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Chapter 8 Chapter 7 The Treasure in the Safe

evil Dead 倪匡 6091Words 2018-03-14
But they don't see me, I have spotted them, and this is where I have the upper hand.Originally, as soon as I saw those six people, I decided to take a detour and let the six people wait in vain. But I changed my mind immediately, because since Zheng Baoyun's murderous intent towards me was still there, he couldn't avoid it.He may think that I will keep avoiding, but I don't, I want to surprise him, I want to find him! So, I crouched behind a clump of bushes, surveyed the situation around me, and then started to move forward again.I used the house on the hillside to cover myself so that the six of them could not see me.After fifteen minutes, I was at the back of Dr. Figg's house. I took a few steps forward, and at the corner, I could see the two people standing in the corner, their backs to me.

I shrank back and thought about it for a while. Naturally, I have to deal with those two people first. I can get weapons from them, and I can attack the four people by surprise. But I'm about ten yards away from them, and if I walk up to them, they'll notice.If I'm detected before I can pounce on them, I'm in danger. So, after thinking about it for a while, I climbed up to the wall, climbed to the top of the wall, hunched my body, and walked forward quickly. After a while, I had already reached the heads of those two people! But those two people obviously didn't know that they were already facing disaster.

I looked down, aimed at the two of them, suddenly shrugged, and jumped down! I jumped down in a kneeling position, and one of the two, who was more alert, looked up immediately, but it was okay for him not to look up, but it made him even worse when he raised his head! My knee hit his face! I heard the sound of a broken bone very clearly, but I have no time to study what bone was broken. At the same time, my left knee hit the top of another person's head. The bodies of the two people swayed and fell to the ground together. I didn't let their bodies fall to the ground, so after I stood still, I immediately stretched out my hand, grabbed the clothes of the two of them, and then gently placed their bodies on the ground.

However, the four people at the corner of the wall seemed to have heard something, and someone asked, "What's the matter?" Naturally, I didn't answer him. I found two guns at the waists of the two men.As soon as he had a weapon, he became courageous, turned around, and stood close to the corner of the wall. The man asked again: "What's the matter? Is anyone here?" The man's voice gradually approached, and I laughed secretly in my heart, it seems that I can solve one of them again.Sure enough, shortly after I stood still, a man suddenly appeared in front of me.

I was standing at the corner of the wall, and when he turned around, he was face to face with me. He obviously never expected this, so he was completely stunned, but I smiled at him and turned my hands away. gun pointed at his chest. At the same time, I held out my left hand. That guy actually knew what I meant, and quickly handed his gun over to me.I said in a very low voice: "I'm the one you're going to kill, right?" The guy's face was very embarrassing: "Sir, don't do our business, it's Mr. Zheng──" Before I waited for him to finish speaking, the anger in my heart suddenly rose.These guys can kill for money, but when asked, they seem to have no responsibility at all.If there were no murderers like them, how would rich people buy murderers?

Originally, I was going to let that person go, but at this moment, I changed my mind and decided to give him some trouble. I sneered: "None of your business? If I hadn't seen through your plot, I might have died under your gun, you bastard!" I kicked that guy's calf bone hard, and that kick happened to hit the weakest part of his calf bone. The guy yelled, his foot bone broke, and he fell to the ground. The other three people rushed forward together, I preemptively fired three shots in a row in less than five seconds, two shots hit two people's knees, and the third shot shot the gun in a guy's hand. far away.

The two injured people were rolling on the ground, while the third person stood dumbfounded.I ran forward, punched the man hard in the stomach, and shouted: "Get in the car!" The man's movements were surprisingly fast, and he jumped into the car immediately, and I shouted again: "Sit in the driver's seat." The man hurriedly sat in the driver's seat again. At this time, many people heard the gunshots and rushed out. I shouted: "Drive quickly, you probably don't want the police to catch you!" The guy was as obedient as a puppy , immediately stepped on the accelerator, the car sped forward, and in a blink of an eye, the residential area was completely forgotten!

