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Chapter 39 Chapter 35 Caemlyn

Rand knelt up with a relieved smile on his face. "We're here, Mat! I told you, we..." When he gradually saw the city in front of him clearly, he could no longer utter a word.Having seen Balon, especially the ruins of Shadarrogos, Rand already felt that he knew what a huge city looked like, but Caemlyn...she was far beyond what Rand could imagine . Houses were densely distributed outside the high city walls, as if all the villages and towns that Rand passed along the way were concentrated here.Many high-rise hotels protrude above tile-roofed houses.Compared with other buildings, warehouses without windows are like giants entrenched in them.Red brick houses, gray stone houses, and houses painted white with plaster were mixed together, extending out of Rand's sight.No one would notice even if Barron merged into this place. Even if Baiqiao Town was expanded twenty times and thrown here, it would hardly cause any ripples.

The stone wall was a curved gray cliff, fifty feet high, streaked with silver and white.Rand knew that it should be circular overall, but he couldn't estimate how long it was.Along the walls stood many circular towers, taller than the walls themselves.At the top of each tower stood a red and white banner, fluttering high in the wind, and many taller spiers and domes that shone white or golden in the sun could be seen in the city walls.In Rand's head were countless stories of great cities, the capitals of the greatest kings.Caemlyn is such a city, fit for all thrones, powers and legends.She filled Rand's wildest imaginations as easily as spring water fills a jar.

The cart drove towards the city on the wide avenue, towards several city gates connected together with tall towers on both sides.A caravan of wagons was filing out through the gates, over which the vaults of the gates could have carried ten giants abreast.There are markets on both sides of the road, the roof tiles are shining red and purple, and there are stables and corrals between the shops. The cattle, sheep, geese and chickens make different calls, and people are arguing about the price with the loudest voice.They moved through a noisy wall towards Caemlyn's gates. "Didn't I tell you?" Yamen had to use a voice that was almost shouted for Rand and Mat to hear, "This is the most magnificent city in the world, built by Ogi, at least the inner city and the palace are Their works. They are all very old. Caemlyn, the city of Queen Morgase, light shines on her, she made the laws, and kept the peace in Andor. This is truly the greatest city on land."

Rand wanted to agree with Yamen, but he could only open his mouth, but no sound came out.He wanted to cover his ears with his hands again, to drive out the noise completely.People crowded the roads, just like the people of Emmon's village crowded the green lawn at the beginning of the Spring Festival. Rand still remembered that when he was in Ballon, he couldn't believe that there were so many people in one place at the same time.Thinking of this, he almost laughed at himself.He smiled at Matt.Mat had really covered his ears, and he had tightened his shoulders as if to put them on his ears too.

"How do we hide in this place?" Mat yelled, seeing Rand turn his head to him. "How do we know who among all these people can be trusted? Damn, so many people. Bright, it’s still so noisy!” Rand glanced at Amen before answering.The old farmer had already given all his attention to the city, and with the noise, he might not be able to hear them.But Rand still brought his mouth to Mat's ear. "How did they find us among all these people? Don't you understand that? You wool-headed idiot. We're safe, as long as you learn to hold your damn tongue!" He held up his finger Those markets and the city walls in front. "Look, Mat! Anything can happen here, anything! We might even find Moiraine, and Egwene, and others."

"If they're alive. They're all as dead as walkers, if I ask you." The smile disappeared from Rand's face.He turned his head to look at the city gate that was getting closer.Anything could happen here, he stubbornly clings to the idea. Although Yamen was shaking the reins all the time, the horses pulling the cart could no longer go any faster. The closer they got to the city gate, the denser the crowd was.Rand was pleased to see that many of these people were disgraced young men who had come on foot, often with little luggage.The other travelers who flocked towards the city gate, regardless of their age, were also dusty, and their clothes were wrinkled because they hadn't been taken off for a long time.Their footsteps and eyes were exhausted.There were also a few worn-out carts and a few listless horses in the crowd.But no matter how much hardship they have experienced, everyone's eyes are fixed on the tall city gate, as if they can gain new strength just by walking in.

