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Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Two Monsters Descended from the Sky

atomic space 倪匡 6807Words 2018-03-14
I squinted my eyes and read the line again, yes, that line was written like this. However, what does this mean? Naturally, no strong man can afford half an airplane, that's something even an idiot knows, so what does this line on the tree trunk mean?Why don't you say "one plane" but say "half plane", "half plane"... I just feel dizzy and don't know what to do. Zhu Shouyuan carefully inspected the characters. He looked at them for a long time before saying: "This is burned with a kind of flame. Mr. Wei, you see, these characters are deeply embedded in the wood. It may take three to five hundred years to burn them. It can still be as clear as it seems now!"

I took a breath: "Don't study how this line of writing is written, you have to study who wrote it, why a line of writing is left here, and what is the meaning of that line of writing!" Zhu Shouyuan looked up at the sky, while I stared at that small piece of metal. I found that small piece of metal seemed to be shaking. What, I stretched out my hand to hold it, and after I pressed it, I realized that it was not the piece of metal that was moving, but the boulder bearing the metal, and that boulder was slowly tilting! How does the boulder tilt?I took a step back and looked carefully, only to see that the boulder was sinking downwards, and the floating soil beside the stone turned up because of the sinking of the boulder.

Looking at the situation, it seems that the big rock is sinking downward because of the heavy pressure, but there is nothing pressing on the big rock, only that small piece of metal, and that small piece of metal is only an inch away. Square! Zhu Shouyuan also turned his head and saw that the boulder was sinking. He lost his voice and said, "What's the matter, an earthquake?" Before I could answer, I saw the momentum of the boulder suddenly accelerate, and it fell down. The three-foot-long stone root turned up from the floating soil. And that small piece of metal slid down the boulder, and the area on the top of the mountain was very small. After it slid down the boulder, it hit another stone.

The force of the impact caused the exposed part of the stone to sink completely into the soil. That small piece of metal began to roll down, such a small piece, rolling down, but it made people feel that it was a large stone weighing dozens of tons, and the whole mountain seemed to be shaking! I hurried forward, watching the small piece of metal roll down at an alarming speed, and suddenly landed on the beach. Once it hit the beach, it sank immediately, and the floating sand covered it. In an instant, the metal disappeared without a trace! I was still looking down in a daze, what is this piece of metal?Why is it so heavy?If its weight can make such a large boulder tilt, then it fell straight to the beach.I don't know how deep into the ground.

At that time, my thoughts were in a mess: I didn’t know what that piece of metal was, but I could vaguely feel that there was a wonderful connection between this piece of metal and this plane crash that was as strange as a dream.I climbed down the mountain as fast as I could, and I can still clearly remember where the little piece of metal fell. I picked up the floating sand with my hands, but there was no result at all, so I had to put a stone on it as a mark. Zhu Shouyuan had also come down the mountain at this time, and those who searched along the island gathered on the beach again, and the frogmen also surfaced, and their reports were the same: nothing was found.

I was silent, Zhu Shouyuan stood in front of me, waiting for my instructions.After a long while, I said: "Please go back and tell Taylor that I am very grateful to him, and at the same time tell him that it is best not to publicly release the real situation of the accident. If the real situation is released publicly, I think it will cause unpredictable A commotion." Zhu Shouyuan looked at me, apparently not quite understanding what I meant. I pointed to the half of the plane on the beach: "Do you think, what force caused this plane to suddenly snap into two pieces, and everything in the plane, including eighty-six living people, disappeared without a trace? Are aliens already attacking the earth! Or has the cold war turned into a hot war? If it is made public, sensitive people will make all kinds of speculations and cause confusion."

Zhu Shouyuan nodded helplessly: "Okay, I'll convey your opinion." I said again: "Please leave some dry food, a tent and a speedboat. I will continue to stay on this deserted island." Zhu Shouyuan was a little surprised. He looked at the half of the plane with an even more disturbed look on his face: "Mr. Wei, it won't be of any use if you stay here alone." I smiled wryly and said, "I don't think there is anything Useful, but I need an extremely quiet environment for my thinking, and I don’t want to go back to the city for now—” The reason why I want to stay alone is because Bai Su has disappeared here, even if she has disappeared in the air, I can stay closer to her by staying on this small island!

