Home Categories detective reasoning Ten Deadly Sins 3

Chapter 30 Chapter 25 Sunflower Sunward

Ten Deadly Sins 3 蜘蛛 3901Words 2018-03-03
The monitor on the street corner once captured a disgusting scene in the park. A ragged homeless boy was sleeping on a park bench. At dawn, a car drove past him. After a while, the car reversed and the driver Get out of the car, look down at the homeless boy, quietly take off his pants, and lie on his body.After waking up, the homeless boy struggled hard. The driver tried and left resentfully. When he left, he wanted to hug the homeless boy into the car. In addition to facing sexual harassment, homeless people have two dangers: dogs and mysterious people who capture them. The "black brick kiln" case in Hongdong County caused a national sensation. 31 migrant workers were kidnapped to a brick factory and forced to work without pay. Among them were 9 mentally handicapped people and some child laborers.

Han Honglian, director of the Women's Federation in Moshi Village, Lei County, illegally detained several homeless men, kept them in captivity in the mountains, restricted their freedom, and sold them as slaves at will. Many years ago, a crazy woman appeared on the streets of Daze Township. She was a bit attractive, fair-skinned, with clean hair and clothes. She must be a mentally ill person who lost her home.Crazy women often hang around in the market, pick up rotten vegetables and leaves to eat, and sleep at night on the concrete platform where the fish is sold or under the bridge hole.Her spirit was up and down, and there were words written by her in lime on the bridge pillars, telling passers-by not to defecate here, because this is her home.

People found that the belly of the crazy woman was gradually growing, and it was not known which wicked ghost did it. Later, the crazy woman disappeared, and a bachelor dragged her back home forcibly in the middle of the night. The bachelor's name is Qingshan, and he lives in a stone house at the west end of Dongshigu Village. His house is always cold and smells bad. There is a pigsty outside the house, and sunflowers are planted in two acres of land outside the pigsty.The bachelor Han Qingshan was embarrassed to say that she was a wife picked up on the street, but told the villagers that she was a bought daughter-in-law.In his mind, and in the eyes of the villagers, buying is more important than picking up something that looks decent.

Several people in the village are bought wives, and some of those bought wives have run away, and some have become aunts who pick cotton in the fields, or aunts who bask in the sun under the wall and hold the soles of their shoes. The mad woman gave birth to a child for the bachelor, and the child grew up as time went by. When a crazy woman is awake, she is just like a normal person. When she is sick, she doesn't know anyone, and she can't even take care of herself.She can write and read newspapers, she can knit sweaters, but she still can't remember where her home is. Qingshan said: My father and I went to work to earn money, treat your illness, and cure your mental illness.

The crazy woman said: After it is cured, I will know where I came from. Are you afraid that I will run away? Qingshan said: Don't be afraid, you have a baby, and we have sunflowers at home, you like to eat melon seeds. The child called mother and said, mother, don't run away, don't run away even when you are cured, no matter how crazy you are, you are still my mother. The crazy woman said: "Oh, I can't bear it either, I don't know where to go when I get confused. The bachelor Han Qingshan made a wish when he burned incense during the New Year, and the father and son decided to go to work to earn money to cure the mad woman.

He kowtowed and said to the Buddha in his heart that he had done a wrong thing in his life, but also a good thing. He raped a mentally handicapped woman more than once on a concrete platform in the township market, which was wrong. The good thing he did was to bring this woman home. Even people living in the quagmire yearn for a better tomorrow, just as a sunflower in the dark can always tell the direction of the sun. The crazy woman knitted a pair of linen pants for each of the father and son. She has been weaving these two pieces of linen pants on and off for three years.On the eve of working, Qingshan entrusted his crazy daughter-in-law to his second aunt to take care of her.

Qingshan said, give her something to eat. Qingshan's son said, don't let my mother run around. The father and son went to work and never came back... Is it a way of being greeted by madwomen hungry and skinny wandering the village like ghosts, day and night?She didn't know when her husband and son would come back, and she didn't know which way to come back. This delirious woman occasionally had a moment of sobriety. She looked at the entrance of the village in a daze, and marked the front and back of the village with lime. She was worried. Once I walked out of this village, I was lost in the sea of ​​people and never came back.

