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Chapter 9 Chapter Seven Invitation from the Spirit World

cave 倪匡 9806Words 2018-03-14
I paced back and forth, and in the dark, the entire Temple of Thornbridge looked like a gigantic monster trying to keep silent. I thought about what happened in the temple again, and suddenly there was a shock. At that time, because everything happened so suddenly, there was no chance to think about why some things happened.At this time, if you calm down, you can think about the ins and outs of the matter.I thought of the most crucial point, and I asked Bubin first: "Do you remember that after I said something, Enji suddenly beat the drum?" Bu Ping thought for a while: "You said something very rude, asking where Master Gong Yun went."

I said, "Yes, at the end I shouted: 'Has the master been invited to the spirit world?'" Bupin nodded: "Yes, right after this sentence, Enji suddenly knocked on the leather drum." My mood is tense, and a vague concept has gradually emerged. Although it has not been clearly revealed, at least it has some clues.I lowered my voice: "Why is Enji so nervous about saying this to me?" Bupin stared at the darkness, fiddled with the small stones on the ground with his feet, but couldn't answer. I came up to him and made gestures to ask him to concentrate on listening to me: "First of all, we must make sure that Enji has something important to hide about Li Yixin, and even about Gongyun and the lama who rattles the bell. with us."

Bupin moved his lips a few times, but without making a sound, I said, "Let go of your reverence for the lama, and use your power of observation. I don't think you can deny my guess." Buppin thought for a moment, sighed, and nodded. I said: "The further speculation is that Li Yixin, Master Gongyun, or the lama who rang the bell, must have something very weird happened to them. The weirdness is unbelievable. Enji and the whole temple The masters can't understand it at all, so they have to hide things." Bupin moaned: "This...is just your speculation." I stared at him: "Isn't it reasonable?"

Bupin hesitated: "It can...be established, but there may be nothing." I paused for a moment: "According to my hypothesis, let's speculate further." Bupin frowned and didn't object.I took a deep breath, because I was going to talk about the most important point: "What happened to Master Gong Yun, we don't know. But I inadvertently said whether the master was invited to the The spirit world has gone, and Enji's actions are so abnormal, what does it mean?" Bupin suddenly called out: "Wesley, you want to draw a conclusion that Master Gongyun has been invited to the spirit world!"

I didn't say anything, just nodded vigorously, because that's exactly what I came to. Under the moonlight, Bupin's face became very pale, and he waved his hands aimlessly: "Your imagination is too rich." I said sternly: "It's not imagination, but a step-by-step guess based on the known facts. That strange big rock sent a message, and several wise masters felt this message. Go to a place, and the big stone is said by Master Gongyun to come from the spirit world!" What I said sounds very complicated, but it is actually very simple, and Buffin naturally understands it.

He remained silent, with an extremely puzzled expression on his face, and I said again: "And now, Master Gong Yun is missing—" Bupin protested hoarsely: "You can't say that, there is no basis, Master Gongyun is missing? How do you know?" I said, "I inferred from Li Yixin's disappearance—" I was only halfway through my words, and at that moment, I suddenly thought of another thing. That thought made me feel chills all over my body. I just made a strange sound in my throat, and when I turned around, Towards the Temple of Sandbury, ran over. Bupin was taken aback by my sudden action, and his reaction was super quick, as soon as he reached out, he grabbed my arm.But because I ran forward very quickly, he was carried forward by me and fell a few steps, and he pulled me desperately, so the result was that the two of us fell to the ground together.

Bupin was surprised and angry: "What do you want to do?" I was panting, usually I rarely lose my composure like this, but at this moment, I was already breaking out in a cold sweat: "Bai Su! Bai Su! I speculate that if it's not bad, Bai Su will disappear too!" Bupin was shocked: "She... will also go to the spirit world?" I have already jumped up: "Yes, go quickly, there is still time to stop." As I said, I ran forward again, but Bupin rushed forward again, and hugged me behind me: "Wesley, can you stop being crazy? What is the spirit world? Where is the spirit world? place? Can everyone go?"

