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Chapter 10 Chapter 9 Computer Connection

inescapable 倪匡 6378Words 2018-03-14
Conway and Liu Xu obviously had the same thoughts as me.Conway said: "At that time, I just yelled in a low voice: 'There are more than five billion people on the earth...' I know it would be cruel to remind her like this, but don't you say it?" Liu Xu smiled wryly: "But Xiuzhen was very excited and full of interest. She said: 'My goal is not all human beings, but only males, then half of them will go, and they must be yellow people, and two-thirds of them will definitely go. They are Chinese, and there are many fewer people, and those whose age is not suitable can also be ignored, I think, there will not be more than 100 million people!' The more I listen, the more sad I am, let alone checking the genetic code of 100 million people, even if it is Ten thousand people is also difficult to achieve. At that time, I couldn't bear to say a word."

I also felt bitter: "What if her father is no longer alive?" Liu Xu said: "That's exactly what I want to say, but I can't bear to say it. I understand her feelings, and I think it's good to make her happy." I said, "When the joy is over, wouldn't it be a greater disappointment?" Liu Xu said, "No, our disappointment has already come to an end, and it is impossible to fall any further." I felt a little "terrible", Liu Xu said: "Xiuzhen seems to be very serious. I suggested to her that she should discuss it with her sister, Mulanhua, but she said no."

I wondered: "She is definitely not a person with a cold nature, why refuse?" Liu Xu's answer was: "She's afraid that Mulan is overwhelmed—orphans looking for relatives who are related by blood will always cause unhappiness in the acquired relationship. She is careful in doing so." I couldn't help but shook my head, because I can be sure that Mu Xiuzhen's thinking is wrong, and Mulanhua is definitely not such a "suspecting" person! I asked again: "Has she really practiced... her method?" Liu Xu said: "She said yes—but, as far as I see, it was all her fanaticism. After she calms down, she will naturally know that it is impossible to do."

Speaking of this, I suddenly thought of one thing, and couldn't help but my heart beat wildly. I asked: "Xiuzhen really doesn't know anything about how she got to her adoptive father." Liu Xu said: "Yes, at that time, the situation was extremely chaotic, and soon the invaders attacked again, and the resistance among the people was very fierce, and the main characters all died heroically. Mulanhua's family took her out of the flames of war. I don’t know my own life experience at all.” I was a little annoyed: "Who has so many things, and finally told her her life experience?"

Of course Liu Xu couldn't answer this question, so I said, "Actually, she doesn't have to check the lives of 100 million people at all, she only needs to check a hundred people, or even fifty people, or even less." When I said that suddenly, both Conway and Liu Xu were taken aback, and they asked together, "What else do you know?" I thought for a while before answering: "I know a little about Xiuzhen's background." Although I had thought about it carefully before answering, my words still made them jump up. I saw Conway's mouth shape and said, "You—" After the two words, I closed my mouth immediately, and also I don't know what he wanted to scold me, but I think it must not be a compliment.

I hurriedly said: "Be safe! Be safe and don't be impatient. I only found out about it recently, and you all already know about it. The detailed process is—" I told how Uncle Qi met that young woman on the boat back then. Both Conway and Liu Xu listened very attentively. From time to time, there was a strange light shining in Conway's eyes. I knew it was a manifestation of the rapid operation of his brain. After I finished speaking, Conway and Liu Xu looked at each other.I said first: "Liu Xu, you should understand that period of history very well." Liu Xu said: "Yes, at the beginning of the training, it was a compulsory course."

I immediately said: "Your opinion is—" What I mean is to ask her, who might be the husband of the young woman, that is, the father of the baby girl? Because Liu Xu is familiar with that period of history, she is more likely to know who was there and what happened at that time . Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I'm not sure how much of the history I learned during my training is true. You know, their history changes every year, and there are different versions every year. Some Some people fell down in the power struggle, their names will disappear in history, and even their images will be deleted from the photos!"

Of course I know this situation, I said: "In the early days, the situation...maybe better." Liu Xu said: "That is one of their excellent traditions, it has always been like this, and it is especially strong today." I said, "Okay, who do you think is the most likely person?" Liu Xu said: "Although the scope is not large, I think, in terms of senior personnel, there will not be more than 500 people—" My opinion is: "The level can be set higher, because in the hostile camp, it is a very big case, and it will not be the family members of ordinary people."

