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Chapter 11 Chapter Ten Love

a place 倪匡 7462Words 2018-03-14
After talking to himself like this, he looked at us, obviously wanting to listen to our opinions, and we all cast our eyes on Bai Su at the same time.It is obvious that each of us has the same answer, and it is recommended that Bai Su speaks out the answer.Because Bai Su knows how to tell the truth in the least hurtful way, so as to reduce the pain in the hearts of the parties involved. Bai Su sighed and said, "Actually, no matter what method you use, the result will be the same!" Rock shook his head, expressing his unwillingness to accept such an argument, he said: "How could it be? My love is so sincere!"

Bai Su sighed again: "But the other party has no concept of love at all!" Rock's failure to court that girl was something that everyone could have expected, and the reason for the failure couldn't be simpler and clearer, which is what Bai Su said. But the rock still refused to accept. He shook his head: "She doesn't know what love is. I can use various methods to make her understand. As long as you give me time, I can definitely do it!" Seeing Yan Yan's expression of pain, everyone couldn't bear to laugh at him.And everyone can't completely deny Rock's statement, given him time, can he make that girl understand what love is?

We all know that his courtship will inevitably fail, but he hasn't said what happened next. Why didn't he have the opportunity to explain to the girl in detail what love is? I gestured for him to continue. Rock sighed, his expression blank.He always thought that he did something wrong to lead to such a result, so when he continued to narrate what happened at that time, he was extremely frustrated. After he said those words at that time, the girl did not have the reaction he expected at all, but was extremely at a loss, with a very helpless expression on her pretty face, instead of throwing herself at the rock, she took a step back .

Of course, the girl was surprised by the action of the rock, so when she backed up, her footsteps were a little unsteady, and the man next to her naturally reached out to help her.When the rock saw it, he immediately stretched out his hand and pushed hard towards the man's chest. He pushed so hard that the man fell to the ground. When Rock made the move, he certainly thought that his actions were no big deal, at most the man jumped up and fought him. But the moment the man fell, he knew something was wrong. Suddenly, everyone around stopped moving, and everyone looked at the man who fell on the ground. Everyone's expressions were extremely incomprehensible. Obviously, they saw something that they had never seen before. There will be such a reaction.

Later, I found out that they had never seen such a thing before, and they never even thought that such a thing would happen.There, only someone helped someone when he was about to fall, and no one was ever pushed down. Therefore, the action of the rock caused no one to know what was going on, and caused incomparable astonishment.Fortunately, there, people don't have the emotion of "anger", otherwise the rock might be killed on the spot! (Of course, that is an assumption. There, there is no such thing as "beating people" at all.) Seeing everyone's reaction like this, Rock knew that his behavior had aroused extreme disgust from everyone here.But he didn't care, he was going to further express his sincere love to the girl, and at the same time he was going to explain to the girl how great and indispensable love is, and a life without love is not life at all. ...Wait for a whole set of principles that are considered natural and righteous in the world, never tire of being heard, and I don't know how many times they have been said, and there will always be people who will continue to say them.

However, he didn't have a chance to speak. It wasn't anyone who stopped him from speaking, but the scene he saw made him open his mouth wide but couldn't make a sound. He saw that the man was so overwhelmed that he couldn't stand up after being pushed to the ground by him, and the first to recover from the extreme astonishment was the shepherdess who made a move. Helped up. Rock walked over to her, wanting to express his love for her, but the girl's eyes were shooting at him at this moment, and when he met the girl's eyes, Rock was not only speechless.And he could no longer take a step forward, and even shuddered involuntarily!

The girl's eyes were full of cold contempt and disdain, showing her extreme disgust and contempt for rocks. This kind of vision is enough to make anyone with a little conscience feel ashamed.In the eyes of the people there, Rock's behavior is so bad that it is indescribable, but in the human world, this kind of behavior is so common that it is not a big deal at all, so Rock is not a person without conscience, he is just a Burned by love a little lack of reason.This kind of situation is considered very romantic and lovely in the world. Next, the girl turned her head away and stopped looking at the rock, and everyone else returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, the girl and the man hugged and walked away, everyone They treat rocks as if they don't exist.

