Home Categories science fiction Under the clear sky, suddenly...

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 The Walking Corpse

Although Guanmu took it as a joke, the appearance of the dead man Takezaki wonderfully disrupted the plans of the professional criminal group. One of them is time constraints.They had to deal with Zhuqi within a limited time.In Kanaki's action plan, the factor of Takezaki did not originally exist.After finding Takezaki, digging out some information from him, and turning him into a corpse, they had to deal with it. This is also the consequence of perfectionism.Hiding Takezaki's body secretly inside the bonded warehouse, judging from the result, the damage should be less.However, Guanmu decided to bring it into the world's largest coffin floating in the air, and solve it together with cremation.That's why they encountered the eyes of witnesses in the tiny gaps.

The subordinates reported to Guanmu in a low voice.Guanmu could feel shaken from his words. "What's up?" "Shisui's corpse..." "What happened to the body?" "The body is gone. Shimizu's body is gone..." Guanki stared straight at the astonished expressions of his subordinates, forgetting to light the cigarette in his mouth.This is an expensive cigarette produced in Cyprus, but Guanmu's tongue cannot taste it. According to reports from subordinates, when they finished setting the explosives and returned to Shimizu's room, the body had disappeared.Since the door is automatically locked, it can be opened freely from the inside.

Corpses don't need to be guarded.This is the instruction under the crown tree.Because if it is not arranged in this way, there will be a little shortage of manpower.So he couldn't blame his subordinates. "Did someone water him?" Literally speaking, such a lack of tension is rare, and it reminds me of the topic of a home garden.However, Guanki's subordinates of course did not laugh.Because I can't laugh.They recalled what they had heard from Takezaki in the bonded warehouse in Anchorage.It is true that there is such a thing as entering a state of suspended animation due to dehydration...

"Have you looked under the bed? In the closet, and in the bathroom?" While making these basic instructions, the uneasiness in Guanmu's tone also increased proportionally.Since the boss made the instruction, the subordinates followed it, but they couldn't see any results at all. There was a dead body lying under the bed, but it was the dead body of Takezaki who had been hidden there earlier.The cloudy white eyes stared at the assailant seemingly full of resentment. The sheet was in disarray, which meant that the person lying on it had risen, whether alive or dead.A group of bold men who don't treat people as human beings looked at each other for a moment without knowing what to do, and their judgment completely evaporated.One of them was uttering uncharacteristically deflated words feebly.

"What the hell is going on here? What are we going to do, boss?" "Common sense and rationality alone seem to be unable to solve things." Judging from the speech of a man of insight, Kanaki and Arimoto may be on the same level.However, these words can't even cheer for himself. From what Takezaki heard, Kanaki only regarded it as a weapon to be used to deal with needles in the future.But now, no matter how much you can accuse those crazy scientists who pursue cutting-edge technology for their idiotic dreams, it will not help the matter.In the unoccupied room, a dead body got up from the bed, and even opened the automatically locked door and went to nowhere.

Guanki glanced at his subordinates suspiciously, but he didn't find anything suspicious in his sensor radar.Are there no traitors?So, is it necessary to admit the facts? "Boss, if he's lurking on this ship..." "Why the hypothetical tone?" Guanmu's mood became worse, and he couldn't care less about using euphemisms. "As long as he didn't break a window and jump out, he must be lurking on this ship. Because he has nowhere else to go." "Then, where will that zombie go..." The voice became sharper, and a group of men who didn't know what fear was looked around with uneasy eyes.

"Don't mess around. That guy isn't Frankenstein, he's just a dead man brought back to life. There's nothing to be afraid of." After scolding without explanation, Guanmu tilted his head in thought as if he only realized it now. "According to what Needle and Takezaki said, the medicine should not be completed yet. Since it has not been completed, even if it is effective, there must be obvious side effects." After speaking, Guanmu confirmed his thought process again.Strictly speaking, Kanaki has no way of judging whether the medicines and so on that Shisui stole really have the value of being called medicines.Besides, the name of medicine is quite ambiguous, maybe it is something like bacteria or virus.The dead Takezaki once mentioned protozoa and other things, so the things in the capsule are likely to be genetically engineered microorganisms.

If so, what should be done next? The best way is to parachute immediately and escape from this flying ship.Then detonate it to end it all.The owner of the ship, Taizo Arimoto, must be convinced that this flying ship is an unsinkable ship in the air, because the gas used on the ship is non-flammable helium. However, in fact, there is no need to detonate the helium storage tank at all, it is enough to destroy the power equipment and guest rooms with powerful explosives. The purpose is not to destroy the flying ship, but to blow up the passengers on the flying ship.When all the humans on board fell to the surface of the sea, the huge flying ship "Asuka" should continue to fly leisurely in the air.

