Home Categories Internet fantasy The Wheel of Time 02 The Big Hunt

Chapter 28 Chapter 27 Shadows in the Dark Night

"I don't understand," Royal said, "I'm the winner most of the time, and then since Tina joined the game, she won everything right away. Every time she rolled the dice, she said That was a little lesson, what did she mean?" Rand and the Ogi were walking on the streets of the First Gate District at this time, and the Grape Bunch Inn was already far behind them.The sun hung on the western horizon, like half a big red ball, leaving a long shadow behind them.The street became empty, except for a huge puppet, a goat with a sword on its side, and five people walking in their direction holding a long pole supporting it. .Rand could hear the sound of laughter and uproar from other streets and alleys in the First Gate District, where entertainment venues and taverns were located.The houses on both sides of this street have already closed their doors and windows.

Rand stopped and ran his fingers over the wooden flute case on his shoulder.I shouldn't expect him to drop everything for me, but he can at least have a good talk with me!Light, I wish Inta could be before me now.He put his hand into his pocket again, feeling Celine's letterhead. "You don't think she..." Royal paused uneasily before continuing, "Don't you think she's cheating? Everyone keeps laughing at her like she's doing something very clever things." Rand shrugged.I must get out of here with that horn.If I'm still here waiting for Inta, anything can happen.Sooner or later Paden will come here too.I have to leave before he comes.The men with the puppets were almost at their side.

"Rand," said Royal suddenly, "I don't think it's a—" Suddenly, the five men withdrew their long poles, but the Trolloc puppet did not collapse, but stretched its arms and rushed towards Rand. With no time to think, Rand instinctively drew the Heron Emblem Sword, and the sharp blade drew a silver glow in front of him.The shadow of the moon on the Qinghu Lake is gone.The Trolloc staggered back, wailing indistinctly, and the moment it fell to the ground, its wailing was still lingering. In an instant, everyone froze in place.The five Darkfriends looked at the dead Trolloc, then at the tall Loial, Rand, and the snowblade in his hand, and they turned and fled.

Rand kept his eyes on the Trollocs on the ground.Before his hand touched the hilt, the void surrounded him.Sailor force flashed in his mind, delighting him, making his heart palpitate.He tried to clear the void, licking his lips.After the void escaped, fear crept into his heart again. "Royal, we must go back to the hotel immediately, there is only one person in Xiulin, and they—" Rand exclaimed, his body had been dragged off the ground by a hand as thick as his thigh, and a Hairy hands grabbed his throat.Rand could see a pair of tusks dangling above its head.A foul smell filled his nostrils, and he could even smell the sour smell of its sweat and the rotten mud of the pigsty.

But the hand that grabbed Rand's throat was pulled away almost immediately.He was shocked to see the Ogier's huge hand grasping the Trolloc's. "Hold on, Rand." Royal's voice was labored.The Ogier's other hand grasped the arm still wrapped around Rand's chest from the other side. "hold onto." As the two giants wrestled desperately, Rand was also thrown around.With just one blow, he was thrown from the Trolloc's arms.Rand staggered to his feet, turned around sharply, and raised the heron sword high. Loial, who was standing behind the bog-mouthed Trolloc, had forced the enemy to open his arms by this time, but he was also panting from exhaustion.The Trolloc growled harshly, turning his head, trying desperately to stab Loial with his fangs.Their four feet kicked up clouds of dust on the ground.

Rand wanted to find a suitable angle to stab the blade into the Trolloc's body without hurting Royal, but the Ogier and the Trolloc were already scuffling, and Rand couldn't do it. The Trolloc roared and pulled his left arm out of the Ogiman's grasp, but before it could move any further, Loial had his arms tightly around its neck.The Trolloc reached for its sword, a scythe-like weapon that hung from its left waist and was difficult to draw with the left hand.But with the Trolloc's efforts, the black blade came out of the scabbard inch by inch.At this time, Rand, who was standing aside, was still unable to launch an offensive because he was afraid of hurting Royal.

the supremacy.It will work.Rand didn't know what to do, but he didn't know what else to do.The Trolloc's sword was half drawn, and when it was all out of its sheath, Loial's life would be in danger. Reluctantly, Rand began to summon the void.Sailor force blazed before his eyes, an irresistible allure.Rand vaguely remembered the sound it had sung to him.But this time it only attracted him, as the scent of a flower attracts the bee, and the stench of rotting flesh attracts the fly.Rand opened himself to it, reached out to it.There was nothing there, he should have touched the solid light, but all he felt was the disgusting pollution, which clings to him and makes him feel filthy.Rand, almost unconscious, tried again and again in desperation, but all he could touch was the horrible pollution.

