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Chapter 9 Chapter 8 A nude photo of a man and a woman

Huanyang 倪匡 6209Words 2018-03-14
That photo is also a portrait of a person sitting cross-legged, also completely naked, that is a woman. Not to mention the beauty of the woman's figure, just the serene and peaceful expression on her face can make people's heart calm down no matter how hot they are.No matter how greedy the desire is, it will disappear in an instant, and no matter how cruel the idea is, it will become kind in an instant. I stared blankly at the extremely beautiful naked woman.Similarly, the photos are taken very well, every tiny part of the human body can be clearly seen, it makes people sigh how delicate and precise the structure of the human body is, and makes people feel that this is the human body, so perfect, So impeccable.

And the age of that woman is also difficult to determine, in short, she is a mature woman.It suddenly occurred to me that the Buddhist Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva revered by the world, or the Catholic Virgin Mary, for thousands of years, artists have used various art forms to express their spiritual outlook. Although there are many successful examples, the same The woman in the photo was compared, but they were all compared. If it weren't for the woman in the photo also wearing a bun, I would really suspect that she is the incarnation of Avalokitesvara. I watched it for a long time, and although I had many questions in my heart, my mood was very peaceful.After a while, I took a long breath and raised my head.Bai Su made eye contact with me, she said first: "It's very unusual, isn't it?"

I took a breath and nodded vigorously: "Her cultivation level seems to be higher than that of her partner." Bai Su raised his eyebrows, but did not make a sound, but Huang Chan immediately asked, "How do you know they are partners?" I said "ah", I just blurted it out, and didn't think about why. When Huang Chan asked, I thought about it: "In the classics of Taoism, there are many examples of couples or lovers joining together to cultivate together." Huang Chan stared at me with a very strange expression (it was a kind of excitement caused by stimulation), and she asked again: "Do you think they are practicing Taoism with the goal of becoming immortals?"

I was quite sure: "Of course they are, and it can be seen that their purpose has been achieved--this is a strange thing--" I paused twice, Huang Chan's expression became more nervous, and I said: "I have an experience, which describes how a vulgar antique dealer became a fairy—" Huang Chan hurriedly said: "Yes, I know, I know any of your experiences." I felt a little unhappy, so I snorted, and then said: "Even if this pair of men and women are not gods, they are not far away. Moreover, they must have been very cultivated and knowledgeable people."

Huang Chan looked at Bai Su, and Bai Su smiled calmly: "I told you already, my opinion and his are roughly the same." Huang Chan sighed: "Not only are they roughly the same, but even the words used are the same." Bai Su and I reached out our hands at the same time and shook them. There is no doubt that we have the same heart. I said: "The process of a mortal turning into a fairy can be understood from two aspects. Bai Su's mother became a fairy-becoming an alien. That is one kind of situation. The other kind of situation is that the human body develops its potential ——Through cultivation, this goal can be achieved. In addition, this kind of situation was common in ancient times, but very rare nowadays. This pair of strangers, they are—"

When I said this, I looked at Huang Chan, of course I thought she would give me the answer immediately, because she came to me for the answer, so she should tell me all the information. Huang Chan took a breath, she looked at Bai Su first, and Bai Su smiled meaningfully. Only then did Huang Chan answer my question: "Mr. Wei, please believe me, this man and woman are not human beings." In the end, she said the three words "not human", and she said them one by one. After I heard it, my first reaction was not particularly strange, and I said "Oh": "They have become immortals? It can be said that they are not human anymore."

On Huang Chan's extremely beautiful face, there was a helpless expression: "I say they are not human because they are really not human." I stayed for a while, but I still didn't understand what she meant by that.I said: "You mean, what I see is just a photo, not a real person?" Huang Chan glanced at Bai Su again, I can imagine that what she said to me now must have been said to Bai Su, and Bai Su's reaction must be the same as mine now. Huang Chan said slowly: "I mean, the man and woman in the photo are not human beings, and it doesn't mean that they have become immortals. The photos are taken of two statues, wooden statues."

I could hear every word Huang Chan said clearly and clearly, but I shook my head loudly, and then, after she finished speaking, I couldn't help laughing "haha". At this moment, Huang Chan let out a long and low sigh, without further explanation.I stopped laughing and understood Huang Chan's meaning: she insisted on the photo that the same man and woman were not human beings but wooden statues. She looked and behaved, trying to convince me of this. But it turned out to be funny to me--more funny the more I thought about it, so I laughed again to show that I didn't believe it at all.