This was probably the first time in his life, Guanmu felt an urge to flee the scene immediately. It's just that the current flying position of "Flying Bird" is over the southern part of Alaska.Even if it is a crown tree, it is not confident that it can survive a 100-kilometer march in the northern sea at 60 degrees north latitude, because the temperature of the sea water is below 5°C, and it will freeze to death in about ten minutes. Kanki, who was deep in thought, noticed the gazes from his surroundings.Remembering something, he gave an order to his subordinates. "There should be a rubber boat for escape on board. Go find it and save it."

"Are we getting out, boss?" The relieved response of his subordinates made Guanmu smile that he hadn't seen for a long time. "To use Japanese correctly, it should be said to retreat, because we are not leaving half-finished work behind." Kanaki continued to give instructions, assigning various duties to the person responsible for preparing the rubber boat, the person who seized the communication system in an emergency, the person who kept the parachute, and so on.This is what a leader should be like. The flustered subordinates immediately recovered their morale and vitality, and followed the instructions separately.Kanaki, who was left alone in the room, kicked Takezaki's body with the tip of his shoe, and pushed him back under the bed again.

Strictly speaking, can the Shimizu who came back from the dead and the past Shimizu be the same person?Such worries suddenly stirred in Guanmu's heart. Guanmu tried to laugh it off.Every cell in his body is made of realism, and everything is under the norms of reason and calculation.At least he thought so himself.He has never been afraid of the souls of the dead.If you are afraid of that kind of thing, you will not be able to make a career out of killing and setting fires. But what about everyone else?A zombie walking around in the airship unexpectedly plunged the subordinates, who were supposed to have experienced many battles, into superstitious fear.Recalling the face of Akatsuki, Kanaki spit out about thirty kinds of curses in succession.Because everything is that arrogant guy's fault! It never occurred to Shunsuke Wutong that he and the owner of the flying ship, Arimoto Taizo, would walk side by side on the passage in the ship.The destination is the room of a passenger named Shimizu.Because according to the diary, a man in work clothes carried a dead body in a bag into the room. Pass by several passengers along the way. The woman glared at Shunsuke sideways, and twisted her mouth viciously.He remembered that square jaw.The woman purposely spoke loudly to her female companion. "Speaking of the children nowadays, the quality is simply terrible. Because the father's discipline is really bad. No wonder the children are pampered and spoiled." I am not the father!Since it was strange to shout back like this, Shunsuke had to keep silent.The woman didn't know that the diary didn't have a father, but she regarded what she didn't know as a privilege, and thought she had the right to speak ill of others.This made Shunsuke very disgusted, but the thing that disgusted him even more should be yet to come. Arriving at the destination, no, when they were about to arrive, a figure suddenly blocked them.A man in gray overalls slightly opened his hands and said "please don't come closer". "This place is forbidden to enter, please do not approach." the man repeated.Although his face was expressionless, his eyes were full of fierce light, trying to overwhelm his opponent.This tall young man gave the impression of a slender professional wrestler.Youben took a step forward and hummed disapprovingly. "Can't even me get close? I'm the owner of this flying ship..." "It's about human life, no one is exempt." A completely mechanical answer.Arimoto looked up at Shunsuke, then turned his gaze back to the man in work clothes. Just as he was about to speak again, the door of the guest room just opened from the inside, and a middle-aged man in work clothes appeared. Clage's technical staff supervisor aboard. After that person generously apologized for his subordinate's stubbornness, he listened carefully to what had happened.While talking, Shunsuke noticed something.The opponent's posture and standing position have been cleverly calculated so as to block their own and Yuben's sight.Is it because you don't want to be seen indoors? "excuse me……" Maintaining a hypocritical gentleness, Kanaki began to fight back against