Royal lifted the Trolloc violently and threw it aside, and the Trolloc flew out in a spin, hitting his head against the wall of a building.There was a distinct sound of bones breaking, and the Trolloc lay on the ground, neck bent at an odd angle.Royal stared at the enemy, his chest rising and falling. It took a long time for Rand to realize what had happened.Immediately he drove away the void and the polluted light in his heart, and ran to Royal. "Rand, I've never...killed..." Royal took a convulsive breath. "If you don't kill it, it will kill you," Rand told the Ogier.He glanced worriedly at the dark streets and the closed doors and windows.They encountered two Trollocs, and they were bound to encounter more. "I'm sorry to make you have to do this, Royal, but it will probably kill us all, or worse."

"I know, but I still can't take it, even if it's a Trolloc." The Ogir grabbed Rand's arm and pointed his other hand in the direction of the sunset. "The Trollocs have appeared again." Because of the sunlight, Rand couldn't see clearly, but there was indeed a group of people walking towards them holding a big puppet.Now, he could see the abnormality of this puppet, its walking movements were too natural, and without seeing any movement of the people under the puppet, its animal head suddenly raised up.In the darkness, Rand didn't think the Trolloc and Darkfriend had seen him.They were moving slowly, but they were undoubtedly looking for Rand, and they were getting closer to him.

"Padden knows I'm here," Rand hastily wiped his blade clean on the Trolloc corpse, "he sent them to find me, but he was afraid that the Trollocs would be found by the residents here, so he let them do it." Such a disguise. If we can find a crowded street, we're safe. We must go to Schurin. If Padden finds him, and he's alone with the horn . . . " Rand pulled Royal around a corner and ran toward the loudest laughter and music, but they hadn't gone far when another group of men with fake puppets appeared on the empty street ahead of them .Rand and Royal turned and ran east down another street.

