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Chapter 5 Chapter 4 Strange Man of Unknown Origin

evil Dead 倪匡 8275Words 2018-03-14
There was a strange noise in Zheng Baoyun's throat, and it took him a long time to regain his composure: "My cries startled others, and when I heard footsteps coming from all directions, my sanity became clearer. I looked intently again, but the hand had retracted from the round hole, I quickly picked up the cover on the ground, and hastily screwed it on." "As soon as I screwed the lid on, several servants rushed in, and then my mother also came. They were all awakened by my crying. Ask me what happened, but I didn't say anything. At that time, I thought I was dazzled just now, it must be the result of my trance. I just told them that because I missed my dead father, when I When I saw his coffin, I couldn't help crying."

"They believed everything I said. I immediately went back to my room and locked myself up. As you can imagine, I never closed my eyes that night." I nodded silently. Anyone who encounters any kind of situation will not be able to close their eyes overnight. Besides, I can conclude that Zheng Baoyun must be a very neurotic person even before this incident happened. His blow is naturally bigger! I asked, "What about the future?" "Throughout the night, I thought over and over again, hoping that what I just heard and saw was all hallucinations. But, after thinking about it, it was all fact, not my hallucination."

"I kept asking myself: what should I do? My father has been dead for three years, but he made a sound in the coffin, and his hand stretched out from the coffin. His The body has not rotted at all, he was resurrected, or did he not die at all? During that night, my thoughts were extremely chaotic, and I finally made a decision to open the coffin to take a look, but it was done in secret!" "The next day, I ordered that I face the coffin alone and remember my father. Originally, even my mother didn't want her to be by the side, but she insisted on being with me. So, there were only two of us, and I had to leave me alone. I told my mother what I saw last night. Unexpectedly, my mother was not only not frightened, but also very happy. She said that my father liked to do good deeds most during his lifetime. The king of Tibet, you have brought father back to life!"

"I couldn't help laughing at what she said, and I started to unscrew all the screws, and finally, I slowly lifted the lid." "My mother had already been nervously preparing to pounce on me as soon as I lifted the coffin lid. But when I lifted the coffin lid, she took a step forward and stood still." "At that time, what we saw was the same as what you saw when you went down the bilge for the first time. My father sat up suddenly in the coffin. It's just that at that time, you thought I imprisoned an old man, but But we clearly know that he is a dead man who has been dead for three years!"

Zheng Baoyun gasped: "Besides, we looked at him, and I was immediately sure that he was still a dead man. Although he sat up, although his body was intact, he was still a dead man who had been dead for three years. I remember that I called She let out a cry, and said: "Mum, Dad is not resurrected, he is still a dead person!" My mother was completely dumbstruck, she kept repeating the two words, and I listened for a long time before I heard what she was saying. It's the word 'dead change'!" Zheng Baoyun stopped here after speaking. The cabin also immediately became quiet, and the wind and rain must have been much lighter at this time, because I was sitting on the sofa, and I could hardly feel the swaying of the ship.

Zheng Baoyun nodded and said: "Yes, the corpse change, it is a legend in our hometown, it is said that after a person is buried, if there is a heavy thunderstorm when he is buried, or there is... a black cat jumping over the corpse, Crawl over it, and the corpse will turn into a zombie." I smiled wryly: "That's not just a legend in your hometown, I'm afraid it's a legend that is widely spread in every village. We all heard scary stories about zombies when we were young." Zheng Baoyun was silent for a while, and then said again: "Mr. Wei, do you think there is a scientific basis for that?"

"Of course not," I immediately shook my head: "When a person dies, it means that his breathing stops, his blood no longer circulates, hundreds of millions of cells are dead, and they can no longer move—" I was answering his question loudly, but I stopped when I only spoke halfway, because the more I tried to explain the problems of life and death from a scientific point of view, the more I found that there was a difference between life and death. How little effort our scientists have made on the mysteries of For example, when a person dies, the blood no longer circulates, the breath no longer continues, and the cells naturally lose their vitality. They are dead cells.However, as long as the body does not rot, the hair and nails can continue to grow. We have seen too many such examples?Why can the cells of hair and nails continue to grow for several years without the support of life?

