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Chapter 6 Chapter 5 The Unusual Corpse

evil Dead 倪匡 6126Words 2018-03-14
During the day, I didn't raise any questions to the old lady, but at this moment, I raised it to Zheng Baoyun, and I said: "Mr. Zheng, don't you think your old lady's identity is very mysterious?" Zheng Baoyun was quite willing to accept the facts, he nodded: "Yes, I also thought he was very mysterious, and when he was alive, there were many things that were different from ordinary people, he almost never got sick, during his life, There was only one encounter with a doctor—that's what my mother said." I said: "Besides, the doctor fled that time. I believe he must have scolded him away with very embarrassing words."

Zheng Baoyun laughed: "I guess it's the same, because he scolds people very fiercely, everyone is afraid of him, and he seems to know the privacy of everyone's heart." I said again: "Then, do you think that the changes in his body after his death are related to the fact that he was different from ordinary people during his lifetime?" Zheng Baoyun thought about it for a while, and then said: "The answer will not be available until after the autopsy. Perhaps, we will never get the answer." I nodded, agreeing with what he said.During the next two days of the voyage, we went to the freezer to see "him" almost every hour. "He" was quite calm and didn't move any more.

Finally, when we arrived at the destination, Zheng Baoyun first sent someone to take his mother ashore, then wrapped "him" in an oilcloth, and escorted him and myself to his private dissection room. His private dissecting room is in the outskirts of the city, and the journey is quite long, about a two-hour drive. The weather in the Philippines is extremely hot, and although there is air conditioning in the compartment, the temperature is quite high. After driving for an hour, both he and I couldn't bear the smell from the oilcloth bag. Zheng Baoyun increased the speed of the car even more, while muttering that if he was not afraid of his actions being known, he would definitely use a helicopter, which would be much faster.

Another hour passed, and the smell got so bad that neither of us could bear it, and we had to open the car windows.But in that way, it would be even worse, because the temperature in the carriage was even higher! The peculiar smell is naturally caused by the deterioration of the corpse, and the deterioration of the corpse is due to the high temperature. When the car window is opened, it is tantamount to accelerating the deterioration of the corpse, but we have no other way to think of it. ! When the car finally drove into a shaded and beautiful garden, both of us felt stomach twitching, because the smell was so bad.

As soon as the car stopped, several people rushed out.But as soon as those people rushed to the side of the car, they were stunned, with strange expressions on their faces, of course it was because they also smelled the bad smell. Zheng Baoyun and I opened the car door together and rushed out. Zheng Baoyun shouted loudly: "What are you doing standing there? Quickly move that oilcloth bag into the autopsy room. It's a corpse I... got!" Since those people were working in the dissecting room, they would not be too surprised by the corpse, but the rotten corpse is not worth dissecting, so their faces were still full of surprise, and they wrapped the oilcloth in the car. Lifted out.

Zheng Baoyun ordered again: "The bag is soaked in formaldehyde, let me untie it myself, I don't need your help, don't bother me." Those few people agreed repeatedly, and carried the oilcloth bag and left.Zheng Baoyun turned around, and he said what I had long wanted to say: "Why does the corpse rot so quickly?" I said: "I'm also wondering, maybe it's because he's been dead for three years, I... want to take a bath first, to wash off the bad smell on my body, is that okay?" "Of course, that's what I was thinking. The corpse will not change after being immersed in formaldehyde."

Zheng Baoyun said, and brought me into the room. I saw many biological specimens and human models. Zheng Baoyun said: "You find it strange?" I just asked back: "I heard that you have won several doctorates?" "Yes," he said somewhat proudly, "I'm very talented, and I'm interested in almost everything. Among my four doctorate titles, one is a Ph.D. in biology." A paper entitled 'Survival of Antimicrobials in the Blood' was highly regarded, and I had sufficient means to set up a complete dissecting room." I said: "You may have your father's inheritance. Doesn't he have many things that prove that he is a genius?"