On the wall of that stone house, there is a word she wrote: home. According to the confession of the criminal suspect Guo Wu, the Guo brothers met Qingshan father and son who went out to work at the train station.They are all villagers of Dongshigu Village, and they had such a conversation at the train station: Boss Guo said to Qingshan and his son: Qingshan, where are you going to work? Qingshan said: I don’t have any skills, I went to the construction team to move bricks and work as a steel bar worker. Boss Guo and Guo Er exchanged glances, and asked tentatively, "Why don't you and I go to work in the mine and earn more money than doing small jobs."

Guo Er hurriedly said: "Brother, no, it's agreed to let the third and fourth children go, and the mine manager doesn't want outsiders." Qingshan's son folded his arms and asked, "How much money can I earn? Is it enough to treat my mother?" Boss Guo said: Hard work, more pay, is better than working as a laborer. Qingshan hesitated for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly: How about I join you as a companion and go to work in the mine? Boss Guo: Then you replace the third child. You have to call me brother in the mine, and you have to change your surname to Guo. They don’t want outsiders in the mine, for fear of accidents.

Qing Shan nodded and said: Medium. Boss Guo said to Qingshan's son: My son, you have to call me uncle and his uncle. Qingshan son: OK. Boss Guo said: Come, come, call the uncle. Qingshan son: Uncle. Boss Guo pointed to Guo Er and said: Call him uncle. Qingshan's son shouted to Guo Er: "His uncle." Boss Guo slapped Qing Shan's son on the head, and cursed: "Grandma is a bastard, you idiot." Boss Guo once again emphasized the seriousness of the matter, because working underground is very dangerous, and accidents in small coal mines occur frequently, so no novices or outsiders are required in the mine.Boss Guo and Guo Er helped Qingshan father and son to apply for fake ID cards, and repeatedly told them not to reveal their real identities, otherwise the coal mine owner would fire them and not even get their wages.

