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Chapter 5 Chapter 4 The Big Man

By accident 倪匡 5636Words 2018-03-14
At this time, it is bound to be futile to pursue it again—Wesley would never do such a thing.So, he turned around and went back to the hall. As soon as he entered, he saw an extremely strange phenomenon. He saw Chen Changqing, Qi Bai and the strange man staring at the big man together, and the big man also stared back at them.The four people refused to give in to each other, but they did not act, like clay sculptures and wood carvings. As soon as Wesley appeared, Chen Changqing said, "He said he didn't take it!" Wesley came up to him and asked, "Your Excellency's name?"

The big man was actually very stubborn: "I came to drink with the invitation card, and I didn't say that I had to give my name!" Wesley pointed at Qi Bai, and Qi Bai immediately asked, "Your name?" The big man became annoyed, and did not repeat what he said just now. Qi Bai said with a pleasant face, "I am the master, so it's not too much to ask for your name, isn't it too much? Kid, where did you get your invitation from?" The big man was tall, but he didn't look very old, probably in his twenties. At that age, it was difficult to become a member of the "Wine Lovers Association".Qi Bai saw this point, and then asked questions - after all, the big man was one of the two suspects, so he had to ask.

The big man blushed when asked by Qi Bai, but he answered confidently: "My sister gave me the invitation!" As he spoke, he suddenly stood up, standing up, it seemed that he was extremely tall, he was seven feet tall, and his body height was much more than two meters. Everyone had to look up to meet him. Qi Bai asked again: "Who is Sister Ling?" The big man said angrily: "What is this? Checking the account?" Qi Bai said in awe: "You drank such good wine for three days, and you don't even want to tell the origin, so you have to ask!" The big man was even angrier: "Why do you only ask me and not others?"

Wesley knew that if he kept pestering like this, there would be no results. Anyway, no matter how polite he was, he had already offended people, so he cut straight to the point: "We are missing something, and I suspect you took it, so ask more details!" As soon as these words came out, the big man froze for a moment, and then let out an earth-shattering roar——he was so big, and the sound he made was so resonant that it was deafening, it would not be an exaggeration. Following the roar, he raised his fist the size of a grapefruit, punched Wesley with a "huh". He was tall, and he threw a punch casually, hitting Wesley on the head.Judging from the force of this punch, the big man's horizontal training of external skills is already at a very high level, don't look at him as a fool, this attack is absolutely unambiguous!

Wesley didn't dare to be negligent, his figure flashed, and just as he was about to take the opportunity to make a move, he flicked his finger towards the opponent's elbow. If the bullet hits, it could completely dissipate the strength of the opponent's punch. But that strange man's movements were faster than Wesley's. With a flash of his body, he squeezed in front of Wesley abruptly, stretched out his hand, and used his palm to meet the big man's fist. As soon as he got in front of Wesley, he almost touched Wesley's body, and Wesley quickly backed up—fortunately, he backed up quickly, because with a "slap" sound, the big man's punch had already hit the strange man's palm.The weird man flinched back.With this shrinking momentum, the big man's punch was relieved.If Wesley retreated slowly, he would have been hit by that weird man's elbow.

Even if the time comes, you can avoid it in time.But if he avoids being embarrassed, he will lose Wesley's identity! It seems that the strange man made a move and took the big man's punch forcibly, on the one hand, it also meant to weigh Wesley's weight. The big man's eyes were wide open, and he raised his hand again, wanting to punch him again, but the weird man had already shouted: "Stop! I'm sorry, old man Lei's disciples and grandchildren don't know how to do sneaky things!" Qi Bai, Chen Changqing, and Wesley at the side, when they heard the weird man say this, they were both admiring and surprised at the same time.

What they admired was that the weird man received a punch and immediately knew the origin of the big man's apprenticeship. From this, it can be seen that he is really a great expert in martial arts. What was surprising was that the big man's own martial arts were extremely high, and for no reason, he changed from a drinking friend to an enemy.His master, the "Old Man Lei" in the weird mouth, I'm afraid he is even more difficult to mess with, isn't it a sudden accident! In fact, among the three, Wesley frowned secretly, Chen Changqing and Qi Bai didn't know who "Old Man Lei" was.However, Wesley knew that the "Old Man Lei" in the strange population must be Lei Jiutian, a martial arts eccentric known as "Southern Baibeibeilei"!