Shunsuke who had finished speaking. "Is your child watching too many cartoons?" Pressing the rebuttal of "That's not my child" for now, Shunsuke stared at the opponent from the front. "It's really presumptuous. Just to be on the safe side, can I ask your identity again?" "We are an evil secret society trying to conquer the world." Kanaki smiled maliciously, with an unbelievable level of rudeness. "This flying ship carries a group of righteous people who hinder us from conquering the world. It is impossible not to deal with this group of people. Since it is not enough to rely on subordinates alone, I will go into battle myself." "This is really a big deal." "Yeah, seriously..." Guanmu put on a serious social person's face, and his acting skills are excellent. With the change of expression, even the authoritative atmosphere of an expert permeated strongly. "Because of the child's irresponsible speech, it disturbed the peace and order on the ship. This is also a kind of trouble for us. There are only less than eight hours left before Vancouver. At the end of this journey, do you Don't you want to get through it safely?" Arimoto hummed deliberately again. "Obviously, you have even taken care of my responsibilities. It doesn't matter, but why didn't you answer any doubts or questions just now?" "You let us go into the room and have a look." While talking, Shunsuke stretched his neck deliberately, as if he was looking into the room. The end of the line of sight was immediately blocked by the crown wood.Kanki grabbed Shunsuke with a dangerous smile on his face. "What a headache. If you don't follow the instructions of the experts..." Junsuke suddenly felt a chill down his spine.Intuition told him that this technician was not a kind person.At the same time, he also recalled the unpleasant feeling when he saw them for the first time.Junsuke nodded and took a step back. According to common sense, Shunsuke should continue to retreat, but at this moment, Yumoto pushed him from behind.Shunsuke suddenly slammed into the supervisor's shoulder.The supervisor reflexively turned his body sideways, forming a situation that would pull down the rash intruder. It all happened in an instant. "I really admire you. There are people in this world who don't cause trouble for money." The voice came from behind, and Shunsuke lay down on the floor of the room.His eyes were on the floor, and he happened to see the dead who was stuffed under the bed. It was a corpse that was called "bent burial" in archaeological terms. Guanki's hand pressed Shunsuke's back with strong force, pulling him up.With eyes flickering with sneer, hatred, and self-deprecating, he glared at Shunsuke viciously. "Hmph, is this the result you want..." Guanmu pushed Shunsuke aside, and his attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, showing a defiant look.The rest of the hours are easy to get by or go all out, that's the only difference. "Okay, all of you stand still. From now on, this airship will be taken over by the World Anti-Aviation Ship Alliance. Anyone who dares to act rashly will be charged with counter-revolutionary charges immediately." At this point, he still doesn't forget to play tricks. This is the bad habit of Guanmu.The realization that he was an expert but got it wrong over and over again drove him so mad with rage that he couldn't stop his mischief.This may be an irregular reflection of distorted self-deprecating psychology. The door of the control room opened, and Captain Masamura, who looked back, didn't know how to judge the scene he saw for a moment.Because his boss, Ben Taizao, appeared at the door with a stinky face.Beside him were the technicians and their supervisors who had boarded the ship from Anchorage, the chief purser Kuwahara, whose face was pale, and a young man who looked like a passenger. Masukura, who was about to ask the reason, saw the heavy-duty iron tongs held by the technician, and immediately realized that something was wrong. "Are you planning to hijack the ship?" A technician chuckled under his breath. "This is the first hijacking case of a flying ship in history. Don't use the old-fashioned term hijacking a ship." The so-called effective from top to bottom, Guanmu's subordinates are also not far behind in their interest in pranks. "I don't even have a gun, do you think this thing will really succeed? Don't do anything bad..." Before Yicun finished speaking, a pistol was immediately held against the tip of his nose.That is not an ordinary pistol, it looks like a toy