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Chapter 9 Chapter 8 Devouring Secrets

evil Dead 倪匡 5874Words 2018-03-14
However, as a result of our inspection, there was no safe hidden in the wall, so Zheng Baoyun ordered someone to move a long ladder, and we worked together to check the ceiling of the study.Then, he checked every piece of furniture in the study, and was busy until midnight. The study was so chaotic that there was no place to step in, so I gave up first, and said: "We should take a break, eat something, and at least have a cup of coffee!" But Zheng Baoyun said stubbornly: "No, I still want to look for it, I must find out, what is this key for?" "Of course we have to find out, but we can take another approach. For example, we can call together the famous locksmiths and safe manufacturers in the city as much as possible, and ask them to express their opinions."

Zheng Baoyun immediately agreed with me, raised his hands, and shouted loudly to the servants: "What are you doing, go and call everyone to come to me, find all the locksmiths and safe manufacturers, I will meet them in the east hall and tell them that anyone who comes can get my gift, or a bonus!" It was already late at night, but those servants were obviously trained and used to all kinds of strange orders, there was no look of surprise on their faces, they just agreed repeatedly and retreated. Zheng Baoyun said: "Let's go to the east hall and wait for those people. If you are hungry, you can eat something there first."

I just said something casually, but Zheng Baoyun really did that, and he did it suddenly in the middle of the night. I was somewhat surprised, but I didn't say anything, just followed him out of the study. Not long after we got out of the study, we saw Mrs. Zheng walking forward tremblingly with the support of two middle-aged women. When she saw Zheng Baoyun, she called out, "A Bao, what are you doing?" ? In the middle of the night, who do you want the servant to see?" Zheng Baoyun seemed very impatient, he waved his hands: "Grandma, don't talk to me, just go to sleep!"

The old lady Zheng was nagging, as if she wanted to say something else, but Zheng Baoyun hurried away.Unfortunately, I was stopped by Mrs. Zheng because I nodded politely to Mrs. Zheng.Mrs. Zheng treated me like one of her own, and told me how her son was self-willed, how he didn't listen to her, and her son's biggest disadvantage: he had never married a wife, and he didn't even have a grandson. The most boring thing in the world is to listen to an old woman nagging. I wanted to walk away in disregard of manners several times, but I was always embarrassed. Later, my heart suddenly moved, and I found that it was really a good thing of mine. Chance!

Mrs. Zheng can be said to be the closest person to Zheng Tianlu. Although she had told me many things about Zheng Tianlu when she was on the ship, at that time, I never thought that Zheng Tianlu might be an alien. Now, I have already suspected this, so naturally there are many questions that can be answered from her. I no longer hated her babbling, but wished she talked more. I went over to support her, helped her into a side hall, sat down, chatted with her a little more, and then asked: "Old lady Zheng, what do you think of Mr. Zheng's body? Are others different?" It's really abrupt for me to ask the law like this, but I really have to ask!

Mrs. Zheng was taken aback, as if she didn't know what my question meant. I repeated the question, and she shook her head and said, "No, he's just like everyone else." I pointed to my stomach, hinting at her: "For example, his stomach—" Mrs. Zheng seemed to have remembered something, she nodded and said: "Yes, he has a bad stomach, he has had stomach problems all year round, don't let anyone touch his stomach!" I asked again: "Old lady, when you were together, when did he tell you where he came from? He must have said it, you should think about it!"

For this question, I am full of hope. But I was disappointed, she answered me almost immediately: "No, he is from my village, where else would he come from?" I thought for a while, and then asked again: "So, when you have A Bao, is he happy?" As soon as the son was mentioned, Mrs. Zheng became happy: "He was so happy that he was going crazy. He said that he and I would not expect to have a child. He also said that they would never have imagined it!" I was stunned: "What do you mean they never thought of it?" Mrs. Zheng was also stunned: "I don't know, he said that at the time. Although it has been many years, I remember what he said at that time."