Zhu Shouyuan sighed: "If it wasn't for my duty, I would definitely stay here with you." I said sadly, "Thank you." According to my instructions, Zhu Shouyuan moved a tent and many necessities to the island, leaving behind a speedboat with sufficient fuel. The water police ship left, and I was the only one left on the island. I hugged my knees, sat down on a big rock on the beach, and looked at the half of the plane. If I had a way to turn back time, I would know What happened to that passenger plane when it flew over this small island.This is of course a dream, unless I can go backward faster than light, how can I go back to the past time?

Thin waves are hitting the beach, and a few small sea crabs are busy digging holes on the beach. The island is extremely quiet, and my mind is in chaos! I stared at the sea water blankly, suddenly, I heard that "buzzing" sound coming from the sky again, I raised my head, but there was nothing in the sky, it might be a wild bee, I thought, but suddenly, A little silver glow appeared in the sky. That point of silver light is the same as what I observed with a telescope after hearing the "buzzing" sound last time, but at this moment, that point of silver light is falling down, to the extent that it is the size of a fist .

It is estimated that it is still at an altitude of more than 10,000 feet. Due to the long distance and the strong light emitted by the thing, I can't see what it is. I can only be sure that it is not an airplane. Flying something above 10,000 feet, not an airplane, made me jump.The group of silver light flashed for a moment, then disappeared. Immediately afterwards, I seemed to see something floating down, but because I was facing the setting sun, I couldn't see what it was floating down. Groups of red and green phantoms, I closed my eyes for a while before opening them. When I opened my eyes, to my surprise, there were two more people on the beach not far from me.