made of non-metallic materials. "It turned out to be something made of plastic, no wonder it passed the metal test." Masukura licked his dry lips. "Can you really shoot a bullet?" "Do you want to try it? I advise you not to try it. There is one more thing..." Kanki puffed out his chest like an opera singer on stage.There are only less than seven hours left before Vancouver. With such a short time, they can survive to the end just by bluffing, not to mention that they still hold a real threat. "We installed explosives on the ship, and that's something I'd better keep in mind." "bomb……!" The one who screamed was Kuwahara, the chief of staff.Junjie could only swallow his saliva and silently looked at the group of terrorists. "Well, it's meaningless to explain it carefully to you laymen. In short, it is a jelly-like explosive mainly composed of nitroglycerin, and the explosion is very powerful. We have installed two dozen in key positions on the ship. This kind of thing, and it was installed after the Alaska police carefully searched it." Guanmu's words proved that Shunsuke's guess was completely correct.But of course he wasn't happy at all. Ben growled and said: "This airship uses helium gas, so it can't burn at all. Do you think that kind of explosives can blow up the 'Flying Bird'?" "The airship should be floating in the sky. But only the gas tank, because the guest rooms will all be blown up, and even one passenger cannot be saved." Guanki's tone was quite calm, like icy cold water, penetrating into the listener's nerves.Even the headstrong Youben seemed to feel short of breath for a moment. "Are you going to kill all nine hundred people?" Captain Masura asked with a groan.Kanki shrugged and continued his acting skills. "That depends on your attitude. If you don't want to become like that, you have to show your sincerity and perform well." Guanmu shows off his lies indifferently. Although Youben is a man full of flaws, at least he is not cowardly.Maybe it was just being rebellious, but in short, not only did he not turn pale in front of the terrorists, nor did he tremble and his legs go limp.Even if he died, he was unwilling to submit to others, or endure others' coercion and oppression, raised his chin provocatively. "A group of idiots! If the flying ship explodes, you will be killed too!" "You don't need to worry about this, Mr. Yuben." Guanmu laughed calmly: "You just need to worry about what the future of the consortium will look like after you die. But my boss is gone, and the compensation is as high as hundreds of billions. The flying ship business will definitely be over. Your heart must be sure. It hurts." "Don't be too quick to talk. You guys who failed to destroy the airship secretly, I don't think this hijacking operation will be successful. If I were the boss who hired you guys, I would definitely not pay you a dime. you!" Youben's eyes were shining brightly, and his mouth was cursing continuously. "What kind of expert, don't be ridiculous. It's even worse than a layman." "Call it what you want. Even Babe Ruth gets a strikeout sometimes." "It seems that you are also a Japanese scum. No matter what you think, I just want to tell you one thing, a wise man is bound to make mistakes. Do you think I will be afraid if you mention a foreigner's name?" Unlike Acupuncture, Arimoto's venomous tongue is as destructive as if it had been hit with a hoe.However, for Guanmu, all unhappiness exists equally. For the time being, Shunsuke, who was watching Yuben's verbal battle, raised a question. "How would you make two dozen bombs go off?" "That's a good question, but I'm under no obligation to tell you." Kanaki easily avoided the topic, and then signaled to his subordinates.Arimoto, Kuwahara, and Shunsuke were all suppressed from behind by the terrorists, probably planning to lock them into some room together. "Can you tell me about your purpose? Why did you hijack the airship? Don't you want to become the first airship hijacker in history to make yourself famous?" "Yes, this is our purpose." Kanaki said lightly.Guanmu didn't intend to give any unnecessary hints to this young man who was an amateur but became more and more sensitive the more he watched. "The dead are already overwhelmed, I hope these living guys can live in peace." Guanmu muttered to himself in his heart. Even if he becomes the first person in history to hijack a flying ship, Guanmu has no position to announce this fast move to the world.Because no matter what happens, the outside world must never