I hurriedly said again: "After the child was born, what did he say?" Mrs. Zheng turned her head sideways: "He picked up the child and said that the child was not like him at all. He was very happy. He said that he was most afraid that the child would be like him. You know, when he is happy, he will say silly things and speak well. Everyone who came laughed at him." I know I can't ask anything else, but my conversation with Mrs. Zheng is not fruitless, at least I know that Zheng Tianlu cannot be an "orphan", and there are a large group of people related to him Yes, that is the "they" in his mouth.

I was about to leave Mrs. Zheng, but after I made that gesture, it took another ten minutes before I could get away. During these ten minutes, I kept hearing Mrs. Zheng say how beautiful the third daughter of the Zhang family was, and how virtuous the young lady of the Li family was, but Zheng Baoyun didn't like any of them.It wasn't until I promised to convince Zheng Baoyun that he should get married soon that the old lady thankfully let me go. I was taken by a servant to the east hall, which is a huge hall, the furniture is antique, and the antique shelf on the wall is full of porcelain, blue and white porcelain is the most, it seems that all of them are high-quality goods.

As soon as I arrived, Zheng Baoyun greeted me: "I have ordered the cook to prepare food for you." I said: "Thank you." He asked me a little nervously, "What did you talk to my mother about?" "I asked her about your father, but nothing came of it. She said that when you were born your father was ecstatic and glad you were nothing like him!" I replied. Zheng Baoyun suddenly clenched his fists tightly, and even his teeth chattered: "I hate him, I hate them!" I was taken aback, and wanted to make the atmosphere more relaxed, so I smiled and said: "The old lady is still very concerned about your marriage, and your refusal to get married makes her very sad, she—"