When Yan Yan regained his composure from that gaze, he could no longer see the girl. Before Yan Yan's eyes, all that was shaking was the girl's graceful and moving back when she walked away, but the back was changing rapidly. The ground disappeared, and the eyes became a blank. The rock didn't remember whether he made a loud noise at that time, he turned around and ran towards the high slope: he ran to the highest point, rushed down again, and ended up rolling down the high slope, and when he was rolling faster and faster , for a very short period of time, he felt that something happened, but at that time his mood was extremely disturbed, he only felt that the girl's eyes were stabbing at him like a sharp knife, and he couldn't think about other things at all. , so it is impossible to know what happened.

He finally stopped rolling, and when he was panting for breath and wanted to stand up, under the moonlight, he saw a wild rabbit not far in front of him. This was a very common scene, but the rock was suddenly taken aback.Since he entered that place, all the creatures he saw had shapes he had never seen before.However, the hare he saw now was an animal he had known since childhood, and its appearance was extremely familiar. The rock knew immediately that something had happened, and what had happened was that he had left that place and returned to the world. He didn't know how he got there, and he didn't know how he left there again. Everything was like a dream, only the girl, but it was deeply imprinted in his mind and could never be erased.

Rock looked at himself then, naked.Originally, he had been used to this for two years, but at this time he felt unusually uncomfortable, the temperature was too low, and he felt cold.And immediately there were many bugs biting him, which would never happen in that place. Rock tried his best to calm himself down, the first thing he had to do was to go back to that place!Go to that girl again and express your love to her. But for the next few tens of days, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find his way back to that place. He felt that he needed help, so he found an indigenous tribe. It didn't take long before he got in touch with his happy grandfather and knew his How far his family has searched since his disappearance.

