Home Categories Internet fantasy Awakening Day 1

Chapter 22 first quarter

Awakening Day 1 唐缺 3782Words 2018-03-11
Two days later, Ning Zhangwen finally woke up.He narrated that he was so focused on reading that he didn't notice anyone approaching at all, but suddenly his neck was strangled by someone, and he couldn't even scream, and then he felt a pain in his waist, and soon lost consciousness. "The man was obviously very skilled and experienced," Fons said. "The police told me that no one at the scene noticed how the man did it. They just heard you fall from the chair to the floor and saw You didn’t know you had been stabbed until blood started to flow on the ground. What’s even worse is that the surveillance camera in the area where you were sitting was broken, and the other party must have come prepared. So, the police haven’t identified the suspect until now .”

He paused, and then said, "Brother Ning, I'm all to blame for causing you to be like this. From now on..." "I still have to do what needs to be done," Ning Zhangwen said with no expression on his face, "If you talk about it again, I won't be happy!" Ning Zhangwen was a stubborn person, what he said could not be changed, Feng Si didn't dare to say more.What's more, it is not appropriate to make him angry at this moment. Ning Zhangwen was not only stabbed in the abdomen, but also injured the omentum, small intestine and stomach wall.Although the hematoma was not too serious, conservative treatment could slowly absorb and dissipate, but the pain in his head made his temper more likely to be ignited.Therefore, Feng Si and Wen Xiaolan followed him in everything these days.

"You can't just lie down," Ning Zhangwen slapped the bed sheet hard, "If you don't move your mind, you will have a headache instead. Tell me about that book, my ancient prose is not very good, and I haven't read it too carefully." Feng Si had no choice but to retell the two stories to Ning Zhangwen in detail.Ning Zhangwen leaned his head on the pillow and thought about it carefully. It seemed that this could really divert his attention from the headache: "When Yu Zhike had a high fever, he talked a lot. Xie Misi Gan Dacheng, where is it?" ?” "It is the city of Samarkand, formerly the capital of the Khwarezm Empire, which now belongs to Uzbekistan." Feng Si said, "Qiu Chuji's disciple Li Zhichang called it the great city of Xiemisiqian in "Journey to the West, a Real Man in Changchun."

"Is it the city that Guo Jing destroyed with a parachute?" Wen Xiaolan interrupted and asked. Feng Si laughed happily: "That's right, it's that city, of course it was fabricated by Mr. Jin. Mr. Jin wrote a novel, so it doesn't have to follow the real history. In it, Genghis Khan just captured Samarkand, the whole truth In fact, Genghis Khan conquered Samarkand in 1220, and Qiu Chuji arrived in Samarkand in the winter of 1221 and spent the winter there.” "That is to say, when these Taoist priests spent the winter in Samarkand, Yu Zhi could see a monster that looked like flesh. How tall is two feet high?" Ning Zhangwen asked.

"I've checked. Officially in the Song Dynasty, one foot was about 31 centimeters, but the folks described it as one foot and twenty-three centimeters. For example, a person who is eight feet tall is about 1.8 meters tall. Four heights, considered a burly man at that time. If it is 31 centimeters, then a bunch of people are taller than Yao Ming. But even if it is smaller, one foot is about 2.3 meters, and if it is two feet tall, there must be some Four meters six, taller than ordinary African elephants. In the story of King Huainan, the monster the thief saw was only the size of a pony. Obviously, it had not grown up yet, which just confirmed what Yang Lu said: the timing is not yet arrive."

"It stands to reason that if Yu Zhike saw any monsters, he would definitely tell Master. Why is it not mentioned in "Journey to the West" by Changchun Real Man?" Wen Xiaolan asked again. "Probably Qiu Chuji didn't want to mention it." Feng Si said, "Qiu Chuji is a man of Taoism, and he doesn't want to reveal these too dirty and evil monsters to the world, not to mention, this matter may be related to Taoism. In any case, the harvest has been great. We can now basically confirm that the monster in the black and white photo was domesticated artificially. It may have some amazing powers, and it can grow to The body is huge, but the process of raising it is very long. The person who raises monsters in the big city of Xie Misigan must have some kind of connection with the rich businessman named Yang Lu."

"It might even be the same person." Ning Zhangwen's voice was a little gloomy. "The same person?" Wen Xiaolan was surprised, "How is that possible? From the Western Han Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty, more than a thousand years!" "Is it possible to explain the things we are facing with common sense?" Ning Zhangwen asked rhetorically.
The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became dull.After a while, Ning Zhangwen first broke the silence: "I thought of something else." "What?" Feng Si asked. "In terms of probability, it's not so coincidental. I found so many ancient books, but I found nothing, but one book, one chapter in one book of this person provided two clues. You know, the existing books in our country There are more than 80,000 kinds of ancient books."

"Then you mean..." Feng Si frowned. "It's not a coincidence, it must be intentional." "What is intentional?" Wen Xiaolan asked.Although Ning Zhangwen talked a lot in front of the two of them, he still spoke concisely and concisely, and sometimes it was difficult for people to understand. "The author, that author, must have put these two stories together on purpose, and maybe even the purpose of writing this book is to preserve these two clues." "Then why would he do that?" Before Ning Zhangwen could speak, Feng Si had already interjected: "I think it's probably because... there were some people like us in history who wanted to fight against these mysterious existences. At least from this book, That kind of monster that looks like a brain or a huge optic flesh already existed in the Western Han Dynasty. But I guess, the age without written records may be even older, and may even go back to prehistoric."