That guy asked me tremblingly, "Sir, where are you going?" I sneered: "Then I have to ask you!" The guy's head was sweating, and he said pitifully, "Sir, I don't know what you mean by saying that?" I said: "After killing me, where can I find Zheng Baoyun to receive the reward?" His body shook suddenly, and the car almost slammed into the side of the road!I stepped on the brake pedal hard, the car stopped suddenly, and I said, "Maybe you need some time to think about it!" He shook his head again and again: "No, no, I remembered, he told us to go to his house to find him after killing you, and now we will go, sir, please don't kill me." I was too lazy to answer him, He just shouted loudly and said, "Go!"

He started the car again in a hurry, and when he was about to reach the urban area, I ordered him to abandon the car and take a taxi instead, because this car might be under the attention of the police. After the car entered the urban area, the man stood by my side, fidgeting, and when the car stopped in front of an unbelievably large bungalow, the man's face turned pale. I looked outside, and the size of the Zheng family's house was indeed surprising.That row of fences encloses an unknown amount of land, and there are so many pavilions and pavilions that it is difficult to count. It is only comparable to the mansions of princes, grandsons and rich merchants in the mainland of China.

I escorted that guy and rushed in. Many servant-like people wanted to interrogate us, but when they saw that person, they kept quiet. Of course, Zheng Baoyun had already ordered the servant, if that person If you come to see him, you can go in directly. When we came to a rather exquisite house, we saw an old servant come out to welcome him, and said to the man: "The young master is waiting for you in the master's study, do you want me to take you there?" Before the man answered, I said: "No need, we will go by ourselves, you just need to point it out!" The old servant glanced at me with a rather strange look on his face.But he didn't say anything, just said: "Go from here, just go through the garden."

