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Chapter 52 Glossary

The calendar related to the interpretation of nouns must be explained here.Three calendars passed after the "collapse of the world".The first is the earliest "After the Breaking Era" (After the Breaking, AB), referred to as "Mie Ji".Because of the period of turmoil and chaos that followed the Fall of the World, and the post-Apocalyptic Era only began to come into use hundreds of years after the Fall of the World, its Year One is difficult to define precisely.During the "Trolloc War" (Trolloc War) so many books and records were lost, so historians can't determine the correct year in the old calendar at that time.Therefore, for the necessity of history writing and chronology, a new chronology method appeared.The year begins after the Great War, partly to celebrate that the world is no longer infested by Trollocs.The second method of chronology is called "Free Year" (Free Year, FY), or "Free Year" for short.Then, after the death and destruction wrought by the Hundred Years' War, a third method of dating was born.The chronology currently prevailing in the world is called "New Era" (New Era, NE), or "New Era" for short.

Aes Sedai: Manipulators of the One Power.Only women have survived among the Aes Sedai since the Age of Madness.They are generally distrusted by countries and civilizations, and even suffer extreme fear and hatred.Many people believe that they caused the collapse of the world and manipulated the operations of countries in the world today.Ironically, even in those realms where Aes Sedai cannot be openly involved, few rulers dare to ascend the throne without the assistance of Aes Sedai, though such cooperation is often secret.At the same time, "Aes Sedai" is also a respectful title.See also: sect, Amyrth, Age of Madness.

Age of Legends: After the end of the Shadow Wars and the destruction of the world, this age also ends.Aes Sedai in this age were able to perform great powers and miracles that modern man can only imagine. Aiel: Residents of the Aiel desert, they are brave and tough.Before killing, they veil their faces, hence the proverb "like the black-veiled Aiel" to describe those who use violence.Whether armed or unarmed, they are formidable fighters.In particular, they never wield weapons of the sword type, nor do they ride horses unless absolutely necessary.Aiel musicians will accompany the battle with the rhythm of music, so the Aiel people call the battle "battle dance" and "dance of spears".

Aiel Warrior societies: Every Aiel warrior belongs to a certain warrior society, these organizations include Rock Dogs, Red Shields, and Maidens.Each group has its own unique norms and sometimes a certain style of doing things.Redshields, for example, work like policemen; Rock Dogs usually swear not to back down once a fight has begun, and they will fight until the last man falls.The clans of the Aiel are often at war with each other, but members of the same organization will not fight against each other even when the mother clan is hostile to each other.Therefore, even in the middle of a war, there are still communication channels among the various clans.

Aiel Waste: This is a large broken, rugged, and desperately water-scarce frontier east of the Spine of the World.The Aiel call this land the Land of the Three Absolutes.Very few outsiders dare to enter this area.This is not only because it is extremely difficult for outsiders to find drinking water there, but also because the Aiel are hostile to all foreigners and do not welcome strangers very much. Only the peddlers, walking singers and Tuasan are allowed to be safe by the Aiel enter here.But the Aiel avoided contact with the Tuasan, whom they called the "Lost Ones".So far no maps of that desert are known to exist.

Ajah: This is the internal organization of Aes Sedai. There are seven sects in total, distinguished by color: Blue, Red, White, Green, Brown, Yellow, and Gray.With the exception of His Majesty the Aes Sedai, every Aes Sedai belongs to one of the sects, and each sect has very different views on the use of the Power and the responsibilities of the Aes Sedai.The Red Ancestors focus all their efforts on finding and "taming" the males who seek to control the Power.The Aes Sedai of the Brown School are completely out of touch with the affairs of the world, and instead devote themselves wholeheartedly to the pursuit of knowledge.Bai Zong is not interested in the real world or knowledge related to the real world, they just focus on exploring philosophy and truth.The Greens are always ready to join the Doomsday War (in the Trolloc Wars, the Greens are known as the battle sect).Huang Zong devoted himself to researching healing abilities.Lan Zong takes maintaining justice in the world and resolving all kinds of disputes and disasters as his mission.Gray sects are mediators of all kinds of conflicts, striving to achieve harmony and majority opinion.There were rumors that there was a black sect among the Aes Sedai whose mission was to serve the Dark Emperor, but this was sternly denied by the authorities, let alone a topic that should never be brought up in front of the Aes Sedai.