Moreover, another reason why I can't go on is that Zheng Baoyun's father is in the hold. He is indeed a dead man, but his body has not rotted, and he can move. It seems that death on him Only the brain cells, while the cells in other parts are still active, so what kind of special situation is this? So, I couldn't help but stop halfway through my speech.I stayed for a long time before saying: "Forget what I said just now, I think this is one of the questions that modern scientific knowledge cannot give a complete answer to." Zheng Baoyun was obviously very pleased with my answer, and I said again: "Please continue talking. Just now you talked about when you removed the coffin lid, and he suddenly sat up."

Zheng Baoyun took a deep breath: "Yes, he sat up suddenly, and I stood stiffly. At that moment, the feeling in my heart was really hard to describe. After a long time, he was still sitting, and I realized that I I should have called him, but until then, I opened my mouth wide, and no sound came out of my throat, and at that moment, he jumped out of the coffin. All I could do at that time was to pull my mother, escaped." "We fled out of the parlour. My mother was almost fainted. I tried to comfort her when I regained my composure. I heard many crashes in the hall. I found four of the servants. The most reliable and powerful one explained the situation to them, promised a lot of money, and warned them that they must never tell anyone about this matter."

"We walked in again and saw him standing in the center of the hall, knocking down several chairs, his hand was on the handle of a chair, and the chair handle made a 'crack' sound, we worked together to He got in the coffin and put the lid back on. I talked to my mother for a long time that night, she just cried and had no idea, and I, having listened to his chest with a stethoscope, and, sure enough He was not breathing, he was a dead man, I proposed to keep the lid of the coffin sealed and bury him, but my mother disagreed, she said: 'Paul, how could you bury your father alive, he can walk!'”

