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Chapter 2 Chapter 12 The Two Split People and the Legend of the Monkey God

wish monkey god 倪匡 8016Words 2018-03-14
Those who participated in the search were all well-trained experts, including Kenichi and me of course. The residence of Iron Wheels dazzles us all.His bedroom alone has triple doors, and each window is equipped with a microwave anti-theft system. It seems that the residence of the Shah of Iran does not have such a tight security. Moreover, there are hidden compartments and cabinets in many unexpected places. For example, behind a large refrigerator in the kitchen, there is a small hidden compartment where a large amount of cash is placed. The search went on for a full day and night, and as new discoveries were made constantly, those who participated in the search almost forgot to be tired.

There are so many materials found in the search, especially the number and types of all kinds of strange murder weapons, which are enough to make the secret service agencies of any country stunned and sigh. However, there are only two video tapes related to the Itagaki case. The rest of the things that were found only showed that Tie Lun was a professional killer who had committed numerous crimes.Kenichi and I are not interested in this point, but the international police and the Japanese military are more interested. Kenichi and I are only interested in who was hired by Iron Wheel to kill Itagaki.And that person, why did he kill Itagaki?

So, what was found in Iron Wheel's residence, and what was useful to Kenichi and me, were those two videotapes. When we found those two video tapes, of course we didn’t know their contents, but we had to take a look. It happened that there was a projection device in the basement of Iron Wheel’s residence, so Kenichi took one of them, Put it in the video recorder and press the button. The roll that Jianyi picked up was the "record" that Tielun had shown Yunzi. When Kenichi and I saw Yunzi come to Tielun on the screen of the TV, threatened Tielun with words, and asked Tielun to kill Itagaki, we were really stunned!

This is absolutely unimaginable! If Yunzi didn't have Itagaki, life would be a problem immediately!She can't sing!Of course, with her youth and beauty, she can survive, but in such a bustling metropolis, she has no other choice but to sell herself! The same is betraying herself, why didn't she betray it to Itagaki?If it is said that she hates Itagaki because Itagaki bought her body with money, then it cannot be justified anyway! When we started watching the video tape, Kenichi and I were full of doubts, and we didn't know how many problems there were. When we saw that Yunzi mentioned an "Indian", Kenichi smiled wryly, and I couldn't help but groaned!

Indian!I'm sure it's the Indian I'm going to find in India! There are more questions in my heart, who is this Indian?Why is he everywhere and knows everything? This mysterious Indian must be the key figure in the whole mysterious incident! After watching the first volume of the video tape, the conclusion I came to was that this is it.Kenichi's conclusion was slightly different from mine. He sighed and said, "So it's Yunzi!" I said, "What do you mean by saying that?" Jianyi said, "Yunzi buys a murderer to kill someone, I don't understand anymore!"

I glared at Kenichi fiercely, maybe my gaze was too sharp, making Kenichi a little restless, I said: "You see the problem too simply, you ignore that Indian!" Kenichi yelled, "It's that Indian again!" I also said loudly: "Yes, that Indian! He told Yunzi to come to Tielun, and the Indian also told Yunzi how to threaten Tielun!" Kenichi waved his hand vigorously: "The Indian has nothing to do with the whole case! Itagaki wanted to get rid of his wife and mistress in one fell swoop, but Yunzi knew about his sinister plan, so he hired a professional murderer to kill Itagaki, and that's how it happened!"

I sneered: "This is very beneficial!" Kenichi was a little annoyed: "What do you mean?" I said: "Isn't it? The murderer is dead, Itagaki is dead, and the mastermind has become a lunatic again. The whole case, the truth is revealed, and it can be successfully included in the file!" I specially emphasized the words "the truth comes out" so that Kenichi could hear that I was mocking him.Of course Kenichi could hear it, he sneered and said, "Then what should we do?" I said, "I don't know, I'm going to find that Indian!"

Kenichi was noncommittal: "I have no objection, and there is a videotape, do you want to watch it?" I also don't know the content of the second videotape, and I don't want to continue to argue with Kenichi, because if I continue to argue, I have no opinion to express.The whole thing is so strange that I can't grasp any center at all. I just think that the Indian is the key to the problem. Kenichi put in the second tape, and I watched it with him. The second video tape records the whole process after Yunzi returned to Tokyo and was brought here by Tielun. After reading these records, Kenichi and I looked at each other, and couldn't say a word. We just looked at each other, blinked, our hearts became chaotic, and our questions tripled.

