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Chapter 4 Chapter 3 Ancient Imagination of Stone Forest in Yunnan

magic magnet 倪匡 7617Words 2018-03-14
I was still thinking, from this, it can be seen that Kirk and I have at least one thing in common, that is, as he said just now, he and I are both extremely curious people. Captain Kirk continued: "This is indeed a very intriguing question. You think, the special agents in a certain area are interested in things that are at the cutting edge of science, and those things are going to be sent to the museum. Why do the secret agents of a certain country have such a strong interest in an old antique, don't you think it's strange?" I sighed secretly in my heart, my resistance to Kirk failed, I had to admit it.He is very good at talking, and he has a deep understanding of the other party's psychology. He has found the weakness of me, a very curious person, so I have to accept his words!

I nodded naturally: "Yes, that's too strange, it seems extremely incongruous." Captain Kirk said: "That's why I accepted this task, not to mention the price offered by the other party is so high." Not only did I stop loathing him, but I kind of started to like his confessions.He is clearly the kind of person who will do anything for money and for his own benefit, which is much easier to deal with. To be honest, he is at least better than Chen Ziju and Fang Tingbao who tricked me here to meet him. Personal, much cuter! When I spoke to him again, my tone became less hostile, and became a discussion with him. I asked, "Since you have such curiosity, haven't you asked the other party what it is?"

Captain Kirk nodded and said, "I asked, but they refused to tell." I laughed: "Forget it, you have a way to make them say it, don't you?" Captain Kirk also laughed: "Indeed, I have used many methods to get them to speak out, but they insisted on refusing to speak out, but I have my own method. , I have a little idea." I was aroused by Captain Kirk's words, and I hurriedly said, "So, what is it?" Captain Kirk said, "In China, there is a place called Yunnan?" I frowned, because I didn't understand why Captain Kirk suddenly mentioned Yunnan in China under the current situation, but since he mentioned a place in China, as a Chinese, he should have something to say, So I said: "Yes, Yunnan Province, it is one of the many beautiful provinces in China, what do you mean when you mention it?"

Captain Kirk didn't answer my question, but continued to talk to himself: "In the east of Yunnan Province, is there a place called Lunan?" I nodded again and said, "Yes." As I answered him, I couldn't help feeling very strange.To be honest, it is not easy for a pirate like Captain Kirk to know that there is a Yunnan Province in China. As for the Lunan place in the east of Yunnan from his mouth, it is simply amazing. Captain Kirk looked at me with a smile: "You are a Chinese, do you know what famous things are there in Lunan, Yunnan Province, China?" I also smiled: "Of course I know that there is a famous stone forest in the south of the road. A spectacle formed by karst phenomena."

Kirk listened with interest: "Have you been?" I said: "I have been there, but what we are discussing now has anything to do with Lunan Stone Forest?" Captain Kirk said: "You will understand after a while, please tell me more about the formation of the stone forest." I frowned, because for a while, I really couldn't figure out why Captain Kirk crashed Lunan Shilin and three well-known scientists. Connect related things. Naturally, I was eager to get an answer, but I also knew that if I hadn't answered his question first, he would not have continued, so I said: "The scene of Lunan Stone Forest is extremely majestic. Formed, there are many beautiful legends──these are all myths, one of them is related to Zhang Guolao, one of the Eight Immortals, about the Eight Mountains──”

When I said this, I paused: "There are too many myths and legends in China. The ins and outs of various mythological characters involve many different stories. Except for those who grew up in China and have been accustomed to hearing such legends since childhood, Apart from understanding their relationship, I think a foreigner can't figure it out at all." Captain Kirk said, "I agree with you." So I stopped talking about the myth of Lunan Stone Forest, and I said: "From a scientific point of view, the area of ​​Stone Forest is about 20 square miles in width. It turned out to be the bottom of the sea, and those stones are huge rocks on the bottom of the sea. After hundreds of millions of years of seawater erosion. Later, due to changes in the earth's crust, after the seawater became land, the big rocks saw the sun. These big rocks are all limestone, easy to weather, and the fragile parts disappeared after hundreds of millions of years of weathering. The rest are all kinds of strange stone pillars, this phenomenon. It is called "karst" phenomenon in geology, and it occurs all over the world. In Yugoslavia, there are also a large number of natural wonders formed by karst phenomena."