Zheng Baoyun spread his hands: "Indeed, although I am sure that he is a dead person, he can move. If I have to harden my heart and bury him like an ordinary dead person, I can't harden my heart. So we Still follow the original plan and send him back to his hometown!" "The next day, I went to the shipyard to change the design of the ship, and added a bottom cabin that could only be reached through a secret passage from my sleeping cabin. On the day the ship was built, those four servants took him from the He was moved out of the coffin, when he was not moving, he was completely dead, but when he was moving, the strength was astonishing, he once broke the arm bone of one of the four servants!" I have no doubts about what Zheng Baoyun said, because I was almost caught by "his" five fingers on my shoulders and it hurt so badly! Zheng Baoyun said: "So, I had no choice but to lock him on the bed. He couldn't eat at all, and he didn't excrete anything. I found that he had a special reaction to light, and in the dark, he would keep kicking the bed. Beat the bed. Say, Mr. Wei, there is such a terrible thing on my ship..." He hesitated for a while, still didn't know what to call his father "terrible", so he smiled wryly and said, "Of course I won't let a stranger come on board!" I nodded to show that I completely forgave him for his initial roughness with me. He continued: "And when I was in the dark and suddenly saw you, I thought he had broken the shackles and walked out, and I heard you talking, so I thought he would speak!" At this time, I have fully understood what happened, and I also understand why he fainted when he saw me in the dark, and after he woke up, he murmured, "He can talk!" , It turned out that he regarded me as that terrible zombie! I quickly thought over what he had told me.Since I did, and did, have seen that terrible "living dead" first, there is no room for doubt in my account of him. I stayed for a long time before saying: "You wanted to transport him back to his hometown for burial, why did you suddenly change the plan?" "I changed my plan when I was about to arrive at the destination. It suddenly occurred to me that when we first encountered a situation like his, we would naturally be panic-stricken and terrified, but if we calm down , we can feel that it is really an extremely valuable subject in scientific research, and I want to keep him for research.” I frowned, yes, what Zheng Baoyun said was right, it was indeed something worthy of study, I felt that I made a mistake in my estimation of Zheng Baoyun, his nervousness was caused by an extraordinary experience, he Not a calm person in itself. He stretched out his hand and patted me on the shoulder: "I've heard many legends about you, that's why I thought of looking for you. I thought this kind of research was naturally done in secret, and you are the best person for my secret research." Good friend, do you agree?" If Zheng Baoyun's words are an invitation, then I really cannot refuse this invitation. I am a very curious person, so I naturally want to know why a dead person who has been dead for three years and has no contact with air during these three years still maintains the ability to move! I nodded immediately: "Okay, I will participate in your research, and I will definitely keep it a secret for you." Zheng Baoyun nodded happily after hearing my last sentence. At that time, I really kept the secret for him, but now I have finally written this matter again. Because of the result that neither he nor I expected. At that time, Zheng Baoyun stood up: "I have told you everything that happened, but I can't help but feel a little skeptical from your expression, do you want to check it thoroughly again?" Zheng Baoyun's words hit my heart, and I immediately said, "Okay, do you have a stethoscope?" Zheng Baoyun opened a drawer, took out a stethoscope for me, I took it, and then I patted him on the shoulder: "Mr. Zheng, since we regard your father as a subject of scientific research, then We don't have to be afraid anymore, do we?" He nodded and said: "That's right, and we don't have to treat him as my father. What we need to be sure of is that my father is dead, and he is just...is..." He seemed to be having a hard time talking, so I said, "He's just a corpse." "Yes." Zheng Baoyun immediately agreed. I took the stethoscope and walked towards the bottom cabin together with him. When I reached the door of the bottom cabin, I stopped for a while. Just now I told Zheng Baoyun not to be afraid, but that was really my own bold statement.I am by no means a timid person, but the things I have come into contact with now are related to the mysteries of human life; I am a human being, so I naturally have an extreme sense of mystery because of it. This sense of mystery makes people shudder when they think of it. I turned around and glanced at Zheng Baoyun. He obviously felt the same way as me. I slowly opened the door a few inches and looked inside. I saw him standing upright. I took a deep breath, walked in slowly, and approached "him". I had to put quotation marks on the word "him" because the word "him" is used to represent a person, and "he" "Is it human?It's hard to say for sure. When I approached "him", "he" didn't respond and just stood still.And when I came to only three or four feet away from "him", "he" suddenly reacted, "his" body jumped up. For some reason, the beating of "him" reminded me of the beating of shredded paper under the action of static electricity. I quickly stood up, and "he" also fell silent.I backed away and "he" didn't respond.And when I walked forward again, "he" jumped again.I turned my head: "Look, 'he' not only responds to light, but also has a special reaction when someone approaches 'him'!" Zheng Baoyun nodded: "Yes, be careful." I took another step forward, getting closer to "him", "his" arms moved, I put the two ends of the stethoscope into my ears, and pressed the other end to "his" heart. As soon as the stethoscope touched "his" chest, "his" arm suddenly raised up, and "his" hand was also placed on my arm. I tried my best to calm down, but I still heard the sudden heartbeat. The heartbeat I heard was not "his" but mine! At both ends of the stethoscope, I couldn't hear any sound. He was obviously a dead person. I couldn't hear not only the beating of the heart, but also the sound of blood flow and