"Then isn't this kind of monster always coexisting with humans?" Wen Xiaolan shuddered slightly. "I don't know, I need more information." Ning Zhangwen said. "I need to look for more information." Feng Si said, "The exams for this semester are all over, and your injury is fine. I plan to hire a part-time worker to take care of you, and then go to my grandfather Take a look at my hometown." "There is no need to hire part-time workers. I don't have to go home this summer vacation. I originally planned to stay in Beijing to find an internship opportunity." Wen Xiaolan said.

"I don't need a part-time job, and I don't need you to stay." Ning Zhangwen said calmly, "My mother is dead, I think, I also need to learn to live by myself." "We all need to learn to live on our own," he added. Feng Si hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "That's true."
The final exams are over and the summer vacation has begun. When college students complained about the mountains of summer homework in middle school, they would always receive pies drawn by teachers: "Hurry up and get admitted to college, the summer vacation of college is a truly free summer vacation." But in fact, summer vacation for college students is not Not completely free. Although there are no piles of homework, there are various internship and social practice requirements. Feng Si's major arranges internship tasks.

Of course, most of this kind of social practice is just going through the motions, and in the end it is nothing more than asking for a red badge from an internship unit-the internship unit is enough for these college students who don't work hard and don't know the grain.As a capable person who can fully support himself by all kinds of crooked methods, Feng Si sneered at such formalities, and had made an agreement with Zhang Shengyin early on to go to him to ask for a chapter.After all, Feng Qizhou is a high-end liar. After he had some savings, he registered a cultural company for himself—basically, all liar companies in the world will use technology, culture, investment and other skins to package themselves. Look at it like this It's even more presentable.After his death, Zhang Shengyin has been taking care of the company. Although he lost the pillar "Wang Xuzi" master, Zhang Shengyin has recruited a group of experts who rely on yin and yang feng shui to swindle money like Feng Qizhou through his own efforts. Like Feng Si, he worked hard to develop network channels, and the company operated quite well. "How about it, I'll ask Zhang Shengyin to stamp you too?" Feng Si said to Wen Xiaolan. Wen Xiaolan rolled his eyes at him: "I'm not like you who can do everything by cheating and abducting. Internships are still very important to me." "College students these days are all theoretical giants and dwarfs in action. Internships are nothing more than serving tea, typing, and running errands. People think you are causing trouble and wasting lunch coupons." Feng Si's face was full of air, just like himself Not like a college student, "seriously, go talk to the 'masters' under Zhang Shengyin and find out how they cheated other people's money into their own pockets , definitely more knowledgeable than serving tea and pouring water for a month." "Your words make me really want to go..." Wen Xiaolan pouted, "But I have already contacted the company. It is a well-known foreign company. I will write it on my resume in the future. It is much more beautiful than that liar culture company." "A woman's opinion..." Feng Si waved his hand, "It's up to you. I've already bought a ticket, and I'm leaving tonight." "Be careful, that place is poor, and anything can happen." Feng Si smiled: "It's still the same sentence, anyway, I won't be abducted to become a wife, so what are you afraid of? I'm not worried about Brother Ning, you should go and see him when you have time." "I have already taught him how to use the washing machine," Wen Xiaolan also laughed, "but he still can't control the amount of washing powder, and the washing machine is full of foam. He even boiled an egg himself this morning. It exploded, but it was still edible, and it didn't set the house on fire." "If you don't accumulate steps, you can't travel thousands of miles. It's so good." Feng Si gestured and stroked the non-existent long beard under his jaw.
At this time, there were still several hours before the departure time, and it was still early. Feng Si leisurely went to the snack bar to eat a piece of Guilin rice noodles. After eating, he remembered that he hadn't bought the instant noodles for the road.Although he holds the tens of millions of net worth left by his father in his hand, his heart knot cannot be solved for a day, and he will not use these millions of oceans. He can only continue to live a poor life, even the boxed lunch on the train. I was reluctant to eat, so I had to rely on instant noodles to satisfy my hunger. He thought the queue at the branded supermarket on campus was too long, so he came to a small private supermarket with a small space. As a result, three girls lined up in front of the shelf of bowls of instant noodles, chattering about selecting instant noodles as carefully as bank reconciliation.He clasped his hands and waited for two or three minutes, wishing he had a hammer in his hand to beat the three cocksuckers to death one by one.At this moment, the footsteps of two people came from next to the mineral water shelf on the back of the instant noodle shelf, and a man and a woman approached while talking.Their voices were unfamiliar, but what they said shocked Feng Si. "Isn't it just that a monkey died? You've lost your temper for three days. What's the matter?" It was a man who spoke. The woman's voice shot out like a machine gun: "A monkey? It's not like you don't know how much effort it took to domesticate it! Where else can you find such a capable monkey?" "Okay, well, even if it's irreplaceable, it's dead anyway, so why do you keep thinking about it?" the man said. The woman seemed even more annoyed: "It's not because of your negligence that it ran out! Otherwise, how could it be killed?" The two seemed to be grabbing water, and the sound of footsteps began to move towards the entrance of the supermarket.With a thought in his heart, Feng Si poked his head out from the side of the shelf, just in time to see the backs of the man and woman paying the bill.The woman was petite, she seemed to be a young girl; the man was unusually tall, a head taller than him. Can't go wrong!It exactly matches the description of Aunt Hongge in the square, and this is the owner of the monkey he has been looking for!I really didn't expect to find them on such an unexpected occasion after stepping through iron shoes and finding nowhere to find them. The three girls were still hesitating, whether to buy Laotan sauerkraut beef noodles or private beef noodles, Feng Si wanted to hug them and kiss each of them.If it wasn't for these three big sisters who delayed his time, he might just meet the owners of these two monkeys after buying instant noodles.And I don't know them, but they know themselves, and they will definitely choose to avoid them. God bless instant noodles, God bless girls with choice disorder, Feng Si secretly rejoiced.
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