In front of the city gate stood six Queen's Guards. Their spotless red and white battle robes and mirror-like armor formed a sharp contrast with the crowd pouring into the city gate.They all stood up straight, with their heads held high, watching the people entering the city with disdainful and wary eyes.Obviously, they also want to drive all these bumpkins back to the country.However, apart from maintaining a smooth road out of the city and sternly accusing those who disturbed order, they did not indiscriminately use violence against anyone. "Be quiet, don't push, don't push. Let the light blind you! There is room for everyone here, and the light helps us! Keep your position."

Amen's cart slowly followed the crowd into Caemlyn. Caemlyn is located in a hilly area, and the low hills gradually rise towards the center, like layers of stairs.Around the center of the city was another gleaming wall of pure white, and within it were more spiers and domes of white and gold and purple, rising on the highest hill overlooking the rest of Caemlyn.That must be the inner city that Amen spoke of. The Caemlyn Avenue turned into a wide tree-lined avenue after entering the city gate. A partition made of grass and trees divided the avenue in two. The grass in the partition was all withered and yellow, and there were no leaves on the trees.But the hurrying passers-by didn't give it a second glance. They laughed, talked, argued, and did what everyone else would do everywhere, as if they were completely unaware that spring hadn't come yet, and that there wasn't any chance. The same signs of arrival.Rand believed that they really didn't notice that, whether they couldn't or didn't want to, their eyes always slipped away from the bare branches.They don't look down when they walk through dry grass.What is not seen means that there is no need to pay attention to it, and it means that it does not exist.

While Rand was still marveling at the city and the countless crowds, the cart turned into a street next to the avenue, which was much narrower than the avenue outside, but still twice as wide as the main street of Emond Village. .Yamen took the rein of the horse and looked back at him and Mat hesitantly.The crowd here is much thinner, and pedestrians don't have to stop when they bypass the cart. "What are you hiding under the cloak, is it really what Lemon said?" Rand was hoisting the saddlebags over his shoulders.He didn't even shudder. "What do you mean?" His voice was also steady, his guts were already tangled, but his voice was steady.

Mat covered his mouth and yawned, but he also slipped his other hand under his coat at the same time.Rand knew that he had caught Shadarrogos' dagger.Wrapped under a scarf over his head, his eyes were fierce.Yamen avoided Mat's gaze, as if he knew Mat was holding a weapon in his hand hidden under his coat. "Nothing interesting. Listen, if you heard the news that I was going to Caemlyn, then you probably heard the conversation we had earlier. If I really wanted anything, I'd go to 'The Goose and the Crown' Looked for Lymon in there. But I don't like him very much, and I don't like his friends at all. It seems that he wants you two... more than anything."

