Home Categories Internet fantasy Awakening Day 1

Chapter 10 second quarter

Awakening Day 1 唐缺 5291Words 2018-03-11
In the past ten years, "Wangxuzi" Master Feng Qizhou's reputation has become more and more famous, so much so that colleges and gymnasiums have to ask him to read Fengshui.But when Feng Si was a child, he was just a small street crook who was incompetent, earning a little living money by setting up street stalls and asking divination, or not enough money for living.At that time, it was Feng Si's mother Chi Lian who silently supported the family.She works as a nurse in the county hospital, and she has to work two night shifts a week, which is very hard.And Feng Qizhou hardly knows how to do housework, and she has to take care of all the housework after work.

"My dad is a useless dad." These were the words Fons wrote when he finished his homework "Describe your dad in one sentence" when he was in the first grade of elementary school.Because of this sentence, he was punished by the teacher to stand all afternoon, but in his heart, he didn't think there was anything wrong with him. Of course, Feng Qizhou is not all bad, at least he is docile and obedient, he never makes his wife angry at home, and he never keeps the little money he earns privately, handing it in all at once.However, such an image made Feng Si feel that his father was a useless man.

When Fons was 8 years old, that is, when he was in the third grade of elementary school, this useless man did an extremely useless thing.At that time, he had finally accumulated some reputation and was able to serve some higher-level people. Once, he was introduced to a newly opened teahouse in a neighboring county to see Feng Shui.The Feng Shui process went smoothly, but when Feng Qizhou was about to leave with a red envelope, a friend of the teahouse owner stopped him. "Master, my mother has been in a trance lately and doesn't think about food and drink. She always wakes up for no reason at night and insists on saying that there is something hidden under the bed... I suspect she is bewitched. Could you please take a look at her?" See?" said the gentle-looking man in the gold-rimmed glasses.

If he could earn an extra red envelope, Feng Qizhou naturally agreed, so he went with him to see his mother, and pretended to perform a ritual to exorcise evil spirits, burning a piece of talisman paper for the old lady to drink. .That night, Feng Qizhou returned to the county, took the money he earned during the day, and boldly took his wife and children to a restaurant.While Yi Xing was flying, the phone rang, and it was a call from a friend who introduced his Feng Shui business.After he connected the phone, his expression changed all of a sudden. "What did you say? The old woman is dead?" He shouted in a gaffe, "Isn't that terrible?"

"It's even worse," my friend sighed on the phone. "Her son is a gangster, and he's a big brother." Of course, there must be many complicated reasons for the death of the old lady. A mere bowl of talisman water will not cause death. At least before drinking this bowl of talisman water, there must be quite serious diseases in her body organs, but the underworld brother Obviously, Fu Shui will only be used as a fatal inducement.
So Feng Qizhou fled.He couldn't find a way to deal with the underworld boss, so he had to leave, but this was just a self-deception of burying his head in the sand.He escaped, but his wife and son have not yet escaped, and they are still waiting for the tragic fate that is about to fall on their heads in the old house in their hometown.

The gangster mobilized his younger brothers to search for a week, but failed to find any trace of Feng Qizhou, so he came to Feng Si's hometown, a small town, and pushed open the door of Feng's house.He told Chi Lian with a gentle and gentle smile that Feng Qizhou killed his mother and disappeared, so he had no choice but to recover the debt from Feng Qizhou's family.If Chi Lian can't give him justice, he can only take Feng Si to the knife.Chi Lian, who was so frightened out of her wits, had no choice but to grit her teeth and agreed to the compensation, which was considered a huge sum of money for ordinary people at that time.Of course, the family definitely couldn't afford the cash, so the only option was to sell the house as a seller, but even that was not enough, fortunately, the benevolent mafia brother allowed Chi Lian to pay in installments.

"However, interest has to be added to the installment, so I can only ask you to work harder." He said politely. In the following period of time, the mother and son lived in a miserable state.Chi Lian found an empty room less than ten square meters in the temporary dormitory prepared by the hospital for interns, and took Feng Si to live in it.Then after finishing his job every day, he had to find a way to work to earn money, but Feng Si fell ill again at this time, with a persistent high fever, which forced Chi Lian to squeeze out the already scarce sleep time to take care of him.During that time, Chi Lian was so tired that her face turned yellow every day, her dark circles never faded, and she lost a lot of weight, but she resolutely stopped Feng Si's idea of ​​setting up a stall to make some money.

"You study for me honestly!" She scolded, "You don't have to worry about money!" Not long after, on a rainy evening, Chi Lian, who had finished her part-time job at her employer’s house in the north of the city, rode a bicycle and went straight to the south of the city to prepare for the night shift.I don't know if it was because she was too tired, or the rain that night was too heavy and the roads were slippery. When passing by the river that flows through the city, she was sucked into the river. A few days later, her swollen and decomposed body was discovered, and Feng Qizhou also rushed back at this time, just in time to take care of the funeral.The underworld boss found out that he had forced someone to die, and he was afraid that the matter would become serious, so he no longer pursued the remaining money, and did not seek any trouble from Feng Qizhou.But Fons lost his mother forever.

