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Chapter 5 Chapter Fifteen Itagaki Mitsuyoshi's Extremely Strange Death

wish monkey god 倪匡 8943Words 2018-03-14
Mr. Prince Yeri: I am Mitsuyoshi Itagaki, thank you for your help, for giving me such great convenience, enabling me to conduct a thorough search in your palace.My imagination was right.Back then, the prince who had seen the supernatural monkey god did indeed leave his record after he came back, and I also found his record. After detailed research, I confirmed the existence of the supernatural monkey god. It is confirmed that the supernatural monkey god does have extremely strange powers, and can grant three wishes to anyone who sees him. Originally, after I discovered this, I should have informed you immediately, because I had promised to give you one or two wishes, but when I knew for sure that I could see the supernatural monkey god, people are always greedy, and I I regretted my own promise, and I see that you have never believed that it is possible for people to have the three wishes come true, so after thinking about it, I went to meet the ghost monkey god alone.

As a result, I met the supernatural monkey god. After seeing the supernatural monkey god, I could indeed get three wishes, but the results were unexpected. Not only you can’t imagine it, but I can’t even imagine it myself. Moreover, even if I explain it to you in detail, you will definitely not be able to imagine it. won't believe it. I lied to you once because I didn't keep my promise, and I don't want to lie to you a second time, so I don't want to give any explanation for what happened to me, but I can tell you one thing: If you are interested, you can come to Japan to find me, my address in Japan is..., after we meet, I will tell you how to meet the supernatural monkey god.I won't wait for you for too long, if you decide to come, please come quickly, because after seeing myself, it has had an extremely significant impact on all my life and thoughts, and I already know what I should do.

Finally, I would like to offer an extremely sincere apology for my breach of trust. Sincerely, Mitsuyoshi Itagaki
I read the letter quickly. The shock that this letter brought to me is incomparable.Because, the prince hundreds of years ago saw the so-called "spiritual monkey god". After all, it was just an ancient legend with an extremely low degree of credibility. However, Itagaki Koyoshi's letter clearly stated that he had seen the supernatural monkey god. Mitsuyoshi Itagaki also affirmed that the supernatural monkey god has the ability to make people realize three wishes.

Of course, what surprised me even more was that in Itagaki Koyoshi’s letter, there was also the phrase “I saw myself”. This sentence cannot be understood by ordinary people unless this person really “sees himself”! I've seen myself, in that weird room. Kenichi had seen himself, also in that weird room. Suddenly, I thought of Daliang Yunzi. Yunzi has always insisted that "that's not me, it's another woman", does that mean that she also saw herself? When I think about it, I can't help but feel an extreme chill. I don't know how Jianyi sees his own condition.As for myself, it was only a fleeting impression, and although it was so deep that it was unforgettable, it did not constitute any extraordinary event.

However, Yunzi's situation is different.If she sees herself, then another "she" can move and do things she dare not do, it is simply another person, that is to say, there are two Daliang Yunzi, and the two Daliang Yunzi are Splintered from a Daliang Yunzi! I had discussed this issue with Kenichi when I watched the second videotape in Iron Wheel's residence.At that time, Kenichi proposed "schizophrenia": a person's schizophrenia is divided into two aspects, A and B.At that time, I had a very weird idea that in Yunzi's case, even his body was split into two, A and B.

Now, I am more sure that my assumption is close to the truth. However, if this is true, it is appalling!Just think, everyone, in fact, has A and B sides of personality, one side is revealed, and the other side is hidden, but it is always a person.If the human body is divided into two because of the A and B sides of human nature, this is really an unimaginable horrible situation!One person becomes two people!Not a split in mind or spirit, but a split in the body.That situation is like a copy, a copy of a person with exactly the same appearance, but completely different in feelings, thoughts, and personality. The originally hidden personality has entered the copy!

