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Chapter 25 Chapter 21 Listening to the Wind

The sun rose by the Yalin River, and the sun shone into a hollow in the woods not far from the river bank. Nynaeve was sitting here with her back against a young oak tree, and her long breathing showed that she was still asleep.Her horse was sleeping too, standing with legs spread apart, head bowed, the reins wrapped around Nynaeve's wrists.A beam of sunlight shone on the eyelids of the horse, and it opened its eyes, raised its head, and pulled the reins.Nynaeve woke up with a start. For a moment, she just stared blankly ahead, not knowing where she was, but as soon as she regained her senses, she immediately jumped up.All around her were trees, and her horse, and a layer of dried leaves that she had used as a cushion.In the darkest corner, some last year's arboreal mushrooms circled a fallen log.

"Let the light bless you!" She muttered and sat back down again. "If you can't even stay awake all night." She let go of the rein, massaged her wrists, and stood up again, "you won't be able to wake up when you're in the Trolloc cauldron." She stepped on the ground covered with dead leaves and climbed up with a rustling sound, only letting her eyes look out over the edge of the hollow.There were only a handful of ash trees between her and the river, and they looked dead with cracked bark and bare branches.Farther away, the wide blue-green water flowed quickly, and there was no one there.On both sides of the river are scattered clumps of evergreens, willows and firs.The trees on the opposite bank are even rarer than here.If Moiraine and the young men were still by the river, they must all be in hiding.Of course, she wouldn't see them crossing the river, they might be spread out within twenty miles upstream and downstream, if they survived last night.

Thinking of other possibilities, Nynaeve couldn't help feeling angry.She slid back into the hollow.Even after the battles before Winter's Farewell Night and Arrival at Shadarrogos, she still couldn't accept what had happened last night.Moshada.Still worrying about the safety of everyone else on the run and worrying about what to do if a Recluse or a Trolloc suddenly shows up.All the while she heard the growling and shouting of the Trollocs in the distance.The tremolo of the Trolloc horns made her feel a chill more bitter than the wind.But after being scattered among the ruins, she saw the Trollocs only once, and by then she was out of town.About ten Trollocs spread out in front of her in a formation no more than sixty paces wide, roaring and waving hooked lasso poles, all at the same time rushing at her.But when she turned her horse's head to run away, they all fell silent again, raising their noses to sniff the air.She looked at them, so surprised that she even forgot to run away.Then the Trollocs turned back and ran off into the night.This was Nynaeve's most dangerous encounter.

"They know who their target is," Nynaeve said to her mount, standing in the hollow, "and it wasn't me. It looks like the Aes Sedai was right, let the Night Shepherd swallow her!" " Nynaeve made up her mind quickly, and she led the horse downstream.She moved slowly, watching the woods around her with half her attention.Just because the Trollocs left her last night didn't mean they would leave her alone today.The other half of her attention is on the ground ahead.If someone had crossed the river where she passed last night, she should be able to find some traces on the ground.If she was on horseback, she would likely miss the marks.There's even a chance that she'll meet someone.If she finds nothing in the end, by following the river she will surely reach the White Bridge, where the road leads to Caemlyn.She would go all the way to Tar Valon if necessary.

But this future would only frustrate her, and she would never go further than the boys beyond Emond's Village until then.Talen Ferry was already a strange world to her.By the time she got to Ballon, she had begun to wonder if it was right for her to go after Egwene and the others so stubbornly.But she would not allow her resolve to weaken one iota. She would get Egwene and the boys back, or at least she would get the Aes Sedai to answer what had happened to them.One of these two things must be done, this is her oath. More than once she found traces left behind, but she could not be sure whether they were those of a stalker or a fugitive.Some of the bootprints may be human or Trolloc.There are also some hoofprints that look like cows or sheep, which are of course Trollocs.But Nynaeve still could not gather any information from these tracks.