Originally, as long as the rock thought about it rationally, he could know that he would never find that place again.A large-scale search has not found the existence of that place at all. How else can he find that place? However, the beautiful image of the shepherdess occupied his entire brain, making him lose his mind, and he would go to that place again desperately. For about ten years, he continued to search the local area, and went from one tribe to another, asking who knew the place, but not only no one had heard of such a place, but there were many ancient legends in the tribe. Among them, there has never been a case related to that place. All the aborigines within a radius of several hundred miles told him that there was no such place at all, and everything was his delusion. Among them, the statement made by the happy grandfather is the most acceptable. The happy grandfather said: There is a tuber of a plant in the deep mountain, which looks similar to taro, and can satisfy hunger, but after eating this kind of thing, people will have hallucinations. Hallucinations have a strong sense of reality, making it difficult to distinguish between real and fake. The happy grandfather judged that after the rock fell from the cliff, he used this plant as food, and because it was quite delicious and easy to obtain, the rock kept eating it, and the illusion produced continued. Until he may have eaten something by accident, which offset the toxicity of that plant, so he returned to the real world from the illusion. As a headhunter, it is not easy for the happy grandfather to be able to make such an analysis of Rock's adventure.Yet The Rock refused to accept it at all. Not to mention that the rock refuses to accept it. Although this is the most acceptable statement, even we feel that although this possibility cannot be said to be completely impossible, it is really unlikely. When The Rock said he didn't accept the statement, he looked at us, noting our reaction.Seeing that we didn't believe it, he had a relieved expression, and said loudly: "I am very aware of what happened to me, of course it is not a hallucination!" All the people present could only snort happily, with disdainful expressions on their faces. Rock has never left that island, spending a long time with his happy grandfather, whose only purpose in life is to go to that other place again. His words and deeds, even among the headhunters, are regarded as lunatics, and gradually fewer and fewer people pay attention to him, Rock is lonely and helpless.I had no choice but to find children to confide in: at first there were a large group of children, and later there were fewer and fewer, only happy. Since infancy, I have been with Rock. Adventures, tell happy over and over again. One old and one young have become not only friends, but also have a relationship like relatives, so I call Rock a grandfather when I am happy. Unexpectedly, the modern scientific knowledge that Gao Xing obtained from the rock gradually accumulated, forming her logical concept of analyzing things, and the concept was completely based on scientific principles. Thinking with this concept, Gao Xing came to the conclusion that even if her grandfather's analysis was far from the truth, the so-called Rock's adventure was still just Rock's delusion! The appearance of such a result really made Yan Yan dumbfounded, but although the two disagreed in this regard, the family relationship between them still existed.This forms the peculiar situation when they get along. Rock continued to work hard for several years before he began to contact the outside world for help. He did not ask his own family for help, but contacted his good friend Tycoon.The tycoon was astonished to learn that the rock was not killed.But he didn't know what the rock had been doing all these years. The rock insisted on keeping the fact that he was still alive a secret from the tycoon. Through the tycoon, the rock obtained many sophisticated and advanced search instruments for him to find the place. But the search was still fruitless. The most recent development was half a year ago. The tycoon even cooperated with the local government and put an artificial satellite into the sky in the name of survey. On this island, find out where the blue races that the rock says are inhabited. The tycoon’s explanation for the function of this artificial satellite is: “As a result of the satellite search, three caveman tribes that were never known before were discovered, with a total of 28 people! Four unrecorded species were also discovered. trees." The tycoon explained the function of the artificial satellite in this way, and he couldn't understand that even such a tiny thing can be found. It is impossible for the basin that the rock said to be inhabited by tens of thousands of people not to be discovered. When the tycoon said this, everyone felt that the only conclusion was: "There is no such place." Only Rock still shook his head, refusing to accept the results of the satellite search. When the rock was so unwilling to face the facts, the tycoon was very angry. At that time, the tycoon probably knew what the rock was looking for, and he said to the rock in anger: "I don't know what you are doing, I just know that I can't provide any further information. Maybe, hum, only Wesley can help you!" This turned out to be the reason why I was lucky enough to hear Rock talk about his adventures!And the tycoon usually doesn't seem very friendly to me. Judging from the fact that he said this to the rock, it can prove my place in his subconscious.Although his tone was not very good when he mentioned me, of course there is no need to worry about it. Rock didn't know who Wesley was at the time, so the tycoon introduced me to Rock. He specially sent two people who were familiar with the stories I described to meet Rock and tell Rock everything about me as much as possible. Rock didn't know if he had no choice but to go to