Home Categories Internet fantasy Awakening Day 2

Chapter 24 third quarter

Awakening Day 2 唐缺 4526Words 2018-03-11
This is destined to be a dangerous night. Huang Guan, the director of the security department of the hot spring villa, was staring at the surveillance screen in front of him at the moment, his forehead was covered with sweat.This mountain villa is a tourism project supported by the government. Normally, no one dares to come here to act wildly, and the investors of the villa have a strong background, and they can eat both black and white.Although there are a few difficult gangs in this small town, under the management of the boss, they are very knowledgeable, never come to make trouble, and everyone lives in peace.At the end of last year, another gang came here to rent a courtyard for an "annual meeting". The manager on duty asked the boss for instructions and decided to waive the bill. The other party was very satisfied and even offered to help with the security of the villa.Generally speaking, Huang Guan, who is also from the underworld, has a relatively comfortable life here and basically has no troubles. He also believes that the gangsters in the Tao always keep their word. There will be problems.

However, those who came here today were precisely two strange forces that did not accept management.
At about eight o'clock in the evening, one of his subordinates reported to Huang Guan: "Shan Qiang came with seven or eight of his men, and he also brought an old lady with him. It seems that there is something wrong with her demeanor." Huang Guan was suspicious.Among the big bosses in this city, there are only two who don't care about the owner of the villa and never get close to them, and Shan Qiang is one of them.Although he has never come to pick things up, he has always been on the key prevention list of the villa.But now, Shan Qiang came suddenly.

"They asked for a big suite, but no one came to greet us." The subordinate reported, "The dinner was also delivered directly to the room." Huang Guan thought for a while: "Don't disturb them, just send someone to watch from a distance. But remember, don't disturb them." After finishing the arrangement, he began to think about the behavior of this big man named Shan Qiang.Compared with other local gangs, Shan Qiang appears low-key and peaceful most of the time, just sticking to his own few industries and almost never causing trouble.But once, a young and energetic new boss once spoke rudely to Shan Qiang, and threatened to snatch several stores under Shan Qiang's name.A few days later, he mysteriously disappeared on the way to other provinces, no one was alive or dead, and people knew that Shan Qiang was not easy to mess with.

Huang Guan is most afraid of this kind of master who does not talk but does things, because once such a person makes a move, he will not give up easily.At this moment, Shan Qiang suddenly entered his territory, how could he not let him feel agitated? He came to the monitoring room and kept staring at the images from the surveillance cameras all over the villa.When the clock passed eleven o'clock, his men reported to him through the intercom: "They left the room!" Huang Guan asked his subordinates to keep an eye on the movement and report to him in time, while searching for the trace of Shan Qiang on the monitor screen.The middle-aged man, who always had no expression on his face, led his subordinates, and the unidentified but elegant old lady, to the northeast of the hot spring villa.

What's in the northeast corner?Huang Guan thought quickly.The terrain over there is not very good, uneven, and it is difficult to build a large-scale building. Therefore, according to local conditions, the villa built a small children's playground there, including some common small and medium-sized amusement park machinery.But now, there is a real big machine being installed there, and it is about to be assembled-a high-altitude observation vehicle, commonly known as the Ferris wheel.According to the instructions of the rich and powerful boss, this high-altitude observation vehicle does not want to make money, but what it wants is the aura of standing on the highest point overlooking the world.

Huang Guan's sweat broke out again.If Shan Qiang's purpose is to destroy the Ferris wheel, the economic loss is second only to cut the face of the boss, then the picture is too beautiful to look at, then I, Huang, probably don't want to hang out in the eastern Sichuan area. "I'll keep an eye on them," Huang Guan gritted his teeth, and ordered into the walkie-talkie, "If they dare to do anything out of the ordinary, let me take it down! I will take the responsibility!"
He was smoking cigarettes one after another, feeling restless in his heart, and another news came back from his subordinates: "Boss, besides us, there are two tourists following Shan Qiang and the others."

"Two tourists? Isn't this a fucking mess!" Huang Guan was furious, "Who are they? Find an excuse to take them away first!" "I'm afraid it's not convenient to start with." The tone of the subordinate hesitated, "The room for the two people was booked by Wang Huanchen himself, and it should be Lao Wang's distinguished guest." Huang Guan was stunned.In this city, there are two people who have not been managed by the boss, one is Shan Qiang, and the other is Wang Huanchen.Like Shan Qiang, Wang Huanchen is also the kind of person who doesn't show much on the surface, but the strength behind it is hard to figure out.Is it a coincidence that these two families came to the door at the same time today?