That Lei Jiutian has a nickname: Leidong Jiutian.Mentioning the name of "Thunder Moving the Nine Heavens", Lei Jiutian, people in the martial arts are really like thunder, black and white, and everyone admires it.It is not easy for him to be as famous as Bai Su's father, Boss Bai. As the saying goes: "There is no second in literature, and there is no first in martial arts." Boss Bai and Lei Jiutian have never met.Boss Bai is different from Lei Jiutian. Boss Bai is an intellectual with three doctoral titles and has a wide range of interests.It is said that Lei Jiutian can't read Dou Da's characters, and he is a very authentic traditional Chinese martial arts wonder.

Between these two masters, it is inevitable that there will be people with good intentions, sowing discord, telling stories, trying to instigate them to compete in martial arts, and watch a great excitement——Since the Hunan martial arts master Liu Senyan made a big show in the arena, all the people in the world It has been a long time since there was a grand event, if Lei Jiutian and Bai Laoda can show their respective strengths, it will naturally be a grand event that will cause a sensation in the world! Therefore, even if he is not a very good person on weekdays, he is still contributing to the flames.Hope something like this happens.

The attitudes of Lei Jiutian and Boss Bai are quite different.Lei Jiutian was eager to try it out, and he had already said publicly: As long as Boss Bai decides on the location and time, he will definitely come to the appointment on time! But Boss Bai was not interested at all, so he refused. So there are all kinds of legends in the rivers and lakes: some say that Boss Bai knew he was invincible, so he avoided fighting; The words passed around in people's mouths, only getting worse and worse.Boss Bai ignored the response and ignored all inquiries.Lei Jiutian was a little impatient, and asked Boss Bai to "let the horse come over" several times.Moreover, some good-natured people under his sect had incidents several times, but Boss Bai dismissed them lightly.

