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Chapter 15 Chapter Fourteen

dune savior 弗兰克·赫伯特 3367Words 2018-03-14
After a fierce battle with the undead in the training room with a howling blade and short sword, Paul was sweating profusely.Standing by the window, looking down at Temple Square, he tried to imagine Chani in the clinic.Six weeks pregnant, she doesn't feel well in the morning.The doctor who saw her was the best, and he would report to him whenever there was news. Dark afternoon sandstorm clouds made the sky over the square even more gloomy.The Fremen call this weather "dirty air." Will the doctor never notify him?Every second came extremely slowly, as if struggling, refusing to enter his universe.

Wait...wait...no reply yet from Bee Geist Sisterhood on Wallach.Obviously delaying time on purpose. In fact, the precognitive illusions recorded these moments, but he intentionally blocked them and did not want to see these illusions.He would rather be a fish in the long river of time than swim to any place intentionally, and take himself anywhere with the current.At this moment, fate is already doomed, no matter how hard you struggle, you will be powerless. He could hear the movement of the undead, and at the moment he was checking the equipment.Paul sighed, put one hand on his belt, and took off the shield.When the shielding field touched his skin, he felt a tingling.

Paul told himself that when Chani came back, no matter what happened, he would make it right.It was time to accept the fact that there were things he kept from her and that it was for this reason that she was alive today.He thought to himself, is it a sin that he would rather have Chani than an heir who would inherit the throne?What right did he have to choose for her?No, it is foolish to think so!Who would hesitate?Just look at the alternatives: slave cages, torture, extreme grief... plus all sorts of more horrific encounters. The door opened, and the sound of Kani's footsteps came in.

Paul turned around. There was a murderous look on Jani's face.She was dressed in a golden gown, with a wide Freeman belt around her waist, a water ring worn like a necklace around her neck, one hand on her hip (this hand was never far from the screeching blade), and her eyes were shining. The piercing gaze that searches for omens when entering a strange room.Everything about her at this moment portends violence. She came over and he embraced her with open arms. "Someone," she said, panting, leaning on his chest, "put me on a birth control pill for a long time...until I was on this new diet. Because of the pill, I will have a baby this time. something wrong."

"Can it be remedied?" he asked. "Very dangerous. I know where this poison comes from! I want her water." "My dear Sehaya," he whispered.Holding her tighter to calm her sudden trembling, "Isn't that enough that you will give birth to the child we want?" "My life is draining faster and faster," she said, hugging him tightly. "Now, having a baby has dominated my whole life. The doctor told me that it is growing at a terrible rate now. I must eat Eat and eat...and take more spices...eat spices, drink spices. For this, I must kill her!"

Paul kissed her on the cheek, "No, my Sehaya, you will not kill anyone." He thought: Irulan prolongs your life, dear.For you, the day your child is born is the day you die. The grief in his heart drained his bones, emptied his life, and left him a black empty bottle. Chani broke free, "I won't forgive her!" "Who said to forgive her?" "Then why can't I kill her?" It was a pure Freeman question, and Paul almost burst into hysterical laughter.To hide his smile, he said, "It's useless." "Have you seen it?" Paul remembered the vision, and his stomach tightened.

"I saw... saw..." he muttered.He had known for a long time that the events surrounding him would eventually form the reality before him.Now, this reality held him back.He felt himself bound by the chains of the future.The future has appeared in front of him too many times, it is like a greedy devil, grabbing him tightly.His throat was tight and dry.He thought, had he been passively at the mercy of the power of prescience, allowing it to cast a net around him, which formed a ruthless reality? "Tell me what you saw," said Chani. "I can not." "Why can't I kill her?"

"Because that's what I asked for." He saw that she accepted.She accepts it as sand accepts water: absorbs, hides.Beneath the angry and restless appearance is a docile and obedient woman.At this moment, he found that life in the palace did not change Chani much.She just stayed here temporarily, as if taking a nap with her man at a midway station during a long journey.All the qualities developed in the desert have been preserved intact. Jani stepped away from him, glancing at the Necromancer.He stood at the door of the training room, waiting. "Are you fighting him?" she asked.

"And slightly better." Her gaze shifted from the circle on the floor to the metal eye of the necromancer. "I don't like it," she said. "He had no intention of harming us," Paul said. "you saw it?" "I did not see!" "Then how do you know?" "Because he's not just a Necromancer; he's Duncan Idaho." "It is the Trealax who can make him." "The finished product has more to it than its manufacturing intent." She shook her head, rubbing the corner of her birth hood against the collar of her robe, "He's a ghoul, and you can't change that fact."