Alandin (alantin): "brother" in the old saying.It is the abbreviation of tia avende alantin, which means "brother of the tree" and "brother of the tree". Amyrlin Seat (Amyrlin Seat): (1) The title of the leader of the Aes Sedai.This is a tenured position chosen by the Council of the White Tower.Each sect has three representatives in the council, they are called sect guardians.Theoretically speaking, Her Majesty the Jade Throne should have absolute authority among the Aes Sedai and have the same status as a king or queen. (2) The throne of the leader of the Aes Sedai.

Andor (Aador): A wealthy country, on the map, its territory extends from the Misty Mountains to the Ireni River, and the two rivers are also its territories.But successive generations of Andor queens have not been able to control the area west of the Manetheran River.Its flag is a lion leaping on a red background. Angreal: An extremely rare artifact that allows anyone who can channel the Power to safely hold more power than usual without help.These are items left over from the Age of Legends, the methods of making them long lost. Artur Hawkwing,: This legendary king reigned from 943 to 994 Liberty.His empire encompassed all of the western frontiers of the Spine of the World, and even reached as far as some regions beyond the Aiel Desert.He also sent a large army across the Aerys Ocean in 992 of the Free Age, hoping to complete the unification of the world and the nation.But after his death, these expeditionary forces were all severed.The vacancy of power caused by his death directly caused the ensuing Hundred Years' War.His sigil is a golden eagle in flight.See also: Hundred Years' War.

Avendesora: The "Tree of Life" in the old saying, mentioned in many legends and stories.The stories and legends of where it grew vary, but only a few know where it is. Barthanes, Lord, of House Damodred (Barthanes, Lord, of House Damodred): A nobleman of Cairhien, second only to the king in power, his personal emblem is a charging wild boar.The sigil of the Daoutri family is the crown and tree. Birgitte: The legendary blond heroine, she is also one of the favorite protagonists in the stories of walking singers, she has a silver bow and arrows, and her archery skills are even more accurate.

The Borderlands: Guardian kingdoms surrounding the Faerie - Saldaea, Arafael, Kandor, and Shienar.Their history is one of constant warfare against the onslaughts of the Trollocs and Mod'ao. The Breaking of the World: During the Age of Madness, all male Aes Sedai fell into madness, when they wielded power unimaginable to modern man and wrought utter destruction.They caused great earthquakes, leveled ancient mountains, and raised new ones; they raised land from the sea, and filled the former desert with sea.Much of the world's frontiers are thus uninhabitable, and the survivors are scattered like sand in the wind.The course of this mass destruction is recorded in stories, histories and legends under the name of "the collapse of the world".

Cairhien: The country on the Spine of the World, which is also the name of its capital.The capital and many other towns and villages were plundered and burned during the Aiel War (976–978 N.A.).After that war, a large number of farms near the Spine of the World were abandoned by Cairhien, causing Cairhien to now need to import a large amount of grain to meet domestic food needs.Cairhien's banner is a golden sun with many rays on a sky-blue background. Carallain: A country split from Artur Falconwing's empire during the Hundred Years' War, its power gradually declined, and it disappeared completely around 500 CE. Children of the Light: A group with extremely strict beliefs, their purpose is to wipe out all the Darkfriends and defeat the Dark Emperor.The Children of the Light were founded by Lothair Mantelar during the Hundred Years' War to combat the growing power of the Darkfriends.It evolved into a fully military organization during the ensuing war, absolutely adhering to their creed that they alone know justice and truth.They hated Aes Sedai, and considered all those who supported or were friendly with Aes Sedai as Darkfriends.People call them white robes behind their backs.Their sigil is a golden sun on a white background.See also: Jury. Chronicles, Keeper of the: Her position among the Aes Sedai is second only to Jade Throne, and she plays the role of Secretary General of Aes Sedai.This is also a tenure elected by the Council of the White Tower, usually of the same sect as the Amyrth.See also: Yuzuo, sect. Daes Dae'mar (Daes Dae'mar): Game of Thrones, also known as the Game of Nobles, refers to the intrigue between the major noble families for power and profit.It is the goal of everyone in this game to use the virtual and the real at the same time, make a fool of yourself, and exchange for the greatest benefit at the smallest cost. General (Dai Shan): The title of the Diademed Battle Lord in the border countries.See also: Border States. Sin slave (damane): This is the old saying for "shackled person".Women with the ability to channel are forced to be imprisoned in criminal shackles, and the Seanchan Empire uses them to accomplish various tasks, most importantly as weapons in war.See also: Seanchan Empire, Sinners. Darkfriend (Darkfriend): People who follow the Dark Emperor.They believed that once the Dark Emperor was released from prison, they would gain great authority and rewards, and even gain eternal life. Dark One: This is the most commonly used title of Shai'tan in various countries and cultures.He is the root of evil and a symbol of anti-Creator, who was sealed in Shayao Valley by the Creator at the moment of creation.To free him from his cage, his minions waged a shadow war that resulted in the pollution of Anod, the collapse of worlds, and the end of the Age of Legends. Dark One, naming the: Naming the Dark One, naming the Dark One (Satan) will get his attention, which will bring bad luck if you are lucky, or catastrophe at worst.Therefore, people use many generations to call him, and the dark emperor is one of them.Others are Father of Lies, Sightblinder, Lord of the Grave, Shepherd of the Night, Heartsbane, Heartfang , Grassburner, Leafblighter, etc.The Darkfriends call him the Supreme Dark Lord.If a person always brings bad luck, people will describe him as "calling the name of the Dark Emperor". Human Bat (Draghkar): A monster under the command of the Dark Emperor. It is transformed by humans. It looks like a huge human with bat wings. Its skin is very pale and its eyes are scary.The human bat's song can draw its prey closer, suppressing their thoughts.As the saying goes: "A man-bat kills with a kiss." It does not bite, but its kisses will first devour the victim's soul and then kill him. Dragon, false: At some point in history there were men who claimed to be dragons reborn.They often attract a large number of supporters, and other countries must rely on strong military power to defeat them.Sometimes they also started huge wars, which brought many countries to war.In the past, most of these people have no channeling ability, but some people can really channel the power.However, these guys ended up disappearing or being captured or killed, and none of them fulfilled any prophecy related to the real dragon's reincarnation.These people are called pseudo-dragons.Among those pseudo-dragons with channeling ability, the strongest are Raolin Darksbane (335-336 AD), Yurian Stonebow (about 1300-1308 AD), ), Davian (351 A), Guaire Amalasan (939-943), and Logain (997) and Marim Tai Mu (New Era 998).See also: Dragon Reborn. Dragon, Prophecies of the: This prophecy recorded in "The Karaethon Cycle" (The Karaethon Cycle) is only known to few people, and is rarely mentioned.It is mentioned in the prophecy that the Dark Emperor will be released again and begin to touch the world.And the Breaker of the World (Breaker of the World) true dragon Lews Therin Telamon will be reincarnated again, and set off the last doomsday war (Tarmon Gai'don) against the Dark Emperor. World War I.The prophecy says that the dragon will save the world and destroy it again.See also: True Dragon, True Dragon Reborn. The Dragon: Lews Therin Telamon's title during the Shadow Wars some three thousand years ago or more.Under the influence of the madness that infected all male Aes Sedai, Lews Therin killed all his blood relatives, and everyone he loved, earning the title of "Kinslayer".The modern proverb "captured by the real dragon," and the nickname "dragon madman," refer to those who pose danger to those around them, especially when the cause of such danger is unknown. Dragon Reborn: According to the prophecy of the real dragon, the real dragon will be reincarnated at the most critical moment of mankind to save mankind, but many people do not expect this.On the one hand, it is because the prophecy states that the reincarnated dragon will once again cause the world to collapse. On the other hand, even after three thousand years, Lews Therin Telamon, the name of the real dragon, still makes people shudder. , even more frightening than three thousand years ago. Dragon' Fang (the Dragon' Fang): An inverted teardrop pattern.When this pattern is painted on a door or a house, it represents an accusation of evil things against the people in the house; sometimes it is intended to attract Satan's attention and hurt him. Far Dareis Mai (Far Dareis Mai): Maiden of the Gun, which means "the girl who belongs to the gun" in ancient Chinese.It is one of the warrior regiments of the Aiel, and its biggest difference from other warrior regiments is that its members are only women.A Maiden of the Maiden who is married cannot remain in the group, and a Maiden of the Maiden who is not married must never participate in combat if she is pregnant.Any child born to a Maiden of the Spear must be given to another woman to be raised, and the child must not be known to be of the birth mother.These children were held