The Guo brothers tricked Qingshan and his son into trusting each other, and together they went to work in a small coal mine. The contract signed between the mine owner and the miner read in black and white: In the event of an accident, compensation of 50 yuan for one finger and 30,000 yuan for one life. The Guo brothers killed Qingshan father and son in the mine and faked it as a mine accident, and demanded compensation from the kiln owner.They have committed this crime of homicide to obtain compensation many times before.Because there are fewer and fewer mentally handicapped homeless people on the street, they can't find suitable victims, so they are extremely vicious and extend their clutches to the fellow villagers in their village. When killing Qingshan's son, this young man who had just grown up and begged for mercy, cried and said: "Master, uncle, don't kill me, I have to earn money to see a doctor for my mother." Guo Er said: Okay, you turn around and don't open your eyes. Qingshan's son turned around and said: If you kill me, then my mother will be left alone. Boss Guo slammed the crowbar on the head of Qingshan's son, and he said: You are worth 30,000 yuan. The Guo brothers piled coal on the dead Qingshan father and son, faking the scene of a mine collapse. Blacker than coal is the heart of man! These coals are like piled graves, and their bodies are covered with ancient weeping willows and cumin seedlings hundreds of millions of years ago. The safety measures of small coal mines are not perfect. Once an accident occurs, the owner of the mine just wants to make the big trouble small.If the Coal Bureau or the Labor Bureau find out that someone died in the mine, in addition to fines, they will also face the situation of suspending production for rectification.The kiln owner wanted to lose money as soon as possible, and the Guo brothers wanted more pensions. They pretended to be sad and bargained at the same time. After some negotiations, the kiln owner took out the money, and the two parties finally signed an agreement that the accidental death had nothing to do with the kiln owner. . In more than a year, the Guo brothers killed a total of eight people. Except for Qingshan and his son, the rest were mentally handicapped people found on the street.In their eyes, those vagrants and those mentally handicapped are all money, with a life of 30,000 yuan.For the disposal of the corpse, they chose the simplest way: burying. Guo Er said: Cremation requires a death certificate. Guo San said: This is not a problem. There are so many fake certificates on the street. They can do ID cards and household registration books, and they can also do death certificates. Boss Guo said: The problem is, cremation costs money, why should we spend that money? Guo Si said: That's right, what the elder brother said is right, I think, just find a place to bury it. Guo Wu said: Bury it, it will save money. The Guo brothers buried all eight corpses in the field outside the village. The police never found out who dug up one corpse and dragged it to a hole in the river bank.The special case team thought of the crazy wife of the deceased Qingshan. For a lunatic, this weird behavior has a reasonable explanation. But how did this crazy woman discover where the body was buried? She wrote on the wall with lime, she inserted branches on the side of the road, and she made some marks in front of and behind the village. The crazy woman was worried that she would be lost and never find her home again. Even at night, she wandered around the village, waiting for her husband and son to come back. No matter day or night, she will wait forever, although the person who is waiting will never come back.Was there ever a moment's tender recollection of life in the confused mind of this madwoman?When she was awake, sitting in the dim light, what was she thinking when she was knitting line pants for her husband and son? Later, when she claimed the belongings of the deceased, why did she suddenly shed tears? When you leave a person, you realize how much you need him. When the special case team was leaving, it was raining again in Daze Township... The crazy woman stood in the rain stupidly, looking at her stone house, and there was a word she wrote on the wall: home. Sunflowers were planted in the field outside the door, their heads had been cut off, and only the stalks were left in the rain.The fruit of the sunflower is the seed.Everyone who has eaten sunflower seeds has his own path. He knows the coldness of the night and the pain of the rain. As long as he walks down, he will always meet his own flower, and the blooming one has been waiting Own sunflowers. The sunflower in my heart will never wither. The special case team went to Qingshan's second aunt's house on purpose, and wanted to visit the blind Chen Guangcheng again. Qingshan father and son entrusted the crazy woman to the care of the second aunt of the family when they went out to work, but the second aunt didn't even give her a bite of food. will die. Qingshan's second aunt defended herself on the grounds that Qingshan did not give money. Professor Liang took out a sum of money and gave it to Qingshan’s second aunt. This lovely old man said in a serious and threatening tone: The money is placed in your house by the Public Security Bureau. The crazy woman eats it in one bite, if she starves to death, I will arrest you and put you in prison! Because the case had been solved, the guards refused the request of the special case team to visit Chen Guangcheng. Hualong had a physical conflict with them. He knocked down several guards by himself. The branch secretary fled in embarrassment.The guards used the walkie-talkie to ask for emergency help from their superiors, and the panda arrived by car. The department where this person worked turned out to be the superior department in charge. Su Mei said: He has already been released from prison, why restrict his freedom? Bao Zhan said: Don't we even have the right to visit him? Hualong said: Come and fight with me, panda. The panda said: I am also following orders, can you beat me, can you fight against this system? Professor Liang said: He has not been released from prison. He is still in prison. This prison is very large, covering several million square kilometers. The Provincial Public Security Bureau mediated and resolved the conflict between the special case team and the local government.The special case team left in a hurry, and they couldn't see Chen Guangcheng before leaving. They sat in the car and looked back at the scary little village.The men there regard human life as insignificant, and they can kill and break the law for a little money; the women there are proud of cursing the streets, and they have no shame in uttering all kinds of foul language; the villagers there can watch a woman starve to death. There, a blind man was suffering. There, sunflower seeds wait to germinate in the dirt. Su Mei turned on her laptop and searched for the latest news about the blind man on the Internet. She clicked on a web link, and a foreign video advertisement about the Internet popped up. The advertisement was as follows—— If one day I can no longer run, Would you like to help me run down. If I can't reach the end, Would you like to take me forward. if you can't speak, I would like to speak for you. If one day you mourn and cry, I want to be by your side. If I ask you what you hear, Can you feel my heart. If this is the future of a country, Would you like to let him sleep soundly. If my body can't hold the dream, Would you like to lend me your arms. If I run out of words, Would you like to be with me, Even without saying a word...
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