On the day when the body was cremated, Fons hugged his mother's portrait tightly to his chest without shedding a single tear.When his mother's body finally turned into a wisp of green smoke along with the raging flames, he suddenly turned his head and stared at Feng Qizhou, the hatred in his eyes seemed to be able to cremate Feng Qizhou too. "Remember, I will never forgive you." Feng Si said every word. Feng Qizhou lowered his head deeply, not daring to look at his son.
A few years later, Feng Qizhou got rich and bought back the old house that was sold for money to pay off debts, hoping to please Feng Si.But when Feng Si saw the old house, his resentment towards Feng Qizhou deepened.He took the opportunity to move back to the old house and minimize the chances of meeting Feng Qizhou.When it came time to apply for university, he decisively chose Beijing, thousands of miles away from home, thinking that he would be able to get rid of this father completely in the future, but he did not expect that things would change surprisingly.

Fons recalled those unpleasant memories, opened all the windows to let the air out, and then cleaned the dusty home while looking for the key to the basement.But the basement was originally used to store sundries that were rarely used, and it was not uncommon for it not to be opened for a year. After searching for a long time, I couldn't find the key, but I felt hungry and sleepy.He simply stopped looking, tidied up his bedroom hastily, boiled water to soak a bowl of instant noodles left over from the train ride, and ate them. He decided to take a nap first, and then search slowly the next day.