Later, the situation changed. Boss Bai went overseas to avoid tyranny, but Lei Jiutian was used by the regime and became the martial arts instructor of the top intelligence organization of the powerful regime. In that case, naturally there would be no chance of meeting again. But later, the situation changed again, and Lei Jiutian also went overseas.At that time, he had already reached the age of ninety, and it was considered a grand event to announce that he would withdraw from the arena and not talk about martial arts.Many people from three mountains and five mountains visited his "Golden Basin Washing Hands" - the post to Boss Bai was sent to Wesley, Boss Bai didn't go, but gave him a generous gift, the golden basin that Lei Jiutian used to wash his hands , it was from Boss Bai. Many martial arts experts attended that event, but Wei Sili and Bai Su did not go because of their relationship with Boss Bai. It's hard to deal with it if you pass the trick. Since then, Lei Jiuzi has been living in seclusion, and he has never heard of any more activities, but that was only last year. A person who has been rolling in the rivers and lakes all his life, it is not easy to calm down, at most it is a human being. Be still. On the rivers and lakes, in the martial arts world, if there is no wind, there will be three feet of waves. What's more, Lei Jiutian's disciples and grandchildren are suspected of stealing at this time. It is not impossible for Wesley! Wesley was naturally not afraid, but this kind of unreasonable trouble can always be avoided. Therefore, he also wanted to calm things down, but unexpectedly, Chen Changqing said something coldly: "It doesn't matter if you are the disciple of the heavenly king Lao Tzu. Only two people are suspected, that's good. Why don't you show off yourself and prove your innocence!" When the big man heard this, he smiled instead of anger: "First, I am not the disciple and grandson of the Heavenly King Lao Tzu. My master's surname is Lei, and his name is Shang Jiu Xia Tian. What do you guys say if it proves my innocence?" Chen Changqing responded: "I kowtow to you!" When the big man heard this, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment - one person kowtows to another. This is an extremely simple action, but in Chinese tradition, it contains a great insult. There is gold under the knees, kneeling down, humiliation to the extreme! Chen Changqing has a special personality. For him, kowtowing to people is not a big deal. Like Qi Bai, Wesley, and that weird person, it may be easy to kill them, but it is difficult to kowtow! So, fortunately, Chen Changqing only said "I kowtow to you", and did not say "we kowtow to you", otherwise, I don't know how to close the matter! After being stunned for a while, the big man said loudly: "Okay!" The big man was quite straightforward. Being suspected of theft was naturally a big insult, but if the other party kowtowed and apologized, it was fine. At this time, due to the roar of the big man and the quarrels between everyone, many people who were sleeping were awakened, rubbing their drunken eyes, not knowing what happened. At this time, the big man had already started to take off his clothes, one piece after another, until his upper body was naked. All the people who saw his shirtless applauded - his whole body was muscular and bulging, and he had reached the pinnacle of human beauty.It seems that he has the feeling of cast iron. He didn't deliberately show his muscularity, but it was just a common movement, which was already amazing. One can imagine how powerful the punch just now was for such a big man.But the strange man was so light and clever that he accepted it forcefully. It can be seen that the skill of the strange man is still higher than that of the big man! After the upper body was naked, the big man took off his trousers, and when he wanted to take off his underwear, everyone said in unison: "No need. You didn't take it!" Qi Bai also added: "It's that shriveled old man!" The big man's underpants are briefs, even if he can hide the box, the box is very heavy, so there must be nowhere to hide at this time, why should he really have to take it off! Chen Changqing yelled: "I'm sorry, we have no other choice!" As he spoke, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed three times in one breath—actually, one kowtow was enough for him, and he didn't say how many kowtows! The big man felt a little sorry, and hurriedly said: "Enough! Enough!" After he got dressed, he asked casually, "What rare treasure have you missed?" The strange man said: "I don't know what rare treasure it is, I only know that it is something from the underworld." The weird man answered the big man like this, I'm afraid most of them were just talking casually.Unexpectedly, when the big man heard it, his face was flushed and his eyes protruded with anger.That situation was much scarier than when he was treated as a thief just now.He opened his mouth wide and let out a "hehe" sound in his throat. He was in a hurry to speak again, and the words he said were mixed with that sound, which sounded strange and inexplicable.He was yelling at the weird man: "What did you just say? Say it again...again!" The big man's expression suddenly became so weird that everyone was surprised and inexplicable.Even the weird man was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I said, the missing things come from the underworld!" The big man stretched out his hand and grabbed the weird man's clothes, like a drowned person grabbing a wooden board, while waving his other hand aimlessly, the horrible sound of "hehe" was still constantly coming out of his throat. Wesley's reaction was the quickest, he raised his voice: "Kid, speak slowly if you have something to say!" As soon as he opened his mouth, the big man immediately looked over to him, and there was a look of asking for help in his eyes. Wesley's thoughts turned. First of all, he was sure that the big man fell asleep with his head tilted just now. . Wesley was sure of this because they had been discussing the thing from the underworld. If the big man had pretended to be asleep, he would have heard it countless times, but he would not have heard it now and had such an unusual reaction. Wesley thought again that the skinny old man was pretending to be asleep and had heard everything secretly, so he started to steal the box