Nynaeve walked like this for about four miles, when she suddenly smelled a puff of smoke from burning wood in the wind, which should have come from not far downstream.She only hesitated for a moment, then found a dense evergreen forest away from the river bank, and tied the horse to a fir tree in the forest.This way the horse is completely invisible from outside the woods.The smoke meant there might be Trollocs nearby, but the only way to know for sure was to see for yourself.She tried not to think about what the Trollocs had set fire to. Nynaeve crouched and stalked from tree to tree, cursing inwardly at the skirt that kept catching her legs.This suit is not designed for stealth.The neighing of a horse slowed her down.When she finally peeked cautiously at her target from behind an ash tree, the Warder was dismounting from a black horse in a clearing.The Aes Sedai was sitting on a log next to a small campfire, over which hung a water jug ​​almost boiling, and her white horse was grazing in the sparse bushes behind her.Nynaeve stopped, not moving.

"They're all gone," Lan said in a grim voice. "The four and a half set out south about two hours before sunrise. That's just my judgment—they didn't leave much of a trail. But the Trolls People are gone, too, not even the corpses. Trollocs don't have the habit of taking the corpses of their mates, unless they're hungry." Moiraine threw something in her hand into the boiling water, and took the jug off the fire. "Wish they were swallowed in Shadaragoth, but that's clearly too much to hope for." The refreshing aroma of tea wafted into Nynaeve's nostrils.Light, don't make my stomach ring!

"No trace of the boys, nor of the others. All footprints are too faint to make a clear message." Nynaeve snickered from her hiding place—she failed, but neither did the Warder. success. "Now we have one more important thing to think about, Moiraine." Frowning, Lan waved away the tea that the Aes Sedai had brought her, and began pacing back and forth by the campfire.With one hand resting on the hilt of his sword, the color-changing cloak kept changing colors as he turned around. "I can accept Trollocs appearing in Two Rivers, even if there are a hundred Trollocs. And now? There are almost a thousand Trollocs hunting us yesterday."

"Not all the Trollocs searched Shadarogoth, that's our great luck. Modao must have suspected that we weren't actually hiding there, but they didn't dare let Shadarogo go so easily. Si, even if there was only a slight chance of spotting us there. The Dark One was never a tolerant master." "Don't shy away from this. You know what I'm talking about. If there were a thousand Trollocs here, why didn't they show up at the Two Rivers? There's only one answer: after we crossed the Tarun, the Trollocs Sent here, because that's when the mastermind behind the scenes knew that one Modao and a hundred Trollocs were not enough to complete the task. But how did they come? If a thousand Trollocs could reach the Demonland so quickly So far south, and completely undetected. Would ten thousand Trollocs suddenly appear in the center of Saldaea, Erafeh, or Shanar? In that case, the Frontier Kingdom would only need a year will be completely conquered."

"If we hadn't found the boys, the whole world would have been conquered in five years," Moiraine answered. "That question troubles me too, but I don't have an answer. The Tao has been closed, since the days of madness, No Aes Sedai can walk through either. Unless some Forsaken breaks free from the seal - by the light of God, I hope that hasn't happened yet - but anyway, I believe that even the power of all the Forsaken Combined, it is impossible to send a thousand Trollocs here. Let us get down to the problem at hand! Everything else must wait." "The boys." Lan said without question.