That surprised me to the extreme. I don't know how these two people came to be. For a while, I have nothing to do except staring at them! Those two people also looked at me. They were wearing very ordinary clothes, except that they had a very wide and thick belt around their waists, which looked a bit like a bullet belt. The beach is close, and there is still only my speedboat. Where did these two people come from?Their clothes are not wet, and of course they are not swimming, so there is only one possibility: falling from the sky!I felt a bit of confusion again, two people fell from the sky, it seems that they don't look like aliens, so who are they? I looked at them without saying a word, they started looking around, then at me, and one of them finally broke the silence: "Who are you?" I asked back, "Who are you?" Those two people looked at each other, and that one person said again: "What is this place?" I still didn't answer but asked instead: "How did you get here?" Those two people looked hesitant: "We... how did we get here? How did we get here?" Listening to their soliloquies, it seems that even they themselves don't know how they got here.The older man on the left said: "I think our spaceship has crashed." I was even more baffled: "What spaceship?" Those two people looked at me with extremely strange eyes, and even showed a look of fear: "Who are you, you... do you come from another planet?" I couldn't help but want to laugh out loud, what is this?I was suspecting that they came from other planets, but they started to suspect me, and I said angrily, "Of course I am not from other planets." The two figures were very timid and asked me softly, "So what is this place—we mean: Is this the earth? A planet in the solar system, isn't it?" I waved my hand: "It's not the earth, what do you think it is, is it the Tengu star?" The two said "Oh": "It's the earth, we are still on the earth, you are from the earth, why don't you know our spaceship, how can you not know us?" I smiled wryly, what are these words, these two people are not good looking, they are neither movie stars nor football players, why should I know them?They must be complete madmen! I shrugged: "Why should I know you?" The one on the left said: "My God, he doesn't know us. Is there such a person? Don't you read newspapers or listen to news?" I said loudly, "I read six newspapers every day, who are you?" The two said: "We are the greatest interstellar pilots, Farazi and Gele." I said, "Okay, let me stop reading newspapers!" These two guys who claimed to be "the great interstellar pilots Farazi and Gele" refused to leave, and instead looked at me like a mental patient. Farazi, the young one, asked, "Even if you don't read the newspaper, don't you know the news about the launch of the spaceship, my God, this is what everyone on earth is talking about!" I originally wanted to stare and reprimand these two people, but at this moment, my mood was very chaotic, Bai Su's life and death were uncertain, and the plane crash was so mysterious, it made my heart flutter, really I have no intention of arguing with these two people.So I said impatiently: "Okay, I'm ignorant, let me be alone! A plane crashed here just now, and it's not like you can't see it!" As soon as those two heard the word "aircraft", they raised their heads together and looked at the half of the new jet airliner I was pointing at. There was a look of astonishment on their faces, and they shouted in unison. : "God, what is this, this island is a museum?" The guy named Gele pointed at my nose and laughed: "So you are the manager of a museum!" I really wanted to rush forward and punch each other. The actions of these two people did not look like madmen, but what they said, only a madman would say. Just imagine, how could a person with a normal brain see a half of a giant airliner and associate it with a "museum"? I looked at them with wide eyes, to see if they had any new tricks to come up with, but they didn't say anything to me, they just looked around, showing a very anxious look.Farazi said: "Did you feel anything before the incident?" Geler replied: "Everything is very abnormal, as if the spaceship suddenly sank, I felt that all the pointers of the instruments in the cabin stopped moving for an instant, and then, then..." Gele frowned, as if he was searching for the right words, and said: "It seems that there is some huge force that brought the spaceship into an incredible orbit. I remember looking at the speedometer, and the indicator line has exceeded top speed." Farazi still had lingering fears and said: "That's right, the shell of the spaceship seems to have disappeared completely, no, we have to report these things to the headquarters as soon as possible, and our navigator Ge Dapeng, where is he going?" gone?" At first I only thought that Gele and Farazi were talking crazy, but the more I listened to it, the more I felt that what they said was just a plane crash. Could it be that they were too shocked by the crash, so they were a little nonsense In Chinese, what about referring to an airplane as a spaceship? If this is the case, then the two of them should be the people in this passenger plane? A glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in my heart, and I quickly took a step forward: "You might as well calm down, who did you mention just now? Navigator Ge Dapeng?" I wanted to guide those two people to tell the truth about the plane crash in a persuasive way. But when the two men spoke, I couldn't help but gasped again, and they said in unison: "Yes, Ge Dapeng, he is Asian, our navigator, the most outstanding space explorer—" The two Then he said with a bit of aggression: "You know Ge Dapeng, you should also know us, we are three inseparable space partners!" I was cursing in my heart, my grandson bastard had heard the name of the fucking Ge Dapeng, but in order to get the truth out of the mouths of these two people, I had to laugh along with him: "I remember, you are indeed Great astronaut!" The vanity of those two people seemed to be satisfied, they grinned and smiled. It seemed that they were very happy, and I hurriedly asked: "There are many people in your spaceship. A beautiful Chinese lady named Bai Su, now how was it?" When I asked this question, my heart was extremely nervous, because if these two guys said: "Is Bai Su? She has fallen to her death.", then I would fall into the black In prison, there will be no rebirth forever. But these two people didn't answer me, they just stared at me for a while, and then started talking to each other in a low voice, Farazi said: "It's strange, this ancient disease still exists today?" Geler also said: "Yes, high-frequency radio waves can easily restore the brain nerves to normal. Why didn't he accept that simple treatment, but he was alone on a deserted island-eh, this island, Farazi , don’t you think this island is not quite right?” Farazi said: "There is nothing on the island, but this man—" They were talking about me in a low voice, which made me unbearable, and I said loudly, "How am I?" Gele also said loudly: "My friend, you are insane, your brain and nerves are not sound--" he said while poking his own brain with his fingers.Lest I don't understand where the cranial nerves are: "Why don't you accept simple radio wave therapy?" These two