Every time Rand got close to the source of the noise, a Trolloc stood in his way.Rand could even hear their loud snorts.Some Trollocs can track the scent of their prey.As night fell over everything, Rand found that the Trollocs had begun to abandon their disguise and move alone.More than once, he was sure the Trollocs he saw were the ones he had encountered not long ago.The Trollocs gradually narrowed the encirclement, making it impossible for Rand and Royal to escape the deserted alley.They were forced to move eastward, away from the city and the forest; away from the jubilant crowd.The streets became narrower and narrower, the dark road undulating up and down the hilly terrain.Rand kept looking at the buildings on the side of the road. The doors and windows of the tall and short houses had been closed tightly.But Rand also knew that even if he knocked on a door, even if the owner of the house took him and Royal, these simple wooden doors would not be able to stop any Trolloc.If he did this, he would just let those monsters kill a few more people. "Rand," said Royal, "we have no escape." They had already reached the edge of the eastern district of the first gate, and in front of them was the endless wilderness.The windows facing the street were all sealed, and only the upstairs windows were dimly lit, as if they were mocking eyes.In the last twilight of the setting sun, Rand could see that the low hills were not entirely empty, but there was nowhere to hide.He could just make out, about a mile away, a wall around a larger hill, with houses faintly visible in it. "As long as they get us out of here," Royal said, "they don't have to worry about being discovered." Rand pointed to the wall and said, "That must be a noble manor. Maybe we can hide from the Trollocs there. They should let us in! We are a giant elf, and a foreign noble. This dress will always help." He looked back at the alleys he had just passed, and there were no Trollocs following him, but Rand still pulled Royal and sneaked forward along the wall . "Rand, I think that's the hall of the Illuminators. The Illuminators keep their secrets so closely that even Gatrian himself would probably be turned away by them." "What trouble have you encountered?" A familiar female voice came, and a fragrant breath suddenly floated in the air. Rand froze in place, eyes wide open, Celine came out from a street corner they had just rounded, her snow-white clothes still shone faintly in the darkness.Rand immediately whispered, "How did you get here? What are you doing? Get out of here, come on! The Trollocs are after us." "I know," her voice was calm and cold, like a lake under the ice in deep winter, "I came to look for you, and all I saw was that you were chased away by the Trollocs like a lost sheep. Flee. How could a man with the Horn of Valer become like this?" "I don't have it with me," Rand said hastily, "and I don't think it would be of any use if I had it in my hands. Those dead heroes can't come here now to save me." Celine, you have to leave now, hurry up!" he said, looking across the corner again. Not a hundred paces away, a Trolloc was stretching out its horned head, lying on the ground sniffing, and the huge black figure beside it must be another Trolloc.There are also some small shadows behind them, which should be the Dark Friends. "Too late," Rand murmured.He took off the cloak and wrapped it around Celine's body. The long, wide cloak was dragged all the way to the ground, completely covering Celine's white clothes. "Don't let it fall, we're going to run a little bit," he told her. "Roial, if they won't let us in, we'll find a way to sneak in." "But, Rand—" "Would you rather wait for the Trollocs to find you?" Rand gave the Ogier a shove; his other hand took Celine's tiny hand and began to run forward. "We won't lose our heads finding our way, Royal." "Are you just letting yourself run away in such embarrassment?" Celine said, she and Royal ran with Rand, but they didn't seem to be struggling at all. "Find the one and calm your mind. If you want to be a great man, you must always remain calm." "The Trollocs might hear you," Rand warned her in a low voice. "Besides, I don't want to be a great man." He thought he heard the woman's angry voice at once. Rand felt more and more rocks appearing on the ground under his feet, but the road across the hills was not difficult.The trees and shrubs around here had been cut down long ago by woodcutters, and there was nothing but knee-high grass.The evening wind blew gently, but Rand was worried that the wind would carry Celine's scent into the Trolloc's nostrils. Royal stopped beside the wall, which was made of stone blocks and painted with white plaster on the outside, and it was twice as tall as the Ogier.Rand looked back towards the first door. The light from the window centered on Cairhien City and scattered outward, like the spokes of a wheel. "Royal," Rand whispered, "can you see them? Are they still with us?" The Ogier also looked toward the first door, and he nodded sullenly. "I only see some Trollocs, and they're coming this way. Run, Rand, I really don't think—" Celine interrupted Royal: "Alandin, if he wants to go in, he needs a door, like this." She pointed to a dark shadow on the fence.Even when Celine pointed out the place, Rand couldn't be sure it was a door.But the woman walked over, stretched out her hand, and pulled it away. "Rand." Royal exclaimed. Rand drew him to the door. "Don't talk yet, Royal, and move quietly. We can't be discovered by others now, you know?" After all three people entered the door, Rand closed the door gently.There was a bracket for a bolt in the door, but Rand couldn't find the bolt. The door wouldn't stop anyone, and now I just hope the Trollocs don't see it, or dare to come in. They were on a narrow road leading up to the top of the hill, lined with low, windowless houses.At first Rand thought the houses were also made of stone, but he soon