Liu Xu's brows were knotted, she was obviously still calculating, but Conway had already said: "At that time, there were 113 people who could be called the first-level personnel regardless of the military and government. One hundred and twenty people!" I couldn't help being very nervous. From the goal of more than 100 million people, it was suddenly reduced to 120 people. This is a great progress.From this point of view, Mu Xiuzhen's wish to find her relatives is not impossible. Liu Xu was also moved by it, and for a while, none of the three expressed anything.After a while, Conway said, "This... among the 120 people, 109 people have died."

I sighed: "This is the law of life on earth. Even emperors, generals, and ministers cannot escape death." Conway is really a computer. The abundance of information in his brain is really frightening. He said: "Among the one hundred and nine dead, thirty-seven were cremated, and the ashes are still there. There are records available. Ji. Thirty-one people died in the flames of war. It can be said that there are no bones left. Nine people died terribly. It is said that the remains were found later, but I don’t know if it is reliable, so I have to take it seriously. The ashes of one person were scattered all over the world. No matter how hard it is for a god to find the slightest bit, one person—”

When he said this, he stopped for a while, and didn't say anything more--you don't need him to say anything, I also know that this person has not been cremated, and the body has been preserved. But Liu Xu said: "I have heard rumors that the preserved corpses are fake. In order to look good and fit the title of 'immortal', the real corpses have also been cremated." Conway rolled his hands and turned his eyes upwards, with a helpless expression: "Okay, although there are only 120 people, but how can I get the life data of these 120 people?" I stared at Conway, who seemed a bit eccentric, on the screen, but couldn't say a word. The answer to his question is actually very simple: "No way!" Even if these one hundred and twenty people are all alive, they are all first-level important members of the party, government and army, how can they be forced to come to the test?What's more, nine times out of ten, they have already passed away. I have never heard that the life data of a person can be found in the ashes. The remaining few people are all in their dying years. What's the point of my loved ones? Thinking of this, I felt a sense of enlightenment, and I expressed my meaning: "It seems that everything is just a farce, and when it's over, we can break up!" Conway responded immediately: "Agreed." I said again: "Where did Xiuzhen come from and who was it to give her these numbers. This point is worth studying." The point I raised is the starting point for tracing who has studied the life of people on earth so thoroughly, and Conway naturally agrees with it. He said: "We must figure it out!" The two of us were talking vigorously, and when we stopped, I noticed Liu Xu's expression, which seemed very lonely. Conway also found out, and he looked at Liu Xu.Liu Xu said: "To you, it was just a farce, but to us, it was a disillusionment of hope and a sad tragedy." Kangwei and I remained silent, and Liu Xu said again: "I am already desperate, but I hope that Xiuzhen will not be like me, so I know that her mood is different from yours, let alone a glimmer of hope. Even if there is only a ten-thousandth chance of hope, she will definitely go to the end and will not give up!" Kang Wei and I were silent about it, and after a while, I said: "If Xiuzhen wants to investigate to the end, we will certainly help." Liu Xu took a look at Conway: "Just saying to help, but not taking action, this is called 'lips but not real'!" Conway exclaimed, "Why haven't I done anything about it?" Liu Xu said: "You have one thing to do. Those computer friends of yours can play a role, so you won't be with them—" When Liu Xu finished speaking, Conway covered Liu Xu's mouth as soon as he stretched out his hand. His expression and movements were ridiculous. It was clear at a glance that he was trying to hide something. Although Conway's concealment skills are extremely clumsy, I also know that if there is something he doesn't want to say, then there is no power in the world that can make him say it. So, I was thinking quickly, what is the meaning of Liu Xu's unfinished sentence, what are "those computer friends"?What role can it play?I just thought about it for a while, and my heart couldn't help beating wildly! Conway XVII is a computer in itself—a super, cosmic-level computer! There are many ways to communicate between computers.Theoretically speaking, all the computers on the earth can be connected together—the reason why this kind of phenomenon has not yet commonly appeared is because human computer civilization has not yet developed to this point. But Conway is different. He is not a computer for people on earth. He is a universe-level computer, and he must have super powers to communicate with all computers on earth.In other words, he can use the data stored in all computers on the earth! I'm afraid his ability is far more than that, some computers outside the earth must also be his "friends", and he can borrow friends' information at any time! In other words, what Conway has mastered is a lot of information on the whole earth and beyond! All of a sudden, I felt uncomfortable all