While struggling hard, I said: "It doesn't matter if it's crazy or it's true, in short, I want to bring Bai Su out, there are too many ghostly things in this temple." Ignoring Buping hugging me, I took several steps forward. At this moment, Buping suddenly said: "Don't forget, Bai Su is willing to stay." Originally, there was no force that could stop me, but these words from Bupin made me stop suddenly.Yes, Bai Su voluntarily stayed. She must have felt or thought of something extremely important that she didn't understand, so she voluntarily stayed and made further investigations. If I rushed in at this time, it would definitely be of great help to her investigation work. Get in the way, maybe you won't be able to solve the series of mysterious mysteries from now on.

Moreover, Bai Su's temper is the same as mine, if she doesn't want to stay in the temple, no one can force her, if she stays voluntarily, even if I rush in, she won't be willing to leave, it's useless to do bad things. At this time, I was quite close to the main entrance of the temple. I stared at the temple gate, gasping for breath, not knowing what to do for a while.Seeing that I didn't move forward, Bupin let me go and turned to me, blocking my way. I said in a deep voice: "You don't let me in now, if Bai Su is in the temple, if something goes wrong, you are the only one to ask."

Bupin shook his head: "You are really unreasonable to the extreme, think about it, is it because you don't go in by yourself, or can I stop you?" I was furious: "It's not that you are pulling and pulling, I have already entered the temple." Bupin sighed again: "I just calmed you down and let you know that rushing into the temple now is of no use." I was still panting, looking at the temple gate, I really didn't know what to do, I rarely couldn't make a decision like this, and I was so hesitant at this time, naturally because everything was so weird.

After I stayed for a while, I stomped my feet heavily: "I really want to know what happened inside." Bu Ping said: "Your Madam will tell us." I glared at him angrily: "Then let her leave safely first." Bupin sighed: "This is a temple with a long history and full of wisdom. It is not a black shop. Bai Su was not coerced at all just now. What are you worried about?" What am I worried about?I am worried that Bai Su will also be invited to the spirit world, which is an extremely unpredictable assumption. What is the spirit world, another dimension?Is it a place completely different from the place where people live?If you go, what will be the consequences? All of this, even the most basic concepts are not there, and there is no way to hypothesize. Bupin began to pull me again: "Come on, let's go down the mountain, Dr. Li should be here too, let's meet with him first." I really didn't want to leave, but I couldn't stop thinking: "Why did Bai Su suddenly change his mind and was willing to stay? If Enji had used telepathy, what message did he send to Bai Su?" Buping saw what I was thinking, and persuaded him: "You are thinking wildly now, and you have no results at all. When she comes out, naturally all problems can be solved." I made a decision: "Okay, I won't break in, but I won't leave either. I'll just wait here." Bupin was a little annoyed: "Are you crazy? The weather in the mountains changes every minute. If the weather turns bad, what do you rely on to sustain life?" I immediately said: "Rely on your rich experience in the mountains as a world-renowned mountain climber." Buping couldn't help but laugh, looked up at the sky for a while, and then said: "Okay, you are here, I will go down the mountain overnight, and I will bring some necessities to catch up." I immediately said: "Okay." I promised so readily, Bu Ping felt worried, he looked at me for a while, and said: "Listen to my advice, don't mess around, if you take any action, it will only ruin the whole thing." I gave him a blank look: "Don't think I'm a saboteur. Many of my actions have led to the truth of many inexplicable things. You are afraid of the power of the lama, but I am not. Now my scruples are because I am afraid of hindering Bai Su's actions. .” Bupin smiled, and his nervous expression disappeared: "I'm relieved that you have such scruples." As he spoke, he waved to me and hurried down the mountain.I stood in front of the temple gate for a while, and the temple was extremely quiet. I walked forward along the wall, turned the corner, and the wall became quite low. I pressed my hands on the top of the wall and jumped up, but I didn't turn over into the wall. I just sat down on the top of the wall, with both hands Feet outside the wall. After sitting for a while, I lay down on the top of the wall. The