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Chapter 44 The Wolf of East Asia·Harvest

Doll software 1 Soul upload 谭剑 3289Words 2018-03-14
Wolf has been sitting in front of the computer since midnight, and before he knows it, it's daylight.Whether it was news blackout, self-censorship, lag, or some other reason, they hadn't received news or other news from Shadow for more than two hours, as if he had been completely wiped out on the Internet. Impossible!Shadow is the most powerful humanoid software he has ever seen, even uncontrollable. The structure of Shadow is very complicated. Its thinking mode comes from the hacker who betrayed them, and it is deduced from its attack mode. It has a destructive tendency of being desperate and cynical, and even has a bit of self-destructive elements. This is the first personality and belongs to innate.

Because it is difficult to control, they added a second personality, so that they can control him in the day after tomorrow, controlling his way of thinking and personality traits. The two personalities are in conflict with each other, and in the end even the fuzzy logic of artificial intelligence can't handle it, and finally get out of control. After all, if you want to control people, you will inevitably encounter resistance, no matter whether the other party is a nation or just a person. What is the personality structure of the shadow?Now even wolves can't tell, probably just like human beings, they are in a state of schizophrenia!

They also asked the gangsters in Hong Kong to send people to the robot factory to find the Japanese woman. They also said that the security guards protested against the security company to cut their hourly wages to unreasonable and even shameful prices, and went on strike collectively on the same day. In desperation, the robot factory had no choice but to let the computer security system do it for them. By the way, it proved that its products can do some of the daily work of humans, hoping to make a name for itself. However, according to the situation at the scene, the gangsters found that the security system had been cracked, and the pregnant woman had come and left.

What happened, no one can say. However, before the shadow disappeared, he sent a message and left it in the mailbox. A picture, black and white. Gale just got up.Compared to wolves, he had to sleep six hours every night no matter what, and he absolutely couldn't work all night.Wolf often said that he was not born with the physique to be a hacker, but Gale's hacking ability is much better than that of wolf. Sometimes, he felt that this deputy was really not simple. When Gaifeng saw the enlarged image projected on the wall, he asked, "What the hell picture? It seems to be just a landscape picture, and it's still black and white."

"No, maybe this is Shadow's last words before his death, pointing out the whereabouts of the money." "But you can't find anything based on pictures alone. Even if you use pictures to compare, there will be no results. Searching with pictures is much more complicated than using keywords, and requires a more powerful processor. Ordinary personal computers can only To deal with the limited search function and quantity of a private photo album, a larger scale is no longer competent." Haifeng downloaded the picture, opened it with photo processing software, zoomed in, shook his head, and then changed to another software. After he was dissatisfied, he changed again. He changed it five times. One was more powerful than the other, and it took longer than the other. start up.

"There is no steganographic data on the picture, it is not an image password at all." Haifeng talked to himself without waiting for the wolf's answer or asking for his opinion. "It's just a picture." "No, it won't be just a picture. Shadow is one of the most powerful hackers we have ever seen. He will never send a picture rashly, and it will still be sent to the mailbox. If it is intercepted or modified in the middle, it will be meaningless. These are his last words before he died, and they are definitely not simple, and we must not just look at the surface."

After taking a sip of mint tea, Haifeng had an idea, opened a hacking program, loaded the picture, and then issued an instruction to calculate the percentage of black pixels in the picture, and then find out the distribution of the black spots... The wolf couldn't see what the wind was doing, but only knew that the program started to process the picture and slowly decompose it, but the process was very slow. The two decided to go to the square to find a restaurant for tourists to eat, and the food there was more appetizing. They all agreed that if deciphering the picture is a tough battle, they must eat well.

This meal, the two of them ate for more than an hour, was a Western taste: fried fish and chips, served with Coke.Arabs are anti-Western politically and can be anti-Western culturally, but they do not resist earning euros and dollars. At the dinner table, Wolf was thinking in his mind, while Haifeng was playing with his mobile phone.The two remained silent and ate in silence. ——If you really hit a lot of money, you have to find a way to deal with Gale, or even get rid of him. —Give him half?Of course not, he is just a tool, leaving one third to him is already too much. When the two returned to the computer, the picture had been decomposed.

The wolf asked: "Why are there so many words?" "It's not a pile of more, but a pile of them. This is a very old-fashioned method of information transmission, which appeared long before the popularity of personal computers. Spies convert words or numbers into pictures, such as a personal photo, or a map of the world , or simply hide the design drawings in the pictures to become pictures in the picture, and the receiving personnel have to dismantle the pictures by hand. Now this troublesome work can be done by the computer.” Haifeng answered, like a teacher teaching a class to a student.

