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Chapter 7 Chapter 6: The Skeleton Spirit Comes Again

transparent light 倪匡 5735Words 2018-03-14
As soon as I opened the door, I heard Lao Cai's voice, saying: "The master is back." I was stunned for a while, thinking: So someone is waiting for me, who is that?I stepped in and saw that Lao Cai had come up to meet me, and he looked at me with eyes full of surprise. Indeed, anyone who saw me at this time would have been amazed, for I was horribly smudged from head to toe! I hurriedly said, "Is someone coming to see me?" Lao Cai pointed to a sofa in the corner of the hall: "Yes, a lady came to see you..." When Lao Cai said this, he couldn't suppress the fear in his heart.

I heard that a young lady came to see me, and while she was feeling strange, Lao Cai lowered her voice: "I... I'm afraid." I was stunned for a moment: "What are you afraid of?" Lao Cai's voice became even lower: "That young lady's attire is the same as that skeleton spirit last time..." I scolded: "Don't talk nonsense!" But Lao Cai still held my sleeve and said, "You must be careful." I pushed him away a step, and said loudly: "Who is looking for me?" I?" I have already looked towards the corner that Lao Cai pointed out just now, and I also saw a lady sitting on a high-back sofa, but because the back of the sofa is very high, it almost covers the whole body of the lady, so I I could only see the lady's arm resting on the armrest of the sofa, but I couldn't see who she was.

As I asked, I walked forward. I had only taken two steps before I heard the young lady say, "Mr. Wei, please don't come forward." When I heard that voice, I was even more amazed, because it was clearly Yan Fen's voice!Because of her failure to return for a day, I nearly overturned and died. It turns out that she is here. What kind of mystery is she playing? Of course I didn't take her words to heart, I continued to walk forward and asked, "Yanfen, is that you? Have you talked to your family on the phone? Where have you been—" I have just finished speaking here, and I have come to Yan Fen. Yan Fen suddenly left the sofa, took a few steps back, and screamed: "Don't come any closer, don't come any closer."

I looked up at Yan Fen, and couldn't help being stunned. Yan Fen was wearing a pair of trousers, a long coat that didn't fit her body well, gloves, and at least two dark silk scarves wrapped around her head and face, and, at midnight, , indoors, she also wears a pair of black glasses. What Lao Cai said was right, Yan Fen's attire at this time was almost the same as when Wang Yan came last time, completely covering her body. Suddenly, an inexplicable fear, like a sudden electric current, penetrated my whole body, I was shocked, and pointed at Yan Fen: "You...you...what happened to this? thing?"

Yan Fen's voice sounded much calmer than mine. She said, "Mr. Wei, you don't need to ask these questions. I have found Wang Yan's whereabouts, and the matter is over." I took a step forward, Yan Fen took a step back, and I said in a deep voice, "No, the matter is not over, it is just beginning, what's wrong with Wang Yan? What's wrong with you, you must tell me!" Yan Fen said sharply, almost shouting: "I said the matter is over, you don't have to meddle in your own business, you are doing us a great favor, and you can't even notify the police!"

I nailed it tightly: "Why?" Yan Fen took a deep breath and said, "Because the matter is over, why bother anyone?" I sneered, "The matter is over? Miss Yan, why are you dressed like this?" Yan Fen shrank back: "I...I got a serious cold, that's why I'm like this." I resolutely said: "No! You suffered the same thing as Wang Yan, didn't you? Tell me? Why didn't you speak up? What happened to you?" As I spoke, I pushed forward step by step, while Yan Fen retreated step by step. She finally reached the point where she could not retreat. Leaning her back against the wall, panting rapidly, she said: "Don't come near! Don't come near!" Naturally, I didn't listen to her, I stretched out my hand and put it on her shoulder. I could see that Yan Fen was in extreme fear and shock. I wanted to press her first. Her shoulders calmed her down.