I nodded, pulled the man and walked forward.After passing through a hall, I came to the garden. I pulled the man behind the rocky mountain and slapped him hard on the back of the head. The man passed out without making a sound.I let him faint behind the rockery, and I turned out from behind the rocks of the rockery, walked forward next to a large clump of plantains, and came to a row of windows. As soon as I got to the window, I saw Zheng Baoyun. Zheng Baoyun had his back to me.He was standing, bent over, in a very large writing desk, opened all the drawers of the writing desk, concentrating on searching for something. I stretched out my hand and gently opened the window, Zheng Baoyun didn't notice anything, but when I put my hand on the window sill, turned over and jumped into the room, Zheng Baoyun had already noticed it! He turned around suddenly, and we were facing each other within two yards of each other, so he could clearly see who was standing in front of him. Of course I can also see him, he is the one who sent several groups of people to use various methods to put me to death. After he saw clearly that the person who suddenly appeared in front of him was me again, he had a strange expression on his face, which was really indescribable, and he spread his hands: "So...it's you." I sneered: "Unexpectedly, you bastard!" I called him a "bastard" because I hated him for using such a despicable method to harm me, but unexpectedly this "bastard" touched the scar in his heart! He jumped up straight! And after he jumped up, he grabbed a copper paperweight on the desk and threw it straight at me! Of course he missed me, I just tilted my head slightly, and the copper paperweight, which was the size of a fist, was right next to my head, flew over with a "huh", hit the wall, and fell down again. And at that moment, I also jumped forward and grabbed his wrist with all my strength. He was struggling hard. To my surprise, when he was struggling hard, the force he exerted was astonishing. I can barely catch him! He struggled so hard that I had to deal with him harder. I twisted his wrist vigorously, and then hit him hard on the back of the forehead with my left palm. Zheng Baoyun was slapped by me, and his whole body softened. He put one hand on the table, panting unceasingly. I still held his wrist tightly and sneered: "Unexpectedly, I repelled all the people you sent to kill me. Your actions made me have to defend myself. I have several witnesses who can prove that you You are the mastermind of murder, and when you are in prison, I can announce your true identity to the world!" He didn't seem to care much about the fact that I had several witnesses and could send him to prison, but he trembled when I uttered the last sentence.He made a sound like a groan: "No, please don't do that, if you do that, they will cut me apart inch by inch to study." I really hated him in my heart, so I attacked him relentlessly. I sneered "hehe" and said, "That's no wonder why. Who told you that your origin is so strange? I'm also very interesting to you. Come on, Let me feel if you have bones on your belly too." I made a gesture to press on his stomach, but he screamed strangely, and I hummed: "You asked me to meet me here, but you ordered someone to come and kill me right away!" Zheng Baoyun panted: "I have to do that, let me die, I will never let my secret be revealed, if my secret is revealed, I will not be able to die!" Zheng Baoyun said such words, which made my hatred for him disappear a lot, and at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little pitiful for him.I let go of his wrist, and said calmly: "Actually, you miscalculated me. You don't have to deal with me, because I won't reveal your secret; I won't." Zheng Baoyun took a few steps back, looked at me for a while, and then said: "I still have to try to kill you, if I don't kill you, I won't be able to live, I have to be on guard against you all the time, And you can threaten me every minute, every second, you kill me, otherwise, I will definitely try to kill you!" He spoke so frankly and without concealment, which actually made me like him a little bit, and I spread my hands: "It seems that we should not be incompatible." Zheng Baoyun took a deep breath: "It should, have you forgotten? You and I are fundamentally two different people!" I naturally understood what he meant, referring to the fact that his father was not from Earth.For a highly educated person like Zheng Baoyun, suddenly knowing that he is such a strange "hybrid" of earthlings and aliens, the pain in his heart can be imagined, he never wants to The secret is known, and if he wants to kill me, it seems that he shouldn't be too harsh on him. I said again: "Now, because I have done one thing, if you kill me, it will be a foolish thing." His expression was unusually nervous: "What did you do?" I said slowly: "You should think about what I did. That's what anyone would do in my situation. I recorded everything that happened to me." When I got to this point, I could clearly hear Zheng Baoyun breathing in. I smiled at him: "You understand? Everything is recorded, but I sealed everything tightly and handed it over to a proper person. If anything happens to me, he will announce everything. Under such circumstances , can you still kill me?" He opened his mouth wide, looked at me for a while, and then said: "You... did that, did you intend to blackmail me?" I shook my head: "Maybe you don't understand me, but I definitely don't mean that. I just want to find out with you whether your father is an alien or not." He sat down, rested his forehead with his hands, and remained silent for a while before he said, "Did you see Dr. Feige? What did he... say?" "He thought the meeting with your father was a terrible experience, and he also said that your father is definitely not a creature on earth." Zheng Baoyun's face seemed to be covered with a layer of mud, and I said again: "However, his conclusion, like ours, is not enough to be taken as conclusive evidence. You are among the relics of your father. Have you found anything that can prove your father's identity?" He smiled wryly, "Not yet." "Then you should look for it quickly. If he is really not from Earth, then among his relics, there must be some