"I don't know what he wants," Rand said. "We've never seen him before." That might be true, since he couldn't tell the difference between the Hermits. "Well, well, like I said, I don't know anything, and I guess I don't want to know. Everyone's got a lot of trouble, no more trouble." Matt was slow to pack his bags.When he got up to climb out of the car, Rand was already standing in the street, waiting impatiently.Mat jumped out of the cart, hung the longbow, quiver, and luggage on his chest, and turned around stiffly, still muttering something in a low voice.There were two heavy dark circles under his eyes. Rand's stomach was growling again.He frowned, hunger accompanied by inner tension, which made him feel like vomiting.Matt looked at him expectantly.where to go nowwhat to do Yamen leaned over the cart and waved to them, and Rand walked over, hoping to get some advice about Caemlyn. "I'll hide it..." The old farmer paused, looking around alertly.People hurried by on both sides of the cart, but no one really paid attention to them except for the occasional curse from someone because the cart blocked the road. "Don't carry it," Yamen said, "hide it, sell it, or give it away, that's my advice. Stuff like that attracts attention, and I guess you don't want it .” Then he sat up straight suddenly, shook the reins, and walked slowly forward through the crowd without saying a word or looking back.A wagon full of barrels rumbled toward them.Rand jumped to the side of the road and staggered.When he looked up again, Yamen and his cart were gone. "What should we do now?" Mat asked, licking his lips and staring wide-eyed at the busy street and the six-story houses on both sides of the street. "We've arrived in Caemlyn, but what should we do now?" He didn't cover his ears anymore, but his hands still twitched towards his ears subconsciously from time to time.There was a low hum in the city, the sound of hundreds of shops and tens of thousands of people, and Rand felt as if he was in a giant hive of bees. "Rand, even if they're here, how are we going to find them?" "Moiraine will find us," Rand said slowly.This huge city seemed to be completely on his shoulders, and he also wanted to leave here, leave these people and this noise.He built the void according to Tam's teachings, but the void always eluded him, and his eyes always dragged the city into the void involuntarily.He focused on the things around him and tried to ignore everything a little further away.Just looking at this street, it feels similar to Ballun.Balon, where they thought they were safe.But after that it's different, no one is really safe anymore.Maybe they're all dead.what should you do then "They're all alive! Egwene's alive!" he exclaimed excitedly.Several passers-by looked at him in surprise. "Maybe," Matt said. "Maybe. Then what if Moiraine really can't find us? If they are all dead, the one who finds us is...but..." Mat trembled, and didn't continue. "We'll think about it when that happens," Rand said firmly to Mat, "if it does happen." The worst-case scenario is that they must go to Elaida alone, who is in the palace. of Aes Sedai.He will go to Tar Valon.He didn't know if Mat remembered the red ones Tom had said, and the black ones.Thinking of this, Rand's intestines began to twitch again. "Tom wants us to find a hotel called 'The Queen's Blessing', let's go there first!" "So what? We can't even afford a meal." "At least that could be a starting point, and Tom thinks we can get help there." "I can't...Rand, they're all over the place." Mat stared down at the flagstones, as if shrunken, trying to get into a crack, away from all these people. "No matter where we go, they will follow behind us and wait in front of us. They will also hide in the Queen's Blessing Inn. I can't... I... can't stop the Hidden Demon." Rand grabbed Mat by the collar, trying not to let his hands tremble.He needs Mat, maybe the others are still alive, light, bless them!But here and now, it's just him and Matt.Thinking of being alone... He tasted bile and couldn't help swallowing. Rand quickly glanced around. It seemed that no one had heard Mat mention the Hidden Demon, and the crowded pedestrians were only thinking about their own thoughts.He drew Met to his eyes and said in a hoarse whisper, "We've come this far, haven't we? They haven't caught us yet. We can make it if we don't give up. I won't give up, any They do what they want, like sheep waiting for the knife to fall. I won't! Huh? Are you going to stand here until you die of starvation? Or until they put you in a sack?" He let go of Mat, turned and walked forward, his nails digging into the flesh, but his hands were still trembling involuntarily.Suddenly, Matt came up to him.Mat's eyes were still lowered, but Rand still couldn't help letting out a long breath. "I'm sorry, Rand," Mat murmured. "Forget it," Rand said. Mat barely lifted his head so he wouldn't bump into the others, and there was hardly any life in his voice now. "I always can't help but think, I'll never see home again. I want to go home. You laugh at me, I don't care. I just want to get my mom's blessing again and get away from it all. It's been weighing on me My heart is heavy and hot. There are strangers everywhere, I don’t know who to trust, and I can’t trust anyone. Light! The two rivers are so far away, it seems to be on the other side of the world. Only the two of us No. We're never going home, we're dying, Rand." "We're not dead, and we're not going to die now," Rand said. "Everyone dies, and the wheel of time is turning. But I'm not going