wall was less than forty centimeters thick, so it would be uncomfortable to lie down, but whenever there was any abnormal movement in the temple, I could immediately notice it. I didn't feel the chill until I lay down. I wrapped my coat tighter, and the temple was quiet and dark. After a long time, I fell asleep due to tiredness and twilight. Of course, I am not in a deep sleep. Under such an environment, I cannot fall into a deep sleep. I just try to rest myself in a half-asleep and half-awake state. About two hours later, I heard footsteps, not coming from the temple, and at the same time I heard Bupin's voice calling: "Wesley, Wesley." Although he was calling in a low voice, it sounded quite loud in the silence. I climbed down the wall and followed the sound, and saw that Bupin was shaking hands with several people. , there are folded camp tents and many utensils. Bupin saw me, and greeted me happily. I couldn't help but wonder, how could he go up and down the mountain in a few hours?But I immediately understood how he got those things. Not long after he went down the mountain, he met a team of mountaineering teams who camped. As soon as he announced his name, everyone in the mountaineering team was overjoyed and met their idol. Under such circumstances, it was no problem for him to ask the mountaineering team for a tent, some utensils and food, and not only obliged to move them up for him, but also quickly set up the tent at the place he designated.As a top player in his career, there is this advantage. When a diver sees Buppin, he may just roll his eyes, but when a climber sees him, he regards him as his ancestor. After the tent was set up, the climbers said goodbye and left. Buping and I drank hot coffee in the tent, and I said, "There is no movement in the temple, it's strange." Bupin said: "Did you forget that when you sneaked in, everyone was in meditation? It may be the same now." I was a little frustrated: "I'm so stupid. Even if Master Gongyun doesn't see anyone, I can still ask to see that big rock. That big rock is in Master Gongyun's meditation room. Once you enter the meditation room, you can solve many mysteries." Bu Ping dissatisfied: "Do you think, if Enji has something to hide, he will let you pay tribute to Master Yun's meditation room?" When I thought about it, what he said made sense, but I was always worried. This uneasy feeling was naturally caused by Bai Su staying in the temple alone.That temple looked like a monster, and Bai Su seemed to be swallowed by that monster silently! I was so preoccupied that I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, although it was much more comfortable in the tent than on the wall, and I just listened to Bubin's snoring. Until dawn, I finally fell asleep for a while, only to be awakened by a burst of human voices. I jumped up and saw a team of mountaineering teams at the gate of the temple, apparently wanting to enter the temple. The temple door was closed tightly, and someone inside the door replied: "The masters in the temple are all in meditation, and no outsiders are seen." Those mountaineering members left with disappointed expressions. I approached the door and knocked a few times: "Excuse me, there is a lady in the temple. I want to talk to her, is that okay?" It's rare for me to beg someone in such a low-pitched manner, but the answer inside the door was cold enough: "I don't know what you're talking about, we are only responsible for not allowing anyone to enter the temple, and we don't know the rest." According to my temper, I really wanted to kick the door open, but I thought to myself, I have waited all night, so I might as well wait a little longer, one day and one night is enough. Bupin also woke up and was talking with the climbing team. After a while, the climbing team continued their journey, and there were only two of us left at the gate of the temple.Bupin was busy making a fire and making food, I had no appetite at all, the whole temple was dead silent, in the anxious waiting, the time passed very slowly, I thought it was an hour, but I looked at my watch, only ten minutes had passed. Seeing that I was fidgeting, Buping kept saying, "Don't worry, what's the rush." I got annoyed by talking to him, and sighed: "Say more, I'll go into the temple to find Bai Su." Bupin could probably see that I was really in a hurry, so he was too scared to make a sound, but just stood by my side and wanted to tell me something interesting.But he can tell any interesting things. After all, he can climb mountains. I ignored him, and summed up all the doubts on my own. I felt that what happened in this temple was simply a thousand things. The boy also has an incomprehensible relationship with