discovered that there were wooden walls beneath the white plaster.The moon had risen in the sky now, casting a silver light around Rand. "It's better to be caught by the Illuminator than to fall into the hands of Trollocracy." Rand muttered and walked towards the top of the mountain. "But I'll tell you, Rand," Royal said behind him, "I've heard that the Illuminators kill anyone who trespasses on their camp, and they will stop at nothing to keep their secrets." Rand stopped and stared back at the door.The Trollocs were still outside the Wall, and humans were easier to deal with than Trollocs anyway.At least he could talk to the Illuminators and ask them to let them go, but a Trolloc never said a word before killing someone. "Sorry to bring you into this, Celine." "Danger always pays off," the woman said softly, "So far, you have performed well. Let's see what's here first?" She passed by Rand and continued to walk up. Rand had to Follow her.The woman's body fragrance has been lingering in his nasal cavity. At the top of the mountain, the narrow road expands into an open flat land, the clay ground and the plaster paint of the buildings are also off-white.The flat was surrounded by more windowless buildings, and between the houses, several other paths leading here could be seen.But a house next to Rand had windows, and the light was casting light from the windows onto the gray clay.At this time, a man and a woman appeared in the open space and walked slowly to the other side of the open space.Rand quickly ducked and hid in the shadow of the path. The clothes of these two people obviously did not belong to Cairhien's attire. The man was wearing a pale yellow dress with loose trousers and shirt sleeves, and embroidery decorations on the front of the trousers and shirt.The woman's clothes appeared to be light green, with delicate patterns embroidered on her chest, and her hair was also pulled into a very complicated bun. "Everything is ready? Are you sure?" the woman asked, "Are you sure there is no problem, Tammuz? Nothing is missing?" The man spread his hands: "Aluta, you have also checked everything. Everything is ready, and by then, you will not be disappointed with our performance." "Have all the doors been locked and locked? All...?" The woman's voice disappeared at the other end of the building where the light was shining. Rand looked carefully at the clearing, where there were some things he had never seen before.In the center of the clearing stood dozens of long pipes, each of which was almost a foot taller than Rand, some even taller.Both pipes had a broad wooden base beneath them, and from the top of the pipes a black cord extended behind a low wall some three paces away.Around the edge of the center of the clearing stood wooden racks, filled with gutters, pipes, sticks, forks, and other miscellaneous things. Rand had seen some fireworks, too, but they were small objects that could be picked up with one hand.Rand knew that the fireworks would explode violently and make a loud noise, or swirl on the ground, ejecting spiral sparks, or fly into the sky with colorful fireworks.When Rand was young, the Illuminator always warned him and his companions not to light fireworks randomly, lest they explode out of control.Fireworks are very valuable items to the village council, so people without this skill are absolutely forbidden to touch them.Rand still remembered the time when Matt set off the fireworks secretly. Except for Matt's mother, no one else knew that he set off the fireworks until a week later.Looking at the tubes, the only thing Rand felt familiar was the fuse at the top of them.He knew that to set off the fireworks, those black wires had to be lit first. Rand glanced at the building from which the light was shining, and turned back to motion for the other two to follow him.They went around the pipes and walked to the other side of the clearing. If they had to find a place to hide, Rand hoped that they could at least stay away from the occupied house. They walked among the scattered shelves.Every time Rand touched something, he immediately held his breath.If the things on these shelves were moved a little, they would make harsh noises.They all seemed to be made of wood, and Rand had never been able to find a single piece of metal.He couldn't imagine how much noise it would make if something were really knocked over.He took a careful look at those tall pipes, and then thought of the explosions from those fireworks that were only the size of his finger.If these were really fireworks, Rand didn't want to be near them. Royal kept talking to himself, and accidentally bumped into one of the shelves.The sound of the shelf shaking startled him, and he stepped back in a panic, bumping into another shelf.Immediately the Ogir was bogged down in a quagmire of crashing and grunting. Celine didn't look tired or scared at all.She followed the two men steadily, as if she was wandering on a certain street in the city.She didn't touch anything, she didn't make a sound, but she didn't bother wrapping Rand's cloak around her, either.Her white clothes peeked out from the cloak, looking brighter than the white walls.From time to time, Rand looked back at the lighted windows, afraid that someone would poke his head out of there suddenly. As long as someone looked out of the window at this time, they would definitely find Celine. At that time, they would be greeted only by sirens. . However, no figures appeared in those windows, and they walked safely behind the low wall.Rand finally sighed in relief.At this time, Royal accidentally bumped into a shelf by the wall. There were ten soft-looking sticks on the shelf. They were as long as Rand's arms, and there were puffs of light smoke constantly floating from one end of them. rise.The soft sticks fell noiselessly to the ground, and the smoking end of one of them landed just on top of a fuse.With a low hissing sound, sparks burst out of the black