to curl up and wait for something to happen." "You really sound like Master Ewell." Matt muttered, but there was already a little more anger in his voice. "Very well," said Rand, "very well." Light, bless them!Please don't be the only ones left with us. He began asking passers-by about the Queen's Blessing Inn.People's reactions vary.Some people would scold them for not knowing how to stay at home honestly; most people just shrugged and glanced at them coldly; some people were too lazy to even glance. A broad-faced man almost as big as Palin tilted his head and said to them, "The Queen's Blessing Inn? You country boys are also the Queen's subjects?" And a white armband. "Well, you guys are too late." Then he laughed loudly and turned away.Rand and Matt could only look at each other in bewilderment.Rand shrugged. Caemlyn was full of weirdos. He had never seen anyone like him before. Some people stand out in the crowd.Their skin was either too dark or too white, and they wore strange or brightly colored garments, and peaked or feathered hats on their heads.There were also many women in veils in the street, and women with skirts as wide as they were tall.There were also women with more skin exposed than Rand could imagine.Occasionally a painted and gilded sedan chair passed through the crowd, usually preceded by four or six riders whose harnesses were all adorned with feathers.There are sedan chairs carried by two people everywhere, and the man with the stick carelessly pushes away the pedestrians who block the path of the sedan chair. Rand saw a fight sparked by jostling by men with sticks.A large group of men shouted and shook their fists at each other.A pale-skinned man wearing a red-striped coat climbed out of the sedan chair on the side of the road, and two men in coarse cloth jumped on him before the man in the red-striped coat could fully walk out.The scope of the fight grew larger and larger, and soon many onlookers were also involved.Randall grabbed Matt's sleeve and walked quickly over there.Matt didn't need any more urging from him.The fight behind them had grown into a small riot by this time. Several times, some people took the initiative to lean towards them.Their dusty clothes indicated that they had just arrived, and their demeanor seemed to attract some attention.Those people surreptitiously sold them some of Logan's relics, while acting like they were ready to run at any moment.Rand reckoned they were peddling enough scraps of Logan's cloak and sabers to make two swords and ten cloaks.Matt seemed intrigued—at least the first time he met someone like that.But Rand simply rejected those people.Those people all nodded, said quickly, "The light shines on the queen," and disappeared.Many shops sell plates and cups with garishly painted pictures of false dragons to be chained and dedicated to the Queen. Rand spent most of his energy avoiding these things.He kept his cloak over the sword at his waist, but the disguise could not last long, and sooner or later someone would suspect that he was hiding something.He would not give up the sword as Yamen suggested, it was his connection to Tam, his father. Many in the crowd also carried swords, none bearing the heron, but all the Caemlyns and some Outlanders had cloth strips wrapped around their scabbards and hilts - tied with white string Strips of red cloth, or white strips tied with red string.Even if there were a hundred Heron emblem swords in these cloth-wrapped swords, it would not be seen.Also, doing things according to local customs will definitely make them appear less different. There were many shops selling that cloth and rope, and Rand stopped at one despite Mat's repeated complaints that they had no money left.Red cloth is cheaper than white cloth, so he bought red cloth and white rope.The merchant in the shop tightened his lips as he took Rand's coins, looking them up and down.Rand asked him for a place to wrap his sword.He just scolded them. "We're not here to see Logan," Rand said patiently, "we're just here to see Caemlyn." Remembering Yamen's words, he added, "This is the greatest city in the world. "The boss's face is still ugly.Rand said cautiously again, "The light shines on Queen Morgase." "As long as you dare to cause trouble," the businessman said fiercely, "as long as I shout, even if the queen's guards don't care, there will be hundreds of people to take care of you." He spat on the ground, and his saliva fell on Rand on the feet. "Go do your dirty work!" Rand nodded as if the businessman had just greeted him kindly, and he pulled Mat away.Matt kept looking back at the store, muttering something.Rand pulled him into an empty alley.They turned their backs to the street so that people outside could not see what they were doing.Rand took the sword from his belt and began wrapping cloth around the scabbard and hilt. "I'll bet he sold you twice as much for the damn cloth," said Mat. "No, triple." It is not as easy as it seems to secure the strips and ropes to the sword so that they do not fall off. "They're all lying to us, Rand. They think we're here to see the pseudo-dragons, just like everyone else. We're lucky if no one blows over our heads while we sleep. It's not us here The place to be, there are too many people here. Let's go to Tar Valon now! Or go to Illian in the south, I'd like to see the Holy Horn Hunt. If we can't go home, let's go somewhere else Go somewhere!" "I'm going to stay," Rand said. "If they're not here, they'll be here sooner or later." Rand wasn't sure if he wrapped his sword like the others, but the hilt and scabbard had the heron well hidden.When he turned back into the street, he believed he had one less thing to worry about.Matt followed him reluctantly, as if being led by a rope. After asking one by one, Rand finally found the right way.At first, they were given only vague directions, such as "go in that direction," or "go that way."But the nearer they got, the clearer the words of their guide became, and at last they stood in front of a tall stone house.The inn's sign, swinging slowly in front of the gate, depicts a man kneeling before a blond-haired woman wearing a crown, her hand resting on the man's bowed head.Queen's Blessing Inn. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Matt asked. "Of course." Rand said, he took a deep breath and pushed open the hotel door. The lobby of the hotel is very large, the floor is covered with dark brown wooden boards, and two large fireplaces fill the lobby with warmth.One of the maids was mopping the floor, another was cleaning the candle holders in the corner.But there was no dust at all in the hall.The two girls gave them a smile and got back to work. There were only a dozen or so customers sitting around a few tables, but at this early hour, they were already considered too many.While no one expressed delight at the presence of the two young men, at least they were neat and calm.The aroma of roast beef and toast wafting from the kitchen made Rand's mouth water. The innkeeper was fat, which pleased Rand.The pink-cheeked boss wears a stiff white apron and his gray hair is neatly combed back, barely covering his reflective crown.He looked Rand and Mat up and down with sharp eyes. Rand felt that his tattered clothes, boots, luggage, and every speck of dust on them could not escape his eyes, but he also gave They have a pleasant smile.His name is Beth Gill. "Master Gill," Rand said, "a friend of ours wants us to come here. His name is Tom Merrylin, and he..." The innkeeper's smile died.Rand glanced at Mat, but Mat was too busy smelling the aromas wafting from the kitchen to care about anything else. "Is there a problem? You don't know him?" "I know him," replied Besser, who seemed more interested in the flute case on Rand's back. "Come with me!" He shook his head towards the back of the hall.Rand hurriedly grabbed Matt, and followed behind the innkeeper anxiously. Walking into the kitchen, Master Jill stopped and said a few words to the cook.The cook was almost the same build as the innkeeper, and her hair was pulled back in a bun.While Master Jill was talking, she kept stirring a few pots.The aroma in the pot was so enticing that Rand could swallow anything after two days of hunger. The aroma was no less than that of Mrs. Ewell's kitchen.Rand's stomach growled again, and Mat's nose was almost on top of the pot.Rand nudged Mat, and Mat hurriedly wiped the drool off his chin. Then the innkeeper hurriedly led them out of the back door again. In the stable yard, he looked around and after making sure that no one was around, he asked Rand, "What's in the box, boy?" "Tom's flute," Rand said slowly.He opened the box, as if thinking it would be helpful to show Besser a look at the gold and silver flute.Matt's hand went inside his coat. Master Jill never left Rand's gaze, "Well, I recognize it, I have seen Tom play it many times, and there should not be another flute like this outside the palace." The pleasant smile just now Completely disappeared, his eyes suddenly became as sharp as a dagger. "How did you get it? Tom would rather have no arm than this flute." "He gave it to me." Rand unwrapped Tom's cloak from his back and spread it a little on the ground, revealing the multicolored patches and the harp case inside. "Tom is dead, Master Gill. If he was your friend, I give you my condolences. He was my friend." "You said he died, how did he die?" "A... man was trying to kill us, and Tom shoved this to me to run away." The colorful panels of the cloak fluttered in the cold wind like a swarm of butterflies.Rand felt his throat constrict.He carefully repacked the bundle. "We would have been killed if it hadn't been for him, when we came to Caemlyn together. He told us to come here, your inn." "I will not believe he is dead until I see his body," said the innkeeper slowly.He touched the package with his toe and cleared his throat gruffly. "Well, well, I'm sure you saw what you claim, but I don't believe he's dead. Old Tom Merrylin was a formidable fellow, and he won't let it go so easily." Rand put a hand on Mat's shoulder. "It's okay, Matt, he's a friend." Master Jill glanced at Mat, then sighed. "I think I am." Mat stood up very slowly, arms folded across his chest, but he was still watching the innkeeper warily, a muscle in his cheek twitching. "You said, you came to Caemlyn together?" The innkeeper shook his head, "I thought this was the last place Tom would want to come to in the whole world, or Tar Valon the last thing he wanted to go?" He paused After a while, he waited for a groom to lead the horse, and then he said in a low voice, "I think you're in trouble with Aes Sedai." "Yes." Matt replied vaguely.Rand asked at the same time, "What made you think so?" Master Jill laughed dryly, "I know that person, that's it, he will definitely jump into such trouble without thinking, especially if there are kids your age in this trouble..." The thoughts of nostalgia are in his eyes It flickered.He straightened up with a cautious expression, "Now... um... remember, I'm not trying to make accusations, but... um... I don't think you can... er... what I'm going