As I thought about it, a cold sweat broke out involuntarily on my back.The cold sweat was even flowing down, crawling on my back like a bug with many cold feet. What kind of phenomenon is this?What forces bring about this fundamentally impossible phenomenon? What is going on? I opened my mouth wide, wanting to scream, but in fact, apart from gasping for breath, I couldn't make any sound. I waved my hands vigorously, not knowing what to do! My mind was out of sorts, and I must have looked weird enough that Yeri looked at me with a look of astonishment.After a while, I gradually calmed down and was able to make a sound.

Although the voice I made sounded so dry, it didn't sound like mine, but I could finally make a sound.I said, "You must have gone to Japan to meet him as soon as you received Guangyi's letter?" Hearing what I said, Yeri was stunned for a moment.My question is completely reasonable.If it were me, after seeing this letter, I would definitely go to Guangyi! But when I saw Yeri's reaction, I knew I was wrong.Sure enough, Yeri smiled bitterly: "Why did you think that way?" I said: "Guangyi met the supernatural monkey god. This monkey god can grant three wishes to people. This is a great temptation for anyone. Are you not tempted at all?"

Yeri reached out and stroked his face, as if this could erase the tiredness and bitterness on his face. "I didn't go to Japan, and I didn't take this letter to heart at all, because I didn't believe in such a thing from the beginning to the end!" Yeri explained, and repeated: "I don't believe it at all!" I spread my hands, for a person who doesn't believe in such a thing at all, Guangyi's letter is of course meaningless, and Yeri's reaction to Guangyi's letter is also very natural. However, I do know that Yeri has finally arrived in Japan, and he has lived in Japan for a long time, because he has learned Japanese well.And he did so many weird things in Japan, what made him change his mind?

I was thinking this in my heart, before I asked, Yeri laughed at himself: "You must be wondering why I went to Japan later, aren't you?" I nodded and gestured for him to continue.Yeri sighed: "Life is hard to predict. When I received the letter, firstly, I didn't believe that there is any monkey god that can make people realize three wishes. Secondly, I don't have any special wishes at all. , I had a very good life and wanted nothing more. So I completely forgot about it and didn't take it to heart. Until nearly two years later--" After saying this, Yeri stopped and looked at me with an extremely deep sadness.