dear, for it was prophesied that a child born of the Maidens would unify the tribes and restore the Aiel to the splendor and glory of the Age of Legends. The Five Powers: The Five Powers are made up of several birth control forces, several of which are usually mastered by those with the ability to channel.These birth and restraint forces are named after the domains they affect: earth, water, wind, fire, and soul, which are also called the five supreme forces.Any user of the Power will have special powers over one or both of them.But since the end of the legendary era, no one has been able to have great power in all five powers at the same time.Even in the Legendary Era, this kind of all-rounder is very rare.The level of control over the five supreme forces varies from person to person, with some people being able to manipulate far more powerful forces than others.Using the Supreme Power to perform certain actions requires the use of more than one power, for example, to light a fire or control it requires the power of fire, to affect the weather requires the power of wind and water, and for healing requires the power of water And the power of the soul.In the era of legends, males and females have equal control over soul power, but males generally have stronger powers of earth and fire; females have greater advantages in powers of water and wind .Of course, this description is not without exceptions, but because most people fit this limit, the powers of earth and fire are considered male powers, and the powers of water and wind are considered female powers.There is no distinction between the Five Powers, but there is a saying among Aes Sedai today: "A drop of water wears away a rock, and a gentle wind grinds a rock; After some of the male Aes Sedai died, so no one knows if the male Aes Sedai had a counter argument. Flame of Tar Valon (Flame of TarValon): The symbol of Tar Valon, Jade Seat and Aes Sedai.Opposite the dragon's tooth, it is a delicate flame pattern: a white teardrop with the tip pointing upwards. The Forsaken: This is the title given to the thirteen strongest Aes Sedai in history who abandoned the light and joined the Dark Emperor in exchange for immortality.According to legends and fragments of historical data, they were also imprisoned when the Dark Emperor was sealed again, but their names are still used to scare misbehaving children.They are: Aginor, Asmodean, Balthamel, Be'lal, Demandred, Graendal, Ishame Ishamael, Lanfear, Mesaana, Moghedien, Rahvin, Sammael and Semirhage. Gaidin: "Battle Brother", is the Aes Sedai's name for Warder.See also: Guardian. Gentling: This is the work performed by Aes Sedai, and its purpose is to sever the connection between the male who has the ability to channel and the One Power.Such a disposition is necessary since all males who learn channeling will become insane due to the contamination of the saidar power, and after becoming insane they will use the power to do many terrible things.A tamed male can still sense the Source, but can no longer touch it.Taming can stop these males from using the Power insanely, but it cannot cure their madness.However, if they are tamed in time, death can usually be avoided.Although tamed men will inevitably give up the desire to survive, even if they cannot commit suicide, they often only live for another year or two. Gleeman: They are traveling storytellers, musicians, jugglers, and all-round entertainers.Their hallmark is a cloak with patches of various colors, and these men perform mainly in villages and small towns. the Great Blight: A land of the far north utterly tainted by the Dark Lord, swarming with Trollocs, Myrddraal, and other shadow creatures. Great Hunt of the Horn: This is a series of epic tales about the hunt for the Horn of Valeri, set after the Trolloc Wars and before the Hundred Years' War.It would take many days to tell this epic in its entirety.See also: Horn of Valier. Great Serpent: A symbol representing time and eternity, it has been used since before the Era of Legends.Its shape is a snake with its own tail in its mouth.When women trained as Aes Sedai become Accepted, they all receive a ring in the shape of a giant snake. Horn of Valere: An artifact described in "The Epic of the Hunting Horn", it is said that this horn can summon the undead of heroes from their graves to fight against the shadows.The Kingdom of Illian has launched a new Horn Hunt, and the Horn Seekers who took the oath in Illian together can now be found in many countries. League: A unit of length.Ten inches (inch) equals three hands (hand) equals one foot (foot); three feet equals one step (pace); two steps equals one span (Span); one thousand spans equals one mile; four miles equals one league. marath'damane: The old saying "must be in handcuffs", this is Seanchan's term for women who have the ability to channel but have not yet been captured and shackled.See also: Slaves, Seanchan Empire. Luthair Paendrag (Mondwin, Luthair Paendrag): The son