After curling up on the train all day, I didn't get a good night's sleep. This time I slept very deeply, almost without dreaming.But in the middle of the night, a loud noise woke him up from his dream.There was a thunderstorm, and there was an instant rainstorm outside the window. Feng Si got up from the bed and reached out to press the lamp, but the lamp was not on.Looks like the old building's electrical circuit has tripped again.He had already gotten used to it, anyway, he was familiar with everything at home, so he simply didn't turn on the flashlight, and fumbled to close the windows of each room.When he walked into the bedroom where his parents lived, a flash of lightning just happened to illuminate the whole room.Feng Si stopped suddenly, and grabbed an antique vase from the desk. There is someone in the room!Under the flashing lightning, Feng Si clearly saw a small figure shrinking into the wardrobe.It didn't look like an adult's size, but rather a child. "Who? Come out!" Feng Si yelled sharply, approaching the wardrobe step by step.Just as he was about to reach out to open the closet, the closet door opened itself from the inside, knocking the vase in his hand to the ground, and smashed it to pieces with a "crash".At the same time, a black figure jumped out suddenly and bumped into Feng Si.Although the black figure was small, the collision was as fast as lightning and full of strength. Feng Si was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground all at once. At this time, the second flash of lightning also lit up, illuminating the little black figure who had just knocked Fons down.Fons was so startled that he forgot to stand up—it was a monkey!An extremely ugly monkey with a lot of hair loss like alopecia areata and a large red sarcoid on its face. The monkey let out a ferocious hiss, and pounced on Feng Si again, but Feng Si had already prepared himself this time. Although he was still sitting on the ground, he had already grabbed a piece of the broken vase in his hand.In the darkness, he could vaguely discern the outline of the monkey's body. He didn't exert any force himself, but held the fragment steadily, waiting for the monkey to hit it by itself. There was another violent impact, and Fons almost suspected that his wrist was about to be dislocated, but the monkey screamed at the same time, and a few drops of hot liquid splashed onto his hand.The group of black shadows rushed towards the window, and then disappeared into the rain curtain outside the window. Only then did Feng Si stand up slowly, and was surprised to find that his heart didn't beat too fast after encountering such a weird emergency.Perhaps after that night of killing, I have become accustomed to these urgent and dangerous situations?He thought and smiled wryly. He found the candle from above the refrigerator, lit it and examined it carefully.The fragments of the vase were stained with blood, and there were some blood stains on his own hands, but there were no wounds on his hands, indicating that the monkey was indeed stabbed by himself.The parents' room was turned into a mess, the desk drawers were turned upside down, and the clothes in the closet were thrown all over the place. It was undoubtedly the monkey's masterpiece. He was sleepless for a while, and while cleaning up the messy house, he guessed the origin of the monkey.Although I have heard the legend of someone training monkeys to steal before, I was still very surprised when I encountered it for the first time.He judged calmly: This is an old welfare house in an old community, and there will be no rich people living here. If it is a temporary thief, he should not steal his home; if he has heard of Feng Qizhou's name , If you want to earn a fortune from the Fengshui master's house, you should go to the villa, not here. So, maybe this monkey came for him, for the secret hidden in him, maybe even it wanted to find the key to the storage room just like him.Feng Si recalled the soul-stirring night when his father was killed, and suddenly realized that the peaceful life he had been used to for a long time might be gone forever.The road ahead is doomed to be full of twists and turns, even life-threatening. He sighed, and suddenly felt as if he was standing on a basketball court. He just wanted to comfortably shoot from the outside, but someone always yelled at him: "Big man! Go inside! Big man! Go up!" "Then go ahead, I've gotten used to it anyway." Feng Si clenched his fists, "I'll hit your lungs."
After dawn, Fons continued to rummage through boxes and cabinets, and finally found the key to the underground storage room in a corner of a drawer.Opening the door of the storage room, a strong musty smell hits the face.He had to stand outside the door for a long time, waiting for the musty smell to dissipate before going in. Under the dim light, the storage room looked even more messy, with all kinds of useless debris piled up in it.It contains the children's tricycle that Feng Si rode in his childhood, the children's books he read, and the needle-tube cotton yarn that his mother brought back from the hospital.Originally there were items like the small table used by his father for fortune-telling when he was young, but Feng Si threw them away.He always wanted to erase all traces of his father from his life. But now, he must find out what his father left him. In the corner of the room was the black wooden cabinet my father spoke of, covered with thick cobwebs.After opening the cabinet and clearing out the sundries inside, it can be seen that the thickness of the inside of the cabinet is much smaller than that of the outside, and there should be a mezzanine.Fons groped for a long time and found a movable plank.He pulled the board away, and something fell out of the hole in the back, hitting the wooden base of the cabinet with a metallic trill. Fence took a closer look and recognized that it was a metal biscuit container with a picture of Donald Duck painted on it that he liked very much when he was a child. He opened the lid of the container and took out a package of documents wrapped in layers.On the top are two blood type test sheets, and the names belong to father Feng Qizhou and mother Chi Lian respectively. "Feng Qizhou...Type A? Chi Lian...Type AB?" Feng Si frowned, trying to recall what he had learned about blood types.He was also worried that he had made a mistake, so he turned on his mobile phone to check online, and then let out a long breath. Feng Qizhou and Chi Lian are not his biological parents, or at least one of them is not.Because one's own blood type is O, and the parents of A and AB blood types, the children's blood types may be A, B, and AB, except that they cannot be O type. Is it possible that one of the two is related to him by blood?Thinking about it carefully, Feng Qizhou's putting these two test sheets at the top is undoubtedly a strong hint that neither of them is related to him by blood.Although Fence had already had such conjectures since what happened that night and was mentally prepared, but at this moment when the truth was unmistakably presented in front of him, he still felt panicked and felt that he had been trapped. The torn life was severely cut again, as if God wanted to snatch all precious things away from him. He walked back to the ground, gasped for two minutes, and then slowly calmed down, returned to the basement, and continued to read the materials left by Feng Qizhou.What follows is a copy of the interrogation records of the Public Security Bureau. The suspect is named Zhai Jianguo, and his home address is in a small town in the northeast. sky!
Feng Si felt a chill welling up in his heart.Undoubtedly, the father left this interrogation record that took place at a special time to explain that this case was related to Feng Si's life experience.But he never knew, nor heard his parents mention this person named Zhai Jianguo.It's really strange, he thought, my hometown is in the southwest, and this city is in the northeast. How could my life experience be linked to a small northeast city and a person I don't know?Or... I was brought here from that city in the first place? He was about to scroll down to find out what crime this Zhai Jianguo had committed and how it was related to him, but suddenly, an almost instinctive intuition made his whole body tense, and he I felt some kind of danger approaching. There are people behind! He hurriedly tried to turn around, but only halfway around, just in time to catch a glimpse of a figure, a burly figure, out of the corner of his eye, and then he was hit on the head hard and knocked to the ground.But this time, even though he was beaten to the point of staring, he did not faint.As he fell to the ground, he vaguely saw the man who attacked him reach out and take away the package left by his father. Fence was very anxious, and he reached out and grabbed the man's ankle, but the man stomped his foot hard and stepped on his finger.With his fingers connected to his heart, he had to withdraw his hands in pain, but the man had already quickly ran out. Fence struggled to get up from the ground, and regardless of the pain in his head that seemed to be splitting open, he staggered and staggered out the door.When they got to the ground, the man had already disappeared without a trace in the buildings of the community.He slumped down at the door of the unit building, bursts of anger rising in his heart, but he didn't know where to vent it. The materials left by my father are very thick. Apart from the two blood type test sheets that I have read and the interrogation records at the beginning, there is still a large stack, which must contain a lot of important information.Although his father said before his death that he was not very clear about Feng Si's real life experience, but combined with these materials, at least a direction of investigation could be found.But now, most of the information has disappeared. Feng Si rubbed his painful head, recalling the scene of the heavy punch he received just now.As a frequent visitor to street fights, even if he has not received professional fighting training, his reaction to danger is faster than ordinary people, otherwise he would not have dealt with that ferocious monkey so quickly in the early hours of the morning.And his hearing is pretty good, so it stands to reason that he wouldn't be bullied to find out until he got close to him.But the man who attacked him just now, from entering the door to walking all the way to the back, he didn't catch any sound at all. It can be seen that the other party's footsteps were very light, and most of them were specially trained like the six killers that night. Maybe this guy and that monkey were on the same page, Fons thought, maybe the monkey was sent to find the key to the basement.He further thought that this should not be the same as those six killers, because those six people obviously wanted to take him away, and this person just wanted to take away the information, probably for the purpose...not to know the truth for himself. It seems that I am really valuable, Feng Si smiled wryly.Now at least two groups of people have been eyeing him, but he still has no idea what all this is for.
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