I can predict that Yeri must have encountered some unsatisfactory things in life at that time.When a person is in a bad situation, it is easy to think of asking for divine help.When he was wishing, he thought that his own strength could withstand the sky, and Yeli was probably no exception. "I fell in love with a woman." Yeri said straight to the point: "I don't have to describe how beautiful she is and how worthy of love, that's... unnecessary. In short, I must have her, I want to marry her However, she doesn't love me at all, no matter how I pursue her, and exhaust all the methods I can use, she is indifferent, I am going crazy. At that time, for me, the only meaning of life is get her." Jerillo paused.I took a breath and didn't interrupt him.Although his narration is simple, and what he talks about happened many years ago.But judging from his sad expression and anxious tone, I can still deeply understand how deeply he loved that woman at that time. "After nearly half a year of pursuit and nothing," Yeri's voice became flat from sadness: "It suddenly occurred to me that if there is any god who can grant me a wish, then my only wish is to She loves me as much as I love her!" I said "Oh": "You need a wish!" Yeri's face twitched: "At that time, my mental state was extremely painful. When I thought about this, in fact, I hadn't thought of the letter Guangyi gave me and what he said in the letter. That night, I drank a lot of wine, my body was twisted in pain, I knelt down in a corner of the room, my fingers were intertwined, and I used the most sincere voice to say to what I don’t know God made a cry in my heart and I hissed, 'Give me a wish, give me a wish, I want her to love me like I love her!'" Whether there was a god who really heard the call from the bottom of Yeli's heart, no one knows. But Yeri was trembling with his body trembling and his voice trembling in the mood of near despair, as he kept praying for him to have a wish that could be realized immediately, suddenly, he thought of Mitsuyoshi Itagaki, and thought of the supernatural monkey There is a legend about God who can grant people three wishes. Yeri was still kneeling, but his body no longer trembled or howled. He began to think about Guangyi's letter. He didn't believe in such a thing at all, but at this time, in order to get the woman's love, he was willing to try any unbelievable method.What's more, Guangyi said so clearly that the supernatural monkey god can give people three wishes. Yeri jumped up, found the letter from Guangyi, and immediately went through the travel procedures.It is very easy for a person of his status to go through the formalities, and Guangyi left a very detailed address. When he left India, he said goodbye to the woman he loved, and promised to marry her when he came back, but the woman.But he just laughed back. Yeri was full of confidence, thinking that as soon as he arrived in Japan, he found Itagaki Koyoshi according to the address, and according to Koyoshi's instructions, he returned to India and saw the supernatural monkey god, and he would get three wishes! However, when Yeri arrived in Japan, he did not see Itagaki Mitsuyoshi. A Japanese police officer stationed in the countryside, relying on self-study, can speak some simple English. Yeri followed the policeman, walking on a path full of withered grass on both sides. At that time, it was late autumn, and the withered grass showed a mysterious purple-red color.Yeli, who grew up in the tropics, never thought that grass would have such a color, and the cool wind in late autumn also made him feel a little chilled.That path, meandering forward, seems to have no end. Yeri asked at least ten times: "How far?" The police officer always stopped after every question Yeri asked, and replied with a very respectful attitude: "Not far, we will be there soon!" Yeri was a little impatient. He pulled his collar and asked, "I'm here to see Mr. Mitsuyoshi Itagaki. Excuse me, can I see him?" Ever since Yeri found the small town based on the address that Mitsuyoshi had left him, he had been saying the same sentence to everyone he met. This sentence was the first Japanese he learned. Almost everyone, after hearing Yeri's words, looked at him with a very surprised expression. This kind of expression made Yeri inexplicable and unpredictable. They didn't know that he was going to see Mitsuyoshi Itagaki. Sir, something is wrong. It was not until he met a local elementary school teacher that the teacher told him: "Ah, you want to see Mr. Itagaki Mitsuyoshi? Mr. Itagaki lives near the school, but he...he..." The elementary school teacher's English was not bad, but when he said this, he also showed that strange expression on his face. At this time, Yeri, on the contrary, had already seen the strange expression, and he said: "Please read Mr. Itagaki's Give me the address and I'll find it." But the elementary school teacher said: "I think you should contact the local police station first!" Yeri was very surprised: "Why?" The elementary school teacher was a little hesitant: "It's better to contact first, really, you are from another place, and you don't understand what happened there!" Yeri wanted to ask again, but the elementary school teacher had enthusiastically told Yeri that the police station was in the center of the only street in the small town, and it was easy to find. Yeri stayed for a while, he didn't know what happened, so he had to go to the police station first.Yeri walked on the street, followed by many curious