know.Therefore, it is natural for Guanmu and others to control the communication equipment, and only the control room is completely suppressed. There are only nine people, and it is impossible to fully control a huge flying ship with a total length of 500 meters.After securing control of the control room, to be honest, even if something happened in the restaurant or bar, they had no time to intervene. As for the hostages, in fact all 900 passengers were hostages.The reason why the shipowners, including Ben Taizo and others, were locked in the shipowner's room was just a secondary measure.If you let them cause a commotion, the situation will definitely become quite troublesome.However, to put it a bit more extreme, even if they do escape, as long as they don't invade the control room, there will be no problem. In this way, the route will not be changed, and it will not arouse more doubts from the controllers at various airports. Most of the members on board will not know what has happened or is happening, just enjoy their journey in the air, and will not face an abrupt end until they reach the sky above the destination. Vancouver is less than seven hours away. In a room of the first-class suite, Wutong Diary writhed restlessly on the sofa.Outside the window is the intertwined state of white night and dawn, sometimes it is white, sometimes it is bubbles emitting iridescent light, and the blue-black sea can be seen far below, and the coastline of the North American continent should be on the lower left. "Big brother, are you okay?" For Diary, it made her feel guilty to leave the trouble to her big brother while she hid in a safe place. Minako, who was writing something at the other end of the writing desk, maintained her original posture and replied: "Besides trusting big brother, what else can you do? Obediently, don't hinder your lord from doing things." "I believe in big brother, but..." Anyway, the big brother of the diary is just a scholar after all, not a hero in the movie.Although the occupation is the same as that of Indiana Jones (Annotation: Indiana Jones, the actor of the film Raiders of the Lost Ark. In the story, he is portrayed as an action hero with the identity of an archaeologist.), but even children know that in reality It is impossible for such a brave and handsome archaeologist to exist in the world.The big brother is likely to be caught by the bad guys and get into trouble. Hearing a slight sound, Minako slowly raised her head.Looking at the empty room and the closed door, Minako muttered: "Why doesn't this kid listen. I really don't know who he looks like." The number of guest rooms in "Asuka", including economy, first class, and deluxe cabins, has a total of 500 rooms.It is absolutely impossible to closely monitor all guest rooms. Although computers are used for centralized management, in the case of hotels and cruise ships, the retro decoration style is often given priority, and machines alone cannot control everything.Dead spots can be found almost everywhere.Guanmu and his party used to take advantage of those blind spots. "Damn zombie, where did he die to!" An anxious gleam appeared on the forehead of one of his subordinates.Now that the flying ship has been hijacked, if he cannot follow through to the end, then no one can save himself.Occupy an important position on the flying ship and monitor the ship owner and others.The only element of anxiety is the existence of the man who escaped from the afterlife.And that's the hardest part. One of his subordinates, who was searching for zombies on the passage connecting first-class rooms to deluxe rooms, was walking briskly when suddenly one of the oncoming passengers spoke to him haughtily.That is an old man in the financial world who often talks bad things about Youben. "Hey, you, this ship won't fall somewhere anymore!" "Get out of the way, old man. I don't have time to talk to you now." The man replied with a line that was extremely lacking in respect for the elderly.The old man's expression went blank for a moment, and he was stunned by the excessively rude words.After regaining his senses, his whole body was filled with anger. "You, who are you? Report your name. You simply don't understand the etiquette of treating guests. I will definitely complain to the captain, no, the owner of the ship, and fire you. How dare you despise me..." The excited words were suddenly interrupted.Because the man clenched his fist and punched the old rich man hard from the mouth. With a blunt sound, fragments of