the doctor in a hurry, or he really thought I could find that place, so he asked the tycoon to arrange to meet me. The tycoon was afraid that he would not be able to invite me, so he asked Tao Qiquan to come forward.As for the four experts, it was proposed by Rock himself, and the most worth mentioning is the so-called "array expert". It turns out that after a lot of contact with the stories I described, the rock is most interested in some of the parts related to the "array".He thought it was very possible, that place was under the cover of a very effective formation, so he couldn't find it after exhausting all methods. Rock can think of this, it can be said that he has racked his brains to the extreme.As for the four experts, they didn't believe in Rock's adventure at all, and that was also something he hadn't expected. When Yan Yan said that he suddenly saw a wild bird and realized that he had left that place and returned to the world, his narration of the "adventure" had come to an end.Then he spent a lot of time talking about his efforts to find and return to that place for more than 20 years. He described these events in great detail, and I condensed what he said, with a ratio of about ten thousand to one, because it is really not interesting to search for the details of the experience, and because the result is nothing. What is even more frustrating for the seekers is that all the results point to a conclusion that there is no such place as the rock said. So when the rock finally finished what he wanted to tell us, he looked at us, especially at me and Bai Su, it was completely the last hope in despair, as long as we said "that place is not at all Existence" such a conclusion, he will definitely collapse immediately! Bai Su and I looked at each other, and said in unison: "We believe in your history, there is indeed that place, and everything you encountered in that place is real, not delusional!" We affirmed this first, which is like giving a booster injection to a seriously ill patient, keeping his life first, and then slowly thinking of a way. Sure enough, after listening to our words, the rock was greatly relieved, and hope was rekindled in his eyes.He opened his mouth wide and did not make a sound, but we all know that he is asking: "Since there exists that place, why am I searching for the Dharma like this, but still can't find it?" This is a most critical question. While listening to the narration of the rock, I have already made many assumptions and speculations, and I have a certain idea. And when the rock described his experience in detail, I also exchanged our ideas with Bai Su and Hong Ling, and there was basically no disagreement.So at this time, I can express my thoughts without waiting for the rock to ask. I took a breath and said, "Don't forget, the circumstances of your entry into that place are extremely strange, this is the main point!" After hearing this, Yan Yan had a comprehensible expression, and said, "Yes, I was... pulled into the cliff by that animal." When he said this, he paused for a moment, and then smiled wryly, "Should I dig through the cliff to find that place?" Hong Jun reacted first, shook his head, and said, "Even if you leveled all the cliffs on the island, you still can't find that place." Gao Xing snorted: "Because there is no such place!" Hong Ling continued to shake her head and said, "No, because that place is in another dimension!" When Hong Ling said this, it was not easy for people to fully understand, but she had already made it clear.Let me talk to Bai Su, and I won't be able to explain it more clearly. Everyone frowned, digesting Hong Ling's words, Zhu Jin was the first to question, she said: "But in that place, you can see the sun, moon and stars, the same sun and moon as what we see! " That's the question that's on my mind, and I don't have an answer.And when Zhu Jin was talking, she looked at Hong Ling, which could show that she wanted Hong Ling to give her an answer. From this, it can be seen that she attached great importance to Hong Ling in her heart. Since Zhu Jin is such an extraordinary character, it is certainly not easy to get her attention, which makes me and Bai Su very happy.But at the same time, I was also very worried, because I didn't know if Hong Ling could give an answer. Hong Ling thought about it for a while, and said: "We know very little about multidimensional space, and we don't even know how much there is in another space. All the records of how spaces communicate with each other throughout the ages are only "accidental." 'And that's it. Even if someone has been to another space, the records are not as detailed as what Mr. Rock described. So what kind of existence in another space can only be imagined. What Mr. Rock saw in that place is what we saw The same celestial phenomenon, this situation shows that in another dimension, there are similarities with the dimension we are in.” After she spoke, she paused for a while and continued: "I can only make this assumption, and I can't explain further." Bai Su and I applauded first, Zhu Jin came and hugged Hong Ling, and the rest nodded repeatedly, only happy with disdain. We all feel that Hongya's words have used language very well to explain things that we don't know anything about.And Gao Xing had this kind of reaction, of course, it is very obvious that she has no knowledge of the other dimension. She may not have heard of the other dimension at all, so of course she has no way of knowing what Hong Ling is talking about. up. Later, Hong Ling patiently explained to Gao Xing what "another space" is.But in fact, Hong Ling herself knows very little about it, so it is extremely difficult to be happy to understand.Finally, Gao Xing had some concepts, and her reaction was to laugh: "After all, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist!" We can't refute the statement of happiness, because if something exists in another dimension and cannot be