Zheng Baoyun smiled involuntarily: "Please use this bathroom." I walked into the door he pointed out to me, took a good shower, and felt refreshed. When I walked out of the bathroom, Zheng Baoyun was already waiting for me, and we went to his dissecting room together . The dissecting room was set in the middle of a row of houses, and one had to go through a rather long corridor before arriving at the door. Zheng Baoyun said to the two people standing at the door: "Go away, don't bother me!" One of the two said, "Mr. Zheng, that corpse—" Zheng Baoyun didn't wait for him to finish, and suddenly roared angrily: "Go away, I have already said, don't do your business!"

The two men didn't dare to say anything more, and quickly walked away with their heads down. Zheng Baoyun opened the door, and after he and I walked in, he immediately locked the door. It was a well-equipped dissection room. The corpse was still wrapped in oilcloth and immersed in a white porcelain pool. The liquid in the pool was naturally formaldehyde, so the entire dissection room was filled with that weird smell. Zheng Baoyun came to a cabinet and opened the door: "I'm not used to the smell of formaldehyde, so when I'm dissecting, you wear an oxygen mask, too?" I went to him, took out an oxygen mask from the cabinet and put it on, it made me breathe easier and made me feel a lot better.

Moreover, his oxygen mask is obviously a special one. Compressed oxygen is passed down from the ceiling of the dissecting room, and a large tube is connected to the mask.And after wearing the mask, we can use the walkie-talkie and talk without difficulty. Zheng Baoyun also told me that the compressed air stored on the ceiling is different from the compressed oxygen used by ordinary divers. It is the air that is most beneficial to human health after research by several doctors, just like the fresh air on high mountains. When people breathe this kind of air, they will feel full of vitality in the whole body, thus enhancing the effectiveness of work.