I'll have to see it for myself!Huang Guan slammed out the cigarette and stood up. After a while, he drove to the northeast of the villa.Fortunately, the nighttime business hours of the children's amusement park have passed, and there are no other idlers here except for two skilled workers who are debugging the ferris wheel that has been assembled.Shan Qiang and the others just stood nearby and watched, not getting close to the Ferris wheel that was undergoing final adjustments.While the two stalkers stood further away. Huang Guan didn't have a window, so he observed the two tourists in the car. They were two young men, a man and a woman. They both looked good, and the woman was especially beautiful. He doesn't look like a gangster, but more like a college student studying in school.

The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, Huang Guan thought.In any case, these people were not near the Ferris wheel, which made him feel a little relieved.But not long after, a new accident happened. — Three more people appeared. Huang Guan rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was dazzled just now.Within his line of sight, three figures suddenly appeared in Shan Qiang's group.He didn't see how these three people got here at all. They were just like the invisible people in the movies, as if they walked there hidden and then suddenly appeared. Haunted, Huang Guan thought, looking at the three people with the help of binoculars.They were two men and a woman, all in their thirties, and their appearance and figure were also very ordinary. At first glance, they were inconspicuous, but for some reason, Huang Guan always felt that these three people gave him an extremely uncomfortable feeling. The feeling is like finding a colorful poisonous spider in the corner.

Who are these people?Huang Guan's eyebrows twitched together.He found that these three people did not seem to be the accomplices of Shan Qiang and others, because Shan Qiang and others were even more surprised than him when facing the three people who appeared suddenly.After a few short conversations between the two sides, a strong subordinate reached into his trouser pocket and took out a folding dagger. hell!Now even if he offends Shan Qiang, he has to come forward.In case this group of people killed people in Shanzhuang Li with knives and guns, the boss would definitely throw himself into the Yangtze River to feed the fish.Huang Guan hurriedly started the car, drove to the side of Shan Qiang and the others, and got out of the car.