this temple.What kind of force is it that pulls these things together?There is no way of explaining it at all. In thinking, the time finally passed faster, finally arrived at noon, and seeing the sun gradually set to the west, there was still a dead silence in the Sanboqi Temple.When the sunset glow all over the sky turned into deep purple, I couldn't bear it anymore, and jumped up: "I've waited for a day and a night, it should be enough, God knows what the lamas are up to." Bupin sighed: "To be honest, I'm already wondering how you have such good endurance, but since you mentioned a day and a night just now, let's wait for twenty-four hours, okay?" The sun just went down at this time. I calculated that after waiting for 24 hours, there were still about four hours left.I was very reluctant in my heart, but Bupin looked at me with a begging look, so I had no choice but to punch: "When the time comes, you can no longer stop me with any excuses." Boupin sighed, turned away, and didn't answer me directly. Time passed slowly, the sky quickly darkened, and there was still no sound in the temple. I tried my best to be patient and waited until I couldn't bear it anymore. I uttered a loud cry and jumped up. Buping also knew that this time, he couldn't stop me anymore. He just held his head in his hands and remained motionless. I strode towards the temple gate and walked over. Unexpectedly, after taking a step, a "Peng" drum sound came from the temple. I am no stranger to that drumbeat, it was exactly the same as the one played by Enji last night, and it was extremely astonishing to hear in the silence. As soon as I heard the drum, I automatically stopped, and Boupin jumped up. The two of us glanced at each other, and immediately headed towards the temple gate and rushed over.When we came to the gate of the temple, we heard the sound of footsteps coming from inside the temple. At the same time, there was a fire, which seemed to be the light of a lighted torch. As soon as I ran to the door, I stretched out my hand to knock on the door, and after only two hits, the door opened.Bupin and I were stunned for a while. Many lamas held torches in their hands, and the one standing in the front was Enji. Behind Enji, there were several other old lamas, whom I certainly hadn't seen yesterday, and I didn't pay attention to them at this time. The reason why I don't pay attention to other people is because Eunji's expression is too weird.Under the light of the torch, his face was pale, sweat was dripping from his forehead, and his face was twitching. His expression was like a murderer with an unbalanced mind, who had just dismembered the six people he killed. I could never have imagined that a well-cultivated Tantric lama would show such an expression, so I was also stunned. Bupin was so frightened that he didn't know what to do. Behind me, he kept pulling my clothes.I looked back at him, and turned back again. Before I could make a sound, Enji had already groaned and pointed at me.I hurriedly said, "What happened, Master? What happened?" At that moment, Enji seemed to have calmed down a lot. He took a few breaths first: "It's still the same, the same." After I heard it, I couldn't help being baffled. I asked him what happened, but he replied "it's still the same".What is "still the same"?I hurriedly said again: "I don't understand—" At this moment, I suddenly realized, why isn't Bai Su here?Suddenly, I felt startled and angry, and even my voice became sharp, and I asked quickly, "Where's Bai Su? Where's my wife?" There was a "crack" sound from Enji's throat, but he couldn't speak. I took a step forward, and as soon as I stretched out my hand, I grabbed his lapel.At this time, my expression and complexion must be extremely ugly, so as soon as I grabbed Enji, all the other lamas exclaimed in unison. Enji shrank his body and made a gesture. All the lamas behind him fell silent, and, except for a few old ones, they all turned around and walked silently towards the temple. In a blink of an eye, Except for Enji, there are only three old lamas left at the gate of the temple. I was still extremely nervous. In fact, I had been very nervous since I left the temple alone, and Liu Baisu was in the temple. At this time, it was the total explosion of the accumulated tension. I grabbed Enji's clothes by the chest and pulled her body. I shook him so much that when he spoke, he became staccato: "Please put... your hand... We are going to talk to you You discuss it." Bupin begged from the side: "For God's sake, Wesley, can you let go?" I took a breath and let go of my hand. My fingers were a little stiff, and Enji also breathed out: "Please go to the temple, to Master Gongyun's meditation room." He