breathing. I can't hear any sound coming from inside "him"! I put down the stethoscope, gently pushed "his" hand away, and "his" hand hung down. I took out a very sharp knife from my pocket, turned my head, and looked at Zheng Baoyun. Look. Zheng Baoyun is very smart, he immediately knew what I was going to do, so he nodded to me. I slowly moved my body, trying to stand beside "him".But a strange thing happened, when I slowly turned around and was about to stand beside "him", "he" also turned around, always facing me! I took a breath, Zheng Baoyun said: "Mr. Wei, you have influence on him, he is following you!" I said: "It's not that I have an influence on him. I think everyone has an influence on him. In my opinion, this is probably the influence of static electricity. Our human body is a charged body." Zheng Baoyun said: "Maybe it is Like that." I took the knife in my hand, and originally wanted to cut off a little bit of "his" ear for observation, but now I can't come to "his" side, so I had to aim at his arm and scratch it. . The small knife was very sharp, and my swipe was also very fast and powerful, and a scar immediately appeared on "his" arm. "He" apparently felt no pain because "he" remained standing motionless. On the contrary, when I approached "him", "he" suddenly jumped up. I also never hoped that after I cut "his" arm, there would be blood flowing out of "his" body. I just leaned closer to see how "his" muscles were cut.However, when I moved my head closer, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and lost my voice: "Mr. Zheng, come and see!" I yelled suddenly, but Zheng Baoyun was startled, not only did he not approach, but he even took two steps back. I immediately took two steps back, and shouted again: "Look!" As I shouted, I stretched out my finger and pointed at the place where I cut "his" arm. Although Zheng Baoyun was far away from "him", he could still see it very clearly. At this time, a drop of crystal clear liquid was oozing out from the wound on "his" arm, just like our normal people see blood oozing out after being cut. But what flowed out of "his" arm was obviously not blood, but a drop of transparent liquid, that drop became bigger and bigger, and finally dripped down, dripping on the deck. I was completely stunned by this strange phenomenon at first, and it wasn't until the drop of liquid dripped on the deck that I realized that if we want to study "him", this drop of liquid must be extremely important Research objects should be collected for research purposes. I hurriedly took a step forward, and when I bent down to look, the drop of liquid was gone, and I looked at the incision on "his" arm, and saw that the wound on "his" arm was already very dry. No more liquid dripped down. Zheng Baoyun and I looked at each other, feeling baffled.At this moment, there was a "bang", and "he", who had been standing all this time, suddenly fell down and fell down. "He" fell on the deck, straight and motionless. Zheng Baoyun and I stayed for a long while before walking towards "him". This time, we came to "him", and I reached out to touch "him" on the shoulder, but "he" No response at all. I whispered: "'He' is dead." Zheng Baoyun said: "'He' is already dead." I quickly corrected my words: "I mean, now, 'he' won't move anymore!" A perplexed look appeared on Zheng Baoyun's face: "For what? Because that drop of liquid flowed out from 'him'?" I didn't answer his words, because I didn't know what it was for! Zheng Baoyun asked again: "What is that drop of liquid? Why is it in 'his' body? Why can such a drop of liquid give a person who has been dead for three years the ability to move?" I'm still silent, because I can't answer the question at all, and, that drop of liquid, too, has disappeared! I looked at "him" again, and the skin on "him" was undergoing a very obvious change. Originally, "his" skin was tightly attached to the bones, and it gave people a look A feeling of stiffness. But now, "his" skin is loose, and it seems that it will come off if touched.I said: "Mr. Zheng, let's carry 'him' onto the wooden bed first, and see if there are any other changes in 'him'." Zheng Baoyun nodded, and we lifted "him" onto the wooden bed and looked at it again. Yes, Zheng Baoyun pressed the light switch, turned it on and off, turned it off and on again.Zheng Baoyun once said that "he" has a very sensitive reaction to light, and I have also witnessed it with my own eyes. At this time, the electric light was turned off and on several times, but "he" was still lying motionless on the plank bed. I shook my head: "Mr. Zheng, it seems that 'he' is really dead, but it's a pity that we didn't leave the drop of liquid flowing out of 'his' body, otherwise, we might know the mystery. " Zheng Baoyun stood blankly, not knowing what he was thinking. After a few minutes, he raised his head: "I have a private dissecting room with perfect equipment. I want to carry out 'his' corpse. A thorough dissection, I wonder if you are willing to help me?" I spread my hands: "You don't have to think about whether I am willing to help. I want to ask you, will your mother agree? In the eyes of her generation, it is simply a matter for a son to dissect Lao Tzu's body." Great rebellion, the evil deed of lightning strikes from the sky." "Of course she won't agree, but we can hide it from her!" "Okay," I agreed to him, and looked at "him": "I think we're going to go ashore as soon as possible. It seems that the corpse seems to be starting to rot. Is there a refrigerator on board?" That night, what happened next was that Zheng Baoyun and I wrapped "him" in a white cloth, "he" didn't move at all, and "his" body became loose instead of being so rigid . We put "him" together into the freezer on the ship. The freezer is only used to store meat for long-distance voyages. After we put "him" into the freezer, my heart I secretly made up my mind that if I have the opportunity to take this ship again in the future, then I will definitely not eat any meat on board. After we had arranged everything, the first mate came to report that the weather had completely improved, and we would be able to reach our destination with one more day's voyage.Using the radio communication equipment on the ship, I told Bai Su that I was on my way to Manila. I don't need to explain why I suddenly travel far away, Bai Su knows that I will encounter