After a while, Jianyi said: "What do you mean? Yunzi denies that she has ever seen the iron wheel?" I nodded and said, "Yes, Yunzi said, it wasn't her who went to see Tielun for the first time, it was another woman—" As soon as I said these words, Kenichi and I suddenly stood up together as if struck by lightning. Kenichi shouted, "What you said just now!" I immediately said: "That's exactly the sentence that Yunzi kept saying over and over again, that's the sentence!" The sentence that Yunzi kept repeating over and over was: "It's not me, it's another woman!"

Jianyi took a breath: "There is another woman, this woman looks exactly like Yunzi, she pays for murder!" I squinted at him: "Even the same name?" Jianyi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, it was difficult to explain, but Jianyi immediately came up with an explanation: "It is precisely because this woman looks exactly like Yunzi that she stole Yunzi's name!" I mercilessly countered Jianyi's "explanation": "You also stole Yunzi's lover? Yunzi's tryst place?" Jian couldn't answer my question, he was a little embarrassed and angry: "So according to you, how is the situation?"

I had to smile bitterly: "I don't know. All I can say is, I don't know. But I feel that there is no such thing as 'two women' at all. Two people, the two women we saw on the video tape, are completely It's Yunzi! There's no one else!" Jianyi calmed down a bit, and understood what I meant: "You mean, Yunzi suffers from severe schizophrenia? Mentally, she is split into two people, A and B. Part A doesn't know what part B is doing." what?" I rubbed my face vigorously. Actually, I didn't mean it like that, but Kenichi finally grasped the point I wanted to express.In fact, some of the concepts that came to my mind vaguely could not be expressed in words at all. Human language is used to express everything that has appeared in human life and can be understood by human beings.If there are some things that have never appeared in human activities, how can human language express them? Kenichi's use of words such as "severe schizophrenia" has already shown that his understanding ability is very high. If schizophrenia reaches a serious level, it can indeed make a person a person with dual personalities, like Yunzi in the two videotapes, who can be completely unaware that he has entrusted Tielun to kill Itagaki. There are many such cases in the files of psychiatrists. But what I vaguely thought of went further than schizophrenia! I have a vague idea in my mind.It occurred to me that a person who is schizophrenic can make a person mentally two different people. But what if a person is not only schizophrenic, but his body is also split?What kind of situation is that?It must be one person, turned into two people, two people who look exactly the same, but have completely different ideas, or, what one of them dare not think or do, the other dares to think and do. Originally, everyone has his other side, but the other side is often very skillfully hidden and never revealed in front of anyone.But what if suddenly something changes and the other side of the person becomes real? If the two sides of a person are completely independent from spirit to body, how will they feel when these two independent sides see each other?The feeling they have for each other must be seeing themselves. I have seen myself! In that strange room, I had seen myself so clearly! I have this weird idea because I've had this weird experience of "seeing myself". My weird idea, explained in human words or language, can only go so far, there is no way to go any further, because this is something that has never happened in human life! Or, barely, a further explanation is possible. Kenichi's explanation is severe schizophrenia, and a situation like Yunzi can occur: she once went to Tielun, but she has no memory of it afterwards. But my idea is that when one Yunzi is looking for the iron wheel, the other Yunzi is in another place!There are two Yunzi in total, and the two Yunzi are basically two sides of one Yunzi! I don't know if this is further clarification or if I'm getting more and more confused! I didn't explain it to Kenichi at that time, because Kenichi had never had the experience of "seeing himself".If a person is told such a hypothesis before he has had the experience of "seeing himself", he will not accept it anyway.I just said: "There may be severe schizophrenia, but we can't ignore the existence of 'another person'!" Kenichi stared at me, and I made a helpless gesture: "Remember, after Tielun entered the tryst place, he shouted twice and asked: 'Who are you!'" Jianyi said, "But, there's no one else there!" I sighed: "This is the most difficult point for people to understand. As a down-to-earth investigator, the Itagaki case can be regarded as over, but my position is different from yours!" Kenichi snorted, but said nothing.I said: "I want to solve all the unresolved problems. The whole thing is not over until I have a definite answer. Therefore, I—" I haven't finished my words yet, but Kenichi has already caught up, and said with me: "I'm going to find that Indian!" Jianyi didn't say anything more, I stood up with him, and I