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Chapter 15 end

get lost 倪匡 1164Words 2018-03-14
After Yuan Zhenxia finished speaking, Colonel Wen Gu was silent for a while, and then said: "There is another example, which proves that there are advanced creatures from extraterrestrials operating on the earth." Yuan Zhenxia asked: "There are already many?" Wen Gu looked very worried: "There are many, and the activities are various. If I have the opportunity, I will tell you a few typical ones. However, gathering energy on the earth, conducting space transfer experiments, and During the transfer process, it controls the activities of the human brain and causes people to hallucinate, which has never happened before."

Yuan Zhenxia murmured: "It's not an illusion! It's not an illusion!" He recalled the situation when he was transferred to that cave. At that time, the feeling was real. If he hadn't been too strong in reason, it would definitely be impossible. What would happen if he continued to develop? Colonel Wen Gu said again: "I heard you yelling and running forward, and immediately chased after you, but suddenly, you disappeared!" Yuan Zhenxia asked: "Where's Wang Yiheng? He didn't come again? Where's Huang... Huang Juan?" Wen Gu shook his head and said: "As soon as it was dawn, Huang Juan drove away, and Wang Yiheng did not appear."

Wen Gu really didn't know, because after he witnessed Yuan Zhenxia's sudden disappearance, he didn't leave until he turned around suddenly and saw Yuan Zhenxia appear again. Naturally, Wen Gu didn't know. Wang Yiheng thought it was almost midnight and when he was about to set off, he suddenly felt that Chief Nige's mysterious disappearance was too terrible, so he hesitated and didn't come down to Needle Peak. Of course, if he came, it would be in vain, because the energy required to transfer the space has been consumed by Yuan Zhenxia's action, which caused him to transfer in the space-this is what Yuan Zhenxia said in the conversation between the two people understand.

Yuan Zhenxia and Wen Gu naturally didn't know that when Huang Juan left without waiting for Wang Yiheng to appear, he met Wang Yiheng at the airport on Maoyi Island. After the two said happy new year to each other, Wang Yiheng invited Huang Juan went to his residence to stay for two days, Huang Juan readily agreed, and boarded Wang Yiheng's plane. Wen Gu and Yuan Zhenxia stayed under the Needle Point Peak for another three days, hoping to meet the two people who were talking to them, but there was no result.Wen Gu firmly believes that there must be some kind of device under the pinnacle peak, which can accumulate energy and achieve the purpose of space transfer.So he and Yuan Zhenxia searched carefully, but found nothing.Wen Gu smiled wryly, and said, "Now we at least know why Chen Weiru's soul doesn't contact us! One of the conditions for a human soul to exist independently of the body is that death occurs during the transfer of space!"

Yuan Zhenxia spread his hands: "How many people will die in this situation?" Wen Gu smiled wryly, and said, "Perhaps this is one of the reasons why spiritualists all over the world are disappointed!" After he said this, he suddenly said: "Doctor Yuan, your biography is quite similar to that described in a famous novel in your country: 'The Story of the Stone'." Yuan Zhenxia was stunned: "The story of the stone?" Wen Gu said: "Yes, this novel is also called 'Dream of the Red Building'. In that novel, a person gets a mirror, as long as he looks at the mirror, he will immediately go to another place, and In that place, there is another woman that he thinks about day and night, and that woman will completely follow his will and give him joy. This mirror has the function of shifting space and making people hallucinate."

Of course Yuan Zhenxia already understood that the novel Colonel Wen Gu mentioned was "Dream of Red Mansions".And the official name of that mirror is "Fengyue Baojian". After looking in the mirror, Jia Rui went to another dimension and met Wang Xifeng. Yuan Zhenxia immediately remembered the couplet in "Taixu Illusory Realm": when the fake is true, the real is also fake, there is nothing to do and nothing to do!
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