target was the temple in the village. So, a group of people arrived at the temple, menacing.They want to tear down the Buddha statues in the temple. The monks knelt in a row and begged them not to take the statue.Without Buddha statues, temples are not temples, and monks will not be able to live because of this. Sakai kicked a monk away, and Misawa's gun butt knocked blood out of the monk's bald head. So the Buddha statue was taken away by truck.The monks knelt in front of the temple gate like dead ashes. It is said that after that, the monks were forced to be displaced and died in other places. After the war, only Sakai and Sanze returned to the village alive, and only Sakai and Sanze were left in the group that entered the temple.So, today they had to eat this bitter fruit. Those monks who died, for some reason, they "come back". This is the day after the death of Sakai's cat. That morning, two shocking events spread throughout the village. It is said that Sakai slapped his daughter to death with wooden clogs, and her daughter's body was covered with cuts and bruises. It is said that Sanze lost his mind after drinking and threw his son into the wine jar, then covered it and drowned him cruelly. In short, the two men did not admit to the crimes they committed, they just said that they would kill the rats.But they can't explain, why are those mice's heads bald? (Finish)
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