Captain Kirk has been listening attentively: "Those stone pillars naturally have a long history?" I said: "Naturally, geologists estimate that it was formed 280 million years ago!" Captain Kirk seemed to be looking forward to it: "Their history is too long!" I looked at him curiously: "What do you mean by that? Lunan Stone Forest is nothing more than a collection of strangely shaped stones, forming a wonderful scenery. Their age is not a feature. A stone has a history of hundreds of millions of years." Kirk said: "Yes, but they are different. Ordinary stones have not been weathered, do you understand what I mean? I mean, the stone pillars in the stone forest came from the seabed to the land, and after weathering, they were originally hidden deep in the seabed. The core of the stone is now exposed to the air."

I froze for a moment: "I still don't understand what you mean." Captain Kirk suddenly became very excited. He waved his hands and said, "You really don't understand? If there was a secret thing hidden in the center of a huge rock on the seabed 300 million years ago, after 300 million years , this secret thing may be exposed to the air!" I stayed for a while, and then said: "Captain, your imagination is too rich!" Captain Kirk shook his head: "Mr. Wei, you have disappointed me so much. According to your past records, you are definitely not someone who answers me with such words! You should agree with me!"

I shrugged my shoulders: "It's not that I disagree with your idea. You are going to Lunan Stone Forest. On each of the stone pillars, check if there are any secrets exposed outside the stone pillars?" Kirk said: "In fact, I don't need to do that, because there is one thing that has been discovered, and it is exactly what we are looking for now!" I stood up abruptly. At that moment, the surprise in my heart was truly indescribable. Kirk said: "Now you must fully understand. I have just said that the thing that was supposed to be displayed in the museum was brought by three scientists, and that thing originally belonged to a Chinese. According to my understanding As a result, the Chinese knocked it down from one of the stone pillars during a trip to Lunan Stone Forest."

I took a deep breath and half said to myself, "What's that?" Captain Kirk laughed: "This is exactly my problem. What is it? Please don't underestimate me. I have done a lot of understanding work. The Chinese is a rich man and has a big house. It used to be a decoration in his hall, and I have even interviewed people who have seen it. It is said that it is a very strangely shaped stone, but in the stone, there is a round ball protruding, and the ball The size of the object is about one foot in diameter, and the exposed part is less than one-sixth, and it looks quite smooth, like a very beautifully made metal ball."

