Home Categories Internet fantasy Awakening Day 1

Chapter 27 second quarter

Awakening Day 1 唐缺 4924Words 2018-03-11
Time stopped on the train. The train was suspended in mid-air, suspended in a mysterious cloud. I was the only one on the train who was still able to move.
Later, Fons defined the word "step by step" in this way: at the beginning, you will be surprised by everything you see, and when you get used to seeing it, you will be able to handle the big scenes.After Lin Jinglu pierced his absolute resistance to the word "supernatural", he felt that he had gradually found a broad feeling. So although the big scene right now was indeed big enough, he panicked for a little while, but quickly calmed down.He checked left and right in the train, walked through several carriages in a row, and confirmed that the situation in each carriage was the same.Indeed, everything in the train was no longer moving forward along the time axis, but completely frozen, except——himself.Such a scene is very suitable for a thief or a bus pervert...

While inspecting the cars, he looked out the windows in each car, but everywhere he saw only fog.It seemed that the train, hundreds of meters long, had been lifted into the air, or transferred to some unknown territory. How to break this inexplicable captivity and return to the normal world?Feng Si returned to his seat and sat down helplessly in a daze. He also thought about breaking the sealed glass window and poking his head out, but when he thought about it carefully, he didn't even know the nature of the composition of those clouds, so it was better not to take risks casually, because it would be terrible if it was poisonous.

He suddenly remembered that he still had a mobile phone on him, but when he took it out, he saw that there was no fluke. It was not just a problem of no signal. The mobile phone seemed to be turned into a brick, and the screen could not even be turned on.He put the phone back in frustration, accidentally slipped his hand, and the phone fell to the ground.When he bent down to pick up his phone, he heard someone talking. "Don't bother, the phone is useless here." A man's voice sounded, very loud in the silent train. Fens turned his head in horror, and saw a tall and thin man walking from the other side of the carriage.This person seemed to be in his 30s, with a cold and thin face without the slightest expression, coupled with his vigorous figure and gait, gave Feng Si a feeling of deja vu.But when I think about it carefully, I don't seem to know anyone with a similar build.

"Who are you? Did you bring the train here?" asked Fons. "No." The other party simply said two words. "But you and I are the only ones who can move in this train, and you seem to know a little bit of the reason, can you tell me?" Feng Si continued to ask. "Simply put, this is a brand new space, different from the space of the world you are in." The man said, "The train has been involved in this space, including everyone and everything on the train, including you and me." "Then why are the other things solidified, but the two of us can still move?" Fons raised this crucial question.

"The law of space is different, of course they lose their vitality," the man said, "but you and I are indeed unaffected. But I can't explain it to you in detail." "What's so hard to guess?" Feng Si snorted, "For the past few months, this sentence has been jumping under my nose: I'm fucking different from others, but you bastards just don't Ken tell me what the hell is different about me than everybody else." "That's right," the man nodded, he didn't seem to be angry at being called a "bastard" by Feng Si, "saved me a lot of words. Goodbye."

"Wait, goodbye?" Feng Si was taken aback, "Where are you going?" "Of course I went back and sat in my seat—otherwise where else would I go?" The man seemed surprised that Fence would ask such a stupid question, but there was still no expression on that paste-like face. Feng Si felt that he could still maintain a calm mind when facing Lin Jinglu and He Yifan, but he couldn't help but feel an unknown anger in front of this strange man: "You don't seem to be nervous at all about the current situation, you are not afraid of being here. Slowly starve to death?"

"No, it will be over in a while." After the man finished speaking, he turned around and walked back. It will be over in a while, the man said.Although there was still no explanation, but for some reason, there was a convincing force in his words, which made Feng Si slightly relieved.He thought for a while, then shouted again: "There is one more question, is it a coincidence that you and I appeared on the train at the same time?" "Of course not." The man said in that angry "brother, how could you ask such a stupid question" tone. Feng Si was stunned for a moment, realizing that he really asked a stupid question this time.Whether it's stinky dog ​​shit or sweet pastry, he has been targeted by countless people, and this man is naturally following the train he got on.

"Then are you going to go into the mountains with me?" Feng Si asked again, "Just as a companion?" "No need, I like to be alone." The man waved his hand, "Anyway, you should know that in this world, many people's eyes are already focused on you, and I'm not the only one." He paused, thought for a while, and added: "By the way, you might feel a little uncomfortable after a while. Be prepared."
After saying this nonsense, the man left as expected.Feng Si wanted to catch up, but knew that it was pointless to catch up with him, so he could only sit down again.The fog outside the window was still thick, blocking all sight, making it impossible to see the surroundings.