"I was not idle when you left. One boy had crossed the river and was alive. As for the other two, there were faint traces of them going downriver, but by the time I found them, they had disappeared. .Contact with them was lost a few hours before I started the search." Nynaeve crouched behind a tree, frowning in confusion. Lan stopped in his tracks. "You think the half-men heading south captured them?" "Perhaps," Moiraine continued, pouring herself another cup of tea, "but I won't admit the possibility that they're dead. I can't, I dare not, you know what that means. I must get those young People. I know that Shayaogu will hunt them down. There are people in the White Tower who are against me, even if His Majesty the Jade Throne is against me, and I can accept it. There are always Aes Sedai who believe in only one solution. But..." Suddenly, She put down the teacup, sat up straight, her expression became as cold as frost. "If you pay too much attention to wolves, you'll be bitten to the ankle by rats." Her gaze fell behind the tree where Nynaeve was hiding. "Miss Emira, you can come out now, if you like." Nynaeve scrambled to her feet, hastily brushing the dead leaves off her skirt.When Moiraine moved her gaze, Lan had turned to face the tree.Before Moiraine could speak Nynaeve's name, his hand had drawn his sword.Now he withdrew the sword with unnecessarily great force.His face was almost as expressionless as ever, but Nynaeve could feel a hint of chagrin in the corners of his mouth, which pleased Nynaeve.At least, the Warder didn't realize she was here. But the satisfaction lasted only for a short moment.Nynaeve kept her eyes on Moiraine, and deliberately walked directly towards her.She tried to remain cold and composed in front of the Aes Sedai, but her voice was still trembling with anger, "What kind of trap did you set for Egwene and those boys? What dirty Aes Sedai tricks are you going to use?" use them?" The Aes Sedai raised her cup and sipped her tea calmly.When Nynaeve approached her, Rand held out his hand to block Nynaeve.Nynaeve tried to wave the blocking hand aside, but was surprised to find that the Warder's arm was as immovable as an oak tree.Nynaeve's strength was not small, but Lan's muscles were as solid as iron. "Tea?" Moiraine asked her. "No, I don't want tea, and I wouldn't drink your tea if I died of thirst. You can't let any of Emond's Village get caught up in your filthy Aes Sedai plans." "You have no right to accuse me, Xiangxian." Judging by Mo Rui's appearance, she was more interested in the cup of tea in her hand than in what she said, "You are also using the Supreme Power yourself, in a certain way." Nynaeve pushed Lan's arm again, but still.Nynaeve decided to leave it alone. "Why didn't you say I was a Trolloc?" Moiraine gave a knowing smile that made Nynaeve want to hit her so badly. "Do you think I don't know if the woman standing face to face with me has the ability to touch the true source and guide? Even you can feel Egwene's potential. How do you think I know you are in that tree?" Back? If I wasn't distracted, I should have known the moment you got close. You're definitely not a Trolloc. I can feel the Dark One's evil. So, what do you think I'm thinking, Nynaeve Vie Emira, sage of Emmon's village, unconscious user of the Power?" Rand looked down at her in a way Nynaeve didn't like.Nynaeve thought he was expressing surprise and thought, but in fact, save for the eyes, the Warder's face hadn't changed a single line.Egwene was different, Nynaeve had always known that.Egwene would make an excellent village sage.They're working closely together, Nynaeve thought, to take the edge off me. "I won't listen to that kind of talk anymore. You..." "You must listen," Moiraine said firmly, "I had my doubts in Emmon's Village, even before I met you. The villagers told me that their sage was very troubled because she did not foresee this A harsh winter and a late spring. They told me how good she was at predicting the weather and how the crops would grow. They told me how she healed all kinds of ailments, and sometimes she even healed serious injuries that should have been crippling, leaving no There will be no residual pain, not even a scar. The only criticism I have heard about you is that very few people think you are too young for such a heavy responsibility, which only deepens. It cleared my doubts. So skilled, yet so young." "Mother Balan taught me well." Nynaeve tried to look at Lan, but Lan's eyes still made her uncomfortable, so she finally turned her gaze to the river behind Moiraine.How dare those people talk nonsense in front of outsiders! "Who said I was too young?" she asked. Moiraine smiled and refused to change the subject: "Unlike most women who claim to have the ability to listen to the wind, you can really do it sometimes. Oh, of course this has nothing to do with the wind, what works is the power of the wind and The power of water. It's not a skill to be learned, it's your innate ability, just like it's Egwene's innate ability. But you have learned to control it, and she still