was probably afraid that I would not go in, so he immediately proposed to go to Master Gongyun's meditation room.Originally, that was something I was very interested in, but now I want to know more about Bai Su's situation, so I asked again: "What happened to Bai Su?" Enji sighed: "I hope you will understand when you come to Master Gongyun's meditation room." When I heard his answer like this, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment. For a while, I really couldn't figure out what he meant by that. Not like that. I tried my best to calm myself down, and Bupin whispered from the side: "Master Enji's meaning, I'm afraid...he doesn't know what happened, and you won't know until you go to see it." I nodded. Bupin explained Enji's words in this way, which is quite reasonable. It must be that Bai Su was in Master Gongyun's meditation room. I don't know what happened. When I thought of this, I couldn't help but my heart was beating wildly, and I hurriedly said, "Then what are we still doing at the door?" Enji turned his head and glanced at the three old lamas. The three old lamas nodded together, and Enji sighed again: "Bupin, you can come too." As he spoke, he opened the door and walked in. Bupin and I thought the three old lamas were moving too slowly, so we rushed forward and followed Enji.It was found that other people in the temple were hiding in the house, and no one was seen wherever they passed by. It's not very far from the gate of the temple to Master Gongyun's meditation room. At this time, because of the rush, I feel like I can't go any further.After finally reaching the open space in front of the meditation room, I couldn't wait and called Bai Su's name loudly. Enji just looked back at me with a bitter expression, but he didn't stop me from calling. His actions made me feel the mystery of the matter more and more. I ran forward and pushed open the door of the meditation room. In the meditation room, there was a candle burning, the candle was half-bright, because I opened the door a little too hard, the flame flickered, and when I pushed the door open, I was stunned. Here, my state of mind at the time.I want to describe it separately, although at that time, the thoughts in my mind almost came out together. First of all, I saw that the meditation room is not big, and there is no hidden place, so I can see at a glance that the room is empty and there is no one there. That made me startled, and immediately blurted out: "What do you mean? Where is he?" At the same time, I also saw a rather large stone in the middle of the meditation room. That stone was naturally the source of all the strange things that happened in the temple. I thought in my heart, I finally saw this stone, this stone, What's so special about it? The stone doesn't look special at all, it's just that kind of stone. I rushed two steps into the meditation room, turned around, and Enji, Bupin and the three old lamas also walked in.I asked quickly, "Where are people? There is no one here!" Enji showed a very embarrassed expression, and I couldn't help getting angry for no reason, and kicked hard on the Zen bed: "If you don't tell me everything quickly, I will set a fire and burn down the whole temple." Unexpectedly, this time, Bupin actually helped me: "Master, tell me, he can say it and do it!" Enji hurriedly said: "Say, talk, I invite you here just to talk." He paused and panted for breath when he spoke. At that moment, the expression on his face changed rapidly. He was anxious at first, but then became extremely confused. His voice was also full of confusion and puzzlement: "They all disappeared here." As soon as Lama Enji appeared at the gate of the temple, with a horrifying expression, I knew that Bai Su must have been taken by surprise. Only then did I hear the word "disappear" from his mouth. I was startled again, disappeared?White pigment disappeared?Just in this meditation room?Eun Ji said "they" again, besides Bai Su, who else?At this time, I naturally understood the meaning of the phrase "they are all the same" he said at the gate of the temple. In an instant, his thoughts were so chaotic that he could hardly catch any focus.I just snorted: "Disappear? What do you mean? She disappeared? Who else disappeared?" Enji's expression was even more confused. It seemed that he was definitely not pretending, but that he was really confused deep in his heart.Under my repeated questioning, he just looked at me in a daze, not knowing how to answer. It is really hard to believe that he is an eminent monk who is good at telepathy and has practiced for decades.Seeing this situation, I knew it was useless to be anxious, so I could only say: "You have to talk, the most you can do