of Artur Eaglewing, he was responsible for leading the army across the Aerys Ocean.His banner is a golden eagle on outstretched wings, with lightning in its talons. Mordeth: Claimed that Aridhol must be the initiator of darkness, so he completely destroyed the city and gave it a new name "Shadarogos" (Where the Shadow Waits) (Shadar Logoth).Apart from the hatred that destroyed the city, there is only one living life in the city: Modes.He was bound in this ruin for nearly two thousand years, waiting to devour someone's soul in order to obtain a new body. Myrddraal: A creature created by the Dark Emperor and the leader of the Trollocs.Trolloc descendants sometimes undergo an atavistic mutation, reverting to resembling their darkly twisted human ancestors, known as Maedao.They are similar to humans in appearance, except that they have no eyes, but they have the sharp eyesight of eagles in light or dark.They have some abilities bestowed by the Dark Emperor, such as using their eyes to scare the victim and then be paralyzed; they can disappear invisibly in any shadowy place.One of their few known weaknesses is their reluctance to cross bodies of flowing water.In different countries, people give them different names, including: Halfmen, the Eyeless, Shadowmen, Lurks and Fades, etc. . Ogier: A non-human intelligent race characterized by being tall (adult males average up to ten feet tall), stocky, with protruding noses and long, downy ears.They live in what are called settlements.During the Fall of the World, they left their settlements (the Ogiers call this period "exile"), which caused homesickness to arise in the Ogiers' hearts, and Ogiers who had been away from their settlements for too long would become sick and die.After the world fell, the Ogirs built several human cities, making their stonemasonry famous all over the land.For them, masonry is just a skill they learned during their exile. What they really care about is how to take care of the trees in the settlement, especially those towering giant trees.They seldom leave their settlements except for their masonry work, and their contact with humans is even rarer.Humans know very little about them, and many believe that the Ogirs are just legends.Ogiers are considered peaceful beings, so slow that they don't get angry at all, but in some old stories, Ogiers once stood alongside humans in the Trolloc Wars war, they called the Trollocs their sworn enemy.They love knowledge extremely, and in their books and legends, they have collected a lot of knowledge that has been lost in the human world.The normal lifespan of an Ogiman is at least three or four times that of a human.See also: Settlement. the One Power: Power drawn from the True Source.Most people are completely unable to use the Power, very few people can learn to use the Power, and even fewer are born with the ability to channel the Power.For these rare chosen ones, there is no need to learn how to use the Supreme Power. They will subconsciously contact the True Source, and whether they want to or not, they will involuntarily guide the Supreme Power.This natural ability usually develops gradually with growth or puberty.If they fail to teach themselves how to control themselves (which is extremely difficult, only about one in four people succeed), or if they are not taught the ability to control themselves, the darlings often die.Since the Age of Madness, no male has ever channeled the One Power unharmed.Even if some males are lucky enough to learn the power of control, they will gradually wither in madness due to the contamination of the said force caused by the dark emperor, and finally die of living exhaustion of body and mind.For women, death from a lack of control is less horrific, but it is still mortal.Aes Sedai look for women with the gift of channeling, both to save their lives and to expand their ranks; and men with the same power, to prevent them from using the Power after they go mad commit horrific crimes.See also: Aes Sedai, Taming, Supreme Five, Age of Madness, The True Source. Pattern of an Age: With the rotation of the wheel of time, the threads of human destiny are also woven into the pattern of the age, usually called the pattern of an age, which constitutes the historical movement of the era. the Questioners: A separate group among the Children of the Light.They vow to find the truth in the conflict and stop at nothing to find the Darkfriend.In their journey to find the truth and the Holy Light, they are best at torture.For them, the truth is already in their hearts, and the most important thing is to get the suspect to confess.They call themselves the Hand of Light, and call themselves the arm that is not afraid of hardships to dig out the truth.Sometimes their actions are completely out of the hands of the Children of the Light and its governing body, the Council of the Anointed.The leader of the jury is the High Inquistor, who also has the qualifications to participate in the Council of Light.Their