said, "You don't need to show those two video tapes to anyone, or you can only release the first one as evidence that Yunzi hired the murderer!" Jianyi agreed with me, and I said: "Try to make Yunzi see Naike more, or Yunzi will tell the truth to Naike." Kenichi frowned, obviously he didn't like Naiko, but he agreed with me again. I said again: "If Yunzi returns to normal, please contact me, and I will give you a place to communicate!" Kenichi immediately took out the small notebook in his pocket, and wrote down the contact address I gave him.The address I gave Kenichi was of course in India, the zoologist who entrusted the little white tarsier to me and brought it to Japan, that is, the author of a book on monkeys. References to the magical legend of "Chiwodaka". If I don't go to India, I will contact him first when I arrive in India, so I left his address to Kenichi. The name of this outstanding zoologist in India, especially the primate creature in the tropical forest, who has extremely deep research is Nadi Xing. After separating from Kenichi, this time, the trip finally went smoothly. I was not called back by Kenichi at the airport, nor did I receive an emergency call on the plane. Two hours after the plane landed in India, I was already sitting on the vine in the living room of Nadi Xing. chair. Nadi Xing saw me and was extremely happy.His living room is not luxuriously furnished, but it is extremely comfortable. Almost all the furniture is made of old vines in the tropical forest, with a soft luster, which looks simple and interesting.He smiled all over his face: "Okay, where did you hide it?" I was stunned: "Where is what?" Nadi Xing cried out: "That white tarsier! I have received a report from Japan that it has fully recovered under the care of your friend. You must have asked you to bring it back. You Hiding it under clothes? Carefully suffocate it!" I couldn't help smiling wryly, and broke free from his enthusiastic hands: "Things have changed a little unexpectedly." Nadi Xing was taken aback, and even his voice trembled a little: "Then... the little tarsier..." I understood a zoologist's concern for rare animals, so I hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I believe that tarsier is in good health!" Nadi Xing's eyes widened: "Do you believe it? What do you mean?" I said: "The tarsier was abducted by an Indian!" I made the Indian use a strange "flute" to make a strange sound, and as soon as the tarsier heard the sound, it jumped into it. The situation in the Indian's arms was told to Nadi Xing. When I was telling the story of what happened, Nadi Xing had an extremely strange expression on his face, and he was pacing back and forth.After I finished speaking, he still just stared at me blankly. I said, "Why, you don't believe it?" Nadi Xing said: "It's not that I don't believe it, but this method of catching tarsiers is known only to the natives living in the forest!" I took out the flute made of leaves: "The Indian left this flute behind in a hurry. A botanist in Japan doesn't know what kind of leaves it is made of!" Nadi Xing took over the flute: "Yes, this kind of tree is only found in the south of India. It is a natural healing agent for tarsier monkeys!" I didn't understand what he meant. He further explained: "The tarsier's hair is very long, and it likes to scratch its own hair with its claws, and then put it in its mouth to lick its claws. Over time, a lot of hair will accumulate in its stomach. , You have to eat this kind of leaves to excrete the hair that has been in the mouth for many years. Therefore, this kind of tree is also the tree that tarsiers like to live in!" I said: "The flute made of this kind of leaves──" Nadi Xing knew what I wanted to ask before I finished speaking, he said: "The leaves of this kind of tree are very thick, and when the wind blows, the jagged edges of the leaves will emit a rather strange sound due to vibration. sound." Nadi Xing said again: "Because tarsiers are used to living in this kind of tree, they also like this kind of sound very much. The local natives use this to catch them!" I said "oh": "It seems that the Indian has a lot of knowledge about tarsiers, and he also knows the white mutant tarsier, whose native name is 'Chiwdaka'." Nadi Xing frowned: "This man, he abducted the tarsier, what's the use? He can't sell it to the zoo? Once he sells it, he will know that he stole it!" I spread my hands: "Perhaps, he abducted the little white tarsier to cut off its right front paw to make a 'monkey claw', which can grant him three wishes!" Nadi stared at me with a very funny expression. I said again: "Perhaps, he wants the little white tarsier, take him to meet the supernatural monkey god, that can also make him have three wishes!" Nadi Xing waved his hand, as if he wanted to stop me from continuing: "You, where did you hear so many weird legends?" I smiled and said, "Part of it is in your masterpiece, and some of it is from an old Indian. Although the two versions are different, it may be due to the variation of the ancient legend. Adding oil and vinegar has changed the result. But one thing seems to be certain, the white mutated tarsier, which appears once every few