is speak slowly." Enji let out a sigh of relief: "Yes, I really have to speak slowly, and start from the beginning." "Start from the beginning", how long will it take?I am a very impatient person, especially now that Bai Su has "disappeared", but I still have to listen to him start from the beginning, this is really unbearable, I said: "To make a long story short, the simpler the better." Enji sighed, as if he didn't know how to put things into simple terms, he thought for a while and said: "Master Gongyun, that young man, that master who rings the bell, and that lady are all here The meditation room disappeared." I snorted: "Now you admit that Li Yixin has been to the temple." Enji didn't seem embarrassed because he had lied, he said: "Because the matter is too fantastic, so I decided not to mention it to any outsiders." I don't ask him why he lied: "How did they disappear?" Enji shook his head slowly: "I don't know, no one knows." I really became anxious and slapped my forehead with my hands: "God, you can't just say that you don't know what you don't know. Several people, if they weigh a few hundred catties, it is impossible to disappear. How is the process?" Enji didn't answer, an old lama said in a hoarse voice: "Enji wants to tell you, but you are too impatient to listen." I cursed seventeen or eighteen very nasty words in my heart, and then gave Buping a hard look, naturally blaming him, because if it wasn't for him, how could I be so unlucky to be with these ghostly lamas. I waved my hand: "I'm sorry, it's superfluous to listen to the story now. The person disappeared, have you looked for it? The temple is quite big, have you searched every corner?" At this moment, Enji said boldly: "No need to look for them, they are still there, but they just disappeared." Under such circumstances, I suddenly heard such a nonsense, let alone me, even if Sakyamuni and Tsongkhapa were there, I am afraid they would get angry, right?Otherwise, how did the Bodhisattva's "lion's roar" come about?So I immediately yelled, "What the fuck are you farting?" Nji Lama actually couldn't understand my sentence, because it was not spoken in Nepali, and I didn't know how to say it in Nepali.But I'm scolding him, he can know that.He waved his hands, waving his hands, pointing randomly in the meditation room, and said anxiously: "They are here, I feel they are there." At this moment, Bupin tugged at the corner of my clothes and said in a low voice, "Wesley, teleportation." I immediately asked, "You knew they were there through telepathy, but they disappeared?" Eunji kept nodding his head, obviously I was asking the right question. I couldn't help but looked into the meditation room a few more times. If there were a few other people in the meditation room besides us, there was absolutely no reason why we couldn't see them.It seems that the few people who disappeared didn't seem to have become invisible people. I was really confused, and I didn't know how to press further. At this time, Bupin said: "It's weird, it's better to listen to him from the beginning." With a long sigh, I had no choice but to say, "Okay, please start from the beginning." Enji was relieved, and the three old lamas also said in unison: "Yes, we must start from the beginning." I took the opportunity to ask: "Three masters, do you also feel their presence?" The three old lamas nodded together.I believe that these three old lamas are higher than Enji in terms of cultivation level. Since Enji can communicate with others, they will naturally.I didn't say anything more and stared at Eunji. Enji said: "Actually, there is no need to start from the beginning. Bupin must have told you many things." I said, "He doesn't know what happened after he left." Enji said "um": "After he left, the masters continued to meditate. This big rock... Among the masters, several of them clearly felt that it had a message. It was the same, it was like an invitation, but no one could figure out how to accept it. After many days, many masters gave up, only Master Gong Yun and the bell rattle master still Continuing, at this time, with the encouragement of Master Gong Yun, I also participated in meditation, and on the third day, I also felt a message from a strange spiritual world." When he was talking here, I couldn't help but interrupt him: "May I ask: 1. How does it feel to feel the message? 