very strange things to prove it." Zheng Baoyun smiled wryly and said nothing. Judging from the look on Zheng Baoyun's face, he obviously doesn't trust me very much.And I didn't need to explain anything to him, I asked again: "Is this his study room when he was alive?" Zheng Baoyun nodded helplessly: "Yes, according to my mother, he spends the most time in this room, and no one is allowed to casually walk into his room." I started to look around this study, because according to what Zheng Baoyun said, if Zheng Tianlu left anything unusual, it must be hidden in this study. The size of the study is quite large, estimated to be at least 600 square feet. On both walls, there are bookcases reaching to the ceiling, and the bookcases are full of various books.Zheng Tianlu's interests must be very wide. In his bookcase, there are all kinds of books, and his collection of books is at least 10,000 volumes. In the middle is a very huge writing desk, all the drawers have been opened by Zheng Baoyun.I pointed to the desk: "Have you looked for all the drawers?" Zheng Baoyun nodded and said, "Yes." "Keep looking!" I told him, and then I walked towards the eight-foot-high safe in the corner. More than half of that safe was embedded in the wall, obviously used to store very important things. As soon as I got close, I recognized that the safe was produced by one of the most famous British safe manufacturers. If you don't know the password and want to open the safe, unless you blow it up with strong explosives. I reached out and patted the safe: "Do you know the password to open this safe?" Zheng Baoyun couldn't even raise his head, so he replied, "Don't touch it!" I was a little angry and raised my voice: "I'm asking you for the password to open the safe. I think there must be something very important in this safe!" Zheng Baoyun raised his head: "I already told you, its password is three words: 'Don't touch it'. I don't think there is anything inside, because...he already told me the password." I didn't say anything, and quickly dialed a few lines of letters on the lock. When the words "Don't touch it" appeared, I pushed the switch hard and pulled the thick safe door open. As soon as the safe door was opened, I saw stacks of large British pound and dollar bills, almost filling the entire safe. Zheng Baoyun already had enough money, and he didn't care about adding hundreds of thousands of dollars.If at this time, someone could make him use all the money in the safe to buy him an identity as a real earthling-that is what each of us has-he would be overjoyed and agree. In the lower compartment of the safe, there are two drawers. I pulled out those two drawers, and even I couldn't help but gasp. To be honest, when I saw the cash in the safe, although I wasn't completely indifferent like Zheng Baoyun, I definitely didn't feel any thrilling feeling. Because I have enough money to use, there is a limit to the ability of people to use money. However, after seeing those two drawers, I was shocked. In those two drawers, there were all kinds of precious stones, emeralds, diamonds, and large strings of pearls.Natural jewelry has a breathtaking beauty that can take your breath away. Zheng Tianlu must have spent a lot of effort to collect these jewels and jade, because I picked up a square jadeite at random, and I found that it was really a supreme boutique.I snatched another handful, and opened my hand, letting rubies, sapphires, and beryls slip through my fingers, until at last, in the palm of my hand, was an unassailable topaz, and a piece about twenty carat, pink-purple diamond. I tilted my palm slightly, and let the diamonds and topaz fall into the drawer, making a "ding ding" sound when they collided with other jewels, and then I turned around: "Look, the most valuable thing in your father's inheritance , I think it's here!" Zheng Baoyun glanced at it, but still seemed not interested, he said impatiently: "We are not looking for these things!" I took a few steps back, and when I backed out, I kicked something with my heel, which was Zheng Baoyun just now. Pick up the copper paperweight that was thrown at me. The copper paperweight hit the wall, fell to the floor, and cracked when I kicked it. After I glanced at the copper paperweight, I immediately picked it up. The copper paperweight was in my hand, and I gently divided it into two halves. It was hollow in the middle. And after I split it in half, a very delicate key made of stainless steel fell out of it, and fell to the ground with a "ding".The sound of the key falling to the ground was so crisp that Zheng Baoyun also turned his head and looked down. I quickly leaned over and picked up the key, and raised it to Zheng Baoyun: "What kind of lock does this key open?" Zheng Baoyun came over, with a puzzled look on his face, shaking his head: "I've never seen it before, I think it must be very important, or I can ask my mother." I handed him the key: "Then you go quickly, I hope you can tell me the result of the question." He took the key and left in a hurry, while I continued to search in Zheng Tianlu's study, about ten minutes later, I didn't find anything new, and Zheng Baoyun came back in a hurry: "It's really strange, Grandmother said she had never seen the key before!" I took a breath: "We must have found something of great importance. This key was solemnly placed in the copper paperweight. It must have opened a place of great importance. I think it must be a There is a secret door hidden somewhere in this study. If we can open this secret door, then we can discover everything." After Zheng Baoyun thought about it for a short time, he agreed with me, so the two of us searched in this study room. Our first step was to take off all the paintings and calligraphy hanging on the wall, and beat the wall with a hammer. Then, we moved all the books out of the bookcase. Zheng Baoyun called five or six servants to move all the books out of the study and pile them in the corridor outside the study. After several bookcases were all emptied, we checked the bookcases in detail, until we thought that there could be no hidden compartments in the bookcases, then we moved the bookcases away and checked the wall behind the cabinets.
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