seen, touched, or found, isn't it the same as non-existence? The most anxious person at that time was of course Rock, he grabbed Hong Ling's hand and said, "How can I enter another dimension?" Hong Ling spread her hands: "Earthlings, what I mean is that the life forms of Earthlings cannot take the initiative to break through the barriers between space and space, and can only make such breakthroughs by chance." Rock stayed for a while, then said, "Isn't it the life form of Earthlings?" Hong Ling glanced at me, and I nodded to her, encouraging her to continue talking.Hong Ling said: "The life forms that do not belong to the earth people can be collectively referred to as 'immortals'. Some immortals have the ability to break through space." Yan Yan looked bitter: "Where can I find the 'immortal'?" Hong Ling looked at me again, and passed this question to me. I thought about it and said, "Things are very helpless. People can only break through the space by chance, and they can only meet gods by chance. .” Rock clasped his head in his hands, made a whimpering sound, and trembled, looking in great pain.Gao Xing was beside him, patted his back, glared at us, and said loudly: "Don't give him hope anymore, tell him directly: that place doesn't exist, let him stop this thought completely, and he can have a few more days Have a nice day!" It was only at this time that we really understood the true intentions of this little headhunter girl for the sake of the rock.She wants Rock to admit that everything is delusional, so that Rock will not continue to work hard to find that place, and then he will not have to suffer the pain of finding no results, and being a person is interesting. However, we affirmed that what happened to the rock was a fact, and Ling Xing's efforts were completely in vain. No wonder she treated us so badly. At this moment, we all feel happy and justified. If the rock is to be happy for the rest of his life, he must stop looking for that place, and to stop him looking for that place, he must be convinced that everything is just a delusion. But what we just said is so certain, it is impossible to overthrow the statement just now, even if I say it, Rock will not believe it. We all felt very embarrassed, only Hong Ling smiled and said: "Tell him it's a delusion, and he won't believe it. Since the incident of breaking through the space happened to him once, it may happen a second time." Hearing what Hong Ling said, I couldn't help being surprised, and immediately said: "Please pay attention to the similar records in ancient and modern China and abroad. There has never been an example of a person breaking through the space twice." At this time, the "examples of breaking through space" that I refer to have indeed been recorded in history. The most common ones are when people suddenly go to a strange place and meet fairies... and so on.It is true that this kind of record is that after people leave, there is no chance to go back, and there is no second time. So I want to remind Hong Ling, don't promise anything indiscriminately, the chance of Rock returning to that place is zero! Hongling's reaction was beyond my expectation, she said: "It is true that no one can have two chances to break through the space, but what if that place is not another space?" I didn't expect her to ask this question.Indeed, that place is another space, but it is just our assumption. If that place is not another space, but another form of existence, then of course there is a chance to go there again. But what kind of a form of existence is that? At that time Gao Xing was very annoyed, and said loudly again: "Don't give him any unrealistic hopes, it will only make him disappointed again!" Hong Ling raised her eyebrows: "Why don't you ask him if he should stop being disappointed?" Rock has already answered immediately: "I am not afraid of disappointment. Disappointment can't make me lose anything, but I can gain something if I have a chance." Gao Xing actually knew how to quote idioms, she said coldly: "Flowers in the mirror!" Rock responded immediately: "It's good to have them and have a look." At this moment, Bai Su and I exchanged glances, both asking each other: What exactly does our daughter want to do? However, neither Bai Su nor I have an answer. We looked at Hongling together, and saw her expression was very determined, which meant that she had answered the question in our hearts, she was going to find that place! Bai Su and I exchanged glances again, Hong Ling was going to find the place Rock said, we had no reason to object, because whether she found it or couldn't find it, she had no loss.If found, it would be an extremely unusual find! She went to look for that place, and the situation was a bit like doing "business without capital", she would only make money and not lose money, so why should we object. The rest of the people also obviously understood Hong Ling's intentions, and they all felt that there was no harm.Tycoon and Tao Qiquan felt relieved that Hong Ling was willing to step out and had an explanation for the rock. The strongest reaction was Gao Xing, Hong Ling walked over, and said a few words with a smile in Gao Xing's ear, Xing Xing's attitude changed immediately, looked at Hong Ling, and nodded again and again. I don't know what Hong Ling said to Gao Xing, and Bai Su and I didn't know what Hong Ling did in the following days, we only knew that she sometimes appeared suddenly, sometimes disappeared, it was very mysterious. What Hongya does, of course, is beyond the scope of this story, which is about the strange experience of the rock.As for whether the place in the rock narrative is the Land of Ultimate Bliss or the place where the life sentence is served, everyone can decide according to their own ideas. And no matter how you decide, it will not change any facts, because no one will have the opportunity to go there. (full text)
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