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Chapter 16 Chapter fifteen

dune savior 弗兰克·赫伯特 3769Words 2018-03-14
The messenger was a young woman whose face, name and family background Chani knew well.That's why she was able to pass the imperial security inspection.Ghani did nothing but identify herself to a security official named Bonnej, who then arranged a meeting between her and Muadhi.Bonnej had acted on instinct, and besides, the young woman's father had been a member of the Emperor's death squad, the dreaded Freeman Death Squad, before the Holy War.Otherwise, he would have ignored her pleas that her information could only be brought to Muad'di himself. Before entering Paul's private office, she was of course subject to strict inspection and search. Even so, Bonnetji still followed her, holding the knife with one hand and grabbing her arm with the other.

It was midday when they brought her into the house.It was a strange room, where the roughness of the desert Fremen and the elegance of royalty blended wonderfully.Three walls were covered with desert cave mantles: elaborate tapestries depicting characters from Freemen mythology.A large silver-gray screen was set into the fourth wall.In front of the screen was an oval desk with only one object on it: a Fremanza clock shaped like an orrery. Paul stood by the table and glanced at Bonagher.The security officer's name suggests that his ancestors were involved in smuggling.But he's still worked his way up the ranks of the Freeman Police Force, earning the job through his smarts and proven loyalty.He was strong, almost fat.A few locks of black hair fell across a damp, dark forehead like the crest of some strange bird.His eyes are blue and blue, with a firm gaze, and he is calm in the face of pleasant scenes or violent horrors.Both Jani and Stilgar trusted him.Paul knew that if he told Bonagile to kill the girl immediately, Bonagile would not hesitate to carry out the order.

"Your Majesty, this is the girl who delivered the letter," said Bonneger. "Mrs. Garney said she had news for you." "Okay." Paul nodded. Strangely, the girl did not look at him.Her eyes stopped on the sand clock.She was of medium height and dark skin, wrapped in a deep red robe of fine texture and simple cut, indicating that the person was from a wealthy family.Her hair was blue-black and fastened with a narrow ribbon of the color of the gown.The robe covered her hands.Paul suspected her hand was clenched.Much like that.Everything about her was like that, including the gown she had made just for the ceremony.

Paul told Bonneger to stand aside.He hesitated, then obeyed. The girl moved—a step forward.Gait is graceful.The eyes still avoided him. Paul cleared his throat. The girl finally raised her gaze, widening her white-less eyes, showing just a hint of awe.She has a small face, a delicate chin, and a small cherry mouth dotted in the middle.On the slightly elongated cheeks, the eyes appear particularly large.There was an air of displeasure about her, almost without a smile.There was even a faint yellow mist in the corner of the eye, which might be caused by the stimulation of dust, or Samuta's drug addiction.

Everything is exactly like that, seamless and unrevealed. "I heard you asked to see me," Paul said. The last moment to test the girl's appearance came.Scytale had now taken on this form, along with habits, sex, and voice—everything he could grasp and conceive.But this was a woman Muad'di had known very well since he was in the cave.She was a child then and she shared many experiences with Muad'di.Be careful not to mention a particular past event.This is one of the most exciting and thrilling profiles Scytel has attempted. "I am Likana of Otham, from Burk al-Dib."

The girl's voice was small but firm, announcing her name, her father's name, and her family's name.Paul nodded.Jani was completely fooled by this guy.The girl's voice quality is reproduced with incomparable precision.If Paul hadn't been trained in the strict Bee Geist voice and all the precognitive visions, the Face Changer's tricks might even have tricked him into it. The training had made him see the holes: the girl looked older than her stated age; the control of her vocal cords was a little too much; the neck and shoulders lacked the haughty Fremenian posture.But there are also credits: the ornate robes reinforce the camouflage...the facial features are replicated so accurately that the face-changer has a certain affection for the character he's playing.Only then can this level of accuracy be achieved.

"Rest in my house, daughter of Otham," said Paul.This is the official Freeman greeting, "We welcome you like water after a thirsty journey." The girl breathed a sigh of relief, revealing the slightest hint of her confidence after being accepted. "I have brought a message," she said. "To see the messenger is to see the master," Paul said. Scyther let out a sigh of relief.Things were going well, but the next task was more difficult: the Atreides had to be led down that particular path.He had to lose his concubine, and at the same time he couldn't blame anyone else, the failure could only belong to the omnipotent Muad'di.He had to finally realize his failure and accept the other options proposed by Trealax.

"I drive away the smoke that sleeps in the night," Scytale said.The code word for Freeman's Expendables is used, which means: I have bad news. Paul tried to stay calm.Feeling completely naked.He groped for the future, but saw no visions.Another foreknowledge covered the face-changer, he could only vaguely see some shadows, and only knew what he couldn't do.He couldn't kill the face-changer.That will hasten the coming of the future.The future must be delayed at all costs.Either way, do try to get into the heart of darkness and change the dire patterns of the future. "Tell me your message," said Paul.