again.Judging from the behavior of this skinny old man, he probably knows a little about that heavy strange box! Wesley said again: "You really have something to worry about. The few people here are not ordinary people. They can all help you!" Because the big man is too tall, at first glance, he gives the impression that he is not too young. But at this moment, his heart was clearly extremely anxious, and his face was full of panic, which made people see that he would not be more than twenty years old at most! At this time, the weird man whose clothes he grabbed also became interested in the big man, and reached out to pat the back of his hand twice: "Little friend, why are you so shocked when you hear that thing came from the underworld?" Discolored?" At this moment, the big man struggled to say a word: "Then...the thing from the underworld...is a...bronze mirror?" The strange man shook his head: "No, it's a box—although it's small, it's surprisingly heavy." Hearing this, the big man was stunned for a moment, his expression gradually returned to normal, he let out a long breath, and let go of his hand: "Then... I made a mistake, really, there are so many things from the underworld." !" Chen Changqing, Qi Bai, Wesley and the strange man looked at each other, and the big man wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hands.Chen Changqing pointed to Wesley and introduced to the big man: "Hey, kid, this is Mr. Wesley!" The big man nodded: "I know, Mr. Wei is well-known and powerful!" Chen Changqing smiled: "You must not know much about Mr. Wei's experience, so stand still and wait for me to tell you about his recent experience!" The big man has completely returned to normal, and when he heard it, he showed an expression of dissatisfaction. He must be a straight man.Because at this time, it was almost written on his face: No matter how strange his experience is, he can't scare me, so why should I stand firm and listen? Chen Changqing sneered: "Mr. Wei recently went to the underworld for a while. The bronze mirror you mentioned just now is indeed a thing from the underworld, but it is not a bronze mirror, but an incredible treasure..." As Chen Changqing said, the big man's body was shaking all the time - he was so huge that even shaking was quite frightening.Before Chen Changqing finished speaking, the big man fell backwards and sat on the sofa, which made a very strange sound when it was pressed down. After he sat down on the sofa, he looked at Wesley and said in a hoarse voice, "Really...really?" Wesley cherishes talents, and he already has a good impression of this big man.Moreover, he saw that the other party was straightforward and young, so he offered to help him just now. At this time, Wesley said: "Yes, that's not a secret. I have already described everything that happened and made it public!" (At that time, Wesley's affection for this big man was only based on his love for a young man. Of course, he never imagined that after a few years, this big man would have an extremely close relationship with him.) (The world is unpredictable!) The big man seemed to have heard the most incredible thing in the world, with a look of disbelief on his face, looking at this and that, and finally knew from everyone's expressions that what Wesley said was the truth.He slapped his forehead hard: "I live in the country, I don't know, why doesn't my sister know?" When he said this, he looked more and more young. Wesley smiled: "That's a recent thing, and not everyone is interested in my experience. It's not surprising that Sister Ling didn't pay attention. Where are you from, and your name is Gao?" That big man, when the weirdo asked his name last time, he was not very willing to answer. But at this time, his attitude was very different. He stood up and made a bow to everyone: "The boy's surname is Cao, and his name is Jin Fu. He came from the countryside of Hubei. My hometown is Tianhekou, a small place." He immediately explained the origin of his name clearly—but that was meaningless, because no one had ever heard of the name "Cao Jinfu".Tianhekou, Hubei is a town in the upper reaches of the Han River, and it has no special significance. (Please note that this story happened shortly after "Going to Hell", that is to say, before Chen Changqing "went to the mountains to learn Taoism".) (Among Wesley’s stories, there are several stories related to “Hell”. The reason why they are not described in sequence has already been said, and again, it is because there are too many doubts, which were not clarified until recently—— If a story is full of unresolved doubts, it must not be considered a good story, so I have to wait until recently to sort it out.) (So, if you are familiar with the legendary experience of Dr. Yuan Zhenxia, ​​the character Cao Jinfu may be very familiar, because he has appeared there. Of course, that is a few years after this story.) Cao Jinfu said his name and stood respectfully.He is huge, but his demeanor at this moment is like that of an obedient child. Everyone has the same thought - Cao Jinfu is just a big boy, although he claims to be Lei Jiutian's disciple of Guanshanmen, and his martial arts attainment is extremely high, but everyone present will not pay special attention.But the "sister" he mentioned repeatedly may have a lot of background. Therefore, Qi Bai and Chen Changqing asked together: "Sister Ling is—" Cao Jinfu said: "My elder sister is called Cao Yinxue, and she also studied with Master. She left the country a few years ago, and now she is studying in France!" Everyone looked at each other, the name Cao Yinxue was also unheard of to them, it was very strange. The strange man asked: "Why do you lose your mind when you hear something coming from the underworld?" Seeing the question, Cao Jinfu first took a deep breath.He was already tall, but with this inhalation, his bust suddenly expanded, making him look a lot bigger.It is rare for a human body to be so majestic. Then he clenched his hands into fists, his knucklebones jutting out.He held it so hard that his fingers made a "pat" sound—from this point of view, his skill was far beyond imagination. At that time, he showed an inexplicable expression of grief and indignation.When the strange person asked, the big man Cao Jinfu would have such a reaction, which was beyond everyone's expectation.
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