I said: "It's so interesting, a spy from a certain country, why are you interested in it?" Captain Kirk said: "That's my conjecture. I think it may be that one of the spies has seen that thing and felt that it has research value, so he became interested in it." I shook my head: "Captain, your speculation is too superficial. If they only thought that thing had research value, they would never have murdered three scientists and destroyed a plane because of it. I did it because I already had a preliminary understanding of that thing.” Kirk nodded and said, "You're right." I said: "The Chinese, why would he rather give this thing to the museum than give it to a certain country at a high price?" Kirk said: "First, he has money and doesn't care about money. Second, he hates a certain country extremely." I sighed: "Thus, it caused the tragedy of three scientists sinking to the bottom of the sea." Captain Kirk didn't say anything right away. There was silence in the cabin for about half a minute. I said again: "It's back to the old question. This matter has nothing to do with me. Why do you want me?" Captain Kirk said: "I have read many of your accounts, and I know that you are interested in all weird things and have a rich imagination. You believe in anything that ordinary people think is impossible. I need an assistant like you." I didn't express my opinion immediately, Captain Kirk said again: "Or, my statement should be revised, I need your help, because you have the experience of dealing with unimaginable strange things, I don't know what that thing is, if there is If you are together, then, it will be much better!" I stared at him: "You mean, the spherical body? What do you think it will be inside?" Captain Kirk spread his hands and said: "I don't know, I can't imagine it at all. Think about it, the stone forest has been formed for nearly 200 million years, and the age of that thing is at least 20 million years. How can I imagine it?" What's inside? Probably a giant egg of a prehistoric monster—" I didn't wait for him to finish, so I laughed: "Okay, don't go any further, if you go on, it will become an eighth-rate fantasy movie!" Kirk stared at me a little dissatisfied, and I said: "Captain, you may not understand that the Chinese people are world-renowned for their exquisite craftsmanship. We can carve ivory into twenty-three layers of ivory balls that can be rotated layer by layer. It is very easy to insert a spherical object into a stone so that only one-sixth of it is exposed!" Kirk's expression seemed very angry, and his voice was also raised very high. He said, "You refuse to cooperate with me, or are all your previous accounts all fictitious?" I immediately replied: "Both!" Kirk also stood up. He put his hands on the table, leaned forward, and stared at me a little viciously: "Please don't forget, you said it yourself just now, and the spies of a certain country must have a preliminary understanding of that thing That’s why they did such a thing! Don’t forget that the spies of a certain country are by no means stupid, they are all the smartest people!” I stayed for a while.Before this, I have admitted that Kirk is a very good talker. At this time, he used my words to refute me, leaving me no room for refutation. I thought for a while: "Maybe that thing is really valuable for research, but it has nothing to do with me, and it doesn't even have anything to do with you, because even if you find it, it will immediately fall into the hands of a certain country's spies." , they may not invite you and me to study together!" After I finished speaking, Captain Kirk suddenly burst into laughter. While laughing, he patted my shoulder vigorously with his hand and said, "Good friend, you forgot one thing." I rolled my eyes: "What's the matter?" He said loudly: "You forgot, I am Captain Kirk!" I immediately understood what he meant, and at that moment, I couldn't help but take a deep breath. I said: "Captain, you are not kidding, are you going to deceive them? You know that they are not easy to deal with!" Captain Kirk still smiled: "Because they are not easy to provoke, it would be exciting for me to provoke them. Moreover, since the international police can't find me, they naturally have no way to find me!" In my head, it was really chaotic at that time.The death of three scientists, the plane sinking on the seabed, the murder of a certain country's secret agent, something sent by a wealthy Chinese, the Lunan Stone Forest in Yunnan, China, a spherical object, and a history of 20 million years ago, all of these , entangled in my mind, making my thoughts extremely disordered. Of course I was extremely interested to see what that thing was, and that was exactly what I was interested in. But when I think I have to be with Captain Kirk, I'd rather give up my interest. So, after I stayed for a long time, I shook my head and said, "I'm so sorry, I don't want to wander on the sea with you forever, if you can still be called a gentleman, then please let me go back, regardless of your own How to do it has nothing to do with me!" When I resolutely rejected his words, he looked extremely angry, his face flushed, his fists were clenched, and even his knuckles were making rattling noises. When he was angry, he looked very scary indeed. However, after I finished speaking, his angry expression suddenly disappeared, and he became somewhat depressed and humble, waving his hands, and said a little tiredly: "Okay, let's go, Forget that I found the wrong person, you can go, I don't