Wolf seems to have heard of this technique before, but he didn't expect to encounter it, let alone when he encountered it in person, he didn't know it, and only regarded it as an ordinary picture. "Okay, now it's written, but I can't understand it at all." "This kind of text is Chinese characters, and it is also the real hidden password in this picture." Haifeng explained to the wolf the history of Chinese characters being passed from China to Japan.The wolf still doesn't understand how both China and Japan use Chinese characters, and the results become two different, which is really complicated.No wonder the two countries are always at war!

Everything happened so fast, the wolf didn't even suspect how Gaifeng could understand so much, how could he suddenly become smart. How could it be a little different. "Why did the shadow pass us Chinese characters?" Wolf asked. "Do you think how many people in a ten-kilometer radius can understand Chinese characters? Maybe they don't even know that these are Chinese characters." Haifeng spoke while using translation software to translate the text into English. "BINGO!" A smile hung on the corner of Haifeng's mouth. Translated into English, this text is a simple message. It turned out that the traitor robbed Lions Bank that day, embezzled the money, and stored it in more than a dozen overseas banks through very complicated methods. As long as you go to any branch in person, report the account number and another set of passwords, you can use these money. The total was $10 million—much, much less than they thought. The password is just a row of 20-digit numbers after decoding - written in Chinese, and it is extremely complicated Chinese. "How was the shadow found?" asked the wolf. "God only knows." "Unfortunately he seems to have been destroyed and we couldn't ask him." Haifeng dismissed it, "It's better, we can't ask him, and others can't ask him, only we know the secret." The wolf felt more and more that Haifeng's words made sense. Haifeng presses Enter to print the article, but... "The printer seems to be broken." Gaifeng cursed again. "It's really Murphy's Law." "Yes, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Machinery is still unreliable." The wolf felt that Haifeng knew how to crack the code, but he might not know how to operate the machine, "Let me take a look." He should also prove his worth and ability. Hayate got out of the way so that the wolf could go up to check the printer. Haifeng asked: "Can you write down all these numbers?" "Of course not, I don't know how to use image memory. Do you think I have a camera in my head?" The wolf turned his back on Gale, and turned on the printer. —no paper stuck in it. "Everything looks fine. Try again, and if it doesn't work, go to the print shop around the corner..." Before the wolf could finish speaking, the back of his head was hit hard, and he immediately fell to the ground and lost consciousness. After Gale moved the fallen wolf away, it didn't take much effort to print out the required data without any difficulty.After confirming that it was correct, he logged into Wolf's mailbox to cancel the e-mail account, took away Wolf's notebook computer, picked up the belongings, and left. There is a world of difference between the speed of action and the laziness shown in peacetime. On the way to the airport, use the mobile phone to buy a ticket to Paris.Immediately. It is finally possible to leave Marrakech and say goodbye to Morocco. He and Wolf left Ukraine and came to Morocco a year ago. Because Ukraine has natural gas, Russia has been coveting it for a long time, and the situation is very unstable, so they had to leave. Morocco is a criminal haven, so they moved here and started their own hacking groups. The target of the attack is of course the financial institutions in China, there is a lot of money!The richest person in the world is the Chinese, the most wealthy and powerful institution is the Bank of China, and the most powerful country is China. Not against China, but against the United States?It was okay twenty years ago, but not now. The organization didn't have a name at first, but in order to deceive people, it was named "Wolf of East Asia". It should have been called "Wolf of Eastern Europe". Most of the hackers they recruited online were from Southeast Asia, India, Pakistan, and Japan, so that people would think that their base was in Asia, and they would never think of Africa, let alone a Ukrainian leader. In fact, Ukraine's computer technology is very advanced, and there are a large number of talents who are poached by European companies. Naturally, there are also a large number of hackers who commit crimes all over the world. Reason: The country is too poor and politically unstable to attract foreign capital. Therefore, even if he makes a fortune, he will never return to Ukraine. He would rather stay in Western Europe, preferably in a Mediterranean city, such as Dubrovnik in Croatia, where there is a "Pearl of the Adriatic" ", but it is too close to neighboring Bosnia and Montenegro to be safe. The current changes are coming too fast, and we are not ready for a while.It doesn't matter, the future is long, he can plan the future well.With money by his side, no place would refuse him to settle down. Eight hours later, he finally returned to Europe, Paris. Although he can withdraw money in Paris, the law and order here is still not good. He would rather go to Switzerland to act and then settle there.Switzerland's background as a neutral country makes him more comfortable, and extradition regulations depend on the reasons: when it comes to money, law enforcement rarely works against rich people. Haifeng sat in the subway in Paris and suddenly thought of wolves. In any case, he should wake up!The wolf must have never thought that he would fight back.In fact, I didn't intend to counterattack temporarily, but deployed it early in the morning. Haifeng knows that he is only familiar with technical details, but has no mobilization and organizational skills.He wants to find a consultant (or a military division as the Chinese say) to advise him and give advice.However, in the end, he must get rid of the consultant.What two people know is not a secret. Haifeng didn't think about it in particular, but this is also a kind of "black eating black".
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