When I laughed, Bai Su also laughed. Naturally, she smiled very reservedly, not as unscrupulous as me, but she was consistent in not believing Huang Chan's words.I laughed for a long time before saying, "I don't know what your purpose is. No matter what you say, I won't believe your words." Huang Chan is very powerful: "I thought Wesley could accept all incredible things." Naturally, I wouldn't change my understanding just because she said that.I said: "Yes, if you tell me that half of you is human and the other half is mechanical, I can accept it, but I still don't believe that the pair of men and women in the photo are wooden statues."

As I say this, I still can't take my eyes off the photo.Because Huang Chan has no reason to make up such an imbecile lie to lie to me.As long as there is one ten-thousandth suspicious point in the photo, it can be seen that it is indeed a wooden statue, not a real person, and I will accept her words. But no matter how you look at it, the photos are real people—I have repeatedly emphasized that the photos were taken with advanced photographic equipment, so the images are very realistic.At this time, I can even see clearly, especially that woman, Sai Xue, in the soft skin, the light blue blood veins are faintly visible, and I can even feel the flow of blood when I stroke my fingers!

The results of my visual nerve activity, through the analysis of my brain, tell me that it cannot be a wooden statue-I am even willing to accept that it is an extremely delicate dummy, similar to the non-biological new life Conway XVII World.But, wooden statues - no! So, I'm still shaking my head. I looked at Bai Su, and Bai Su's reaction was the same as mine, shaking his head. Huang Chan suddenly laughed: "We are actually arguing about an issue that does not need to be debated at all!" I immediately understood what Huang Chan meant—in fact, I had already thought of this, but I didn't want to bring it up. Sure enough, what Huang Chan said was what I expected, but it was the last thing I wanted to hear. She said: "On behalf of the National Vision Institute, I formally invite Mrs. Wesley to study the two wooden statues." The matter seemed very simple: Huang Chan said that the man and woman were wooden statues, but Bai Su and I didn't believe it, so we just had to go and have a look, why bother arguing? But here's the problem - I don't want to see it. I have also heard of the name of the institution "National Institute of Anomalies" before.Many countries have similar institutions to explore some incredible phenomena that cannot be explained by practical science. I also know that there are quite a few aliens with superpowers in this research institute, as well as a wealth of information and a fairly objective research attitude. I also know that at their highest level, they also accept the intellectual help of an alien. Originally, I only need to nod my head, first of all, I can solve the question of "whether I am a human being or not". But besides my reluctance to go, I also thought of other problems. Although Huang Chan's appearance is extremely pretty, and every move, every frown and smile is extremely charming, but I will not be confused by this superficial phenomenon.I know very deeply that what Huang Chan represents is a force that can use all means to achieve its goals-it is not appropriate to call that force "evil", because in human language Among them, it seems that we have not been able to find an appropriate adjective for this force. I'm not a big shot, and I'm not inflated to think that this force will want to work with me, or specifically against me. However, from Song Ziran's application to that city to Huang Chan's arrival, it was indeed a conspiracy.The purpose of this deliberate arrangement is to let me enter their sphere of influence. I know nothing of their further purpose, but I know that I must not allow their first purpose to succeed. I quickly changed my mind and had an immediate reaction: "I will not accept your invitation. It is as simple as asking me to believe that they are wooden statues, just show them to me." Of course, Huang Chan had already expected my reaction like this. She sighed: "It is a national super rare treasure. The highest authority has repeatedly issued five orders. It must not be moved at all. Only Mr. Qu Wei is in charge." I laughed again, and pointed at Huang Chan: "After all, I just want me to go, and I'll tell you, I won't go." When it comes to later, although I am not "sharp", I am already extremely impolite.Huang Chan's pretty face turned red and white, but her expression was still calm. She said: "I accept defeat - I thought Wesley's curiosity was always so strong." I laughed again: "You don't have to hide your failure. Your failure is that you made up a story that no one would believe, and tried to make me believe it." Huang Chan's eyes widened: "Do you think my intelligence level is so low?" I spread my hands: "The imaginary is the real, the real is the false, you know I have seen all kinds of strange things, so I made up an impossible thing, hoping to get a miraculous effect. This method is very good, but unfortunately ,you failed." I said the last few words in a raised voice.Huang Chan smiled wryly, looking very helpless. She paused for a while, very