teeth flew out.The old man whose lower part of his face was dyed red fell to the ground without saying a word.The man continued to kick the old man's abdomen with the tip of his shoe. "Looking at your status, you shouldn't have the money to have your dentures redone, right? Even the ones with diamonds have to be redone." Next to the old financial man, another financial man who never missed an opportunity to say bad things about himself was so frightened that he couldn't even make a sound.All I could do was press my back against the wall of the passageway, opening and closing my mouth in vain.When he met the man's bloodshot eyes, he immediately begged for forgiveness with a hoarse noise, and knelt down on the ground in a gesture of clapping his hands in worship. "Go back to your room! Otherwise, you will have to pay a high tour fee!" From the other end of the corner of the passage, the diary heard a series of cursing and the sound of the door closing several times.The other side of the corner seems to be in a state that is quite far from peace. The diary looked down at her feet, which were wearing her usual pair of sneakers.Although the long walkways of the airship are covered with thick carpets, which absorb most of the footsteps—but it's better to be careful. Diary took off her sneakers, held them in her hands, and started walking quietly wearing only her socks.She stopped at the corner of the passage, leaning her back against the wall, and carefully peeked at the other side of the corner. There are three men.One is young and two are old.One of the old men was lying on the ground, while the other was grabbed by the neckline of the young man, as if he was roughly questioning him.It’s okay if you don’t read it, but after reading it, it immediately caused two troubles.One is that the distance between the two parties is only three meters.The second is that when the young man turned his eyes slightly, he saw the face of the diary. Letting go of the old man's neckline, the man half jumped up, suddenly turned to the diary and rushed over. "This brat!" The man is quite serious.Because he remembered that it was this girl who had witnessed Takezaki's body.On the contrary, the diary is because the impact of the corpse is too strong, so it doesn't remember the face of the living person very much.However, the girl's reaction was still quite quick, she picked up her sneakers and quickly backed away.The man's arms were thrown into the air, and his footsteps were shaky due to excessive force. When he regained his posture, the diary was already hiding five meters away, escaping from the clutches of the vicious lord.Not even a child can be caught, which is an embarrassment to professional terrorists. "Little devil, stop for me!" Should be able to catch it soon.No matter how fast Diary's feet are, they will never be able to keep up with the young man's feet.After running about ten meters, the result came out.The man stretched out his hand, and his fingertips could already touch the collar of the diary. At that moment, the man yelled and fell back.Because the diary turned around and threw a drop of blood, which happened to hit the man's face impartially.The strength of the throw interacted with the speed of the man's advance, forming a rather strong blow.When the shoe fell to the ground, the man also left a shoe print on his face and had a nosebleed. "Damn brat, I want you to die..." While wiping the nosebleed with the sleeve of his overalls, the man swore.The whole person was dizzy with anger, and he couldn't remember the reason why he chased this energetic young girl in the first place. Blinded by ferocious violent urges and thoughts of revenge, the man focuses all his energy on catching the "arrogant brat" and giving her a good lesson. The diary at this moment has achieved a distance of about twenty meters.However, this is not a huge surplus figure, because every time the man with blood on his face takes a step, the distance is shortened.In the field of vision of the diary looking back over his shoulder, the face of the man with a ferocious smile was getting closer.It's no use even throwing out the shoes this time.The shadow of despair gradually enveloped the diary's heart.Right now... "Help, who will save me!" There was a trembling sound like a paper knife cutting through cheap chemical fibers.For a moment the pursuer and the hunted stood motionless in astonishment.The spell was released, and just as the two were about to start moving, a figure suddenly appeared at the corner of