people are undoubtedly crazy - after listening to Guller's screams, I concluded that they may have become crazy because of the panic after the plane crash. I want to know the truth about the plane crash, so naturally Let their nerves return to normal first. I wasn't angry, I just smiled and said, "High-frequency radio waves can heal split nerves? Who invented this?" I kept asking them questions until they couldn't explain themselves, and they would find themselves talking nonsense. —this is how I bring them back to their senses. "Who invented it?" The two shouted together: "Don't you know this? It seems that your memory is completely lost. What about your 'personal computer'? Why don't you use your 'personal computer' To help you restore your memory? Sigh, who invented the method of manipulating human nerves with high-frequency electric waves, thank you for asking, your question is equivalent to calling a primary school student—" When they talked about this, I think what they wanted to say must be "It's like asking elementary school students how much two plus two equals." But they didn't say that. Their words made me dumbfounded. , it’s like asking elementary school students to solve algebraic equations of the sixth degree, who can’t answer it?” I really want to reach out and press the foreheads of the two of them to see if they have a high fever! If it wasn't for them claiming to be Earthlings from the very beginning, and things have developed to this point, I really have to regard them as aliens. I don't think I can bring them back to normal, but I believe they are the people in the crashed plane. I can't make them back to normal. A neurologist can always do it. I want to get them to receive treatment. I held back my breath again, and smiled at them: "Do you want to go to the city with me?" Gele glared at me, ignored me, took out something that looked like a lighter from his pocket, and pulled out an antenna. The antenna flashed, and it was made of unknown metal. He stretched out his fingers and pressed a few times on one of the keyboards of that thing until it made a "beep" sound. Then, he said to the thing: "Interstellar Aviation Headquarters! Interstellar Aviation Headquarters!" He yelled twice, with a very surprised look on his face. And at this time, my surprise reached its peak! The thing in Gele's hand is clearly an extremely delicate long-distance radio communicator. I have never seen such a delicate thing before! (According to 1986, this kind of wireless phone is now quite common. Although the size is not so small, it will definitely be the same in twenty years.) From that point of view, the two of them are more than just lunatics. Just when my heart was full of doubts, Gele said: "Falazi, my communicator is broken, try yours!" Farazi also took out the same thing, and what he called was also "Interstellar Aviation General Command", but after calling a few times, his complexion was not very good.He wondered: "Strange, strange, why can't you contact the headquarters?" I walked forward and stretched out my hand: "That thing...show me." I thought they would not promise me, but Farazi handed the thing into my hands without thinking. The thing was only one inch wide, two inches high, and half an inch thick, but there were seven or eight instruments on it, as well as many dials and pointers, which dazzled me for no reason. Although I don't know exactly what it is, and its purpose and usage, one thing is certain: if it is not a country with extremely developed industries, it will be difficult to manufacture such a thing. I couldn't help asking: "Excuse me, what country are you citizens from?" Farazi and Gele looked at me: "What did you say?" I asked, "Which country do you belong to?" They read the word "country" several times together, and suddenly a look of horror appeared on their faces, and they took a few steps back, as if I was some kind of monster The same, after a few steps back, the two looked at each other again, and Gele said: "Are you... willing to go with us to a place with people?" I quickly said: "Of course, you can come with me and take this boat to Port K, which is the closest city to here." Farazi and Gele followed my directions and looked at the speedboat moored on the beach. It was an express speedboat equipped by the police. It had excellent performance and could be said to be the crystallization of the latest science.But the two looked at it, as if they saw a canoe used by Africans, and shouted: "My God, where did you get these old antiques?" I was surprised: "Old Antique, what do you mean?" Geler said: "I guess it's a propeller-driven ship, isn't it? Isn't that an antique?" I put my hands on my chest and said, "Okay, then I really want to know, what is the newest ship?" Farazi raised his hands high, with a full expression: "Have you never seen it? It is a 'vortex boat', which is the product after the 'hovercraft'." I widened my eyes and looked at the two of them. I really wanted to see what kind of people they were, but they seemed to be the same as me, but why did they speak so strangely? Why in their mouths, it is no surprise that elementary school students can solve algebraic equations of the sixth degree, and why the "hovercraft" that is currently being studied and has not been widely implemented has become outdated in their mouths and replaced by I've never heard of the "vortex boat" anymore? (Press in 1986: Hovercraft are now extremely common!) Farazi saw my inexplicable look, and said impatiently: "The vortex boat is powered by the energy generated by the flow of sea water or river water, and it can sail endlessly. It's time." I stayed for a while, and then said: "I'm sorry, this is the first time I've heard of the kind of boat you mentioned. If you want to go to a place with people, you have to take this boat!" Ge Le said with a smile: "That's good, it's not bad to have nostalgia for the past." Farazi frowned: "Gele, you are too optimistic, I think things are very wrong, you think, we left the spaceship for no reason, but met this weird person—" I quickly corrected: "I don't blame, you are the weirdos!" Farazi smiled and said: "That's relative, well, we will go with you to a place where there are people, the news reporters in Port K will be lucky, we will not fly out of the solar system after the spaceship flies, And when we arrive at Port K, I believe that within an hour, journalists from all over the world will surround us." Gele patted me on the shoulder: "My friend, at that time, you have to become the limelight." It was a little frightening to be in a dinghy with two madmen like that, but I had no choice but to take them home. We got on the boat, and the two of them watched with great interest after I started the boat, and the boat flew forward, splashing a series of water splashes at the bow, the speed was so fast that people felt dizzy. But Geler sighed: "God, this ship must be the Snail, its speed is so slow!" I wanted to retort a few words, but just at this moment, the sound of an airplane came over. Seven military jets flew over our heads, leaving seven long trails of white smoke.It is really rare for human beings to create such a thing. After hearing the voice, Farazi and Gele also looked up. Their faces changed when they saw the voice.
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