At that moment, I forgot that Yan Fen had a very high attainment in judo. As soon as my hand touched her shoulder, she suddenly turned to the side and had already grabbed my wrist. I just felt my body turn around suddenly, I couldn't help it, and with a "beep", I fell to the ground. However, when I fell, I still had time to grab one of Yan Fen's sleeves, that sleeve.Under the weight of my whole body, there was a "chi" sound, and it was torn apart by me. Yan Fen let out an exclamation and ran out. I don't know why she screamed, she was just torn off a sleeve, I still didn't find anything unusual, but Yan Fen ran out, but I had to stop her, I jumped Out, Yan Fen frantically blocked me with her arm, I grabbed her sleeve again, she struggled violently again, I pulled down the sleeve of her shirt again.

When the sleeve of her shirt was pulled down by me, I froze suddenly. My first feeling was that I was having a nightmare, and my second feeling was that I was not dreaming, but what I was doing Woolen cloth?But I couldn't speak, and I couldn't do anything but stand there blankly. After I pulled down the sleeve of the shirt, Yan Fen's right arm was naturally exposed.But what kind of nudity is that?I saw a complete hand back bone, one end was connected to Yan Fen's shoulder, and the other end was still wearing a glove! Just like this, I watched Yan Fen helplessly, swinging that arm bone, and ran out of my door.

I stood there blankly, until there was another "peng" sound, which startled me up. The sound of "Peng" was Lao Cai's unsteady standing and falling to the ground. I looked at him and saw Lao Cai's complexion was extremely pale.And I believe that my own complexion must not be much better.Lao Cai stood up trembling, and said, "We... have to move, and living here... can't go." I hurried to the door and said, "Don't talk nonsense!" I looked out, and it was pitch black outside the door, and there was no trace of Yan Fen.I knew it was useless to chase him, so I turned around in a slump and walked upstairs slowly.

Until the hot water poured down from my head and I began to wash off the oil on my body, my mind was just a mess, buzzing, and I couldn't sort out any clues. I showered first with hot water and then with cold water in an attempt to clear my mind. However, when I got dressed again, my mind was still in a mess!All I know is that Yan Fen and Wang Yan have experienced the same strange thing, and of course the two of them may be together now. But, my God, what the hell is that?Where did they...their muscles go?Why are there only bones left in one of their hands and one's arm?Still, their whole body has bones left!