Unexpectedly, before I finished speaking, he roared loudly, raised his fist at me, and the veins on his forehead also appeared, he shouted loudly: "Shut up!" I didn't say anything more, and I wasn't angry at the moment, because I just thought he was very pitiful.And after he yelled at me, he turned around and gasped for breath. I don't know why when marriage is mentioned, just like I called him a "bastard" not long ago, he suddenly becomes angry. Does he have some secrets in his heart? Of course, I never asked further questions. And he, after standing with his back to me for a few minutes, has regained his composure.At the same time, the servants in the kitchen served the food on a very delicate lacquer plate, and I began to gobble it up. When I was halfway through eating, people came one after another. The people who came were all locksmiths, people who came to open the safe, as well as safe manufacturers and experts. From the sleepy expressions of those people, it can be seen that the Zheng family How strong is the local wealth. Zheng Baoyun put the key on the table, and asked everyone who came, if they had seen this key before, and what kind of lock this key was used to open.Some people just shook their heads and said they didn't know.But some people talk a lot and talk a lot, but even though they talk a lot, they still don't know anything. People came and went, went and came again, two hours later, the number of people who came gradually decreased, and one person came after a long time, Zheng Baoyun and I were almost completely disappointed. However, when the servant brought in an old man, our spirits were lifted suddenly, because when the old man put on his presbyopic glasses, looked at the key, and said: "I know it, I made it, But what's wrong with that box?" As the old locksmith said, he looked up at us. Zheng Baoyun immediately grabbed his hand: "You said... this was made by you, and it's a box?" "Yes, a small safe that can only be opened with my key, because I have made the lock in a very special way, and it has been many years since I have made only one lock of that kind in all, so I You can recognize it, the person who asked me to make this box seems to be also surnamed Zheng." "That must be my late father." Zheng Baoyun immediately said, "How big is that box?" The old locksmith gestured with both hands. Judging from the shape of his gestures, it should be a small box one foot high, half a foot wide, and two feet long. Such a small box was specially bought by Zheng Tianlu, and the key of the small box was secretly placed in the copper paperweight, so it is certain that there must be something extremely important in that small box ! The old locksmith naturally didn't know where Zheng Tianlu put the small box, so there was no need to ask him, we should ask him about the characteristics of the small box. Zheng Baoyun and I thought of this at the same time, and we asked him together. The old locksmith turned his head and thought for a while: "It's been a long time. I remember that it was a cupronickel box, which was very heavy. It was used to store valuable things. It is very heavy." We can say that we have already gained a lot, so Zheng Baoyun said happily: "Thank you, thank you!" The old locksmith left, and we both looked at each other, but at that time, the joyful expressions on our faces had disappeared. We already know that the key was used to open a small steel chest. But where is that little box? The Zheng family's mansion is so big, as long as Zheng Tianlu puts that small box anywhere, we may not be able to find it in a few years! Zheng Baoyun kept pacing, and while pacing, he said: "He really has some secrets, he really has secrets." I had no choice but to smile wryly: "Each of us has a secret!" Zheng Baoyun suddenly stood still: "I know, his secret must be related to his origin." I didn't answer, Zheng Baoyun's face was pale, and he suddenly walked up to me: "Please tell me, if...he is really not from Earth, what should I do?" I thought for a while, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder a few times: "You are still you, Mr. Zheng." Zheng Baoyun smiled wryly, "What if people know?" I shook my head and said: "People won't know, your father's body structure is very different, if no one has noticed him, let alone you?" Zheng Baoyun looked directly at me.I knew what he meant, so I said, "If you don't believe me, then you're only looking for trouble, and it's none of my business!" Zheng Baoyun didn't say anything, but walked up and down again, and I said, "We should rest now, that small box is made of cupronickel, I think a special metal reaction detector may help us find this small box, Tomorrow morning, you can order someone to prepare it." Zheng Baoyun nodded, and he ordered his servants to take me to a very beautifully furnished guest room. Although I was very tired, I didn't dare to sleep soundly, because I didn't know if Zheng Baoyun suddenly changed his mind and wanted to harm me in the middle of the night! I just lay on the couch instead of sleeping in the bed because it's easier to wake up on the couch. Of course, I fell asleep quickly, but I was awakened by a knock on the door. When I opened my eyes, the room was already full of sunlight. I opened the door, and it was Zheng Baoyun who knocked. His expression told me that he obviously hadn't slept all night. He was panting: "I found it, I found it!" My drowsiness faded away: "What's in the box?" "I haven't found the box yet, but the metal detector has detected that there are metal objects under the lotus pond. I have ordered people to drain the pond and prepare for excavation." I was a little confused: "What time is it now?" "It's already noon. I didn't rest last night. I worked all night. You know, I can't sleep." I hurriedly said, "Let's go and have a look." I walked to the lotus pond with him, and the sound of the pump was "dada".It was deafening, Zheng Baoyun actually used four water pumps, more than half of the water in the pool had been pumped out, ten or twenty people were already working in the waist-high sludge, and a dredger was rumbled over. By 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the sludge at the bottom of the lotus pond had been completely cleared. The whole lotus pond was circular with a diameter of about fifty feet, and the bottom of the pond was paved with small white square tiles. Some of the small tiles are black, with some twisted and twisted