needs to learn. Eye-to-eye with you for two minutes , I know. Do you remember how I asked you out of the blue if you were a sage? Have you ever wondered why? You are no different from any pretty girl getting ready for a carnival. Even the young sages out there, I think it's about half your age." Nynaeve remembered her first meeting with the Aes Sedai vividly.This woman was more composed than any member of the Women's Congress, dressed in the most gorgeous dresses she had ever seen, and treated her like a child.At that time, Mo Rui blinked suddenly, as if she had a slightly surprised expression, and asked inexplicably... Nynaeve licked her suddenly parched lips.Both of them were looking at her.The Warder's face was as expressionless as stonework, and the Aes Sedai's eyes were sympathetic and focused.Nynaeve shook her head. "No! No, it's impossible. I'll know, you're just trying to trick me, it won't work." "Of course you don't," Moiraine said reassuringly. "How could you even think of that? You've only been exposed to the wind all this time. Anyway, deep down in your heart you'd think that announcing you and the Power at Emond's Village , being associated with the dreaded Aes Sedai is tantamount to declaring yourself a Darkfriend." A look of amusement flitted across Moiraine's face, "But I can tell you how it all started." "I don't want to hear any more lies from you," Nynaeve said.But the Aes Sedai just went on. "Maybe eight or ten years ago - it's different for everyone, but it always happens when you're young - something becomes what you want most in the world, what you desperately need , and you got it. A branch suddenly fell, allowing you to catch it and drag yourself out of the pond without drowning. A friend, or a pet, recovered when everyone thought death was certain healthy. "At that time, you didn't feel any special feeling, but after a week to ten days, you had the reaction of touching the true source for the first time, maybe accompanied by a sudden high fever or chills, making you lie in bed .The sickness goes away in a few hours. The various reactions never last more than a few hours. Headaches, numbness, and ecstasy are mixed together, and you make all sorts of stupid indiscretions. Every time you take a step, you Stumbling or faltering; swallowing half the words every time I spoke; all the confusion of the sort. Do you remember?" Nynaeve sat heavily on the ground, feeling that her legs could not support her body.She remembered, but she shook her head anyway.It must be a coincidence, or Moiraine had snooped on more detailed information than she had imagined when she was in Emmon's Village.The Aes Sedai must have asked a lot of questions, it must have been.Lan put out a hand to help her, but Nynaeve didn't even look at him. "I could say more," Moiraine continued to Nynaeve, who remained silent, "You used the Power to heal Perrin or Egwene, and this created a connection between you and them, and you could feel To those you healed. In Baerlon, you found the stag and the lion directly, but that was not the inn closest to the town gate. Of the people from Emond's village, only Perrin and Egwene were in the inn at that time. Is it Perrin, or Egwene? Or both of them?" "Egwene," whispered Nynaeve, who had always taken it for granted that she sometimes knew who was approaching her without looking.It wasn't until this moment that she thought that all the people she could feel were those who were miraculously healed by her.She also always knows when the potion will work unexpectedly well, and she can always feel the harvest year, the rain will come sooner or later, she has always taken these for granted.Not all sages can listen to the wind, but the best sages do have this ability.That's what Mama Balan had always said, and she'd always said that Nynaeve would be one of the best of the country. "Egwene had a bony fever," Nynaeve said, her eyes just on the ground. "I was a student of Aunt Baran at the time, and she sent me to see Egwene. I was young and didn't know that Xiangxian had taken care of everything. Egwene looked scary at that time, and her bones were hot. The child was literally sweating Soaked, moaned, shivered until suddenly I couldn't hear her knuckles rubbing against each other. I didn't understand anything then. Mama Baran told me her fever would last until the next day, at most The fever would go away in three days. But I thought Aunt Baran was comforting me. I thought Egwene was going to die. I have been helping Egwene's mother since she was a toddler. I cried because I Wanted to watch her die, but couldn't do anything about it. By the time Mrs. Balaam came back an hour later, Egwene's fever was gone. Mrs. Balaam was surprised, but then she paid more attention to me than Egwene. Thought she believed what I ate that kid but couldn't admit it. I always thought she was trying to reassure me that I didn't hurt Egwene. A week later I was on the floor in her living room , convulsions, high fever intermittently. She tied me to the bed. But by dinner time, all symptoms disappeared." Nynaeve put her