the passage. It was a middle-aged woman with ten kilograms of excess fat hanging from her body, and the purple suit did not match her at all.With its mouth open in an O-shape, its arms waving, and it was rushing towards the floor stomping on the floor. After chasing the middle-aged woman, another new figure appeared.Maybe it shouldn't be described that way, maybe the middle-aged woman was just randomly running around in front of that figure. The figure looked like a videotape with blurred outlines.For the time being, it has a human appearance and wears a high-end linen suit, but its face is like a dirty clay doll.There are eyes and noses, and the mouth seems to be there, but everything has lost its original order and collapsed, and the color is also a strange mixture of green and gray. In short, it is weird. "This, that, what are you kidding..." The man in the overalls gasped.I don't even know what I mean by what I say.Because the only thing he can say is lines to hide his uneasiness. At this time, he had already expelled the matter of chasing young girls out of his consciousness, and of course he didn't take the matter of middle-aged women into his heart.The loathing and fear of the approaching monster at a distance of five or six steps, a monster like a mummy that failed to make and rotted exploded in my heart, so I couldn't see anything else at all. With a bang, the plastic pistol spit out rockets.Despite the rising rage, the aim was spot on.The monster's clothes were torn and burst, and the red and black body fluid was scattered and splashed along with the smoke. The monster hit in the center of the chest rolled backwards under the impact of the bullet, but it didn't fall down.The parts corresponding to the eyes seem to be dimly glowing. The monster walked over to the man in the overalls.Right hand and right foot, left hand and left foot, walk with one hand and one foot. The man in work clothes panicked.The microvessels in the wide-open eyes ruptured, becoming veritable red eyes.He yelled loudly, originally intending to yell "Don't come here", but the sound he made could not be meaningful words. Behind the approaching monster, several doors opened.It was the door opened by the passengers who heard the gunshots to check the outside situation. It is conceivable to open the door and then close it in a panic.Immediately afterwards, what sounded like explosions and human screams reached the ears of the passengers who closed the doors. It turned out that the discarded plastic pistol exploded because it couldn't withstand the continuous shooting.The right hand of the man in work clothes was blown off from the wrist, and a hot rain of blood and flesh fell on the floor. ※※※ "The lower realm seems to be very noisy." People who have no intention of claiming to be immortals, but talk like this are inherently good.Locked in the suite, walking back and forth like a bear conscious of lack of exercise. There were two other people who were given the honor of being locked up with him, a young passenger in the economy class, and Kuwahara, the purser.Kuwahara has been in a daze since he was thrown into this environment where he couldn't use his professional expertise. "However, it's useless to panic. There must be a solution." Ben said so.It's really calm, Shunsuke secretly observed the other party. "There should be a secret passage here, right?" "If there is, it will be easy to handle. I can only say that the guy is lucky. Because this is not the castle of the Rhine." This metaphor does not seem to come from Youben at all, but a few years ago, he bought an old castle built on the Rhine River in Germany from a certain marquis and converted it into a hotel with a casino.Because of the Thirty Years War, the Augsburg War, and the Napoleonic Wars, the old castle left caves and tunnels afterwards, so that Ben once got lost in it when he went to inspect. . Shunsuke is not at all interested in Arimoto's international memories.He started looking around for various useful items. "Are there any weapons here?" "arms?!" "I'm afraid I won't be able to operate the latest weapons, but if it's a primitive weapon, maybe it can come in handy." "Did you say knife or gun?" "Yeah, that sort of thing." For example, hammered stone tools or polished stone tools, etc.For Shunsuke, the weapons he knew were those things.It always thrilled him when he saw obsidian arrows or stone axes dug out of the earth.This time the situation is slightly different. Shunsuke entered the bedroom and peeled off the sheets.After