Since Zheng Baoyun is a person with such strong financial resources, he will naturally not exaggerate to me, and after I put on the breathing mask, I do have a strange sense of freshness. We came to the white porcelain together, and the first step was to untie the oilcloth. This work was done by Zheng Baoyun. He scratched the oilcloth with a very sharp knife. The oilcloth bag burst open immediately. However, the moment the oilcloth bag burst open, something unexpected happened. As the cloth bag split, a large amount of black liquid leaked out of the cloth bag. There was so much of that liquid that in less than ten seconds, before we even knew what was happening, the entire pool was blackened with formaldehyde! That situation is like being wrapped in an oilcloth bag, not a person at all, but a big bag of ink! Both Zheng Baoyun and I were stunned, I heard Zheng Baoyun let out a sharp cry and asked, "What's going on here?" I don't know what's going on, but at least I'm calmer than Zheng Baoyun, and I said, "Maybe it's because of the temperature that the corpse rotted and turned into water. If I guess right, then there will always be bones left." Yes, please put the blackened formaldehyde away." Zheng Baoyun nodded a little helplessly, and pressed a button, the black liquid in the pool quickly dropped, and we immediately saw the oilcloth bag and a pair of skeletons left in the oilcloth bag. This proves that what I expected is correct, the black water in the oilcloth bag is indeed produced after the corpse rots. However, at this time, we didn't even think about why the corpse would rot so quickly, and after it rotted, it would turn into black water like ink, because we were all attracted by the skeleton. It was a human skeleton, there seemed to be no doubt about it, but if you were to tell a medical student that it was a human skeleton, he would shake his head. The skeleton is still very complete, including arm bones, leg bones, and phalanx bones, but that is not a problem, but Zheng Baoyun and I are dumbfounded by two places. First, its ribs are plate-shaped. , and there are only three on one side, and one ring goes to the back, forming a field ring, half an inch thick and five inches wide. The ribs are supported by a long bone at the front and back, which are very similar to ordinary vertebrae, but their number of joints is astonishingly large. Under such circumstances, we naturally have no time to count them in detail, but we can be sure that there are more than thirty bones in them. Six knots, but at least one hundred knots or more. A person who has that spine front and back must be able to bend his body in a circle without difficulty, either forwards or backwards. Moreover, on the plate bone, there are also rib-like bones, but they are thinner, as thick as a finger, with six squares on each side, in a ring shape.But the most peculiar thing is that his skull has four holes on the bony pairs of his nostrils; four, those four holes are under the eye holes, and I can't tell what the function of these four holes is. Zheng Baoyun and I stood there in a daze for three or four minutes before he let out a moan: "God, what is he!" What is he?Who is Zheng Baoyun's father, the millionaire Zheng Tianlu?Not only Zheng Baoyun is asking, but I am also asking myself in my heart.He is definitely not a human being, and human beings don't have such bones.He's not even a vertebrate, because no vertebrate has ever been found with a bone-protected abdominal cavity. So what is he?To be honest, he lives in a human society, and he is a successful person. His business establishments are spread all over Southeast Asia. He is a successful businessman and he also has a son. When I thought that he had a son, I couldn't help but turned my head and looked at Zheng Baoyun. Zheng Baoyun jumped up sensitively: "Don't look at me! Don't look at me!" Then, panting, he rushed towards me, grabbed my hand suddenly, and pressed on his own chest: "Touch, look, my ribs are the same as yours, and my ribs are the same as yours. There is no bone in the stomach, you can press it!" He pressed my hand hard on his belly again. He was right, his ribs were like mine, and his belly, like mine, was not surrounded by bones.However, his father was different! There was an extremely strange feeling in my heart, which even made me speechless. Zheng Baoyun said loudly: "It must be someone's prank. No one has such a bone. It's not a bone. Shidu people made it out of plastic to scare us!" As he spoke, he picked up a wooden stick and pounded it vigorously in the porcelain pool to break up the bones.Then, he picked up a rib, and with a long knife, he split it open forcefully. He stopped when the rib was split open. And when the bone was split open, he also knew that it was definitely not someone's prank, but it was a real bone, and that was something anyone could be sure of after looking at the rib profile. Zheng Baoyun's body was shaking, as if he was about to faint, I hurried over to support him, and he murmured: "Why is that? What is he? What is he?" I comforted him: "He is naturally human." "Human? Do people have bones like that?" "He may be a deformed person, Mr. Zheng. There are many deformed people in the human body. There is a sedative that produces thousands of deformed people. That is not unusual." Zheng Baoyun calmed down, looked at me for a moment, and then said: "Based on your own knowledge, is that a deformed bone? It is an extremely complete bone, and it is hundreds of thousands of years old, or even hundreds of years old. The result of ten thousand years of evolution, and that evolution must have been carried out in a place that is completely different from the environment on the earth, so that kind of completely different bone structure was produced, that is not a deformity!" I have nothing else to say. I just said that the skeleton might be a deformed one just to comfort Zheng Baoyun, even in my own heart, I didn't believe what I said.At this time, I was naturally even more speechless.After staying for a moment, he said: "Then, what do you mean—" As I said that, I looked at him, and through the oxygen mask, I could see his face, terribly pale, just like when he passed out as a zombie on the boat. I wanted to say something, but he stepped back a few steps and sat down on a chair.I took a deep breath, came to his side, and asked again: "You have your opinion, you might as well say it, and study this matter from a scientific standpoint, you don't have to worry about