sigil is a blood-red shepherd's crook shaped like a red question mark. Sa'angreal: An extremely rare artifact that allows the channeler of the One Power to safely command more power without help.Its basic concept is similar to that of a magic weapon, but its power is much stronger.The supremacy boost of a supermagic weapon is compared to that of a magic weapon, just as the holder of a magic weapon is compared to an empty-handed channeler.These are objects handed down from the age of legends, the methods of making them long lost.Just like talismans, there are separate supermagic artifacts for males and females.There are only a handful of super magic tools left behind, far less than magic tools. Sea Folk: To be more precise, it should be Athan Miyar, People of the Sea.They live on small islands in the Ocean of Eris and the Sea of ​​Storms, but they spend most of their time away from their homes, sailing in ships.Most maritime trade is carried on the ships of the Sea Folk. Seanchan: 1. Artur Eaglewing sent an army across the Aerys Ocean many years ago, and the people of these armies are now returning to reclaim their ancestral kingdom. 2. The name of the continent where the people of the Seanchan Empire come from. Seandar: The capital of the Seanchan Empire, the Queen sits on the Crystal Throne in the September Hall. Shadar Logoth: A city abandoned and cursed since the Trolloc Wars.This area is completely tainted by resentment, not even a pebble is safe. Shayol Ghul: A mountain in the Wasteland where the Dark Lord is imprisoned. the Spine of the World: A towering mountain range with only a few passable passes.It separates the Aiel Desert from the western realms. settlement (stedding): the home of the Ogier.After the collapse of the world, many settlements were abandoned.The Settlement had some kind of protection, in a way that is now lost, preventing the Aes Sedai from channeling the One Power, or even sensing the presence of the True Source, within the Settlement's confines.Even if the power is channeled from outside the settlement, it cannot affect the settlement.Trollocs are reluctant to enter a settlement unless they are forced to.Even Modao enters settlements with great reluctance only when absolutely necessary. Stilling: This is performed by an Aes Sedai, the act of sealing off a woman's aura.Women who have been silenced can still sense the Source, but cannot touch it. Sul'dam: A woman who has passed the test and has the qualifications of a Sul'dam.In the test she must prove that she is qualified to wear the manacles, and thus can control the slaves. Doomsday War (Tarmon Gai'don): The legendary final battle between light and darkness. Tar Valon: A city on an island in the River Erinin.This was the base of the Aes Sedai, where the White Tower stood. Time axis (ta'veren): Around this person, the wheel of time weaves the fate of those close to it, and even the karma of all people into a web of fate.See also: Timeliness. Ter'veren: A treasure handed down from the legendary era that can use the Supreme Power.Unlike implements or ultimatums, each ter'angral implement is crafted to perform a specific task.For example, there is a certain ter'angular implement that is used to ensure that the vows made by the wielder are kept.Aes Sedai wield some ter'arreal, but most of them have been forgotten for their purpose, and some even destroy the channeling ability of the user, or even kill them. Tigraine: She is the princess of Andor.Tigrand married Taringail Damo'dred and bore him Gala Aedred.After her brother Luke disappeared in the Demon Realm in 972, she also disappeared.The accident sparked the Succession in Andor and set off a chain of events in Cairhien that indirectly led to the Aiel War.Her emblem is a woman's hand clutching a white thorny rose. Time of Madness: When the Dark Lord's counterattack pollutes Sodar, all the male Aes Sedai go mad and begin to tear down the world.This period is known as the Age of Madness, the exact length of which is unknown, but is believed to have lasted almost a hundred years.The Age of Madness did not really end until the last male Aes Sedai died. Treekillers: The Aiel term for Cairhien, which signifies extreme contempt and shock. Treesinger: Some Ogiers can sing (called "tree-song") to heal trees, aid in growth, or create woodwork without harming the mother plant.The wooden utensils produced in this way are called singing wood and are regarded as extremely precious treasures.Only a very small number of Ogiers still possess this ability, and this talent seems to be slowly disappearing. Trollocs: Creatures created by the Dark Emperor during the Shadow Wars.They are a twisted race of human and beast hybrids.Trollocs are evil by nature, and kill for the pleasure of it.They are inherently cunning and should not be trusted unless threatened with absolute force.They eat all kinds of meat, including human flesh, as well as the flesh of other Trollocs.Their body structure has many similarities