patterns, which look like patterns, but they are very clumsy patterns, which just make people feel uncomfortable. The dredger started to work, the tiles and cement were shoveled away, and after a while, a large iron plate appeared. The iron plate is five feet square, and there are two iron rings, obviously it can be lifted.Zheng Baoyun and I were really surprised to see such a situation. Because our purpose is just to find a small box.But now, it seems that we have discovered a secret basement. Zheng Baoyun looked at me, smiled wryly, and said, "What's going on here?" I said: "Of course we have to wait until the iron plate is opened to find out. Maybe it is the gold hoarded by your father, or other treasures." Zheng Baoyun held his head in both hands: "But I don't want those, I don't want those at all!" The foreman in charge of the excavation came over and asked Zheng Baoyun for instructions on the next step. After the foreman talked about it several times, Zheng Baoyun ordered listlessly: "Hang up the iron plate!" A small lifting truck slowly drove over. The big iron hook caught the ring on the iron plate and pulled the iron plate up.After the iron plate was uncovered, there was a very large round cover underneath. The round cover was rotating like the hatch cover of a submarine, and several people worked together to rotate it open.As soon as the round cover was unscrewed, I looked down, and there was a small room about 100 square feet below. In the middle of the small room, there was the box we wanted! I immediately shouted: "Zheng Baoyun, come and see!" Zheng Baoyun ran towards me. As soon as he got to my side, he naturally saw the box. He was so excited that he wanted to jump down immediately, but the small room was about ten feet high, and he jumped down unprepared like him. Will get hurt, so I grabbed him and said, "I'm going down!" I bent over and jumped down lightly. After landing on the ground, I bounced up and stood still. At the same time, I also lifted the box. Zheng Baoyun had already ordered people to prepare a long ladder. Let the door down and let me climb up the ladder. As soon as I went up, he took the suitcase in my hand. The suitcase was so heavy that his body turned sideways. We ignored the others and walked straight to Zheng Baoyun's study. When he arrived at his study, Zheng Baoyun put the box on the desk and took out the key.I saw that his left hand was shaking, and he couldn't even fit the key into the pinhole! I don't want to help him either, because this is an extremely important event for Zheng Baoyun, I think he must be willing to complete it by himself, and he doesn't want anyone to help him. It took two full minutes before he heard a "click", and he finally opened the lock, but he stepped back, sat on the sofa, panting, "Please, open that box." He suddenly lost the courage to open the box before the battle, which was quite unexpected to me. I stopped for a while and walked to the desk. The lid of the small box was also very heavy. When I opened the lid , I knew right away why it was so heavy, because the whole case, almost solid, had very little room in it. And what was placed in the box was just a small notepad. I turned around and glanced at Zheng Baoyun, Zheng Baoyun asked in a trembling voice, "It is... what is it?" I picked up the little book: "It's a little book." "Look... what records are there?" I opened the book, and on the first page, it was written in a very clear font: I hope this little book will not be discovered. If it is discovered, I hope that my descendants will discover it. Before I sent the little book to Zheng Baoyun, I asked him to read those two sentences. Zheng Baoyun took the little book, his fingers trembling, and turned to the second page.Seeing his expression, as if he didn't want to show me, I turned my head tactfully.I heard him turn another page, but he still didn't ask me to read it, so I walked to the window and looked out of the window. After a few minutes, I heard Zheng Baoyun's rapid breathing, and I turned my head. look at him. Zheng Baoyun's complexion was so ugly, beads of sweat kept oozing out from his forehead. From his appearance, he was concentrating on everything recorded in that little book, but as soon as I turned around, he noticed it, which showed that his nerves were very tense, and he was so tense that he was a little nervous around him. He would be astonished at any movement or movement. He suddenly raised his head and shouted in an extremely strange voice: "You, why are you staring at me?" I didn't blame him, but turned my head away immediately. At that moment, I even wanted to go out of the study, because in Zheng Baoyun's words, there was a meaning of blaming me for peeping his secret. But I really wanted to know the secrets recorded in that little book. I thought that after he got a little clue, he would definitely ask me to go and read it, so I waited patiently. Of course, I no longer turned my head to look at him, I just looked out of the window, the plantain outside the window was very green. I waited for about five minutes, but I still didn't hear anything from him, so I couldn't help feeling a little impatient. And just at this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of tearing paper.I couldn't help it, and I turned around immediately. And when I turned around, I was even more taken aback and shouted, "What are you doing?" I couldn't help but be surprised, because I saw Zheng Baoyun tearing up the little book and stuffing it into his mouth very quickly. When I jumped in front of him...he had swallowed the whole little book, He turned around and ran out, laughing wildly all the time.He is crazy! I don't know why Zheng Baoyun went crazy, because I haven't seen any records in that little book. I visited him several times in the asylum, trying to find out something, but he just smiled at me. , can't say anything, neurologists say that the most hopeless lunatic is a lunatic like Zheng Baoyun. Since I have never seen the things recorded in the little book, I am not sure whether Zheng Tianlu is really not a human from the earth, and I don't know why Zheng Tianlu's body can not be broken, why he will have a "corpse change" after death, Why did his body decompose quickly when that little liquid flowed out. All these secrets are known only by Zheng Baoyun. However, Zheng Baoyun has become a hopeless lunatic! (full text)
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