hundred years, is related to three wishes!" Although I said those words with a smile, I didn't look like I was joking. Anyone can see this.On the contrary, Nadi Xing laughed out loud. He smiled and said, "I really can't believe that you take this kind of legend so seriously!" I said sternly: "Don't laugh, you and I also come from an ancient nation. Although the ancient legends of the ancient nation are full of myths, they may not be completely nonsense!" Nadi Xing was a little surprised by my attitude, and looked at me for a while: "Then what do you want?" I said directly: "I want your help!" Nadi Xing spread his hands: "As long as I can do it. However, I am not a supernatural monkey god, I cannot help you fulfill your three wishes!" I waved my hand: "Stop making jokes, I want to know as much as possible about the legend of the supernatural monkey god!" Nadi Xing showed a look of helplessness: "The target of my research is monkeys, not monkey gods. However, I have a friend who is an authority in the study of ancient Indian mythology. He may be able to help you!" I hurriedly said, "Introduce me to him!" Nadi Xing looked at me for a while again, as if he wanted to make sure that I was joking. After he was sure that I was not joking, he picked up the phone, dialed the number, and started talking to the other party loudly. He talked on the phone for about five minutes before putting down the phone: "You can go see him now!" I hurriedly said, "I still need your help, and I have a lot of questions to ask you!" Nadi Xing raised his hands: "It's only about monkeys, I'm not interested in any legends about gods!" I patted him on the shoulder: "It's a deal!" Nadi Xing let me use his car and driver, and I didn't delay at all to meet the expert on ancient Indian mythology. The mythology expert rubbed his hands and paced back and forth among the various old books scattered on the ground. He didn't look at the books on the ground, and he didn't even step on them. Those books are mostly written in Sanskrit, and they are very old. It seems that each book has its own antique value.He walked around for a while, came to the bookcase, took out a book that looked like a manuscript, opened it, motioned for me to go over, and pointed to one of the illustrations: "Look, this is the legend. A supernatural monkey god who grants three wishes!" I first asked: "Are there many supernatural monkey gods?" The expert said: "Yes, there are many, but only this one can give people three wishes." I wanted to take the book from his hand and read it, but he shrank his hand and refused to give it to me. He just let me read it with his hand.The book is made of sheepskin, which has turned ocher yellow and looks very fragile. It must be an extremely precious book, and he is afraid that I will accidentally damage it. I lowered my head and saw the painted "Supernatural Monkey God". The technique of painting is quite clumsy, like a child's work. The most obvious thing seen in the painting is a monkey's head. The monkey god, of course, looks like a monkey, but judging from the painting, it is definitely a person with a monkey head.Moreover, on top of the monkey's head, there is a rather high "crown", which looks like a hat but doesn't look like it.The body is human, and it seems to be wearing a rather weird clothes, which is quite different from the statues of gods that you usually see. I watched for a while, then looked at the myth expert: "This monkey god──" The expert said: "This is a painting by a painter based on the narration of a person who has seen this monkey god." I was a little puzzled: "This person's narrative skills must be poor, why are there so many ambiguities?" The expert looked a little coy: "The person who narrated the story to the artist has never seen the monkey god himself. The monkey god who has seen the monkey god is his ancestor. It is a legend of their family, which has been passed down from generation to generation." If I wasn't being polite, I would have laughed out loud. The so-called "family legend" may have been passed down for hundreds of years. God knows how similar the image drawn by the artist based on this theory is to the real "monster god". I held back my smile, it must be quite obvious, so after the expert glanced at me, he was very disapproving: "This picture is the only one that can be seen!" I hurriedly made my expression serious: "It seems that the so-called monkey god is a person with a monkey head!" The expert said: "That's right, there is also such a monkey god in your Chinese legend?" I know that experts refer to Sun Wukong. Many people who study mythology like to compare China's Monkey King with various monkey gods in Indian mythology.In fact, the two are very different. Sun Wukong is not so much a god as an outstanding character in literary creation.Of course, under the current situation, I don't need to explain this to experts in detail. I just said vaguely: "It can be said that this monkey god, how about the situation where he can give people three wishes?" The expert walked back and forth a few steps, came to a desk, carefully spread the dilapidated book on the table, flipped through it page by page, and then, after reading