all kinds of weird things anytime and anywhere. At that time, it was already dawn, and Zheng Baoyun led me to see the whole ship. It was indeed a remarkable yacht. If I had enough money, I would definitely build one as well.Then, I had breakfast with Zheng Baoyun and his mother, and the three of us talked in Zheng Baoyun's native dialect. Zheng Baoyun told his mother that the problem of his father's dead body had been solved, and he also advised his mother not to go back to his hometown, but to bury the body properly after returning to Manila, so that there was no need to run around anymore. Most of the old lady was frightened by the corpse change, so when she heard that the corpse was no longer active, she was very happy and didn't argue with her son any more, so she agreed to Zheng Baoyun's words. The old lady was very much in high spirits, she kept talking, and taking me as an object, she mentioned a lot about her husband.Her husband was originally a legend, and it was even rumored that he could predict what would happen a few days later, so he could predict all the changes in the market, so he was always in a good position and became a famous rich man. For such a legendary figure (especially after his death such a strange thing happened), I was naturally very interested in his early life, and I asked several questions. After I asked, the old lady became even more interested, and she kept narrating her husband's past events.These events have a considerable degree of relationship with the unexpected development of future events, so I summed up the old lady's words and made it a biography of Mr. Zheng Tianlu (Zheng Baoyun's father).You can’t see anything from this biography alone, but if you save this biography and compare it with what I will describe later, you can see that this biography is very intriguing. When Zheng Tianlu was very young, he left his hometown to go abroad.No one knew how old he was that year, and the people in his hometown didn't know which family he was a descendant of. They only knew that he was twenty-four years old when he came back after making a fortune in the Philippines.He spoke the language of his hometown, and immediately many people scrambled to recognize him as his elder. What kind of family he is, no one has ever known, but he must be from this village, and he can't be wrong, because in the mountainous areas of northern Fujian, there are some remote villages, and almost every village speaks, There are differences. The purpose of Zheng Tianlu's return to his hometown was to marry a wife. This incident caused a sensation in the entire mountainous area. People from dozens of miles away were vying for a matchmaker, but Zheng Tianlu's conditions for marrying a wife were very strange. Well, let him see for himself. When he visited the girl's house, he wore a pair of strange-shaped glasses, which were very large and could emit light (on this point, the old lady couldn't tell what shape the glasses were anyway), and he picked them out for a full month. The old lady was chosen, and the old lady's family was very poor. Zheng Tianlu used the money to hold a wedding. After the wedding, he stayed for another month or so before leaving his hometown with the old lady. Zheng Tianlu has only one son, Zheng Baoyun.Zheng Tianlu has never been ill. Only once, the old lady suddenly found that he had a fever, so she invited a western doctor and forced him to see him, but the western doctor didn't know why and left without prescribing any prescription. Zheng Tianlu has the ability to predict things like a god, and his money is getting more and more. Since he only has one son, the old lady once advised Zheng Tianlu to ask for more concubines, but Zheng Tianlu refused, so the old lady asked to come in, but he didn't even look at those concubines. (When the old lady talked about this, her words were regretful, but she was really happy). Zheng Tianlu does have extraordinary foresight, which is what the old lady has repeatedly emphasized. The old lady also cited many examples of Zheng Tianlu's foresight in daily life to prove it.There are several points among them, and Zheng Baoyun also nodded to prove that it is true. Since the old lady gave a lot of examples, I can't list them all. Generally speaking, Zheng Tianlu seems to have a super special ability, which allows him to know the major accidents that will happen seven or eight days later. After listening to the old lady's narration, I only had one question in my mind, so I raised this question. I asked: "Old lady, according to what you said, Mr. Zheng has no family members anymore? Why does he have no relatives even though he is from your village?" The old lady said: "I don't know, or, his relatives have already died. Living in the country, it's easy to die!" I didn't ask any more questions, because if I asked any more, I couldn't find any appropriate and polite words to ask. I felt that Zheng Tianlu's background was a little unclear.No one knew his background at all, and he was identified by the villagers as coming from this village just because of his dialect, and most likely he had already made a fortune because of Zheng Tianlu at that time. I can also speak that dialect, and if I work hard, I can also learn this dialect to perfection. If I pretend to be someone who left the village since I was a child, the villagers will believe it. If it is said that Zheng Tianlu's origin is unknown, it is of course extremely rude in front of Mrs. Zheng.And the main reason why I didn't ask was that I couldn't think of a reason why Zheng Tianlu wanted to pretend to be a villager in that village.He pretended to be a villager, if he wanted to marry the daughter of a poor local family as his wife?That is really unbelievable! During that day, I became the object of conversation with the old lady all day long. The old lady had a good impression of me and asked me if I was married. It seemed that she meant to be a matchmaker for me. During that day, I had almost no chance to talk to Zheng Baoyun. It was not until the evening when the old lady fell asleep that I asked Zheng Baoyun, "Is there anything happening in the refrigerator?" "No," Zheng Baoyun replied, "It's really strange. 'He' seems to be dead. After the drop of liquid flowed out, 'he' died. What's the reason? This is really strange!"
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