returning to the living room, he grabbed the clock placed on the fireplace.Wrap the heavy table clock held in both hands with a bed sheet, tie it into a long and thin bag, and grab the end. "Hey, that's a high-end product made in the Czech Republic. It's not only expensive but also rare..." Shunsuke completely ignored what Arimoto said, grabbed one end of the sheet and began to twist it vigorously.Under the action of centrifugal force, the heavy clock gradually accelerated, and then hit the window glass heavily.There was a loud noise. The glass didn't break.The window glass of a general apartment is four millimeters thick, but the window glass of "Asuka" is made of two layers of tempered glass with a thickness of eight millimeters.Despite being hit hard by the heavy clock, it still didn't break.However, shallow cracks like spider webs have already appeared on the surface, and it should break after another impact. "Very well, it's still useful." Facing Shunsuke who was muttering like this, Arimoto complained: "Whether it's the clock or the windows, those things add up to half your salary. What's the correct amount? Kuwahara?" "Uh, this..." Just when Kuwahara started mobilizing his memory and mental arithmetic, a threatening voice came from outside the door. "Give me peace of mind! Anyone who dares to play tricks will have to pay with their lives for their recklessness!" The owner of the voice did not enter the room, for he had to watch out for traps.反正里面的人也逃不出去,只要把门顾好就行了,他大概是这么想的吧。这种做法相当合理。有本耸了耸肩,突然转向俊介向他问道: “你没有惧高症吧?” “到目前为止还没发现到呢。” "yes……" 点着头的有本,以若有所思的表情望着龟裂的玻璃。在门口有武装监视者的情况下,惟一的活路就只有窗户了。 把床单绑在腰上,从船体外侧移动的话,能够进得了邻室吗?就算进去了,后面才是问题呀。 ※※※ 对于胆敢犯下人类史上第一桩飞行船劫持案件的恐怖份子而言,情况实在不乐观。 其实劫持行动本身就是破局的证明。在乘客们毫无所觉的情况下完成工作,利用降落伞离开现场,这才是他们当初的计划。 但是在事实上,他们只不过占据了广大飞行船的极小部分空间而已。虽然确实掌握重要据点,但还是太不像话了。就算受到了再多不合常理的事故阻挠也不应该是这个样子。 虽然不愿意承认,但冠木确实感到后悔,当初实在不应该轻易地杀死竹崎。假如那个人还活着的话,对于目前所遭遇到的奇怪状况,肯定会有所帮助才对。 回报状况的一名部下,以颤抖的声音说道: “明明就中了三枪!可是那家伙不但一点儿事也没有,甚至还继续在船上四处游荡。” “看来,要让一个死过一次的人再死一次还真不容易呢。” 冠木斜着一边的脸颊说道。部下在工作之中丧命,这种事情已经六年没发生过了,他的职历和自负又再一次蒙上污点。 清了清喉咙,冠木改变语气。 “志水秀治起死回生了。或许他从头到尾都没有真正的死去也不一定,不过那些都不是什么大问题。问题是,他究竟还有没有知性或理性这点。” “应该完全没有吧。看他那个样子,根本就只是靠着本能在移动啊。” 部下之一皱着眉头,全身颤抖。因为他回想起怪物趴在满身血迹和烟硝倒在地上的同伴身上,牙齿舌头啧啧作响的模样。 人血也好、人肉也罢,回魂死者需要营养补给一事完全不容置疑。 “那么这位僵尸阁下,现在究竟在船上的哪个地方呢?” “很快就能知道了。因为乘客的尖叫会告诉我们。” 一名部下郁郁地回答道。 “那个僵尸吃完九百个人和飞行船爆炸,不晓得哪一个比较快哦?” “不管哪个都是美好的未来呀。” 冠木试图扮出笑容却并未成功,脸颊歪斜得比过去还要厉害。 “这艘飞行船是怎么回事啊!好歹也该做些说明呀。叫你们的负责人出来!” 一个歇斯底里的声音传来。日记认出了声音的主人,那是自昨夜以来,一直仇视日记的方下巴女人。虽然害怕遇见怪物,但是又不希望被那女人看见,所以日记向后一转、朝着反方向走去。 乘客与服务人员在通道上四处乱窜,状况似乎变得混乱不已。船东下落不明,控制室又无人回应,目击到枪声、爆炸声、满身鲜血倒在地上的尸骸、以及可怕无比的怪物等话题接连传出。 另一方面,虽然也有毫不知情而悠闲待在房间里面的人,不过服务人员困惑地杵在诉说不安的乘客面前的情景更是随处可见。纵使被客人咆哮着“给我们说清楚”也无法回答。由于应该在这种时候出面处理状况、对服务人员做出指示的事务长也不见踪影,所以基层的服务人员根本不知该如何是好。 大哥哥究竟上哪儿去了呢?脚上只套着袜子的日记在走廊上快步疾行。忽然猛地止住脚步,急急忙忙地躲进突出壁面的阴影之中。 两名身穿灰色作业服的男人肩并肩地,一脸凶神恶煞的表情踏着粗暴的步伐走了过来。大概是正在寻找怪物吧。虽然手上拿的是铁管,不过除了那个之外,身上一定还配戴着其他武器。 日记的脑海里闪过一个想法。那些身穿灰色作业服的男人是不法集团的人,事实显然如此。如果大哥哥被关在哪个地方的话,应该会有其他穿着作业服的人在看守吧。这么一来的话,只要先把那个看守的人找出来就行了。 日记顿时感到精神百倍,再次快步地开始行走。 飞行船“飞鸟”实在非常巨大,内部空间也极为广阔。尽管各个地方都发生了严重的骚动,但日记仍然保有充分按照自己想法自由行动的余地。 这就好比是拿针去刺一头巨鲸一样,巨鲸绝不会有惊慌失措的举动出现。只不过,这根针上似乎被涂了毒药。 ※※※ 地面上,在美国领地阿拉斯加州以及加拿大领地卑诗省的交界处。与挪威并驾齐驱的典型峡湾海岸,巍峨群山之山脊棱线与海面激烈冲突。海与山都深邃陡峭,连树木都锋利尖锐,仿佛是朝着天空突刺一样。 阿拉斯加州警的一艘汽艇在浓暗色调的海面上漂浮着。前一阵子,由于蟹类及龙虾的密集出没而使得国境海域喧嚣不安,最近事情终于告一段落,峡湾也再次回复平静。直到上司传来新的指示为止,应该都可以悠闲地在海浪间随波逐流吧。 一个警官的眼神突然停在天空中。 “喂,那个就是日本的飞行船吧!” “啊啊,绝对错不了。而且越看越觉得大呢。那个东西要是降落下来的话,肯定能把峡湾整个盖住呢。” “那些日本人呀,光是土地还不满足,似乎连天空都打算买下来呢!” “总有一天,火星和金星的土地也会被他们抢购一空呢!” 两人笑着仰看天空。在他们视线彼端的,是一具散发着银色光芒、漂浮在空中的飞行船船体。据说内部装潢足可媲美豪华邮轮,一群口袋里钱太多的家伙,想必正在享受着奢华的旅程吧。 “羡慕是羡慕,只可惜和我们一点儿关系都没有呢。” 警官们在做出结论之后,继续目送着缓缓南下的飞行船远去。 ※※※ 通道的一隅再次响起尖叫,乘客们凌乱地逃窜起来。情况正如部下之一向冠木报告的一样,怪物的所在看乘客的反应就知道了。 冠木部下中的两人,露出愉快的神情互相对看。其中一人在咋舌之后吐着口水骂道。 “可恶,这么荒谬的劫持行动恐怕是空前绝后的吧。荒谬可笑也就罢了,简直是蠢毙了。” “等这件工作完成之后,我决定到老人院去当个管理员什么的,过过平淡的生活。怎么说呢,光是今天一天就好像把我整个人生的力气都耗尽了。” 听起来就像是平凡小市民的感叹,只不过这些男人口中所说的工作是杀害眼前的九百个人类。虽然反正一切到最后都会被炸个粉碎,所以中间过程怎样都无所谓,可是那具起死回生的尸体已经造成了他们一个同伴的死亡,就算不想理会也不行了。 两名恐怖份子穿过人潮试图接近怪物,但是怪物却中途改变方向,因而避开了与他们的接触。 另一方面,梧桐日记终于在豪华客房区的一隅,也就是船东房间的门口前方发现站岗的作业服男子。 左右张望的眼神,与其说是锐利,倒不如以危险来形容。 大哥哥应该就被关在那个房间里面吧。日记如此判断。接下来该怎么办才好呢?一定得引开在门口站岗的那个作业服恶汉才行。慌乱之中,日记突然想到一个点子。 不久后,日记在吵嚷的人群中穿梭前进,技巧地接近怪物。虽然不愿意靠近怪物,但是又想不到其他的方法,因此日记毫不犹豫地采取行动。这种性格大概是从母亲身上遗传来的吧。 过去拥有志水之名及博士头衔的僵尸,在应该是眼睛的部位出现了闪烁的目光。他确实察觉到了少女的存在。 “喂,过来这边呀,快过来!” 日记大喊着,同时还对着他拍手。不知道内情的人看到了,也许会以为是没教养的小孩子在对大人恶作剧吧。然而日记却是抱着必死的决心。因为她一定得把僵尸引诱出去,让他和穿着作业服的坏人碰面才行。 “喂,很危险哪,快住手!” 虽然听到了这样的斥责,但日记却不能停止。边计算着距离边跑跑停停,直到走动的尸体靠近之后才开始逃跑。 大人或许想得出其他方法,但这却是小孩子绞尽脑汁想到的惟一办法,也幸好怪物受到了吸引。花了大约十分钟的时间,日记终于将对手引导至目的地。 作业服男子目光一转,看起来似乎全身都在颤抖。日记奋力往旁边一跳,在地板上翻滚了二圈再站起来时听见了枪声。看来日记的计划似乎成功了。
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