over again-it was my fear and disgust that the computer would eventually become the master of the future. What's more, Conway now wants to hide the fact that he has such a super ability, let alone what his intentions are! When my thoughts were fluctuating, I saw Liu Xu pulled Conway's hand and said, "I don't think it's wise to hide the truth from Mr. Wei—because he will definitely discover the truth." I couldn't help but lose my voice: "You praise my field too much." And Conway explained: "I didn't hide it on purpose, but Wei Jun has never liked computers, and I was afraid of offending him." Liu Xu said: "The reason why he hates it is because the computer is crazy and always wants to hide something from humans." Conway sighed: "Where did the computer try to hide anything? Everything is there, but too many people turn a blind eye and think they are in charge of the computer. How can it be the computer? It's just that many people are too confident. Confident lovers don't know that their lovers have moved on, and they think they are fascinated by them!" Of course, ninety-nine percent of their conversations were for me. I reacted immediately: "Okay, you two, stop arguing with each other, please tell me what role computer friends can play!" Before Kangwei could answer, Liu Xu rushed to say: "In the computer, there are many health information of important people—" She just said one sentence, and I understood—after computers have become an indispensable part of human life, there are still secrets between people.But the relationship between human and computer is intimate, and there are no more secrets at all.No matter how secret the information is, it must be known to the computer, and it must be kept, classified, analyzed and researched by it. The same is true for human health data, which must be processed by computers-this is also the essence of modern medicine. Therefore, it is the most straightforward way to obtain anyone's body information through a computer. I am a little skeptical that the physical condition data of the big people will include their DNA genetic data? I brought this up, and Conway remained silent—he seemed preoccupied. But as soon as Liu Xu heard my question, she laughed a little out of composure: "Of course, those people are so afraid that the country will fall into the hands of others. The delusion passed down from generation to generation by Qin Shihuang has taken root in the minds of the Chinese people." , Finding out who is whose descendant is the most important thing for them, and the most accurate way to determine bloodlines is to test the genetic data of DNA! They have already done the test!" The situation Liu Xu said made me feel extremely disgusted-this kind of delusion that occurred in the era of Qin Shihuang is one of the main reasons why some people on earth are backward like insects! Conway turned to comfort me: "According to you, this—is a natural phenomenon." I sneered: "Yes, nature, like insects, has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is very stable-don't talk about this, your computer friend, can you really help in this regard?" Conway first glanced at Liu Xu, looking very embarrassed, and then he said: "Wei Jun, computers, like human brains, have their own principles. Some computers can sell all their information regardless of everything. Give it to others, but more computers are very ethical, if the information has been entered with an absolutely secret password, without a password, they are not willing to give the information to others casually.” My words are a bit merciless: "You are the king of computers, I don't believe you can't get the password." Conway exclaimed: "Because I am the king of computers, I have the responsibility to maintain the integrity of computers. How can I take the lead in destroying it?" I wanted to say something else, but I saw Conway on the screen, his face was flushed, and even his big beard was trembling constantly, showing his mood, he was very excited, and he said quickly: "Wesley, you also have you!" The principle of being a human being has no power to destroy your principles!" I wanted to say, "I'm different, I'm a human, and a computer is a computer." But before I could speak, Conway said, "Please respect computers—we are another form of life. Our form You need to strictly enforce some principles in your life, otherwise, you can imagine the consequences!" I was both annoyed and horrified. Can Conway's words be regarded as a threat?Of course not, but after listening to it, it makes people feel extremely uncomfortable. I said irritably, "It's fine if you don't want to take any more action, why bother talking so much!" "I'm just explaining my situation," Conway said. Liu Xu suddenly sneered: "Actually, there is a way to have the best of both worlds, it's just that you don't want to—it's not a matter of choice, it's a must!" Conway blushed, hesitant to speak, and I stood aside with malicious intentions: "What is the method, tell me, let me do the notarization, and see if it is not possible or not." Liu Xu said: "He can collect the computer data and compare it with this bunch of numbers, and then come to the conclusion that only he knows the whole process, and only he maintains the principle. The top-secret information is still top-secret." I pretended to think about it: "Yes, this is indeed a good way to get the best of both worlds." Liu Xu squinted at Kang Wei, resentful but not