2. How do you know that the message comes from a strange spiritual world?" My question was quite straightforward, and Enji made a gesture: "I feel it, I feel it, anyone will feel something, it's just a sudden feeling." I grunted, and what he said meant he didn't say anything. He continued: "As for my thought, it was a message from the spiritual world, because I felt an invitation to go to a place that I had never been to, a place that was completely elusive, but that gave me a sense of hope." I have a strong feeling that this place is the spiritual world that often appears in our teaching scriptures." I said in a deep voice: "Can it be interpreted as the realm of heaven and spirit? Is it a place where only human souls can go?" Enji replied seriously: "A place that only a cultivated soul can go to, even beyond the heavens." I motioned him to continue, and he said: "I got the information, and I was so excited, but the next question is, how can I make myself reach the spirit world? I was thinking hard, but I couldn't figure it out. That boy appeared, and his The name is Li Yixin?" I nod along with Boupin. Enji said: "He appeared suddenly, of course he sneaked in—" The following is the story of Enji and Li Yixin meeting and some incredible things happened. Lama Enji was meditating facing the big rock near the entrance of Master Gongyun's meditation room. The door of the meditation room was open, and there was no one in the courtyard outside. All the lamas in the temple had given up meditation. The invited masters of various sects also left, only one lama who did not belong to any sect remained in the meditation room. He and Master Gong Yun were both like clay sculptures and wood carvings, and they even controlled their breathing extremely slowly. Enji was also engrossed in thinking. During the process of meditation, he not only used his own wisdom, but also searched for answers from various classics he had read since childhood. He was so engrossed that God When did it get dark, and how long did it last, he didn't pay attention at all.It made him shake suddenly, because suddenly, something heavy was added to his shoulders. Enji was taken aback, and immediately raised his head, and saw that there was another person beside him. It was a very thin young man, obviously an outsider. The young man was pressing one of his hands on the shoulder of Enji who was sitting cross-legged. It was his hand that made Enji feel heavy. It seemed that the young man was unable to stand steadily and had to rely on his hand to press Enji. Only on your shoulders can you stand firm. Seeing that the young man was an outsider, Enji pushed the young man's hand away a little angrily, and was about to stand up and push the young man out of the meditation room when he suddenly saw the young man's expression, which was very strange. The young man stared straight at the big rock in the middle of the meditation room, his lips moved, making a very low, muttering voice.Eun-ji doesn't understand what he's talking about. Although the young man's expression was strange, it was not enough to make Enji change his movements. He still stood up and pulled the young man out. The young man didn't seem to notice it at all, and he didn't resist at all.But at that moment, what made Enji change his mind was that when he saw Master Gong Yun, he suddenly raised his face. Master Gongyun was facing the door of the meditation room, and the light coming in from outside the door reflected on his wrinkled face. Enji could clearly see that on his face, there was a kind of A very peaceful smile. When Enji saw such a smile, he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately concentrated on facing Master Gongyun, ignoring the young man who suddenly appeared beside him.Because he could see the expression on the master's face, he had something to tell others, and the master was using telepathy to pass on what he thought in his heart to others.Naturally, Enji didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly concentrated his mind, ready to accept Master Gongyun's teachings. However, he felt nothing at all.Among the senior lamas, telepathy is not particularly profound. Enji and some senior lamas often have telepathy.But at this time, he didn't feel anything at all, he was feeling strange in his heart, and suddenly saw that the young man beside him was staring at Master Gong Yun. On the young man's face, there was a serene smile exactly like the master's.When Enji saw this situation, he felt very uncomfortable, because he could see that Master Gongyun was not trying to communicate with him through telepathy, but to that young man.How could the young man accept the spiritual message from Master Gong Yun?Enji was very puzzled.But at this time, judging by the expressions of the two of them, they were in a situation where they understood each other. Enji could only stare blankly at the side, and after a while, the young man smiled: "I finally found it." Master Gong Yun also said, "Not too late, not too late."
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