head in her hands and finished her statement.The Aes Sedai picked a good example, she thought, let the light burn her!Use the Power like an Aes Sedai.A foul, Darkfriend Aes Sedai! "You're lucky," Moiraine said.Nynaeve sat up stiffly.Rand took a step back, as if what they were talking about had nothing to do with him.He started straightening Manta's saddle without even glancing at them. "Lucky!" "You have a rough control over the One Power, and while it is still only by chance that you touch the Source, without that control you end up killing yourself. And if you prevent Egwene from going to Tar Valon, she Will most likely not be able to survive like you." "If I learn to control it..." Nynaeve swallowed hard, like fully acknowledging that she could do what the Aes Sedai said. "If I learn to control it, then Egwene can too. She doesn't need to go to Tar Valon to hang out with you plotters." Moiraine shook her head slowly, "Aes Sedai seek girls who can spontaneously touch the Source, just as we seek men who can, not to increase our numbers—or at least not to be the only ones. The purpose—it’s not because they are afraid that such a woman will abuse the Supreme Power. If the light protects, such a woman can indeed have a very preliminary control over the Supreme Power, and through this, they can use the weak Supreme Power at certain times, and they can hardly To cause any damage. Of course, women are not subject to the kind of madness that makes men evil and twisted. And we want to save the lives of other women, the lives of women who do not have any control over the Power." "The kind of high fever or cold that I've been through doesn't kill anyone," Nynaeve insisted, "in less than three or four hours. I've had other symptoms too, but they don't kill anyone either. All these symptoms together It disappeared completely after two months. How can I say that?" "These are just reactions," Moiraine said patiently. "Each time, the moment of these reactions occurred closer to the moment of touching the True Source, until the two situations happened almost at the same time. After that, there will be no more Any obvious reaction, but it's like a clock ticking. A year, two years. I know a woman who lasted five years. Of all the women like you and Egwene, if we don't find and Train them, and three out of four will die. Such deaths are not as horrific as the deaths of the men, but they are by no means wonderful. The convulsions and screaming will last for days, and once it starts, there is no Anything can be done to stop it, not even the presence of all the Aes Sedai in Tar Valon." "You are lying. You asked many questions in Emond's Village. You already knew about Egwene's fever, and my fever and chills. You made it all up." "You know I'm not lying," Moiraine said gently. Nynaeve nodded reluctantly, the most reluctant thing she had done in her life so far, but stubbornly denying the obvious was wrong, no matter how frustrating it might be.Mother Balan's first student died of the illness the Aes Sedai described, when Nynaeve was still playing with dolls.Just a few years ago, a woman in Dai Wenqi also died in this way, and that woman was already a student of Xiangxian at that time.She also has the ability to listen to the wind. "You have great potential, I think," Moiraine continued. "After training, you may be stronger than Egwene. I believe she can become one of the most powerful Aes Sedai in many centuries." Nynaeve stepped back as if a poisonous snake had been entangled in front of her. "No! I'm definitely not with..." With what?with myself?Her strength was gone.Her voice also became hesitant, "I beg you not to tell anyone about this, can you?" The plea caught in her throat and nearly choked her to death.She would rather fight Trollocs than be forced to beg this woman, and Moiraine just nodded.Nynaeve regained some of her spirits. "But that still doesn't explain what you want Rand, Matt and Palin to do?" "The Dark Emperor wants them," Mu Rui replied, "Whatever the Dark Emperor wants, I must stop him. Is there any other simpler or better reason?" Mo Rui raised his eyes from the teacup, Looking at Nynaeve. "Lan, we have to go, I think it should be Xiangnan. I'm afraid this village sage won't go with us." Nynaeve pursed her lips when the Aes Sedai said the word "village."The tone seemed to suggest that Nynaeve's short-sightedness failed to see the bigger picture.She doesn't want me to go with her, she wants me to go home and leave them all to her. "Oh, of course, I'll go with you. You can't exclude me." "Nobody's trying to exclude you," Lan said.He doused the fire with the residual tea in the jug, and then smoothed the ashes. "Part of karma?" he asked Moiraine. "Perhaps," Moiraine replied thoughtfully, "I should have spoken to Min again then." "You understand, Nynaeve, you are welcome to join us." Lan hesitated a little when he said Nynaeve's name, as if there was an unspoken Aes Sedai with that name. Nynaeve felt annoyed for a moment. She thought Lan was mocking her.And the way the Aes Sedai and Warders talked about things in front