When I thought of this, I couldn't help myself, and laughed shrilly. I felt that my own imagination was too rich. A skeleton——a person can still speak after becoming a skeleton. Can it think, walk, or even judo? I just feel that my mind is becoming more and more chaotic. The mystery that Yan Fen and Wang Yan encountered is even worse than that of the cold-blooded Braque!At that time, I had no time to further imagine the relationship between Braque, Professor Lomono, Wang Yan and Yanfen. I paced up and down my study--in fact, it was much better to jump up and down than to pace up and down.I was extremely disturbed and restless. I can say that I have never encountered such a thing before.In the "blue blood man" incident, I met people from another planet, but this is always acceptable, because humans have long known that there will be advanced creatures in other planets. But now, do I really believe what Lao Cai said, Wang Yan and Yan Fen are both "skeleton spirits"? I stayed in the study until dawn, when Lao Cai came to knock on the door. I opened the door, and he handed me a telegram, saying it was just delivered. I opened it and saw that the telegram was from Wang Jun. of. I couldn't help but feel refreshed, hoping to get some clues from his call. But damn Wang Jun, he has no idea what serious things happened!His telegram said that Wang Yan was a eccentric person with a withdrawn personality, so he should not be ignored. He also said that the process of obtaining the brass box was too complicated to be explained clearly by correspondence. Finally, he said, If I'm bored, why not go to Egypt to be his company, he's tired of watching belly dancing too. I read this telegram in a hurry, and I was so impulsive that I immediately tore it into pieces. Wang Jun's tone was so relaxed, go fuck belly dance, your brother may be dancing bone dance. However, I calmed down immediately. I can be absolutely sure that the strange things that Wang Yan and Yan Fen encountered must have something to do with the brass box from the ancient Inca Empire.If I can know the ins and outs of that brass box, it will definitely be of great help to understand the whole incident. Why can't I actually go to Egypt? But, did I leave Wang Yan and Yan Fen alone?Although from the actions of both of them it seemed that they did not want my help, I believe that it was mostly due to their belief that I was powerless. And I don't believe that there is anything powerless in the world, even a Saturnian I can send him back to Saturn. Could it be that Wang Yan and Yanfen's strange encounter, can I help them? I went downstairs and finished my breakfast hastily. While drinking coffee, I had already decided to wait for three days. If Wang Yan and Yan Fen didn't show up again, I would rush to meet Wang Jun. At this time, I believed that there was no relationship between Wang Yan, Yan Fen and Black, because if Yan Fen had been to Professor Luo's residence, how could he escape and come to me? I thought my own judgment was very correct, but I didn't know that in fact, I had committed the third mistake at this time.My first mistake was not keeping Wang Yan, my second mistake was not keeping Yanfen, and my third mistake was: I thought that there was nothing between Braque, Lomono, Wang Yan and Yanfen. Contact, and it was just a coincidence that I discovered that Braque was here! While drinking coffee, I had a phone call with Lieutenant Colonel Jack, the head of the police secret workshop, and I told him that the internationally renowned assassination expert, Cold-blooded Black, was here. Lieutenant Colonel Jack's voice was very excited, but not shocked, because he knew that Black was in the Far East, but he didn't know that he was in the local area. I told the story of discovering Black, and I mentioned Lomono and his Butler, but did not mention Wang Yan and Yan Fen. Lieutenant Colonel Jack, like all excellent secret workers, didn't like to talk too much, he just listened "uuuuu" and then said "thank you". After talking with Jack on the phone, I felt relieved, because I had handed over the matter of Black to the police, and I only needed to find out the whereabouts of Wang Yan and Yan Fen. It is naturally not easy to find two people in a big city, but it shouldn't be difficult to find people dressed like Wang Yan and Yan Fen. I contacted some of my private detective friends and asked them to send all their men to track down the whereabouts of these two people.Then I also went out to get to know the people Wang Yan and Yan Fen usually associate with, hoping to discover them through my own efforts. However, at the end of the day, I had no results at all. That night, I felt very tired.It's not because I didn't sleep at all last night, but because at the end of the day, I didn't make any progress at all! Wang Yan and Yan Fen, these two eccentrics, as I may call them, still have no information at all. That night, although I was tired, I didn't sleep well. The next morning, I woke up and walked around inexplicably. I didn't sit down to read the newspaper until Lao Cai handed me the morning newspaper. Suddenly , my eyes stopped on a little news that I would never pay attention to normally. It was a boring news that belonged to the category of "the whereabouts of current people", but it gave me an unexpected stimulus at this time. The headline of the news is as follows: Internationally renowned mathematics professor Lomono went to Egypt for investigation. The text is very simple, to the effect that Professor Lomono took a plane to Egypt last night. Mathematicians go to Egypt, what can be investigated, I really don't understand, but when I saw this news, I felt that there