Bonnej moved to a place where he could observe the girl's expression.She seemed to realize his existence only now, and her eyes fell on the handle of the knife that the security officer was holding. "People of integrity and kindness don't believe in evil," she said.Eyes directly on Bonnetj. Ah, that's a pretty good show, thought Paul.That's exactly what the real Likana might say.He felt a pang in his heart that Osem's real daughter was dead.That carrion in the desert.But now is not the time to vent your feelings.He frowned. Bonnej was still staring at the girl.

"I must give you the message in private," she said. "Why?" Bonneger asked.The voice is gruff and straight to the point. "Because that's what my father meant." "Bonnej is my friend," Paul said. "Aren't I from Freeman too? My friends can listen to everything I've been told." Scytale holds on to her girly form.Is this really a Freemen habit... or a test? "The emperor can make his own rules, of course," Scytale said. "The message is this: My father wants you to go to him and take Chani with you." "Why are you taking Chani?"

"She's your woman, another Seyadina. According to the rules of our tribe, this is a matter of water. She must prove that my father's practice is in line with the customs of the Fremen." Apparently there really are Freemen in the Cabal, Paul thought.This moment fits the pattern of the future he sees.He has no other choice but to continue down this road. "What is your father trying to say?" Paul asked. "He wants to say there's a plot against you, a Fremen plot." "Why didn't he bring the message himself?" asked Bonnetger. She still stared at Paul. "My father can't come here. The conspirators will suspect him. If he comes, he will die." "Couldn't he have revealed that plot to you?" asked Bonneger. "Why put his daughter at such great risk?" "The specific information is locked in the secret transmitter, and only Muadhi himself can open it." She said, "I only know so much." "Then why didn't you send the secret transmitter?" Paul asked. "It's a human secret wave transmitter," she said. "Okay, I'll go," Paul said, "but I'm going alone." "Kani must go with you!" "Gani has a baby." "When did the Freeman woman refuse..." "My enemies gave her a slow poison," said Paul. "It will be difficult to give birth. Her health will not allow her to come with me." Scyther had no time to control her emotions, and the girl's face showed frustration and anger.Scythel's superiors had reminded him that for any prey, it must leave a way of escape, even for prey like Muad'di.But even so, their plan was not a failure, at least the Atreides was still caught in the trap.After a long period of hard work, this person has formed what he is today.He would rather destroy himself than transform into the opposite of his present self.The Kwizaki Hadnaci created by the Treylax took this path, and this will be the way this Kwizaki Hudnaci will take.Until then... that Necromancer. "I want to ask Jani herself and let Jani make her own decision," she said. "I've made up my mind," Paul said, "you'll come with me instead of Chani." "This ritual requires Saidina!" "Aren't you a friend of Chani's?" Pushed into a corner!Could he be suspicious, Scytell thought?Won't.Just Freeman-esque caution.And it's true about the birth control pill.Well - think of another way. "Father told me not to go back," said Scyther. "Tell me to seek your protection. He said he wouldn't put me at risk." Paul nodded.It's so seamless.He could not refuse this asylum.Her excuse was strong: Fremen must obey their father's orders. "I'm asking Stilgar's wife Harrach to come with me," said Paul. "Please tell me how to get to your father." "How do you know Stilgar's wife is trustworthy?" "I know." "But I don't know." Paul pursed his lips, and continued: "Is your mother okay?" "My biological mother is dead. My stepmother is alive and taking care of my father. What's wrong?" "She's from Taibu Cave?" "yes." "I remember her," said Paul. "She can take the place of Chani." He gestured to Bonagher. "Tell the guards to take Likana of Orsem to rest." Bonnetje nodded.bodyguard.The word has another meaning, indicating that the messenger must be guarded carefully.He took her arm.She resisted. "How are you going to see my father?" she argued. "You can just tell Bonagher the way," Paul said. "He's my friend." "No! My father said so! I can't!" "Bunnett?" Paul said. Bonnej stopped.Paul could see that the man was darting through his encyclopedic memory.That memory has served him well in his ascent to his current trusted position. "I know a guide who can take you to Otham." "Then I'll go alone," Paul said. "Your Majesty, if you..." "Osem wants me to go," said Paul.He could hardly hide the mockery in his tone. "Your Majesty, it's too dangerous." Bonnej objected. "Even the emperor has to take some risks," Paul said. "That's it. Do as I tell you." Bonagher reluctantly led the Face Changer out of the room. Paul turned to face the empty screen behind his desk, feeling as if he was waiting for a rock to fall from a height. Should I tell Bonnej the truth about the messenger?he thought.cannot!What was told to Bonnetj never appeared in his visions.Any deviation from the precognitive path leads to sudden violence.He had to find some fulcrum that would pry him away from the vision he had seen. If such a fulcrum exists...
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