"Height," said Paul, "are you my instrument of destruction?" "If you change the essence of this moment; the future will also be changed." Necromancer said. "That's not an answer!" Chani retorted. Paul raised his voice, "How will I die, Height?" A gleam of light flashed in the artificial eyes, "Your Majesty, it is said that you will die of money and power." Gani froze, "How dare he do this to you? say something!" "Mentat only speaks the truth," Paul said. "Is Duncan Idaho a real friend?" she asked.

"He gave his life for me." "It is said," Gani said in a low voice, "it is impossible for the undead to return to their former state." "You want to restore me?" Necromancer asked, looking directly at Jani. "What does he mean?" Chani asked. "Reverting is going back to the previous state," Paul said. "Once a change is made, the process cannot be reversed." "Everyone carries a past with them," Haidt said. "And every ghoul?" Paul asked. "In a way, Your Majesty." "So, what kind of past is hidden in your physical body?" Chani found this question unsettling for the Necron.His movements quickened, his hands clenched into fists.She glanced at Paul, wondering why he was probing him this way.Is there any way to make this thing become the person it used to be? "Has there ever been a Necromancer who can remember his true past?" Chani asked. "Many attempts have been made," said Hayter, looking at the floor at his feet, "but not a single Necromancer has returned to his former form." "But you yearn to go back to who you were," Paul said. The dead spirit's expressionless eyes came alive, staring at Paul: "Yes!" Paul said softly: "If there is any way..." "This flesh," Height said, resting his left hand on his forehead in an odd salute, "is not the flesh and blood of my former self. It is... regenerated, retaining only its shape. Face-changers can also change into mine. Secondary shape." "But it can't be so seamless." Paul said, "Besides, you're not a face-changer." "Yes, Your Majesty." "How did you get your shape?" "Extract genes from the cells of the original body and make copies." "That is to say," Paul said, "something is preserved somewhere in the cells, in the genes, and it remembers the form of Duncan Idaho. It is said that before the Battle of Butland, the ancients studied this field. This memory How far can it go, Haight? What has it learned from its predecessor?" The Necromancer shrugged. "What if he's not Idaho?" Chani asked. "he is." "Are you sure?" she asked. "In every respect, he is Idaho. I can't imagine any power that is so powerful that it can make this undead so similar to Idaho, without any deviation." "Your Majesty!" Hite retorted, "Just because we can't imagine something, we can't exclude it from reality. There are some things that I must do as a ghost, but if I were a human being, I would never won't do it!" Paul looked intently at Chani and said, "Did you see that?" She nodded. Paul turned away, trying to suppress the grief that was welling up in his heart.He went to the balcony window and lowered the curtain slowly.The light dimmed.He fastened the belt of his robe, listening carefully to the movement behind him. Nothing happened. He turned around.Jani stood there, as if possessed by a demon, staring blankly at the undead. Paul found that Hayter had retreated back, as if re-entering a certain claustrophobic place, becoming an out-and-out ghost again. Hearing Paul's voice, Chani turned around.She still hasn't shaken off the shock of that scene just now.At that moment just now, the dead spirit turned into a living person.At that moment, he became someone she wouldn't be afraid of, someone she liked and admired.Now she understood why Paul had pursued this matter.He hoped that she could see the person hidden inside through the body of the dead spirit. She looked at Paul, "Is that person Duncan Idaho?" "It was Duncan Idaho. It still is." "Will Yirulan continue to live if he is replaced?" Jani asked. Looks like the water hasn't sunk too deep under the sand, Paul thought.Said, "If I give the order." "I don't understand," she said. "Aren't you angry?" "I am angry." "You don't sound...angry. You sound sad." He closed his eyes. "Yes. I'm sad as well as angry." "You're my man," she said. "I know you. And now suddenly I don't know you." Suddenly, Paul felt as if he was walking down a long underground passage.The body moves, one foot, then the other, but the mind goes somewhere else. "I don't know myself either," he whispered.He opened his eyes to find that he had moved away from Chani. She stood somewhere behind him and said, "Honey. I'm never going to ask you what you saw. I just know our baby is going to be born." He nodded: "I knew it from the beginning." Turning around, he looked at her carefully.Chani seemed very far away from him. She came forward and put one hand on her stomach. "I'm hungry. The doctor says I'll have to eat three or four times what I normally do. I'm scared, dear. It's growing too fast." is too fast.The fetus knows that time is running out.
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