was a coherent thread among some things. This line is still vague and unfathomable, but at least there is an idea. The brass box came from Egypt. When Wang Yan opened the box, an accident happened. Later, he might have a relationship with Professor Luo. Now, Professor Luo has gone to Egypt again. Among them, isn't there an invisible line running through it? Although I thought about this, I'm still a bit fuzzy about the whole thing.It's just that after I saw the news, I made a decision: I also went to Egypt. I went to Egypt to meet with Wang Jun on the one hand, and to monitor Professor Luo’s actions on the other.Of course, I will not go immediately, I will at least get news from Wang Yan and Yan Fen before I leave. On that day, I spent another day searching around without a clue, but of course there was no result.When I got home, the detective friends I entrusted called one after another. The report was the same, but there was no result. no result!I sighed, when will there be results?I didn't even eat dinner, so I fell on the bed, thinking blankly, and suddenly, the phone rang. It was only then that I saw the time. It turned out that the time passed so quickly in my meditation, and it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.I picked up the receiver, only to hear a rapid panting sound coming from the other side. I asked quickly, "Who? Who?" The panting on the other side stopped for a moment, and then, Wang Yan's voice came.If I could reach in through the receiver and catch the other party, then I would reach in desperately, but unfortunately I can't, I can only hear Wang Yan's voice. His voice was trembling, and he said: "Mr. Wei, please, don't bother with our affairs anymore, don't send people around to inquire about the whereabouts of the two of us, okay?" I know that I must not act too hastily. At this time, I can only catch Wang Yan's voice. If I am in a hurry and he withdraws the line, I will have no way to find his whereabouts.I have to talk to him as much as possible to find out where he is! So, I pretended to be nonchalant, "haha" smiled, and said, "Inquire about your whereabouts? Mr. Wang, I'm afraid it's just your suspicion!" Wang Yandao: "I also said that I was suspicious. I just talked to our acquaintances on the phone today. Everyone asked where we were and said that a private detective had come to investigate us. Who are you?" Wang Yan said "we", that is enough to prove my inference is correct, Wang Yan and Yan Fen are together. I smiled: "That's not bad, you two must have found it very interesting during this day?" Wang Yan's voice became very rough: "Interesting, hey, interesting, we are avoiding all people, and we are in the company of wild mountains and wild mountains──" But at this point, it seems that if he finds out and continues, his whereabouts will be revealed Same, suddenly stopped. I quickly said, "Where are you? I need to meet you urgently." Wang Yan smiled strangely, and his voice sounded very frightening: "No, I won't tell you, and I won't cross mountains and rivers again to call you, you don't have to worry about it anymore Come find us." I said "Hello" a few times: "Then, how can I explain to your brother? He is coming in a few days." This is a lie, but this lie obviously had the expected effect. Wang Yan didn't make a sound, he was silent for a long time before he said: "No, no, he won't come." I said sincerely: "You and Yan Fen may have encountered extreme difficulties, why don't we meet up, discuss it slowly, and solve it together?" Although my voice was full of kindness, Wang Yan still rejected me flatly, saying: "No, no, if my brother comes, then you tell him, if he wants to go back to Egypt, if he has another chance If you find that brass box, don't open it!" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "click", and I "hello" several times in succession, Wang Yan was long gone. I can say that I didn't get any clues, but I didn't get nothing at all. From Wang Yan's phone call, I can be sure that he is not in the urban area.Most likely, he is on an outlying island where no one has ever been.Because I have already found out that Wang Yan has a small yacht, and during the day, I went to the pier to check, but the yacht is no longer there. He and Yan Fen are together on a deserted island. So far, that's all I know.My heart was extremely chaotic, and I couldn't sleep any more. I walked to the study room, closed my eyes, and took down a book from the bookshelf.I decided to read whatever it was until I fell asleep, or until dawn. When I took the book down, I looked at the cover and couldn't help smiling bitterly. It turned out that it was a "Primary Color Tropical Fish Atlas" published by the Japanese.There was a period when I became enthusiastically interested in raising tropical fish, and I bought this book at that time. Under the current situation, I have to force myself to read such a book, which really makes me laugh. I patted this book on the palm of my hand, and when I was about to put it back on the shelf, an idea suddenly came to my mind! The idea came out of the blue, and I thought it was almost crazy, but my fingers still flipped the book quickly. In less than a minute, I had been contemplating a picture, which was a fish, a tropical fish, to be precise, a transparent catfish. This fish is about seven centimeters long and half a centimeter wide and narrow. All internal organs are concentrated in the head, and 90% of the body is just a fish bone, which is very neatly arranged, because its body is transparent. These fish are not rare, and you can get a couple for about a dollar in any aquarium.
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