Feng Si pressed his face to the window glass, staring at the thick fog in a daze, while pondering what the man said.According to his explanation, the train has now been completely transferred to a different dimension. The natural laws in this space seem to be completely different from the daily space, so the people on the train have become clay sculptures, so the tears that are dripping are also Can hover in mid-air.But it happened that he and that unknown man could move freely. Is it because of that benign tumor in my brain?Is it really attached to the brain?Feng Si knocked on his forehead subconsciously.He found that he seemed to be approaching the truth step by step, but he kept encountering more mysteries.

Unknowingly, he was a little distracted, and after a while, he suddenly noticed that the thick fog in front of him seemed to have changed.Those dense clouds no longer diffused randomly, but slowly arranged into a certain shape. Feng Si stood up all of a sudden, staring at the strange and unpredictable cloud outside the window.That's right, the fog started to move regularly, some parts dissipated to form a space, and others gathered together, gradually forming a huge three-dimensional pattern in his sight. Looking at the sculpture-like three-dimensional pattern, Feng Si felt that his blood was about to freeze—it was a head magnified hundreds of times, a human head.

His own head!
He blinked, and carefully identified it. He was right, it was indeed his face shape, his facial features and his head shape.Now this huge head is floating outside the window of the train. Two eyes bigger than a human body are silently staring at him. Except for the wrong color, every other detail is really lifelike. Even the most recent For two days, the pimples on his forehead due to getting angry were still there, which was exactly the same as his. Is it watching me?Fons had this strange idea.Looking at myself and myself is already funny enough, but they don't seem to know each other, and they are testing each other. The two sides faced each other through the glass window. After about two minutes, the expression of the head made of clouds and mist outside the window began to change.Its mouth is grinning, the corners of its mouth are upturned, and its eyes are slightly narrowed—— It made a smiley face! With the appearance of this terrifying smiling face, Fons suddenly felt a tearing headache.The pain came directly from the depths of his skull, as if a pair of sharp claws had torn his brain open.Of course, this is just an illusion, because the brain itself cannot feel pain, but the pain is so intense that it is really hard for him not to make such an association. ow.Feng Si held his head, curled up on the seat, and had no time to observe the changes in the heads outside the window.He never thought that there would be such a severe headache, as if a rusty blunt knife was inserted into the cranial cavity, and then slowly stirred, all the flesh, nerves, and brain tissue in the brain were smashed into pieces. "You might feel a little uncomfortable after a while." This is what the mysterious man said just now.Now it seems that what he said was a lie - it was not "a little" uncomfortable at all, but it was so uncomfortable that people wanted to smash their heads to death, crush their own heads, and kill the pain in their skulls along with their own lives . Amidst the severe pain, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears, a voice that was as thin as a gossamer and hard to hear without paying attention, as if someone was speaking to him.Fence gritted his teeth and tried to catch the voice. After repeating it several times, he finally heard it clearly. "You are finally here." The voice seemed to be very far away, but it seemed to be close to the ear. "Who is it? Who is talking?" Feng Si yelled, and this kind of yelling can also suppress the headache a little. "I've been waiting for you for a long time," the voice said again.This time Feng Si could hear it a little more clearly. The voice was sharp and erratic, and the rhythm and intonation of the enunciation were very weird, almost similar to computer synthesized voice. "Who the hell are you? What are you waiting for me?" Feng Si continued to roar. "You don't... don't know me anymore?" The voice let out a strange smile, "It seems that you need to recover a little bit of memory." After this sentence was finished, the severe headache just like a stabbing knife suddenly disappeared.He was wondering, when suddenly his eyes blurred, and the passengers around him disappeared together with the train.His feet were empty, and he began to fall down rapidly involuntarily. Feng Si let out a loud cry, and the feeling of weightlessness seemed to squeeze his heart out of his chest.Just when he was worried that he might fall into a patty, there was a loud "plop", and the water splashed around him, and he fell into the water.