children and teenagers, pointing at Yeri.Yeri may be the first Indian to appear in this small town. Yeri walked into the police station. There were only two police officers in the police station. One did not understand English at all, and the younger one could speak some English. Yeri repeated the sentence: "I came from India to see Mitsuyoshi Itagaki. Sir, but one of the teachers suggested that I come here first, and I don't know why!" When Yeri said this, he tried his best to express his relaxation, but when the young policeman heard it, his expression became very serious, and he immediately had a quick conversation with the older one. The older policeman, also became serious. Although Yeri couldn't understand what they were talking about, he was sure that something extremely unusual must have happened to Itagaki Mitsuyoshi! He was anxiously waiting for the answer, and the two police officers discussed for a while, before the young one said: "Itagaki Mitsuyoshi is dead, he died half a year ago!" Yeri froze for a moment, trying to recall the situation when Guangyi met him.Guangyi's demeanor is indeed weird, but his health is definitely not like someone who will die after being separated for more than a year!But the police officer had no reason to talk nonsense, and Yeri felt extremely disappointed in that period.He came to see Guangyi full of hope, but Guangyi died. Yeri's face must have been extremely ugly and sad at that time, so the young police officer suggested: "You must be Mr. Itagaki's old friend? Would you like to visit his graveyard?" At this moment, Yeri was extremely confused. In fact, he didn't hear clearly what the policeman was proposing, but said: "Okay! Okay!" The policeman said again: "After Mr. Itagaki died, because his only relative was in Tokyo, and things were a little... a little... strange, so we buried him immediately. I was one of the few people who participated in his funeral. one of the people." This time, Yeri heard the policeman's words clearly: "Strange? Did he die a little strangely?" The police officer's face involuntarily twitched: "Yes, the death is...strange...strange." Yeri looked at the police officer, and for a moment couldn't figure out what kind of situation called "death was weird and weird".He still wanted to continue asking, but the older police officer loudly reprimanded the young police officer a few times. The young police officer showed a rather aggrieved expression and said nothing, "I'll take you to Banyuan." To Mr.'s grave!" Yeri was full of doubts in his heart. He followed the young policeman and left the police station. After a while, he left the town and walked on the path lined with withered red autumn grass. For nearly forty minutes, the cemetery has not yet been reached. Yeri was full of doubts, not knowing what Guangyi meant by "died a strange death". Not only did Yeri not understand at the time, but when Yeri described the process to me in detail, my heart was also full of doubts, and I didn't understand what Guangyi meant by "died very strangely". I used to have an agreement with Yeri that I could interrupt him in the middle to ask a question. Because the doubts in my heart were too great, I couldn't help making a gesture to stop him from continuing, and immediately asked: "It's very strange to die, what does it mean?" Yeri glanced at me: "I can't explain it to you in a few words, you must listen to me patiently. Guangyi's death was really weird. No matter how the people who saw it kept the secret, Guangyi's death This strange situation must have spread. Because things are too weird to be believed, people in the small town are also skeptical, but they have heard that strange things have happened, which is why As soon as I came to the town, when I asked about Itagaki Mitsuyoshi, everyone had a strange look." Yeri's explanation made me even more confused! What is really strange about Guangyi's death?It seemed that there was no other way but to listen to his detailed account. After a full hour, Yeri saw Itagaki Mitsuyoshi's grave. The tomb is very simple, just a mound of earth, with a few flat boulders pressed on the mound.In front of the tomb, there is a wooden pillar with a line written on it.At that time, Yeli didn't understand Japanese at all, and he couldn't understand what characters were written on the wooden pillars. The police officer pointed to the cemetery, and Yeri took a few steps forward, passed the wooden pillar, looked at the mound covered with weeds, and murmured with inexplicable sadness in his heart: "Why did you die? Did you die? How can I find the supernatural monkey god? How can I realize my wish?" Yeri said it many times and turned around. Only then did he realize that the police officer was staring at Guangyi's grave with a very shocked expression.Although it was dark at this time and the surrounding area was extremely desolate, as a policeman, there was really no reason to be afraid. When Yeri noticed his expression, the police officer showed a very embarrassed expression: "I'm sorry, Mr. Itagaki... the death was really strange, so I... I'm a little scared." Yeri couldn't bear it anymore, and said loudly, "How strange is his death?" The policeman sighed: "There are... two people buried in the grave." Yeri froze for a moment, not knowing what the policeman meant by that.The officer said, "Two... two..." Yeri said loudly, "Who is the other one?" But the police officer said, "There is no one else." Yeri was a little angry. If he was in India, he might not be