thread in an instant, and flew towards a towering pipe with continuous spray. At this moment, Rand almost fainted, but he still tried his best and shouted with a weak voice: "Hide behind the wall!" After speaking, he picked up Celine and ran behind the wall, while turning a deaf ear to the woman's angry scolding.After reaching the wall, Rand put Celine on the ground, while stretching his body as far as possible to protect Celine, while Royal curled up beside them.Rand waited for the pipe to explode, and kept praying that the low wall in front of him would not be blown to pieces.There was a deafening roar, and Rand felt the ground tremble with him.He carefully raised his upper body from Celine, leaning against the edge of the low wall and looking out.Celine beat Rand's chest hard with her fist and struggled to get out from under him, cursing in a language Rand didn't know, but Rand didn't care about all of this. A plume of smoke rose from the top of a pipe, all Rand could see.He shook his head in surprise.Is that all?... With a thunderous crack, a huge red and white flame flower bloomed in the dark night, and then slowly dissipated into tiny sparks. While Rand was still staring at the sparks in a daze, various voices had already been heard from the building with lights.Shouting men and women filled the windows, all looking out desperately to find out what was going on. Rand looked regretfully at a path not far from him.It was less than a dozen steps away from them, but as long as they appeared at that intersection, they would definitely be seen by the people in the house.At this time, the house was already filled with the sound of heavy footsteps. Rand pushed Royal and Celine back against the wall. "Don't move, don't make a sound." He warned his two companions in a low voice, "This is our only hope." "Sometimes," Celine said quietly, "if you don't move, no one will notice you." There was no worry in her voice. The sound of boots hitting the ground kept ringing on the other side of the low wall, and the angry shouts became louder and louder. Rand could clearly distinguish the scolding voice of the woman named Aluta. "Tammuz, you clown! You pig! One day, you will kill us!" "It's not my fault, Aluuda," the man retorted, "I've arranged everything. It's those trash, they—" "Don't talk to me, Tammuz! A pig is not allowed to talk like a man!" Aluta changed her tone again, and began to answer another man's question. "There's no time to prepare another one, and tonight Gatrion can only enjoy the rest. Tammuz! Get everything in order, and tomorrow you leave with the convoy to buy manure. If anything goes wrong tonight , you don’t even have the job of buying manure!” The sound of footsteps and Aluta's scolding gradually disappeared in the house again.Only Tammuz was left in the clearing, with his murmur of complaints. Rand saw Tammuz walking towards the fallen shelf, and immediately held his breath again, pressing his body against the corner of the wall.He could see Tammuz's back and shoulders, and if the man looked back, Rand and the others had nowhere to hide.But Tammuz just grumbled and put the smoldering soft stick back on the shelf.Then go back to the house with the lights. Rand let out a breath, glanced at Tammuz, and immediately retracted his head behind the wall. There were still a few figures flashing behind those windows. "There will never be such good luck tonight," he whispered. "Great men make their own luck." Celine's voice was like a gentle breeze. "Can you stop talking about these things?" Rand felt tired.He hoped that his mind would not just be filled with the scent of this woman, which made it difficult for him to think clearly.He remembered the feeling of having her pressed against him, a bewildering mixture of softness and hardness.But it didn't help him sort out his thoughts at all. "Rand?" Royal was peering around the end of the low wall. "I think we need more luck, Rand." Rand looked over the Ogier's shoulder.At the intersection they had come by, there were three Trollocs, also hiding in the shadows, watching carefully the lighted windows.A woman appeared in one of the windows, but she didn't seem to see the Trollocs. "In that case," Celine said quietly, "this place becomes a trap. If those people catch you, they will kill you, and the Trollocs will not let you go. Kill those Trollocs before they come out; maybe you can stop them from killing you to protect their little secret. Maybe you don't want to be great, but only great people can do that." "You don't have to say it so cheerfully," Rand said.He tried not to think about her beautiful smile, and what she would think of what he said.The void has almost surrounded him.Rand flung the void away.It looks like the Trollocs haven't found them yet.Rand drew back, staring at the dark alleyway closest to them.If they took a few steps there, the Trollocs would be sure to spot them, and they wouldn't be able to hide from the woman by the window.At that time, all Rand will have to consider is who will discover them first. "Your greatness will make us happy." Celine's voice was clearly annoyed. "Maybe I should leave you for a while, so that you can find your own path. The opportunity to become a great man has already fallen into your hands. If you If you don't catch it in time, all you can get is death." Rand turned away from her. "Roial, can you see where that alley leads? Is there a door at the end?" The Ogier shook his head, "There are too many lights and shadows interfering with me. I have to walk into that alley to see clearly." Rand put his hand on the hilt of his sword, "Take Celine. As long as you see a door you can go out, call me, and I will follow. Remember, you can only speak when you see the door. If you have been When I reached the wall, I didn’t see the door, so I hugged Celine to the wall so that she could climb over the wall and escape.” "Okay." Royal agreed, but his voice was full of worry, "but as soon as we leave