need you anymore." I immediately walked towards the cabin door, and when I opened the door, he suddenly said: "But, if you really have a strong interest in all unexplainable things, then you will definitely regret it. In my life, I also I have encountered many strange things, but I think this one is the most worthy of careful study, and there will definitely be extremely amazing discoveries!" Captain Kirk's words really touched my heart, but his humble and contemptuous expression hurt my self-esteem, so I said unceremoniously: "I hope you hatch a dinosaur as soon as possible!" Without waiting for his reaction, I closed the door forcefully. Several big men on the deck turned their heads to look at me curiously. I jumped onto the side of the boat, and immediately jumped onto the yacht driven by Fang Tingbao. I don't care about Fang Tingbao anymore. I suspect that Chen Ziju and Fang Tingbao have some connection with a certain country, and they may be Captain Kirk's subordinates at all.Since Fang Tingbao tricked me into coming here, I can leave now, and of course I don't need to care about him. As soon as I got on the yacht, the first thing I did was to throw away the cable. There were many people on Kirk's boat watching me, but they didn't stop me.Then, I started the engine, and the yacht turned a corner on the surface of the sea and rushed forward. Gradually, Kirk's boat was out of sight. When I was driving the yacht and approached the shore, the weather became bad, and then it rained heavily. Fortunately, at this time, I had already seen the lights on the pier. In the mist and heavy rain, I jumped ashore, only ran a few steps, and my body was soaked by the rain. I ran across the road and took shelter from the rain in a phone booth. I didn't want to wake Bai Su up, and wanted to wait for a street car to pass by, but after waiting for a long time, I couldn't even see the car. She came to pick me up in a car. The heavy rain still hasn't stopped, when I narrate to Bai Su, it's like having a long nightmare. Bai Su listened to my narration quietly, and didn't add any opinions. She has seen many strange things, so she didn't feel very surprised.After I finished speaking, she said, "Your decision is very good. What's the benefit of being with someone like Captain Kirk?" I frowned and said, "I'm thinking now, should I contact the police and tell them that the location they're looking for is wrong, and inform them that Captain Kirk is nearby." Bai Su smiled: "That's unnecessary, the joint military and police search, with the latest equipment, may not be inferior to Captain Kirk." She looked out the window and said to herself: "The weather is so bad, the sea search work cannot be carried out at all." I took a hot bath, lay down, and soon fell asleep. I didn't wake up until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I opened the newspaper to read the creation, but there was still no progress in the salvage work. After I read all the newspapers, I called Colonel Jack. After I reported my name, Colonel Jack said in a rough voice: "I'm sorry, I have something to say, I'm very busy!" If I didn't know the colonel's temper too well, I would have put down the phone immediately! I said: "Okay, you are very busy, so I won't talk about it, although I have a little information about Shen Ji." Colonel Jack yelled: "Don't put down the phone, how did you get that information, what information is it? Tell me!" I laughed: "Aren't you busy?" Colonel Jack cursed, and I said, "The current search location is wrong. I already know that the reason why the plane crashed was due to the sabotage of a certain country's secret agents." Colonel Jack was stunned for a moment: "You are really supernatural. We only started to suspect this from some signs. Why did you already know it!" I said: "This is called supernatural powers, Colonel, I suggest you use a sonic metal detector and move your current position to the left, then you will have a chance to spot that plane first!" Colonel Jack was stunned: "What do you mean by 'discover that plane first'?" I never want to betray Captain Kirk, but if there is a choice between Captain Kirk and Colonel Jack, I will of course choose the latter, because I have never forgotten that the International Police issued me a special document to prove that I am with the International Police. The special relationship between the police, there are no more than seventeen people in the world who have such a certificate.This can be said to be a great honor for me. Therefore, when Colonel Jack asked me like that, I said, "Isn't that easy to understand? Jack, besides the military-police search team, there are other people who are also looking for the plane that sank into the sea. !" Colonel Jack stood still for a moment, and I thought it must be my words that shocked him.However, to my surprise, after he stayed for a while, he suddenly burst into a "haha" laugh: "Wesley, although you are full of tricks, you will never be able to fool me with such a lie!" When I told him the truth, I never expected his reaction to be like that, and I couldn't help being very annoyed: "Colonel, I said that to you because I have solid evidence." But Jack continued to laugh, as if he was very happy that he saw through my "conspiracy".To be honest, I never appreciate Jack's personality, his annoying smartness, sometimes, is simply unbearable.He smiled and said, "Do you think that salvaging an airplane on the seabed is an ordinary diving fishing? Tell you, we have the latest equipment and