to say is... ah …What kind of trouble is going on between you and Tar Valon? May I ask?" Realizing what this man was referring to, Rand couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle.the supremacy. "No, no, it's not like that, I swear. There's even an Aes Sedai helping us with this, Moiraine..." He bit his tongue hastily, but the innkeeper's expression remained the same. "Glad to hear that, I don't really like Aes Sedai, but they're better than... some of the others." He shook his head slowly. "Logan is being brought to Caemlyn, and there are too many topics like this here. I don't mean to offend you, you should understand, but... well, I have to know, don't I?" "It's okay," Rand said.Mat muttered something under his breath, but no one could hear him.But the innkeeper apparently thought he and Rand had said the same thing. "It seems that you two are in the right category. I also believe that you are... Tom's friends, but this is not a good time. I think you don't have much money? Probably not. There is nothing here. Not enough, but I'll give you two beds. Not the best, but warm and dry for sure, and food. I can't promise you more, though I don't like it either." "Thank you," Rand said, casting an inquiring look at Mat. "That's more than we could have hoped for." What's the right category?Why does he want to promise us more? "Well, Tom's a good friend, an old friend of mine. He always likes to say the wrong things to the wrong people, but he's still a good friend. If he doesn't show up all the time...well, we'll figure out what to do then Do it! You better stop telling people that Aes Sedai is helping you. I am a loyal subject of the Queen, but there are too many people in Caemlyn who are not like me right now. What I say is not just The white robes." Mat snorted. "For all I know, those crows can get all the Aes Sedai in their mouths to Shayao!" "Watch your tongue," cried Maestro Jill. "I said I didn't like them, but I didn't say I was a fool who thought they were behind all crimes. The queen supported Elaida, and the guards supported her." Queen. I hope the Light will not let things get so bad that even this is subverted. Anyway, even some of the Queen's guards are now too excited to fight the people who slandered Aes Sedai. Thank the Light, at least they didn't then Not on duty; but such things happen anyway. I don't want off-duty Queen's Guards smashing up my halls to teach you a lesson, and I don't want the Whitecloaks encouraging some fool on my door Draw dragon teeth. So if you want my help, keep to yourself about the Aes Sedai, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing." He paused, thought for a while, and then said, "You better not bring it up either. Tom's name. Some of the Queen's Guards remember things from long ago, and the Queen herself certainly does. No need to risk it." "Tom has a feud with the Queen?" Rand asked incredulously, and the innkeeper laughed. "That said, he didn't tell you all about him. Of course, there's no reason for him to. But I guess it's okay for you to know, it's not really a secret. You think walkers are like Tom As narcissistic as narcissism? Well, let's just think so! But I've always felt that Tom actually had a good reason to be more vain than anyone else, he wasn't just a walker all the time, from village to village and often slept in bushes. Tom Merrylin was once a court bard at Caemlyn, and was known at every court from Tyre to Marlandon." "Tom?" Matt asked. Rand nodded slowly. He could imagine Tom performing for the queen. His noble and gorgeous style should obviously appear in the court. "Exactly," said Maester Gill, "that was long after the death of Taringal Daoutrey...his nephew was in trouble. That's when it was said, well, Tom had a relationship with the Queen that was out of the ordinary. Morgasse was a young widow at the time, and Tom was in the prime of his life. Of course, the Queen could do what she wanted to do, but our Queen Morgasse had never been very good-tempered, and Tom knew that his nephew was in trouble. Went to Tar Valon without saying a word when in such trouble. The Queen didn't like it, and she didn't like Tom meddling in the Aes Sedai's affairs. Can't say I thought Tom was right, whatever Was it his nephew. Anyway, when Tom came back, he said some things, things that should not be said to the queen. In fact, those words should not be said to any woman with a temper as strong as Morgase Yes. Because of his nephew, Tom and Elaida were also feuded. In the queen's anger and Elaida's hatred, Tom escaped from Caemlyn, when he was only half a step away from prison or the executioner's ax . As far as I know, the sentence against him at that time still stands." "If it was so long ago," Rand said, "perhaps no one would remember." Master Jill shook his head, "Gareth Brune is the marshal of the Queen's Guards. He was ordered by Morgase to personally lead the soldiers to capture Tom. I believe he has not forgotten that when he returned with empty hands to the palace, only to find that Tom had been there and left unscathed, and the queen never forgets a thing. Do you know any woman who forgets such a thing? By the light of day, Mog Ruth was really mad. I could swear the whole town walked on tiptoe and talked only in whispers that whole month, and a lot of the old Queen's Guards remember it too. You'd better not give a damn about Tom and the two It's about the ceremonial master. Come on, I'll get you something to eat, your stomachs are probably gnawing at your spine."
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