the low wall, those Trollocs will definitely find us. Even if we find the door to go out, they will be behind us Follow closely." "Leave the Trollocs to me!" There were three of them.As long as the void works, maybe I can kill them.Thinking of Yangli, Rand strengthened his resolve even more.It had brought him too many surprises since his contact with the True Source of Masculinity. "I'll try to keep up with you. Let's go!" He turned and began to stare at the Trollocs intently. Out of the corner of his eye, Rand could see Loial's moving body, Celine's white dress, and his cloak half-draped over the woman.Suddenly, one of the Trollocs pointed excitedly at them, but the three Trollocs still hesitated, looking up at the figure of the woman at the window.There are three of them.There must be a way to use it without the void, without the power of the sun. "There is a door!" Royal called in a low voice.A Trolloc stepped away from the shadow, and two others followed closely behind.At the same time Rand heard the woman screaming at the window.Royal was yelling something at him too. Without any further consideration, Rand started to act.He had to fend off the Trollocs, otherwise they would have a hard time escaping these monsters in the wild.Rand grabbed a smoking soft club and slammed into the nearest long pipe, knocking it forward.Rand grabbed the square wooden base and pointed the end of the tube at the Trollocs, who stopped hesitantly when they saw Rand.The woman's scream became louder now.Rand extended his arm, and pressed the smoking end of the soft rod against the fuse. Immediately there was a huge explosion, and the heavy wooden base knocked Rand to the ground.The crackling sound of thunder shook the earth again, and the flashes that people couldn't look at directly were flying in all directions, tearing up the night. Rand blinked and stood up staggeringly; the irritating smoke made him cough continuously, and the sharp whistle of fireworks made him unable to hear anything.He stared around blankly.Half the pipes and all the racks fell to the ground, and a building was blown in half where the three Trollocs had stood.The flames licked the crumbling ruins.And the Trollocs were long gone. Gradually, Rand heard the shouts of the Illuminators in that house.He stumbled into the alley, and after a few steps, something tripped him.Rand looked down, only to realize that it was his cloak.He grabbed it and continued to run forward.Behind him, the shouts of the Illuminators filled the night. Royal stamped impatiently by the open door.Rand saw only him. "Where's Celine?" Rand asked. "She ran in again, Rand, and I tried to catch her, but she broke free from my grasp and ran in." Rand turned and looked in the direction of the noise.Now, the dazzling firelight became brighter and brighter. Although the voice in his ears was chaotic, he could still distinguish some content from it. "Sand bucket! Bring the sand bucket here!" "This is a disaster! A disaster!" "Someone ran over there!" Royal grabbed Rand by the shoulder. "You can't help her, Rand, you're just getting yourself into it. We have to go." At this moment, someone appeared at the other end of the alley, and because the fire came from behind that person, Rand Can't see his face clearly, but he is undoubtedly running towards them.Royal's voice sounded in Rand's ear again, "Let's go, Rand!" Rand was pulled out the door, and ran with the Ogier into the darkness.The light of the fire gradually moved away from them, and finally became a blurred bright spot in the night.The lights of the first gate were getting closer and closer to them.All around Rand and Royal there was only the rustling of the weeds in the evening breeze. "I want to stop her," said Royal.Rand was just silent, and the Ogier waited for a long time before continuing, "There's nothing we can do then, they'll catch us all." Rand sighed: "I know, Royal. You have tried your best." He walked back a few steps, looking at the fire.It was fading, and the Illuminators must have got the fire under control. "I have to rescue her." How?Anodic force?The Supreme Power?He shuddered. "I must save her." They walked through the brightly lit street market at the first gate, and the surrounding crowd was filled with joyful atmosphere, but they were isolated from them. When they entered the Keeper of the Dragonwall Inn, the innkeeper brought a tray in front of him with a sealed letter. Rand picked it up and stared at the white wax seal on it, which was a crescent moon and a few stars. "Who left this letter? When did it leave it?" "An elderly woman, my lord, less than a quarter of an hour ago. She was a servant, but she didn't say which family she belonged to." Kuo smiled confidently. "Thank you." Rand said, his eyes still on the wax seal.The innkeeper kept watching them up the stairs with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Seeing Rand and Royal enter the room, Hurin took the pipe from his mouth.He had his short sword and serrated dagger on the table and was wiping it with an oiled cloth. "You've been a long time with the Walkman, my lords. Is he all right?" Rand froze for a moment. "What? Tom? Yes, he's all right." He opened the wax seal with his fingers and read the letter. I thought I knew what you were going to do, but you had other decisions.You are a dangerous man.Maybe it won't be long before we can be together again.Don't forget that horn, don't forget your glory.do not forget me.You will always be mine. This letter also did not have a signature, and the handwriting was as smooth as water. "Are all women crazy?" Rand looked up in astonishment.Xiulin shrugged.Rand sat down in a chair, which was specially arranged for the giant elf.Sitting on it, his toes couldn't even touch the floor, but he didn't care.He just stared blankly at the boxes covered in blankets.Don't forget the glory that belongs to me. "Why isn't Inta coming?"
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