equipment, and we are not sure that we can find the airplane sunk on the seabed. Don't scare me. It is said that some criminals are also salvaging this plane!" I said coldly, "I have nothing to say, how can I say anything to a donkey?" Jack said angrily: "Don't hurt people, insulting a police officer is a crime!" I laughed and said, "Is insulting on the phone a crime? Besides, you are indeed a donkey. Not only do I think so. Even Captain Kirk must have felt the same way." Before I could say the name "Captain Kirk", I heard Jack let out a series of angry growls, but he was fine and didn't break the phone, so he heard my last sentence Then, suddenly, he fell silent. After quite a while, his voice became much calmer, and he said: "You want to tell me that Captain Kirk, a notorious guy, is also thinking about this plane." I said: "You understand this, that's good!" Jack said again: "Wait a minute, we do have information about Kirk's arrival, but there is nothing valuable on this plane, only the bodies of three scientists. Dead scientists and dead bums, nothing parting, what touched Kirk's heart?" Since Jack is asking me for advice, I don't have to be too selfish, so I didn't continue to mock him, but said: "As far as I know, Dr. Qi, one of the three scientists, brought a gift Come, to the museum in this city." Jack said, "Yes, it's just an antique." I immediately said: "It is this antique. The spies of a certain country are very interested in it. They caused a plane crash because of this. Because they are inconvenient to show up in public, they paid a high price and entrusted Captain Kirk to find this antique. This is the whole process." Jack smiled dryly, although he didn't make any criticism of my words, but I have known him for more than a year and a half, so I naturally know him What does this dry smile mean? He doesn't believe what I say at all, but he is afraid that if it is true, he dare not refute me with harsh words. I didn't wait for his further reaction, and said again: "I hope you all pay attention, don't let Captain Kirk get it first!" Jack said absent-mindedly: "What is the thing that the secret service of a certain country is interested in?" Originally, I could have told Captain Kirk in detail about the conversation I had with him, starting with the weathering of limestone and the formation of "karst phenomenon", and then talking about the Lunan Stone Forest in Yunnan Province, China. But I knew that even after I said it in detail, Jack's reaction would still be a dry laugh, so I naturally didn't have to waste my tongue to hear his dry laugh. So I simply said, "I don't know, Colonel, I don't know what it is." I didn't lie to him, in fact, I really didn't know what it was.According to what Captain Kirk said, it was five-sixths of a ball embedded in the stone. However, he didn't know what the ball was, and neither did I. Of course I knew what Kirk meant. What he meant was that the sphere was trapped in the limestone at least 20 million years ago, and it was not revealed until 20 million years later due to the weathering of the limestone. However, I don't agree with Captain Kirk's assumption (this may be the reason why Captain Kirk was disappointed with me), because 20 million years ago, the earth was still in the prehistoric era, and there might still be trilobites The time to be the master of the earth! I am a very imaginative man, but at any rate my imagination is not so rich as to think that a trilobite would make a ball and hide it in limestone at the bottom of the sea. Naturally, I did not express anything to Colonel Jack at all that was on my mind at this time. After being stunned for a while, Jack said, "You really don't know?" I said: "I really don't know, not even Captain Kirk, but the spies of a certain country may know something about it, otherwise, they wouldn't be so unscrupulous to get that thing, you may wish to contact the intelligence department, or you may have some clues .” Jack stayed for a while before saying, "Thank you, anyway, thank you for telling me this." Hearing him say "whatever it is", I couldn't help feeling angry, and I almost couldn't help but curse again, because after talking for a long time, Jack still didn't believe my words. But I didn't curse, I just sighed and put down the phone.I have done my duty, how the actual work is carried out is not my business, I have notified Colonel Jack, believe it or not, it is his business! Apart from the fact that I still wonder from time to time what that thing is, I don't have any other concerns. For two days in a row, there were a lot of news about the salvage work in the newspaper.But the crashed plane has still not been found. From the reports in the newspapers, Colonel Jack finally believed me.Because they changed the location of the search and sent many water police boats to guard the scene. I believe that under such circumstances, even if Colonel Jack didn't find anything, Captain Kirk would definitely not be able to pick a cheap one. On the third morning, there was still little progress on Colonel Jack's side.It suddenly occurred to me that if the police's actions had no results, they could be found out in the newspapers, but whether Captain Kirk had any gains or not, journalists would not know.I can go to Chen Ziju to inquire about the news. He was the one who tricked me into meeting Captain Kirk with excuses. We know that he has a certain connection with Captain Kirk. I might as well go and inquire about the news.
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