excited, even trembling slightly. Bai Su poured a glass of wine and handed it to her, but she didn't take the drink and grabbed Bai Su's wrist. At that moment, I couldn't help being surprised - I knew that she and her kind had received strict martial arts training, and each possessed amazing skills. Their martial arts master was a famous martial arts master as famous as Boss Bai, Dian Jiutian, known as "Thunder Nine Heavens". As soon as I had this thought, Bai Su's wrist was grabbed by Huang Chan, Bai Su looked at me immediately, and smiled slightly, indicating that Huang Chan had no malicious intentions.I still maintained a high degree of vigilance, and immediately thought of several ways for me to respond if Huang Chan restrained Bai Su and made a threat. Huang Chan didn't take any further action. She had a pleading look on her face, and her voice was so moving: "Sister Bai, you promised." Bai Su nodded immediately: "Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised." I was taken aback: "What did you promise her?" Huang Chan said: "I have some further information about Shenmuju and the two wooden statues—it is a continuation of the information you have read. Sister Bai promised me that I will let you read it." I didn't think about it at all: "Her promise is invalid-I'm not afraid to believe that it's a wooden statue, so why bother to read any more materials!" Bai Su stretched out his hand and patted Huang Chan's back twice, signaling her to rest assured.I turned away from looking at them. Huang Chan walked up to me and said softly: "I knew it would be very difficult to hire a driver, but I never thought it would be so difficult." I pointed to my head: "My head is made of granite." Huang Chan suddenly smiled mischievously, her lips moved, but she didn't say anything, her expression was a bit ghostly, she turned around all of a sudden, and waved to Bai Su and me: "Goodbye." She went away immediately! After she left, I saw a very delicate small box in Bai Su's hand.I asked her, "Did you see that? She wanted to say something but didn't - what did she want to say?" Bai Su smiled: "How do I know what she wants to say?" She raised the box in her hand: "Here is the information she just said, all in miniature—" She stopped here, waiting for my answer. I paced back and forth, my strong curiosity, of course, ordered me to read those materials immediately.But after I stood still, I said: "I'm afraid that after reading those materials, I will go one step further into her trap!" Bai Su said calmly: "That's fine, I want to take a look, anyway, I'm not someone's target." I suddenly yelled, and rushed towards her, trying to snatch the box in her hand, but she avoided me in a flash, and I quickly turned around: "Share the blessings, share the difficulties, let's all be together!" Look." Bai Su said sternly: "Things are weird, there is indeed something worth exploring, you can take a look." Of course I agree with what she said, but I still have doubts in my heart: "When did you decide to go out in person? How did you know Huang Chan?" Bai Su said it very lightly: "At first, I was not out of curiosity, but just wanted to help Song Ziran. Song Ziran was originally a promising young man, but unfortunately he became a victim of a conspiracy. The 'love' he longed for did not exist at all. , I want to wake him up so that he won't sink any further." When I thought of Song Ranran's "stubborn and unresponsive" appearance, I felt angry: "Hmph, I tried to persuade him firmly, but he didn't listen at all, what can you do?" Bai Sudao: "It's useless for us to persuade you. If you have a heart disease, you need medicine. Huang Chan must tell him that it is absolutely impossible to wake him up from his dream. That's why I went to that city." After I heard this, I was silent for a moment, and then said: "How can you be sure, after you go, you can see Huang Chan, her identity is so mysterious, even unattainable!" Bai Su smiled: "Don't forget, I am the famous Mrs. Wesley. I have made every effort to invite you. If I go, will I not be welcomed?" I smiled wryly: "Stop teasing me, you—" Bai Su took a deep breath: "I saw Huang Chan in the carriage before I got off the train—even though I've never seen her before, but as soon as she appeared, I knew it was her." In fact, Bai Su knew that the other party had made an arrangement shortly after getting on the train—there were not many people in the carriages that did not belong to ordinary passengers. Whisper around the other passengers. After this action, the other passengers left the carriage one after another, so Bai Su was the only one in the huge carriage. Bai Su naturally knew that something would happen next, she was very calm, drinking tea while watching the fields that the train passed by. Then, she felt Huang Chan appearing - she didn't turn her head, she was still looking out of the window, but she knew Huang Chan was coming! In that case, it is not difficult to sense or know that another person has entered the car. However, it is a bit mysterious to know who came in all at once. Bai Su's explanation is: "Of course I felt someone coming first, and then I knew who it was. At that time, I didn't look away, so I couldn't see who it was. But I had a strong feeling : It’s a strong person who