for a while, raised his head again and looked at me. One glance: "According to the records in this package, the spirit monkey god will send his envoys every few days. The name is 'Chiwdaka'. It is an extremely rare little tarsier, pure white. This This kind of messenger will take people to meet the supernatural monkey god!" I've heard it said, but the words of the experts sound like they have a special force. Not only because he is an expert, but because he speaks from such an old book! I thought for a while: "Another way of saying it is that the monkey's right front paw was cut off, and after some procedures──" Before I finished speaking, the expert waved his hand and interrupted me: "That's a rumor. The legend of the monkey's paw originated from the West. Because it is related to monkeys, it is mixed together. Folklore, in many cases It's quite chaotic!" The expert's analysis is quite reasonable, I agreed, and I said: "About 'Chiwdaka', I once heard a legend about it from an old man, and there is something I don't understand-" I recounted the story told by the old man who played the polystringer in Tokyo, and then asked: "What does it mean in the story: 'The supernatural monkey god made him see himself'?" The expert stared at me for a while, then went to look through the old book again, but after twenty minutes, he frowned: "I don't know, there is no record in the book for this meaningless sentence!" I don't blame the experts for their arbitrariness, because the words "seeing myself" are meaningless to almost everyone, and I said: "I would like to know a little more about the situation, for example, the white small Tarsier, by what method can it take people to meet the supernatural monkey god, and does it know where the monkey god is?" The expert laughed loudly: "You are too impatient!" I was a little confused: "What do you mean?" The expert said: "When you find the little white tarsier, you will know, why worry?" I snorted and didn't mention to the experts that I brought a small white tarsier from India to Japan!At that time, I didn’t know that this little white tarsier could have such supernatural powers. If I had known—I couldn’t help but feel amused when I thought of this. If I had known, what would I have done?Do I really believe that a little tarsier will lead me to meet a supernatural monkey god? Of course I won't believe it! I waved my hands uselessly, the expert looked at me for a while, but I couldn't ask any other questions, the expert made a gesture, it seemed that he was ready to see off the guests, and I was also ready to leave.At this moment, a tall servant came in and bowed to the expert: "Professor, Prince Yeri is waiting for you in the living room." I don't know what kind of person that "Prince Yeri" is, but seeing the experts' reactions, I can immediately imagine that he must be a very important person.Because the expert was shot immediately, and said repeatedly: "How long have you been here? I'll go right away!" said the expert, looking at me. I immediately said wittily: "I'm sorry to bother you, I'm leaving!" The expert couldn't wait to go out, and I had to go through the living room if I wanted to leave the expert's room, so I followed behind him.Within the borders of India, there has been no dynasty for a long time, but the servant is called "Prince Yeri". I am not surprised to call him this way, because there are many earth kings in India, and these earth kings have always ruled many small kingdoms in India. Bang, not only powerful, but also very rich. Since the earth king system was also abolished, the potential power of the earth kings is still quite large, especially because they have a lot of wealth, so they are still extremely respected figures. The attitude of experts is also expected. . I followed the expert into the living room, and I saw a tall man dressed in extremely gorgeous clothes, with a white cloth tied on his head, and the edge of the cloth was woven with gold thread. The man, with his back to me, was looking at a painting on the wall. As soon as the expert saw the man, he immediately stepped forward, waved to me, and beckoned me to go out. I was thinking, this man is probably Prince Yeri, and I don't want to meet any dignitaries, and I have a lot of things to do myself, so I stepped out the door, but I stopped suddenly. As I walked forward, the expert greeted the visitor. The expert is saying: "Prince, you have been waiting for a long time!" The visitor said: "It's nothing, don't mind." What made me stop suddenly were those two words from the visitor.Those were two very ordinary words, but in an instant, the shock they brought to me was indescribable: I recognize that voice! This voice left a deep impression on me. The first time I heard that voice was in a bar in Tokyo. At that time, I was with Kenichi when someone suddenly spoke beside us. At that time, his first words were: "Oh, Chiwdaka!" I will never admit to that deep and eerie voice! The person who made that sound was the Indian who abducted the little white tarsier with a flute made of leaves! That Indian is the one I came to India to find him out of the 700 million Indians!
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