able to bear it and beat someone!But no matter how impatient and anxious he was, he could always know that beating a local policeman in a strange country was no joke. So, he held back his breath and didn't do anything. At the same time, he didn't plan to talk to the policeman anymore, because he found that the policeman was simply incoherent.He just snorted, but the police officer continued: "Both...both are Mr. Itagaki!" When I heard this, I jumped up. After I jumped up, my expression must have been so weird that Yeri, who was opposite me, leaned back abruptly, subconsciously she used actions to protect himself.I'm afraid I will behave strangely. I opened my mouth wide, and my voice was a little hoarse: "Two... two... Mitsuyoshi Itagaki?" When I said this, I immediately thought of "two great Liang Yunzi".At the same time, I have already remembered a detail, which was mentioned by Naike when he recounted the situation when Kenichi saw Yunzi in the mental hospital. Naike mentioned that he heard the conversation between Kenichi and Yunzi through the door, Kenichi kept using the word "you" in the conversation. At that time, if Yunzi was the only person in the ward, there would be no reason for Kenichi to use the word "you". There must be someone else besides Yunzi. Who is that other person?If it is also Daliang Yunzi, then there are two Daliang Yunzi! Also, after the Killer Iron Wheel entered the tryst place, he also yelled "Who are you?"Naturally, he saw another person, so he asked this question. Did he also see another Daliang Yunzi?It seems not.Because Tie Lun struggled to face the study before dying, and asked that sentence: "Who are you?" It can be seen from this that the person he saw must have shocked him to the extreme, so is this person Qiao?It was Iron Wheel, another Iron Wheel, and Iron Wheel saw himself! I have also seen myself, there are two of me! Yeri didn't understand what the officer meant when he said that, but as soon as I heard Yeri relay it, I could understand what it meant immediately. My breathing was involuntarily rapid, which was so unbelievable and grotesque. Yeri looked at me with a very sad expression, and he said: "Based on many things that happened later, you can probably already know what happened." I waved my hands aimlessly: "No, I don't understand. I just know a phenomenon: Yunzi has two, professional killer Tielun may also have two. I have seen myself, there are two .Kenichi...I don't know what happened to him, but...maybe two too." Yeri looked at me quietly and didn't respond to my words. I continued: "It seems that everyone has two!" Yeli said again: "It's not about appearance, but about appreciation, everyone has two." My eyes widened, and for a moment, I didn't know how to proceed.Yeri didn't seem to plan to discuss further with me, but just signaled me not to disturb him anymore, and he wanted to continue talking. I took a deep breath and sat down again. Yeri screamed at that moment: "Two Mr. Itagaki?" The policeman gasped for breath: "Yes, we never knew that Mr. Itagaki had a twin brother who was exactly like him. He was killed by his twin brother, or he killed his twin brother because The two of them are exactly the same, so no one can tell who they are, the two of them..." The police officer was still talking, but Yeri hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, what are you talking about?" The police officer said: "On the night when the incident happened, I happened to be on patrol. Mr. Itagaki's residence is not far from the elementary school. I just turned around the wall of the elementary school when I heard the sound of arguing coming from Mr. Itagaki's home." The policeman glanced at Yeri, and Yeri couldn't help but took a step back, away from the grave, and motioned the policeman to continue talking.The police officer continued: "I thought it was very strange at the time, because Mr. Itagaki lived alone, and the whole town knew about it. People in the town respected him and knew that he was engaged in research work. No one was more knowledgeable than him, nor did he have as many book of!" The police officer wanted to continue, but Yeri had already shouted, "Don't choose irrelevant things to talk about!" The policeman smiled wryly. He obviously didn't want to say these irrelevant words, but in his subconscious, he didn't want to tell the weird things he witnessed. After being yelled at by Ye Lida, the policeman stopped for a moment, and then said again: "I heard the sound of arguing, so I walked over immediately and came to Mr. Itagaki's residence. As soon as I came to his residence The quarrel coming from inside became clearer, and one could tell that it was two men arguing. But the strange thing is... the strange thing is..." The police officer glanced at Yeri again before saying: "In my opinion, the two people who are arguing have the same voice, but one is irritable, violent, and powerful, which sounds very vicious, while the other one is very vicious. Weak and feeble, it sounds sad." The police came to the door of Itagaki's residence, and the sound of quarreling came from Itagaki's residence. The policeman could hear very clearly, and his memory was not bad, so he could recite what the two said when they quarreled afterwards.Although he was the only one at the time, there was no one to prove his words.But there was absolutely no reason for the constable to invent such a statement. So, after the murder happened, the policeman's report was also accepted by the superior and included