anything." Zheng Baoyun tried his best to turn his head sideways, as if he wanted to avoid answering my question, but in fact, he couldn't avoid it, and I waited for his answer.After waiting for a full minute, I heard him say in a voice almost moaning: "I thought...he...he is not from Earth." Not Earthlings! This is exactly the conclusion I thought of, but when I heard Zheng Baoyun say this, I still felt a sense of trembling! I also sat down on a chair, and the two of us just sat there blankly for a long time. I don't know how Zheng Baoyun felt during that period of time, but my own heart was extremely chaotic! If Zheng Tianlu is not from Earth, then he is naturally from another planet. He is from another planet and has achieved great success on Earth, and even married a wife and had children on Earth! If he is a planetary person, then Zheng Baoyun is his son. When I thought of this, I suddenly understood why Zheng Baoyun's face was as ugly as the one sentenced to death. Because Zheng Tianlu is his father, and if Zheng Tianlu is from another planet, then he, Zheng Baoyun, is a hybrid—a hybrid of an alien and an earthling! That is by no means an ordinary hybrid, but a hybrid of earthlings and aliens.That is really an unacceptable, even unimaginable thing!Looking at Zheng Baoyun's expression, of course he also thought of this, and that's why he was in a state of nervous breakdown! Know what to do and what to say. He called out in a deep voice, "Mr. Zheng!" There was no reaction at all to my voice, so I raised my voice and called again: "Mr. Zheng!" There was still no response, and my third call was almost straight out of my throat, and I shouted loudly: "Mr. Zheng!" He finally responded to that call, his whole body was shocked, and he looked at me in despair. I made a gesture to the ground, and said in a very sincere voice: "You said that he is not from Earth, and my initial opinion is the same as yours, but—" When I got to this point, he interrupted me and said as I expected: "Then... what am I?" I ignore his question. Zheng Baoyun is always a very sensitive person. If he believes that he is a hybrid of aliens and earthlings, it will be a great tragedy! I said to myself, "That's just the preliminary and intuitive judgment of you and me. We haven't had any evidence to prove that our judgment is correct." Hearing what I said, Zheng Baoyun seemed to cheer up a little bit, but then he said very sadly: "That skeleton...isn't it enough to prove it?" I shook my head and said, "Nature is not enough to prove that deformed bones can sometimes give people a complete impression. We still have to collect evidence from various aspects to prove that he is an alien!" Mr. Zheng Baoyun listened to me with his head down, but after I finished speaking, he raised his head, looked at me for a moment, and said, "Do you want to prove that he is an alien, or that he is not an alien?" !" Naturally, I could tell that Zheng Baoyun already knew that when he asked me that way. In terms of my subjective wish, I hope that Zheng Tianlu is not an alien.But I'm going to pretend not to understand what he meant: "It doesn't make any difference. We just judge based on the evidence we have collected. If he is not an alien, he is naturally a human from Earth." Zheng Baoyun smiled, it seems that he has accepted my statement. I stood up from the chair, glanced at the pile of white bones immersed in the porcelain pool again, and couldn't help but smile wryly in my heart. That incident was extremely weird at the beginning, but we never dreamed that there would be such a change, and we would begin to suspect that Zheng Tianlu was not from Earth at all! After I stood up, Zheng Baoyun also stood up, and he and I took off the oxygen mask. As soon as we took off the oxygen mask, we could immediately smell that the whole dissecting room was filled with a strange rancid smell. Zheng Baoyun almost rushed out of the dissecting room, and I followed behind him.We came to a very gorgeous living room, after Zheng Baoyun ordered the servants to bring coffee, he asked me: "How do we start?" I frowned: "We can start from two aspects. First, we have to examine...his relics in detail to see what proves that he is not from Earth. Second, we have to talk to everyone who is familiar with him. Talk, and get to know him as a person in the conversation." Zheng Baoyun smiled wryly: "I think we don't need to find someone else. I am his son. I admit that I don't know him well enough, because I have studied abroad since I was a child, but my mother knows him best. He's dead, and she's been with him almost all her life." I agreed with him, but I added: "There's a man we have to talk to." "Who is it?" Zheng Baoyun asked me immediately. "That doctor—you still remember that he only had contact with a doctor once in his life, but the doctor ran away. I thought he scolded the doctor away, but now, But I think there are other reasons, maybe because the doctor discovered some unimaginable facts, so he left in a hurry." Zheng Baoyun looked at me, and when I was speaking, the expression on his face changed several times. Naturally, I don't know what he is thinking in his heart, but judging from the expression on his face, I can always tell what he is thinking!And after I finished speaking, he remained silent for a long time, which forced me to ask him: "What did you think of?" I was just asking casually, but Zheng Baoyun was obviously taken aback, and he covered it up with a very clumsy lie, saying: "Nothing, nothing, um, that doctor, who was very famous in the first place, But he's retired now!" I was puzzled, because Zheng Baoyun's attitude was very wrong, it was obvious that he was hiding something from me. But at that time, I didn't think about it deeply, because if there was something in Zheng Baoyun's heart that he didn't want to tell me, he had the right, so I didn't ask him anymore, I just said: "It doesn't matter, as long as He is still alive, I think we can split up, you go to examine the relics of your father, and I go to visit the doctor." Zheng Baoyun stood up, with his back to me: "Okay, then, I'm going back to Manila, that doctor, as far as I know, he lived near the urban area after retirement, you can check his status with relevant parties. Address. Meet me in Manila after visiting the doctor." I nodded and said, "I have to borrow a car from you." "That's not a problem, I'm here, I have several cars, you can do whatever you want!"
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