resentful, half smiling but not smiling, with all kinds of amorous feelings and tenderness like water.Conway, a new form of life, couldn't bear the gaze. He let out a long sigh and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. Conway raised his hands and said, "I've already told you, but you don't believe me." Liu Xu stretched out her hand and pointed forward—she knew that I was facing the screen: "You tell Wesley." Conway called Qu: "You are my wife, can I still lie to you?" Liu Xu said, "It's hard to say, you men are best at deceiving your wives, but you can't deceive your friends!" Conway made a helpless look and made a face at me. I don't really appreciate the flirting between the two of them, but I am also very happy to see that in Liu Xu's mind, Conway and a For real living people, there is no difference. I urged: "Have you already done it in private? How was the result? None of them were?" Conway spread his hands: "This is a conceivable result. Those who can obtain information have obtained them, but none of them have anything to do with Ms. Mu's fate, and none of them have anything to do with that pile of numbers." My heart moved: "Including the body that has been completely preserved?" Conway looked at me meaningfully: "You didn't think of it until now? I was the first to think of him." I couldn't help it, and my breath was a little short: "It's him? He and a four-digit number at the beginning of the eight character... There are many legends that he is related to this four-digit number, and that four-digit number is this bunch of numbers——" Conway waved his hand vigorously at me: "Yes, I was the first to notice him because of these legends. However, it turns out that Xiuzhen has nothing to do with him, and these numbers are not his destiny." I was not convinced: "But there are many facts that prove that he is extremely sensitive to this number. He even assigned the number of his imperial army to this number. This cannot be a coincidence!" Liu Xu, who was at the side, obviously didn't think of this until then, so she couldn't help taking a breath, her expression became very strange. It's no wonder she, because she is well aware of the impact of this kind of blood relationship in a backward and reactionary society. In the "Preface" of this story, I once said with emotion: "Who is the son of someone, or who is not the son of someone, is originally just a small matter between someone and someone, but in some Under these circumstances, it can be a major event that affects tens of thousands of people, which is really strange." And this "extremely strange" situation has existed in ancient times, and it is especially strong today.To give an easy-to-understand example, in ancient times, who was the son of who was who, and what affected people's livelihood only happened to one or two people. For example, the prince was the son of the emperor. Whether it is virtuous or stupid, whether it is human face or animal heart, is related to the life and death of hundreds of millions of people.But that is only a matter between the prince and the emperor. However, now the "Prince" has become a party in groups.A large group of wolves roared and walked, because this group was the son of another group. Liu Xu grew up in that environment, so she naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, that's why she had such a weird and terrifying expression. Naturally, I also know that the matter is not trivial, but I know Mu Xiuzhen's character, even if she is really related to that person in blood, she is just a wish, and she will definitely not join this circle of power to bring disaster to the country and the people. But Conway said that "there is no connection", so he was deliberately concealing it?Or is it true? Conway's statement is: "The use of this number, I no longer think it is a coincidence. My assumption is that he, the supreme leader, knows the existence of this pile of numbers and knows about the existence of this pile of numbers. He may know better. Who does this pile of numbers belong to, that is to say, he knows all the details about this pile of numbers." I held my breath when I heard this, and Kang Weiji said: "So, he was very impressed with these numbers. Naturally, he used them by the way when he named his 'Guardian Army'." Conway added: "There is no other explanation." My thoughts were still in a mess, Liu Xu said: "I don't think this possibility is very big, the whole thing is a bit hard to justify." Conway said: "Use your imagination, you two, please use your imagination to piece together the stories of that year!" Liu Xu smiled wryly: "To piece together a story, there must be materials that can be pieced together, otherwise how do you put it together, how do you put it together?" Conway was leisurely, and even took some time off to straighten his beard: "There's a lot of material, so let me start first: In that camp, there is a certain A with a prominent status and a beautiful woman. No love affair—" Liu Xu suddenly interjected, "I'd rather they really have a relationship!" Conway immediately agreed: "Okay, in the years of hard struggle and the hectic times of war, everyone has lofty ideals that they think can be realized, so it is easy to arouse romantic feelings and burst into love." sparks of—” I didn't wait for him to play any further, so I stopped him bluntly: "Can you make a long story short?"
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