in the file. The quarrel heard by the police officers was as follows: a rough voice, yelling continuously, and in the yelling, there was a terrible growl: "You are so useless, why did you leave like this? Why do you have to be unknown in this small town?" Weak voice, helpless: "I have to do this, I can only do this, please don't force me!" The rough voice continued to yell, first a series of foul words, and then accusations: "Fart! You can completely ask for your wishes, you can have whatever you want, and your wishes can come true! You can have everything, and you can be the best in the world. The most famous, the most powerful, the richest man! You can be the man who has it all!" Weak voice: "So what?" A rough voice: "So what! You idiot, you idiot, pig and cow know what to do better than you, you shouldn't give up, you shouldn't sneak back!" Weak voice: "Even if I have everything in the world, but there is one most important thing, I still don't have it!" A rough voice, a series of sneers: "I know, what you say you can't get is happiness! Since everyone can't get happiness, why do you even give up what you can get?" Weak voice: "Without happiness, what's the use of everything else? Please stop talking!" Rough voice: "I want to say! I must say it!" When the police heard this, they heard some collision sounds, as if someone pushed someone down.The police officer felt that he should take some action, so he slammed on the door and shouted: "Mr. Itagaki! Mr. Itagaki!" However, there was no response when he knocked on the door. The two people arguing inside did not seem to hear the loud noise knock on the door.On the contrary, it was a teacher who lived in the primary school, who heard the sound and came out with his clothes on.At this time, what came out from inside was no longer the sound of quarreling, but the sound of quite violent fighting! After the police officer came out, the two made a gesture and slammed on the door together. When they opened the door and rushed in, both of them were stunned! They saw two Mitsuyoshi Itagaki, wrestling, one of them had strangled the throat of the other, and the other strangled was groping on the floor with his hands, grabbing a sharp knife. The police officer and the teacher screamed together, and amidst their screams, the one who was strangled grabbed the knife and stabbed the left flank of the one on him. The knife stabbed extremely deep, not reaching the hilt.The one who was stabbed let out a terrible roar, and tightened his fingers. The police and the teacher heard the one who was strangled again, and there was a terrible sound from the neck. Obviously, even the trachea had been strangled! As soon as the policeman and the teacher came in, everything had already happened. It happened so suddenly and so horribly that both the policeman and the teacher were petrified.When they regained their composure and tried to separate the two dead people, they found that they were so entangled that they were almost inseparable. Both of them died, one of them must be Mitsuyoshi Itagaki, and the identity of the other is unknown. The local police really struggled to figure out the identity of the other person.The two people looked exactly the same, and even the records of fingerprints were absolutely the same.The police couldn't explain this incident, so they had to treat another person as Itagaki Mitsuyoshi's twin brother who had never shown up.Although everyone knows that Mitsuyoshi Itagaki does not have twin brothers, but is there a better explanation? Itagaki Koyoshi has no relatives, only a distant cousin who is doing business in Tokyo, and the local police managed to find the only relative Itagaki Ichiro, but Ichiro excused himself by saying that he was too busy with business to go to the countryside to host the funeral, did not come. When I heard this, I said "ah", "Itagaki Ichiro is Koyoshi's cousin!" Yeri said: "Yes, but the relationship is very distant." I smiled wryly: "No matter how distant the relationship is, the relationship between the two has already been established, and one link can be linked with the other!" Yeri also smiled wryly: "I had nothing to do with Ichiro Itagaki, who was doing business in Tokyo, but we got in touch because of this!" I thought about it for a while: "Yes, because you have a connection with Itagaki Ichiro, originally, you and I have nothing to do with each other at all, and we even have a connection." Yeri murmured: "Yes, one link is closely linked to the other. People and things that were originally completely unconnected are linked together by these links, forming a chain relationship." I nodded, agreeing with Yeri. I asked, "Because Ichiro is Koyoshi's nephew, did you go to Tokyo to look for him?" Yeri said: "No, I didn't care at all at the time, and I didn't plan to look for him at all. I didn't go back to India because I couldn't bear the failure. If I couldn't get the love of that woman, I would rather live in Japan." I frowned. That woman's love must be extremely important to Yeri. When I met him in Japan, his life in Japan was obviously not very good. Yeri continued: "I have lived in Japan for several years, and one day, I suddenly saw a missing person notice in a newspaper. The strange thing is that the person who was found was me, and the person who was looking for me did not sign it. " I don't get it, I look at Yeri. Yeri swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and told what happened at that time.
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