of her irritated her even more - things she knew nothing about, and didn't even bother to explain to her.Of course, she will not take the initiative to ask questions, which will only satisfy their vanity. The Guardian continued to prepare for departure, and his movements were swift and efficient.Soon, all the preparations were done, and the saddlebags and blankets were fastened to the backs of Manta and Atib's saddles. "I'll bring your horse," he said to Nynaeve, tightening the last leather cord that held the saddlebags together. Nynaeve allowed herself a small smile as Rand walked back along the bank.She had kept Lan from finding her just now, and now Lan was going to find her horse without her guidance.Lan would understand once again that when she didn't want to be found, she wouldn't leave any traces, and it would be a joy to see him come back empty-handed. "Why the South?" Nynaeve asked Moiraine. "I heard you say that a boy has crossed the river. How do you know?" "I gave each boy a coin so that there was a bond between them and me. As long as they were alive and had that coin, I could find them." Nynaeve's eyes turned to the Warder direction of departure.Moiraine shook her head: "It's not the same as that. This contact will only allow me to confirm that they are still alive, and to find them if they are separated. Don't you think it is a prudent measure in the current situation? " "I don't like that you have any contact with anyone in Emond's Village," said Nynaeve stubbornly, "but if it helps us find them..." "It will. I'd rather find the young man who crossed the river first, if I can." For a moment, there was a tinge of anger in the Aes Sedai's voice, "Only the distance between him and us is only a few miles, But I can't afford the loss of time. He should make it to the Whitebridge safely, the Trollocs are gone, after all. The two downriver may need me more, and they lost their coins. Medao may be in Chase them, or rush to Baiqiao to stop us." She sighed, "I must first take care of the places that need me more." "Madao may...may have killed them," Nynaeve said. Moiraine shook her head slightly, denying Nynaeve's hypothesis, as if it were a trivial matter that did not need to be considered at all.Nynaeve's lips tightened. "Where is Egwene? You didn't mention her at all." "I don't know," Moiraine admitted, "but I hope she's safe." "You don't know? You hope? Just now you were talking about taking her to Tar Valon to save her life. Thanks to all you said, she may be dead now!" "I can look for her, and give Modao more time to chase the two boys who fled to the south. The Dark Emperor wants them, not Egwene. Before the real prey is found, Modao will not Will care about Egwene." Nynaeve remembered what had happened to herself, but she refused to accept Moiraine's truth. "Then your best guess is that she's alive, if she's lucky. Or, maybe she's alone, frightened, maybe even injured. The nearest village is days away, and you To leave her like this." "She's probably as safe as the boy who crossed the river, or is on her way to the White Bridge with two other boys. Either way, there's no Trollocs threatening her here. And she's strong, smart, and if need be, , fully capable of finding my way to White Bridge. Would you rather give the chance to Egwene who might need help, or to the two boys we know are in need? Would you rather let me stay and look for Egwene, and leave Left behind by the boys that Modao is pursuing? Nynaeve, as I wish Egwene well, I too am fighting the Dark Lord, and this latter will set my course." Moiraine had lost none of her composure as she described these horrific choices, but Nynaeve wanted nothing more than to scream.Blinking back tears, she turned her face away so the Aes Sedai could not see her.Bright, the responsibility of a village sage is to take care of all the people in the village.Why should I make such a choice? "Lan is back," said Moiraine, standing up and putting on her cloak. For Nynaeve, the Warder bringing her horse back was hardly a shock.Still, she couldn't help but tighten her lips when he handed her the reins.Even if there was a little smug look on Lan's face, instead of this stone-like dead face, it would at least stimulate her spirits.However, Lan's eyes widened suddenly when he saw Nynaeve's expression.Nynaeve turned and wiped tears from her cheeks.How dare he laugh at my tears! "Are you coming, Xiangxian?" Mo Rui asked calmly. Nynaeve took one last slow look at the forest, wondering if Egwene would come out by then, before mounting sadly.Lan and Moiraine were already seated in the saddles, turning their horses to the south.Nynaeve followed, rigidly erect, not allowing herself to look back.Her eyes were fixed on Moiraine.The Aes Sedai were so confident in their power and their plans, Nynaeve thought, but if Egwene and one of the boys is wounded, or doesn't survive, all your powers won't be able to protect you .Neither will all your supremacy.I can use it too, woman!You told me this yourself.I can use it against you!
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