It stinks.This is his first reaction. After the initial panic, he opened his eyes, and while adjusting his posture to float up, he noticed that the surrounding water was extremely deep blood red, almost black, with a choking strong stench. After surfacing, he reached out to wipe the water off his face, trying to see the surrounding situation clearly.As soon as his vision became clear, he was startled. There was a swollen dead body floating in front of him, with a face that hadn't completely rotted, and his round eyes were staring at the sky. Feng Si subconsciously reached out and pushed the corpse away, and continued to look around.Looking at it, he felt that he was about to suffocate.If it was a nightmare, it must be the worst fucking nightmare he's ever had in his life. He was in a vast area of ​​water. Judging from the fluidity of the water, it seemed to be a big river, but the water in the entire river had been dyed blood red.There are countless dead bodies floating densely on the surface of the river, some seem to be newly dead, while others are already rotten and swollen.Feng Si noticed that most of these people were wearing animal skins. But there are many more terrifying corpses than the rotting corpses of humans.At first glance, those corpses looked like beasts, but upon closer inspection, they didn't seem to be any kind of animals that had coexisted with humans in history.Most of them have huge bodies, strangely shaped heads, scales and limbs, some have more than one head or tail, and some have wide wings behind them. A monster like this slowly floated over beside Feng Si. It looked a bit like a horse, but it was twice as tall as an ordinary horse. It had a pair of bat-like black wings on its back.Its mouth was full of sharp fangs, and a severed human arm was stuck in the fangs. In addition, there are aliens.Beside the horse-shaped monster, there is still a human corpse floating. The back is facing up and the shape cannot be seen clearly, but it can be clearly seen that there are two protruding bumps on his back, each with a Short and thick arms, with two sharp claws at the end of the arms. Fens felt sick for a while, looked away and looked into the distance.The sky was dark, completely covered by thick black clouds, but there was a faint bloody red light, which was due to the fire on the ground.Flames blazed in the distance, and the sound of war drums, fighting, shouting and dying cries continued to be heard.In the mist that covered the sky and the sun, he could only faintly see many vague figures holding weapons running on the river bank, and beside them, there were many larger figures, perhaps those who died in the river The same kind of monsters.Through the thick fog, he could see that the running figures were constantly being knocked down, crushed or swallowed, and the monsters were also falling down one by one, their huge bodies hitting the ground with a heavy sound. dull sound.In the sky, there are many strange birds flying, swooping down from time to time, catching a person in the air, and throwing them down to smash them to pieces. Is this river dyed red by the blood of humans and monsters?Feng Si thought blankly, this is simply a scene like hell.The sky was dark, the poisonous mist filled the air, the flames soared into the sky, and the drums sounded. Humans and monsters fought together desperately, and the broken limbs and remains stained the river red.This scene should not exist in the official history of any age or nation. It should only exist in the age of mythology, in the legends of ancient prehistoric times, and in the most primitive and ancient nightmares. - Will this be my memory?The memory I should get back? —Then what the hell have I become?
Fons began to swim vigorously towards the shore.He wanted to break through the thick fog and go to the river bank so that he could see everything up close.But just after swimming less than 100 meters, it was dark again, the buoyancy of the river water around him disappeared instantly, and the smell of burnt and blood on the nose also disappeared.He found himself on the train again. The sound of the wheels colliding with the rails began to sound rhythmically again, and the car was filled with grunting, breathing, whispering, and "humming" sounds mixed with other noises in the middle of the night.People who fell asleep leaned back and forth on their seats, snoring and drooling, and those who were not asleep played cards and chatted or swiped on their mobile phones.Everything comes alive again and time starts to run. Feng Si gasped in shock, and touched his clothes and hair first. There was some dampness from cold sweat, but there was no excess moisture, let alone stained with blood, which indicated the grand killing scene of blood and fire just now. It's just an illusion. He couldn't help being a little confused: Could it be that the train's entry into a foreign space and the stop of time were just hallucinations?As he thought about it, he took out his phone to check, and there were new scratches on the phone case.It was caused by him accidentally falling to the ground when he was trying to record with his mobile phone just now. This shows that at least the experience of time stagnation is real. Feng Si took out a tissue, wiped the sweat from his head and neck, and slowly calmed down.Everything that happened just now was too impactful, and he needed a little time to digest it.For the first time in the past few months, he finally came into contact with the mysterious power hidden behind each family for the first time, and for the first time, he felt how powerful the other party really is, and this kind of power is probably just an iceberg corner. To move an entire train and thousands of people in it into another space in an instant, and then move them all back again without revealing any flaws, this is indeed appalling.If one had to use the simplest words to summarize such power, it would be two words that have been used badly: God, or demon. "Don't ruin my three views like this..." Feng Si muttered to himself, "It's not easy being a good boy." Beside Feng Si, the young man who had been reading pirated online novels finally couldn't stand it any longer and fell asleep lying on the table.The brick-like pirated book in his hand fell to the ground, and on the cover was a scantily clad girl with big breasts struggling desperately in the hands of the devil.
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