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Chapter 38 Thirty-seventh night mad bone

Dongying Hundred Ghosts 张小琉 2089Words 2018-03-11
The Maruki family and the Kawada family share the same well. The well is between the two houses.When they got up early, Maruki and Kawada fetched water here, and they always exchanged pleasantries for a long time when they met. Both Maruki and Kawada are cheerful bachelors, so they hit each other well, and they are very close on weekdays. However, in the past few days, Maruki always felt that there was something missing around him.It turned out that he hadn't seen Kawada for a long time. In the past, Kawata would always get up early and fetch water with a bucket.Maruki would often go up to him and chat with him for a long time at this time.But recently, after getting up early every day, Maruki looked around the well frequently, but he never saw Kawada again, and the door of Kawada's house was always closed.Maruki didn't know what happened.

So, this morning, when Maruki didn't wait for Kawada to appear again, he decided to knock on Kawada's door to see what happened to Kawada.Maybe he was out, somewhere else. Maruki came to the door of Kawada's house, and he knocked on the door twice. No one responded to him.So Maruki knocked on the door twice more, but there was still no sound in the room. "Sure enough, you're not at home!" Marugi said to himself, and then put his ear against the door, intending to listen for any sound in the room. At this moment, the door opened. With a "crash", Maruki was startled, almost scratched his cheek by the door.

Maruki covered his face with one hand, looked at Kawada standing upright in the room, and complained, "Don't scare me!" "What's the matter..." Kawata's body was straight, but his voice was weak, as if he was sick. Marugi looked at Kawada and saw that his complexion was not very good, and the doubts in his heart were dispelled - it turned out that Kawada was sick and couldn't go out. "Are you sick?" Maruki asked concerned. "Hmm." Kawata replied, "I'm sick, my body is very cold." "You have to pay attention to your body!" Maruki said and reached out to pat Kawada's arm.Kawata's body was a little damp and hard, and he became thinner and weaker in a few days.

"Hmm!" Kawata replied without saying anything. "If you need my help, don't mind, just tell me." Maruki said with a smile. "Well!" Maruki nodded, seeing that Kawata didn't seem to want to talk now, so he planned to leave.But before he could say anything, the door of Kawata's house was closed with a "crash". Maruki scratched his head, wondering secretly: "It's strange, it seems that Kawata didn't close the door with his hands, why the door..." Maruki was only a little puzzled, Kawata's condition was still on his mind.

"Kawada is ill in bed, as a friend, I should do something for him." Marugi thought for a while, "In this case, why not fetch some water for him. I haven't seen him fetch water for a few days, so there must be no water at home. " Thinking of this, Maruki immediately returned home, took out the bucket, went to the well, and planned to pick up two large buckets of water and send it to Kawada's house. Maruki hung the barrel on one end of the potter's wheel and carried it down the well. After a "gudong", the bucket in the well seemed to be full of water.Maruki shook the potter's wheel cheerfully. He felt that he would be very happy to send the two buckets of water to Kawada's house.As a friend, Maruki considers himself conscientious.

However, what he never expected was that the water that came up with the bucket was not well water... A white bone stood in the bucket, and it emerged with the bucket. The bones are dense, and the cold is overwhelming.The eyes on the skull are two bottomless holes. Those holes looked at Maruki. Maruki was scared out of his wits.He thought it was an illusion, but it wasn't an illusion.Maruki even felt the cold air rushing towards his face from the bones. Maruki's hand trembled, and he loosened the handle of the pulley, so the handle rotated rapidly, and the bone sank again. The pair of holes on the skeleton stared at Maruki until it sank into the well.

Maruki was shocked into a statue.He was motionless, not even breathing. Fortunately, he has extraordinary courage, otherwise he would have fainted from fright. In this way, Maruki stayed for a long time, then shook his body and regained his senses. He moved his head closer to the mouth of the well, and slowly poked his head out, to see if the bone was still there. Slowly, Maruki saw the scene in the well. The faint light reflected on the water surface in the well, sparkling.There was nothing in the well but Maruki's bucket.The white bone just now disappeared, it seems to have sunk to the bottom of the well, it seems to be able to move...

Marugi felt chills in his heart, and he suddenly thought: Could the bone have left the well, and it came to the ground...or it might be standing behind him, stretching that terrifying bone arm towards him. Maruki turned his head abruptly, leaving nothing behind him. Maruki took a deep breath, collected himself, and suddenly ran towards Kawada's house. Maruki himself didn't know why he was going to Kawada's house, but the fear in his heart could not be restrained. He just wanted to find a living person, someone who could speak. Panting heavily, Marugi came to Kawada's house, and went directly to pull the door, but it seemed that the door was locked on the inside, and the door was not opened.

"Kawada! Kawata!" Maruki slapped the door hard and shouted, "There is something unclean in the well...in the well!" Maruki continued to pat on the door, but there was no sound from inside the room. "Kawada!" Maruki continued calling Kawada's name. The door remained motionless. However, Kawada's voice sounded in the room, the voice was dull and weak: "You... obviously... saw me..." Marugi was puzzled, put his ear on the door, and patted the door again, "Kawada, what did you say?" "Seeing me...why...don't...help me, save me...come up...my body...is so cold..."

Kawata's voice was filled with waves of chill, which made Maruki's bone-chilling. Suddenly, the door opened again. After a "crash", Kawata stood in front of the door, standing upright.He still didn't open the door. Maruki looked at Kawada's face.On Kawada's face, a pair of eyes were bottomless holes, staring at Maruki. (Finish) Kuanggu is a monster that fell into a well and died. After death, he turned into a wraith and appeared in the well. Crazy Bones is a skeletal ghost with white hair and white clothes.People passing by the well can see it slowly rising from the well...

Toriyama Shiyan's commentary on Kuanggu did not describe the character of the monster, but only said that it was a monster with resentment that appeared in the well.Therefore, it is impossible to judge the characteristics of Kuanggu.Moreover, there are no specific legends about Kuanggu in the folk, but in the dialect of Tsukui County, Kanagawa Prefecture, there is such a word as "キョーコツナイ", which has a similar pronunciation to "Kuanggu", meaning "a violent appearance", and it is similar to "kuanggu". Another word "髐骨" that is pronounced exactly the same as "骨骨" refers to a skeleton. Therefore, it is generally believed that Kuanggu is a monster created by Toriyama Shiyan with the fusion of the two words "violent appearance" and "髐骨".
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