"Mr. Shan, we have always kept the water in the water. I welcome you as a guest, but can this brother's knife be put away?" Huang Guan said. Shan Qiang glanced at him coldly and didn't speak, but the murderous intent in his eyes made Huang Guan involuntarily take a step back.Huang Guan is not an idiot, at this moment, he suddenly understood: Shan Qiang came here tonight, he must do something very important to him, so important that he would not hesitate to offend anyone, or pay anything cost.Confronting such an opponent head-on, maybe you don't have to wait for the boss to throw yourself into the Yangtze River, and you will lose your life tonight. Huang Guan weighed the pros and cons, at one moment he wanted to recklessly go forward and fight, at another moment he wanted to back down, and even had the absurd idea of ​​calling the police.Just when he was hesitating, he suddenly made a new discovery. The color of the air ahead seemed a little...wrong. Huang Guan thought that his nerves were too tense, and he smoked too much, which made his old eyes dim.He rubbed his eyes, and looked carefully, and there was indeed something wrong. With the three mysteriously appearing strangers as the center, a strangely colored arc was quietly spreading in the air, gradually forming a relatively complete sphere.From the perspective of the night, it was a circular arc with a hint of orange.Soon, the entire ferris wheel was wrapped in that strange color. What is this thing?Toxic gas?Huang Guan began to feel scared in his heart.He was born in the underworld, if he used a knife or a gun, he would have been hacked to death, but he admitted it. It would be a bit unfair to die under the poisonous gas.He started backing quietly into the car, backing up a little bit.He retreated to what he thought was a safe distance, but no one paid any attention to him. Although it was a bit embarrassing, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.He got out of the car again, when he heard a strange sound in his ears. thunder.He heard thunder. Huang Guan raised his head in confusion.He saw that a large thick dark cloud had gathered in the night sky at some point, and the sound of thunder came from the dark cloud.However, the drought along the Yangtze River has continued this year. According to the weather forecast, there should be no rain in the next half month.The sudden gathering of rain clouds in the sky right now is a bit unusual. But the rain clouds did come.After a few thunderclaps, the electric light began to be clearly visible, and at the same time, thin raindrops fell.Soon the drizzle quickly turned into a torrential rainstorm, and the lightning strikes became more and more intensive, and a thunderstorm was about to form. What the hell, thought Huang Guan, who had turned into a drowned chicken in a blink of an eye, I have lived here for forty years, and I have never seen such a thunderstorm.He also knew that it was not safe to be exposed to a relatively open place during a thunderstorm, so he decided to drive away from here first.The moment he opened the car door, he inadvertently glanced back. This look made his hands and feet weak, and he almost lost his footing and fell into the muddy water. He held on to the car door, tried his best to stabilize his body, stared blankly at everything in front of him, and forgot to run for his life for a moment.
In his line of sight, around the tall ferris wheel, like an ink painting soaked in water, a circle of other things suddenly appeared. That thing looks like a huge building suspended in mid-air.As the thunder and lightning continued to roar, the outline of the building became more and more clear, clear enough to see clearly the plaque hanging on the main entrance of the building. There were four big characters on the plaque that had not faded: Xuanhua Daoyuan. Xuanhua Taoist Academy?Huang Guan's mind immediately popped up the legend of the disappearing Taoist temple that the locals had heard of.He also suddenly remembered that the location of the Taoist temple was said to be basically not very solid. After hundreds of years of wind and rain, after experiencing several mudslides and landslides, the original foundation no longer exists up.If calculated according to the current landmarks, the Xuanhua Taoist Temple... seems to be suspended in the air. The Taoist legend is true!Huang Guan trembled all over, wanting to escape in his heart, but couldn't help but be deeply attracted by the rare spectacle in front of him - this is something that everyone pursues so hard that it is so hard to see that many people dismiss it as nonsense Mysterious things to talk about.When legends become reality, when myths come to the world, the impact is enough to make people forget everything around them. Moreover, in the legends that have been circulated in the past, the Taoist temple that can be seen in the night of thunder and lightning has never been able to see the whole picture. The Taoist temple is like a dragon in the clouds, always showing a scale and half of its claws.But now, Huang Guan saw the whole Taoist temple: the mountain gate, Lingguan Hall, Sanqing Hall, Lingxiao Hall, etc. are all clearly visible.Lightning flashed one after another, and the Taoist temple that disappeared like a mystery was completely revealed, like a giant who suddenly appeared from the clouds, overlooking the world hundreds of years later with unpredictable eyes. There must be something wrong, maybe... it has something to do with those three weird people?Huang Guan guessed, but couldn't think too deeply.This was not because the magnificent scene in front of him made him have no time to think, but something else happened that he had to pay attention to: Shan Qiang and his men fought with the three people who appeared strangely.And the next scene was even more incredible than this fight: the Ferris wheel suddenly started and turned. Although the Ferris wheel has not been finalized, other assembly work has been done, and it can be launched theoretically.But without their own orders, how dare the staff start the motor rashly? He wiped the rainwater off his face, tried his best to open his eyes wide under the dense rain curtain, and carefully discerned.He found that among the many cockpits of the Ferris wheel, there was someone in one of the cockpits!From a distance, only three people can be seen clearly inside, but the specific appearance is not clear. He still wanted to take a closer look, but suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the muddy water under his feet seemed to have changed color.Looking down, there was a little bit of small red particles mixed into the muddy water, which seemed to be still wriggling, a bit like a small bug washed by the water.Before Huang Guan could react, those little red bugs suddenly disappeared.Immediately afterwards, an unbearable and terrible pain rose from his right foot. Huang Guan has worked hard on the road all his life, and he is also a ruthless character who has been beaten and knifed, otherwise he would not be entrusted with the heavy responsibility of security by the boss.For him, even if someone stabbed him in the chest, he would at most frown.But at this moment, the pain seemed to exceed the limit of endurance, the pain felt like a flood breaking a bank, rushing into the nerve channel with an unstoppable force, causing Huang Guan to be defeated in an instant. "Ah!!!" Huang Guan let out a heart-piercing scream, his right foot was so painful that he couldn't exert any strength at all, and fell to the ground.He could see that his subordinates and Shan Qiang and others also fell in a similar posture, and it seemed that they were all bitten by this terrible red bug.The pain was not just a bite, but a rapidly expanding swallowing, as if the insects started to frantically bite his flesh and swallow them piece by piece as soon as they entered the body. The sharp pain quickly shifted from the feet to the abdomen, near the heart.In a hallucination that he would be eaten up, Huang Guan's consciousness gradually blurred.At the last moment of his life, he didn't even have time to think about how he died, and there was only one thought in his mind. I finally saw this disappeared Taoist temple.So grand, so spectacular, as clear and full of oppression as the imax movie I watched in a big city last year. It really is true.
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