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Chapter 65 Section VI

The village chief's son, this man named Zhiwei, deserves to be liked by everyone. Tall and handsome, even with single eyelids, it doesn't prevent those big black eyes from stealing the limelight. The bridge of his nose is really straight, without any unpleasant depression. The black hair at the temples fluttered in the night wind along with the hair over his shoulders. The tiger skin tied obliquely on his body as a waistcoat showed his bravery and achievements as an excellent hunter. Several pheasants still bleeding and a young deer, piled at his feet. Determined to look at him, with such a style, it is no wonder that many young girls in the crowd look at him with bright eyes.

But what about that guy? He was looking for someone in the crowd, isn't he "husband", shouldn't he be smiling and standing at the nearest place to him at this time?What about people? A group of half-grown children clustered in front of the young hunter, expressing their admiration for this man with all kinds of envy and admiration, and some of the boys even bluntly said that the most important thing is to be as brave as brother Zhiwei in the future. Silly boy, killing a few pheasants and deer is not considered brave. He really wanted to stand up and say this to those little admirers.

"Come here! Let me introduce you to two distinguished guests!" The village head pulled his son and walked in front of them. "These two are masters who travel around the world and have the ability to subdue demons." "Expert?" Zhiwei interrupted his father, and glanced at the two of them, "The two elders came at the right time. The monster is gone, and dinner is just in time. Sorry, I still have something to do. Please." After saying that, he picked up his prey and walked away. "Hey! You child, why are you talking to the guests like that!" The village chief apologized to them while chastising, "This child has a straight temper, and his words can kill people. Don't take offense."

"It's okay." Ding Yan looked at the back of the brave hunter, turned his head and whispered to Kui Yan, "Is he mocking us for cheating food and drinking?" "I can no longer tell whether you are born pure or dull." Kui Yan lowered her eyelids, "This kid is obviously swearing. I think you have the nerve to drink soup!" "He scolded me, and I have a lot of fast meat." Ding Yan blinked, "You still have to drink the soup." After all, before Kui Yan could stop him, he turned around and showed a bright smile to the village chief: "If you don't mind disturbing me, we would like to stay here for a few days. Can we drink that wild vegetable soup every day?"

"Yes, yes!" The enthusiastic village head nodded repeatedly, "You two don't think our mountain cottages are crude, it's a great honor for us. However, if you both can take the trouble to see for us, whether there is anything bad around us 'stuff', we couldn't be more grateful!" "Naturally!" He didn't pay attention to Kui Yan's emotions at all, turned around and pulled the village chief, and walked towards the house with half a pot of soup left with a smile, chatting while walking. "Village Chief, what ingredients did you use to make the wild vegetable soup? It's very delicious."

"I don't know either. It's all brought back by Zhiwei. It's a kind of emerald green thing that is ground into powder. Every time you put a little in the soup, it will be very fresh. Zhiwei drinks this soup every day. But they didn’t let me drink it, saying that this soup is only good for young relatives, and the old people will have stomach problems if they drink it. You come today, and you don’t have anything to entertain, so you just boiled this.” "Your Zhiwei is really a young hero, he can bring back any good things." "Haha, you are too much of a compliment. But he is indeed an excellent boy, thanks to him hunting in the mountains day and night, taking a lot of rare birds and animals to the village on the other side of the mountain to exchange food and seeds, we can Overcome the difficulties. The mountains are dangerous. Once he went for more than ten days without news, but we were anxious. Fortunately, he came back neatly, but he got a deep wound on his forehead. Fortunately, in the end It’s okay, but it’s necessary to cover the scar with a piece of cloth.”

"You are really lucky to have such a good son. Ah, at his age, should we get married?" "That's right, the wedding date is set after the beginning of spring." "Which girl is so lucky?" "It's the girl in the village where he often goes to change things, her name is Feiyun. I haven't seen her before, but I heard she's pretty." "Feiyun... just by name, she is a pretty girl." "Ha, he's married, and my biggest concern is over." He listened to the village chief's nagging as if nothing had happened, but what he thought in his mind was—the person who should be called Zhiwei's "husband" is Feiyun, not A Song...

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