with humans, and they can interbreed with humans, but the result of this cross-fertilization often only produces dead babies, or children who die prematurely.They are divided into many groups similar to human tribes, the main ones are: Al'ghol, Bhan'sheen, Dha'vol, Dhai'mon, Dhjin 'nen, Ghar'ghael, Ghob'hlin, Gho'hlem, Ghraem'lan, Ko'al and Kno 'mon). Trolloc Wars: A series of wars that started around 1000 AD and lasted for more than 300 years.During this time, Trolloc armies roamed the world.In the end, most Trollocs were wiped out or driven back into the Feylands.However, during this long war, many countries were completely destroyed, and even the borders of some countries were completely uninhabitable. During this period of time, only fragments of history remain. True Source: The force that drives the universe, it also drives the wheel of time.The true source is divided into anode and cathode, and they are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.Only males can channel the Anodic Force, while the Anodic Force is exclusive to females.During the Age of Madness, the Anodic Force was tainted by the Dark Lord.See also: The Supreme Power. Warder: A warrior bound to an Aes Sedai.Binding is a ritual that must be completed through the Supreme Power. Through binding, the Dharma Guardian can obtain the ability to quickly heal injuries, and at the same time can travel long distances without sleeping or resting, without eating or drinking.At the same time, the guardian can also sense the pollution caused by the dark emperor from a long distance.As long as the Warder was alive, his own Aes Sedai would know he was alive, no matter how far away they were.When he died, the Aes Sedai could know how he died in the same instant.But Bind couldn't tell the Aes Sedai Warder's distance or direction.Most denominations believed that an Aes Sedai had to have a Warder, but the Red Aes Sedai refused to bind any Warders, and the Green School bound as many Warders as they wanted.From a moral point of view, Dharma protectors must voluntarily accept bondage, but there have also been cases of forced bondage.What the Aes Sedai could gain from the bondage was a secret. War of the Hundred Years: A collective term for a series of overlapping wars fought between 994 and 1117 in the Liberty.The origins of these wars are all due to shifts and changes in power structures caused by the death of Artur Hawkwing.They caused enormous damage. Most of the land between the Ayris Ocean and the Aiel Desert was deserted. Almost all the people from the Storm Sea to the Demon Land were involved, and almost all historical records were destroyed.Artur Eagle Wing's empire was also torn apart in the war, and after that, modern countries were established one after another. War of the Shadow: Also known as the War of the One Powers, this war ended the Age of Legends.The forces of darkness intended to free the Dark Emperor, thus causing this war, which then involved the whole world.In a peaceful and prosperous age that has almost forgotten what war is, all war technologies and theories have been redeveloped, researched and practiced, and the dark emperor's conspiracy was also involved.The Supreme Force was also widely used as a weapon in this war.In the end, the dragon Lews Therin Tramont led a hundred male Aes Sedai known as the Hundred Leagues to reseal the Dark Emperor and end the war.But the Dark Emperor's counterattack pollutes the Yang force, driving Lews Therin and the Hundred Leagues into madness, which leads to the beginning of the Age of Madness. Watchers Over the Waves: This group believes that the army Artur Hawkwing sent across the Ocean of Ayres will one day return, so they set up a mission in the Falme town of Toman Head. ) was constantly watched day and night. The Wheel of Time: In this world, time is a spinning wheel with seven spokes, each spoke representing an era.With the rotation of the wheel of time, memories become legends, legends fade into myths, and when the epoch returns, the myths will also disappear.Every time a new era comes, the cause of the era will be slightly different, and it is more likely to undergo drastic changes, but this is always an era that once existed. White Tower (White Tower): Located in Tar Valon, where the Emerald Seat is located, Aes Sedai are trained here. Wisdom: This is a woman chosen by the Village's Women's Circle for her medical knowledge, ability to predict the weather, and pretty good common sense.This position carries great responsibility and authority, and therefore has high real power and status.She basically has the same status as the village head, and the Women's Council also has the same status as the village council.However, unlike the village head, the Xiangxian is a lifelong post, and it is rare for him to be forced to abdicate before death.Due to different regions, she also has different titles, such as Guide, Healer, Wise Woman, Reader, etc.
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