came, if this strong person is full of hostility, I have to concentrate on dealing with it, it will be a strong enemy. But I don’t feel any hostility, so I still don’t move until the person comes in my Sit down on the opposite side." The visitor sat down opposite Bai Su, the distance between him and Bai Su was already very close, Bai Su turned his head slightly, and saw the visitor, of course it was Huang Chan, Huang Chan was looking at Bai Su with sincere eyes white. Hearing Bai Su say this, I muttered a few words: "She has been specially trained to confuse the other party by expressing fake emotions through her eyes." Bai Su sighed: "No matter what, when I made eye contact with her, even if there was hostility in my heart, it disappeared in that instant." I murmured again: "Modern dementing method." Bai Su added: "Besides, at that moment, the rumble of the train seemed to be inaudible, and I only felt a piece of tranquility. We looked at each other, like old friends who had already connected with each other." This time, I raised my voice: "You'll never know what's really going on in this type of person!" Bai Su was quiet for a while, and then said: "It is absolutely impossible for a person to know what another person is really thinking." I waved my hand vigorously. The meeting between Bai Su and Huang Chan was very moving.They stared at each other for a long time, and it was Huang Chan who spoke first. She didn't call her "Mrs. Wei", but "Sister Bai". She said, "Miss Bai, you are welcome!" Bai Su didn't forget her purpose of coming here, so her words came straight to the point: "What an outstanding talent, no wonder Song Ziran fell in love at first sight and couldn't extricate himself." Bai Su and Huang Chan are such smart people. Although it is the first time they meet, no matter what the other party says, what is behind the words, or the meaning behind the strings, they can be understood immediately. Huang Chan lowered her head: "This is an accident, I never thought it would hurt Mr. Song." Bai Su immediately got to the point: "Why do you still let him stay in Shenmu Residence? This is not something that can be dragged on. You must tell him categorically that the matter will never develop. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain." Huang Chan's head lowered again, her long eyelashes trembling, Bai Su secretly sighed a few times in her heart, she believed that Huang Chan's feelings towards Song Tianran were not completely unintentional, but her identity, she was not allowed to have any meaning—— From this point of view, she seems to be in more pain than Song Ziran. Bai Su has a kind heart, and a heart of sympathy arises spontaneously, she said again: "It will be good for you to end it earlier." Huang Chan gave Bai Su a very grateful look: "I asked him to go several times, but he was red-eyed and refused to leave. I...I..." She didn't go on talking - needless to say, without asking, Huang Chan couldn't bear to see Song Tianran's heartbroken look, and couldn't bear to drive him away. Bai Su smiled wryly: "Please come to see him with me, and I will take him away - if you don't want to harm others or yourself, please cooperate." As soon as Bai Su's words came out, Huang Chan's pretty face turned pale, biting her lower lip, with a deep and incomparably painful expression on her face. Bai Su sighed: "You know that you are not an ordinary person. You have many privileges, but while having privileges, you also lose the right to be an ordinary person." Although Bai Su didn't say it directly, his words couldn't be more clear: Huang Chan doesn't have the right for ordinary girls to fall in love with the opposite sex. Huang Chan bit her lower lip tightly, and Bai Su continued: "It's impossible for you to give up your privileges, and I don't think you have the idea of ​​giving up your privileges either." Huang Chan suddenly picked up Bai Su's tea, took a long sip, probably because of her excitement, she coughed violently due to choking.In an instant, his face flushed red. Bai Su hurriedly left her seat, patted her on the back, Huang Chan's pretty face was so red that it seemed to be bleeding, Bai Su's later comment was: "It's so beautiful." Huang Chan stopped coughing, took another sip of water, and when she raised her head, she returned to normal in less than a second. She nodded to Bai Su first, expressing her acceptance of her opinion, and suddenly asked: "Is it really so difficult to ask for Mr. Wei's guidance?" Bai Su went back to her seat and sat down. She was obsessed with cleanliness, so of course she would not touch that cup of tea again. She smiled: "Wesley once cut the ribbon for a ballet school for young people. Do you think he is difficult to invite?" Huang Chan smiled wryly and sighed lowly.Bai Su said again: "Everyone has a principle of being a human being. His principle is that he will never have any relationship with you—this kind of people." Huang Chan rolled her eyes slightly, she looked very cute: "It's not 'absolutely', there have been many records of entanglements." Bai Su nodded: "Yes, it should be said that he tried to avoid it." Huang Chan said: "Actually, what I want to ask him for advice has nothing to do with the political power."
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